Demon's Broken Promise Removed


Well-Known Member
All posts that are in character within the city of Lost Bastion anywhere should be done here. This includes any interaction anywhere within the city in any part of it. Whether it is at a market place, a bar, café, etc.​

To be called upon by the higher echelon of Bastion without prior notice has Asphodel taking his sweet time walking around the city. He was not going to the said location by the given time. He was going to make sure he was going to be late. No way in this realm was he going to let someone so high up in his own ass order him around like a dog on a leash. He has broken the shackles that bound him here.

Walking through the park, he could not help but smile in appreciation. The greenery was beautiful. How many years has it been since he last entered the haven for humans? Five years? Maybe more. The former Black Cross officer moved silently through the paved path, nodding to the people he encountered.

He was given odd looks as he moved about. Who would ignore someone who was carrying around a bag half the size of an average human? He was just glad he was blessed with a friendly face. "I was thinking of performing in the park," he would answer those brave enough to ask. Truth be told, what the bag held was his weapons and the standard uniform of the Black Cross; a cassock with a white lining and a black cloak. Walking around the modern city looking like an exorcist would have attracted the police, as well as those Ash Wolves.
Destrier enjoyed the city. It had many things to do and never got boring, well that is until you're stuck doing some stupid shopping, then It's boring. He was NOT enjoying putting things in a bag for the Ash wolves. It was mundane. Destrier finally picked up the last thing, as he left he saw a strange man carrying an.. Unsually large bag. 'Time to act like a pedestrian.' He thought to himself. Destrier walked towards him, the only thing that gave him away was his stiff military posture. "Hello! I was just wondering what's in that bag?" He cursed to himself. What sort of pedestrian talks like that.
It was already an hour late for the meeting. Good. Asphodel was looking at the pavement when he almost smacked his face on someone. Startled, the white-haired male jumped a step back, lilac eyes focusing on the person before him. His eyes focused on how the stranger held himself. 'Ugh, police,' he thought in distaste.

His irritation was covered with a shy smile. "Oh, this?" he swung the bag away from the male's prying eyes. "Some costume I saw from the shops. Thought it would be fun to actually use them while I perform," he smoothly lied. He flicked his free hand, a bone needle sliding into his fingers. If this stranger asks the more difficult questions, Asphodel will not hesitate to tranquilize him. Temporarily, his gaze went to his chest, making sure that the Black Cross crest was nowhere to be seen. Still safe. The crest was behind his trench coat.
"Hm? Really, what do you perform?" Destrier tensed slightly, he noticed the man's hand disappear from sight for a second but thought nothing of it. Destrier would still be careful though. His cybernetic arm raised, pretending to wipe off some sweat off his forehead, when he was actually scanning the man through every criminal database. Destrier put his arm down.
Licking his upper lip, Asphodel was prepared for a fight. This guy before him was clearly a police. "It is rude for someone to ask what I do when they would not introduce themselves," he hummed. "I am..." he paused, thinking of names. "Asphodel," he finally stated, realizing that whatever name he will blurt out would most likely be investigated upon. The Bastion police force does not take kindly to people lying through their teeth. It would also add to the growing number of crimes he did previously.

His eyes scanned the area, looking for an escape. Well, he could just run to the fields and hope this dude would be too surprised and bewildered to follow. 'Running from authorities has already been broken during my training in Black Cross,' he thought. 'Doing it again would be too easy.' He swung his arms again, making sure the needle was still hidden but would be easier to use.
Destrier untensed, thinking he was a civilian but ready to chase after the strange man if he bolted. "I'm Destrier," He tensed again, when the man paused as if he was thinking of something. Destrier's cybernetic arm hummed rhythmically. He looked at the man, "Now back to the last question, what do you perform?" Destrier knew he had got him. Well he hoped atleast.
"So much for a conversation," Asphodel teased. "I am but a..." he frowned, the work slipping from his mind. "Acrobat?" He shook his head. "No that is not the correct term for them." Again, he gazed at the stranger~Destrier, he gazed at Destrier. "You know those people who like to jump over things and look good doing it? That's the~!"

His phone interrupted him. Giving a sheepish smile to the officer, he fished the gadget from the coat's pocket and answered. There was no greeting at the other line. instead, the voice of one of those Ash Wolves who tried to take him in boomed through. "Where in the high heavens are you?" he demanded. "You were supposed to be at the meeting an hour ago! An hour!"

Asphodel closed his eyes as he took the phone off his ear and held it at arm's length. The Ash Wolf member was a bit too loud for his liking. He brought it close to his mouth, careful not to get his eardrums burst. "Apologies for the delay. I got a bit lost and has been stopped for an impromptu interview."

"I could smell your thoughts from here, you idiot. You are not sorry at all!"

Asphodel temporarily forgot about the officer he was previously talking to. He played with the needle; rolling it between his fingers. "I really am," he smirked. "Give me a few minutes, sir. I am heading to the area."

