New User New to the site.


I was looking for new roleplay sites when i find that this one has some great reviews so obviously i had to sign up. have spent the last five years roleplaying on chatango and Online writing community but the community domain expired and chatango dosent itch all my scratches. so yeah.....hello to anyone who reads this i go by james which isnt my real name and im looking to roleplay and talk with folks who are easy going like i am.
Even though my intro so far might make you believe otherwise i dont really like sharing things about myself to people who probably dont care so if you want to get to know me and how I operate then just send me a message. thanks for reading.
good to know friend but im not worried, just cautious. i still dont know what the people on this site are really like.
Hi, James it's great to see a new member. Lol ODSTDRAGON is correct in the statement that we are a nice and friendly group. Perhaps we are a bit caught up in what we're doing. That's what role playing is all about after all. Anyway I do suggest for new members to become active in the main lobby to be sure that their accounts are approved quickly and then you can get involved role playing. Here is one other tip. I like to find members that are active when I join sites. So I will check out post areas to see which role plays have had the most consistent postings and read them. I will read to first of all find out if the person has similar skill to my own and then determine if I would like to contact them about starting a role play. Most of the time it helps me find a decent partner. I will know from a role play that they have been engaged in what to expect of them as a fellow writer.