Of Monsters and Men

This was the end. Her life was to be cut short at the young age of 17 by monsters she had chosen to follow. Why had she decided this was the way to go?

Kitty grasped the top edge of the blanket and tucked it tightly underneath herself, refusing to come out. She was terrified. Very, very terrified, and not ready to die.
Abel just... stared at her. What was she doing?.

"Are you deaf or something?. It's time for breakfast. Wakey wakey eggs and.. bacon, or however you say that. Oh, I'm Abel by the way." He said, leaning against the wall at the room's entrance.
She was gonna have to say something sooner or later....

"I'm not hungry," Kitty stated bluntly, even though she did very much want to eat something. There was no "nice to meet you" or "my name isn't Late To Dinner." Just silence, besides not wanting food.
"huhuh, I'll just bring you the plate and a fork. Eat it here on your own. So much for good company..." He said, rolling his eyes.
He walked back to the kitchen and gave Ezra a look before heading back downstairs and leaving the plate on the night stand.

" A word of advice, though. You'll have to come out later. Do it on your own two feet..."He said, his tone sounding different.
He left then, and Kitty's hiding cover burned away in blue fire that was cold to the touch.
There was a loud THUNK in reply to the blue flame as Kitty ended up in an awkward heap on the floor, glowering at the bed, then glaring towards the stairs. She had to get out of here sooner rather than later.

Completely ignoring breakfast and quite disappointed at the state the blanket had been left in, she went first to check if the bathroom door had a lock, and afterwards poked around for something useful and hopefully sharp.
She heard loud laugher from upstairs, likely from the newcomer. Ezra was hard to picture with a smile on his face, let alone laughing.

In the bathroom, there were only some toothbrushes and towels in the cabinet under the sink.
Kitty sighed. If worst came to worst, she could always chuck books at anything that came through the door. A towel might be good for covering faces, too.

Taking a towel from the cabinet and unfolding it, she went to peek through the trapdoor again.
This time it didn't go unnoticed.

"I KNOW you're there, Kitty."Said Ezra with a growl. He was sitting at the table with Abel, botb of them eating like normal people.
She didn't come out any further than she had the last time. Kitty glowered at them both from where she was. "I want to go home."
"Right!, home. Do you know where it is and how to get there?, have any ways to compensate us if we take you there asside from being a rude and ungrateful bastard?" Said Abel, having far less patience than his teacher. It earned him a glare, but nothing else. It seemed like Ezra's patience was also wearing thin.
"I didn't ask to be kidnapped," was her first reply. "And I don't need you to take me anywhere. I can get to it just fine if you'd let me out." She thought to rephrase that last bit as a statement, but better not push her luck.
"No. You'll get yourself eaten like you almost did last night. The pups are everywhere, you proved yourself ill suited to avoid them"Said Ezra, finishing his breakfast.

Abel just watched Kitty with an amused expression.
"Let me out." Kitty repeated, annoyed. "I want to go home. I don't see why you care what happens to me, anyways."
"Neither do I" Said Abel.

"We can't just-" Started Ezra, but he was interrupted.

"Yes, we can actually. She wants to leave. You offered her food and shelter and she's only spitting back at you!. Let her go, let her get eaten by the sheep. We don't have to care. I know you like humans but this is ridiculous!"Said Abel, standing up and walking over to the rectangle that represented a door.
He put a hand against it, and it disappeared. Natural light poured in.

Ezra didn't say anything, his lips pressed into a tight line as he glared at his plate.
She felt like a rodent that had finally been allowed out of its jar and to scamper back into the woods. Leaving the towel on one of the steps—she was no thief—Kitty pulled herself warily out from under the trapdoor and towards the outside.
Ezra stood up then, when she was halfway through to the door.

"If you're really going to leave on your own, at least let me get you something for the way home. So you don't starve or sleep on the floor."
"Ezra this is pathetic" Said Abel, folding his arms over his chest.
"Shut up!, and get out of here already. You have a class to go to..." Barked Ezra in response, already tired from the younger wisps' antics. Abel glared at him, but left without saying anything else.
She froze when he stool, still on edge, and when Abel left, Kitty looked to the door, hoping it wouldn't reform and trap her inside again. The girl debated staying long enough for Ezra to find something, not sure if it was worth the trust. Maybe it was a trap... she'd survived this long... shame to throw it away.... What was the harm in waiting?

So, she waited, though stood in the doorway as opposed to in the home. No point in pushing her luck.
She didn't even say anything, Ezra had the impression that he should be more annoyed than tired right now. But it'd be useless anyway.

He walked down the stairs to his room for a few minutes and brought back a bag, then started making a couple of sandwiches for Kitty to eat on her way home. It was so domestic, so normal, if his eyes weren't bright blue one would never guess Ezra wasn't human.
After a while, she snuck back in and sat down at the table. Why? What was the point in that? Yet, for all the times she scowled at herself, it was hard to ignore the fact that it was somewhat nice to not be completely alone. As terrified as she was on the inside. The sensible half kept telling her she should leave and not look back.
The third plate of eggs and bacon was still there, going cold, uneaten.

Ezra would have started humming if he was alone, but he had company. He made a ham and cheese sandwich and an egg salad sanwich. The whole scene reminded him of the past, when Klaus was still living with them. He missed him, more than he'd care to admit. He wrapped the sandwiches in foil and put them in the backpack, offering it to Kitty.

"Here, some food, blanket, towel, matches... well, stuff you'd need for the road. Good luck..." He said, maintaining a straight, poker face.