Reflecting on being held back by fears (Maybe it's relatable?)


Active Member
Often I have to think about how fear get in the way of what I want, my own fear I mean. I’d decided that the task for today was going to be to reflect on what I fear and how come up with strategies to push past those fears. Essentially when I analyze whatever fears they are I can decide if they are rational or not.

I believe my original fear when it comes to writing had something to do with others reading what I write. Funny thing is, it was when I got into written role-play that original fear wasn’t so prevalent. Eventually I got the positive feedback and I gained the confidence I needed in that situation to be bold and even impress myself. I suppose my other fears have to do with my ambition to write novels, but wanting them to be worth reading.

There are so many great writers out there! I feel that last particular fear is not so important as how I feel about what I’m writing. Every once and a while I’ll need to take breaks because while I enjoy writing, I put so much energy into it that I’ll be drained. Anyway…

Anyone here feel like fear is holding them back in some way?