New User Once Upon a Time...Again...


Retired visionary
I have been role-playing for...perhaps longer than I care to admit. I have characters that I had created when I was much younger, and I have watched them develop through the dynamics of this particular form of writing even as I myself matured. Role-playing has, for me, proven to be a fantastic outlet for all kinds of creative urges... For all the times something whispered 'What if...?' from a corner of my mind, role-play offered them a venue of possibility.

In some very direct ways, the stories that we have nurtured have influenced the course of my life. Were it not for the interactions I have had with some other writers, I would not be in the place I am today...for better or worse.

Let's assume that I have a genuine addiction to writing with other people, and allowing our creations to interact.

I have favorite characters, for sure, but by far the one that seems to obsessively occupy my time is the infamous Erin 'Firecloud' Ari Loire--an alcohol enthusiast and a seemingly self-absorbed...woman...with no altruistic motives, it's hard to discern what her purpose is... It just seems that most folk enjoy interacting with her, and to this day... I honestly cannot figure out why.

Sera Brenden is a close second, being Ari's absolute opposite. She's a quiet, mousy thing that honestly desires to help people...but maintains such a distance that she never managed to develop any kind of significant relationship with people. Perhaps that might be why she's not as popular as Ari.

I have all manner of other characters--a disembodied woman who doesn't know that she's just a complex form of self-aware artificial intelligence; a few werewolves; a trash-talking raven that's attracted to those with suicidal inclinations...even a buxom pirate with a sentient rum barrel. Not a lot of them get time to get out and exercise, though. They really just get to stay in the prison of my skull, having an endless Mad Hatter style tea party, waiting for someone to call on them to go play.

In an effort to let them run wild for a bit, I signed up here. My addiction to writing aside, I don't think it's particularly fair to keep them cooped up in my mind, growing stagnant and forgotten.

This is where you all come in.
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Welcome to the neighborhood. We have all kinds of cannon fodder er, helpful characters with whom your characters may run wild.