OOC chat/ Discussion.

I'm still alive here XD and off course I will still play around

how's your schooling, by the way? all of you XD
I'm good. Better than before.

And school is going horribly. I have to wake up at 6:00 to go to it (which is not a good idea because it weakens your immune system) but other than that, I'm good.
Terrible. Have to leave at 7:30 to go on a 40 min bike ride, Then a 70 minute lesson, then a 15 min break, then TWO 70 min lessons, then 30 min break, then another 70 min break.. EnD mE
Now, now, children... play nice. This might be a playground but don't use weapons of destruction here


Oh gawds... Pffttt....
I'm american. Guns and violence are a part of my culture.

And corruption, but that's a whole other story.