New User Newb here, be help plz!!!

Hi Angelic, don't fret we'll definitely help you out! But you gotta tell us more about yourself! This is for you to introduce yourself! Tell us a bit about yourself. What do you like to write, what do you want to get out of writing here with us, what kind of genres do you like, have you roleplayed before? Things like that.
Indeed! What Dash said :) if you can give us an idea of what you're looking for in a roleplay we can definitely make some recommendations.
Ive done rp irl... as to what i like, I woyld say NOT MY PHONE!!v Anyways i would say fantasy/ adventure.
No worries, I share your pain right now. On from my phone also :p

We have a lot of people interested in fantasy roleplay here, so I'll see who I can scrounge up to send your way.
Hey! Welcome to the Circle! Looks like you're being helped but I'll go ahead and say if you need any help at any time, don't hesitate to ask!
Found someone! Or rather she found me! Damara is going to come chat it up with you about fantasy roleplay ideas :) If you need any help with anything in the meanwhile, just ask. She or Dashmiel would be more than happy to lend you a hand I'm certain. I'm at work right now myself, so will be taking off shortly here after my break is over.

Alrighty, tell me a bit about your interests. Fantasy Roleplay spans across lots of different settings, so why don't you tell me what you prefer? I've written in dozens of different settings, so I'm pretty adaptable to your interests. If you'd like to collab a story I'm happy to help with that too. :)

Basically, I just like writing. I'd love to get to know you as a roleplayer.
It was a thing my late friend and I did. We made a group of about 6 people, where we each started out with a flint box, a hatchet, ragged clothing, and a small bag to hold it all. We wrote down each of our actions on a piece of paper, and had our inventory on another. When we ended the story, the last line was "and with the death of the demon king, nothing will happen for another 5 years, because during this time he will be mourned. When this time is up, you must start anew with the next generation in the ultimate battle. MAY EVIL RULE SUPREME ONCE AGAIN!!!"
A letter was found in his apartment, saying "send to Todd upon my death" and all that was in it was this last page of the adventure we all created. I am the last of the group (only because the others lost interest and wanted nothing more to do with it) but still, I wish to "begin anew with the next generation."

P. S. It is the 5th anniversary of his... *ahem* ... Departure... On the 18th.
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Wow, I'm sorry for your loss. :(
So... you've had quite the interesting experience then. o_o

With that being considered do you have any idea on what you to do here? It sounds like you've had experience with riddled adventures.
There's a number of groups currently looking for players in the Bulletin Board.

Though going along "Demon King" I can't find anything that specifically relates to demons.
Overlords and Guardians appears to be in a Medieval Setting.
That being said though, I talked to Kada briefly about the RP before and I don't believe that he intends to have a small group.

If there's nothing there you like though, you can always make a thread advertising your own idea for an RP.
Do you have any RP ideas?
The ultimate war. Revolving around the same idea. Person joins, has Flintbox, hatchet, ragged clothes, and a small bag. They awaken in a different place, whatever the gm decides, and from there, you decide. 1 point good? Or 1 point EVIL? You could be a guardian of the weak, or the bane of all existence. You can always start EVIL and become good, but to become God, or satan, your morals must be pure good or pure evil. The last demon king was killed by his most trusted servant, who had 49 points evil, but a mere one point for good.