"If you're not here in less than thirty, I will personally hunt you down."
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"Hm?" Destrier had thought of something, "An 'Acrobat?' What is so Important of an acrobat that somebody needs to shout and threaten you?" He smirked, a little bit longer and he would hopefully have enough evidence to bring the man in. Well, he didn't need evidence for as Ash Wolf but he just wanted to make sure. He saw the needle this time, and his hand immediately rested on his scabbard. Destrier's cybernetic arm raised, humming and beeping with activity.
Asphodel just smiled. "It is a bit complicated, sir," he smiled. "Ah, parkour artist!" He snapped his fingers at that. "I am known as a parkour artist." He laughed, the strain in his voice obvious. "Well, sir. It was nice chatting with you but I really~!" His eyes widened when Destrier held unto the scabbard. Stepping back, he also readied his needle. "Sir, I am not here to fight," he muttered, trying to appease the officer. "We do not need to act like demons and cause disturbance to the public. Calm down." Aside from the needle he was previously toying with, two more appeared between his fingers.
"You're not a civilian." Destrier murmured. "They don't carry around bone needles or whatever those things are." He should've brought his armoured clothes today but he didn't. Stupid. Destriers sword flashed out beside him. It rested at his side, the Ash Wolves logo on it.
"You are correct, put the needles down and I'll treat you to a nice, comfy cell until we know who you are, Capiche?" His cybernetic arm finally finished whatever it was doing, and several small blades popped out of it, coated in poison.
The facade he was wearing cracked. The former Black Cross member straightened, raising his gloved hand slowly. "These are props, Destrier," he stated, giving one last attempt at lying. He made a pained expression. Of all the people he had to meet, it has to be a member of the Ash Wolves. Will Lady Luck ever smile down upon him? "This day keeps getting better and better," he groaned out, throwing the bone needles dangerously close to the officer's feet.

"You don't need to research," he stated, finally dropping the friendly personality. "I was called upon by one of your kind to present myself to those corrupted politicians. I do not know what they want from me since I have been in exile for more than five years now."
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Destrier's eyes narrowed, "I'll keep an eye on you. You try anything and you'll be dead." then walked off, out of sight.
Asphodel chewed the inside of cheek as he watched the member of the Ash Wolves walk away. "Jerk," he whispered before tightening his hold unto his bag. He cracked his neck before proceeding to where he was supposed to be. "I wish we'd never see each other again." In his mind though, he knows he will see the man a few more times for his own liking.

Strolling into the building, he was asked to surrender all his weapons. It took a while for Asphodel to actually process the information. Tilting his head to the right, he stared at the guard with those judging lilac eyes. "As per the rules of the Bastion, I am not allowed to hand over the said weapons. Too dangerous, if one would believe the rumors." He showed the necklace of the Black Cross.

The guard was red-faced and looked about ready to pass out. Asphodel, feeling a bit of pity, nodded to the poor man and proceeded to the officer's meeting room. He was not surprised to see three members of the Ash Wolves. One of which crouched down and unsheathed his sword. Aphrodel just nodded in greeting before placing his bag near the chair; a sign of non-violence. "I will assume this has to do with hunting," he announced.

"Where have you been?" the largest in the room demanded, voice still booming.

"I got lost and someone was kind enough to take me here," Asphodel easily lied. "Destrier was his name I think." He watched in curiosity as everyone in the room tensed. Oh? Who was this Destrier person to actually inflict such reactions from the fearless Ash Wolves. "Anyways," he stated. "What is this all about?"

And so, the meeting and the mission for Asphodel to infiltrate Haven begun.
Destrier was pleasantly surprised when he had a call from one of his operatives in Haven City. He prepared to relay a message. Destrier smiled when he had heard that Shinji got a layout of Haven, "Very well done Operative, I will ensure that you get promoted, that is if you don't get killed. Upload the files to the Ash Wolves memory bank for future use." He looked deep in thought, "There must be someway to detonate the bombs you have planted to ensure the most chaos. Report back to me tomorrow, 7:30 AM Immediately." The message was cut off.

Destrier, virtually done with everything he had to do for today, decided to go to one of the Ash Wolves meeting rooms. There were other people there and he did NOT want to do this mundane shopping again.
The white-haired male leaned forward, causing one of the Ash Wolves to tense. Asphodel smirked. "Let me get this straight," he started. "You have the general location of the elusive demon city known as Haven and you want me, someone who never liked your guts, go there and report crap to you?" he asked. He knew where this was going. This was an advantage for Bastion, as well as the Ash Wolves; they were sending a member of one of the most dangerous group, disbanded or not, on a suicide mission.

"You are also telling me that there are humans there living in 'harmony' with the specie that caused so much destruction in our world?" He licked his lower teeth when nods were given. "How many of my former colleagues did you send on this mission that was already reported as MIA and KIA?" he asked. "I also demand that you give me the profiles of the Ash Wolves - if there are any - that you have sent there and is still alive or barely alive."

Mentions: @Lila Renn
Destrier, strangely heard talking from someone from within the room. Familiar but distant at the same time. Destrier swung open the doors, completely disregarding the white haired male. "Attention!" The Ash Wolves, tensed, Immediately stood alert. "At ease." Destrier murmured, then looked at the male.
"The hell are you here?"
A groan of frustration escaped the Black Cross member. He slammed his head on the table and grumbled curses from different dialects; specifically cursing the high heavens as to why they liked torturing him subtly. "This is a dream," he chanted like a prayer. He has half the mind to just stand and walk out from this meeting.

Asphodel rubbed his face as he stared at the new comer. "Back at you," he snapped, eyes narrowed. "Are you not supposed to be getting what these people listed?" he demanded.

"Asphodel," one of the members warned. "Don't."

Interactions: @Lila Renn
Destrier glared at the man, "Excuse me? I should have you put in a cell for that." He then proceeded to glare at the Ash Wolves, then rubbed his temples. "Why In the hell would you bring a former Black-Cross member of all people?" Destrier's sword flashed to his side, "Honestly, did you even ask me?" He tried to remember, "Don't think you did."

Mentions: @Vague o3
Asphodel threw his arms above his head to show his own frustration. "Judging from all this guy is spewing, he is your leader," he concluded. His eyes focused on the glowing blade before grabbing the bag. "And for your information, Mr. Leader, sir," he started, poison coating his voice. "They are about to send me to Hell on Earth known as Haven." Was there any advantage of withholding information to this jerk? None. Was there any advantage of further agitating Destrier and the Ash Wolves? Nope. Was there any advantage of him being there at all? Right now? He does not think so.

Interactions: @Lila Renn