School for the Specially Gifted (Ladyawesome & TatlTails)


Active Member


Name: Xavier Tellfry
Age: 17
Abilities (I'd say let's limit to 2?): Telekinesis and Teleportation
Personality: (Not too sure yet. I want to wait and see what your character is going to be like until I decide completely). Mostly, he's lost. Confused. Brainwashed by Electrimancer, the father figure who raised him and the villain trying to gain information about the school. By nature, he is kind, but by nurture, he is cold and cunning. He shuts people out, and doesn't let them in easily. He's not too sure of himself or his abilities, and he just wants to know who he is.

Name: Jacqueline Cahill
Age: 13, but I can age her up if you want.
Abilities: OK this is kinda hard to explain. Basically, her singing voice is like a Siren's. It's all hypnotic and stuff, and depending on the song she can either affect people's emotions or her environment. I usually stick to emotions, since environment can get OP, but she can use the Flower Song from Tangled to heal others' minor injuries.
Personality: Think Disney Princess meets Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors meets Mettaton from Undertale. She's very dainty and polite, but also exuberant and passionate about her passions. She loves fashion design more than anything, though she is fond of all the arts. She tries to sing as little as possible unless it's training her abilities, so her passion for music has died down a bit. But she's still friendly to everyone she meets, until you give her a really good reason to cross you. She mostly expresses her anger by being huffy with you, because any really deep negative emotions cause her to start crying and literally break down. She ran into a lot of trouble with someone bad before she found a safe haven in the school, up to you if it's allowed to be the villain group or someone else, but the main point is that she has PTSD and copes by being cheery, keeping her hair short (which prompted the nickname Bangs by some), and staying away from any and all needles if at all possible.
Appearance: But her hair is more fluffy and it is a light-ish shade of green.


Jacqueline attends a special school for kids with special abilities, abnormal abilities. Xavier is a new student at the school, still trying to find his way around. Both are polar opposites in personality and powers, yet somehow manage to find some common ground. In the meantime, something is happening in the school - someone is infiltrating it for Electrimancer, the villain who has been after the death of the school and its leader for quite some time now. Could one of the students be the secret spy? Brainwashed to do the villain's bidding? And will the other students be able to stop them? Only time will tell.
Xavier stood outside the front gates, looking up at the school. It wasn't like any other school he had heard of before, but E had convinced him that it was a good one. One that would help him channel the abilities he was born with. Xavier wasn't nervous, really. In fact, he didn't feel much of anything these days. And E had given him a mission, just like all the others. He was to infiltrate the school, gain knowledge on the inside so that they could carry out their plans for all the others like them. And, of course, it was a chance for Xavier to meet others like him and find out what it is that E was so terrified of all these years. He couldn't help but be a little curious, even if curiosity did kill the cat.

Xavier sighed and walked through the gates and inside the school. He found the way to the dean's office rather easily, where he was given his classes and dorm assignment. At least I get my own room here, he thought to himself as he walked down the hallway to his new room. Room 707B. He used his new key and unlocked the door, pushing it open. It wasn't anything to grand, but it was definitely better than what he had been used to. It had a single twin bed with black sheets and a blue comforter, a nightstand with a lamp and a few drawers next to it, a simple desk and chair in one corner, a small bookshelf next to it, a dresser on the opposite wall, a bathroom on the other side of the room, and a window overlooking the ocean view. Not too shabby. He placed his duffle bag that held his only possessions on his bed, still holding his backpack, and left his new room in search of his first period class.

He locked the door behind him and crossed the courtyard to the classrooms. He had math. Great. A school for kids with abnormal human powers and my first class is math. He rolled his eyes at the irony. He continued down the hallway, lost in his own thoughts, until he found the right classroom.
Bangs was running down the hallways this morning. She'd overslept after staying up late drawing last night, and she'd barely woken up with enough time to do her makeup before class, and of course her first class of the day had to be math because whatever was up in the heavens hated her and her arts-oriented soul. And of course, like the dunce she was, she'd accidentally grabbed her loose-leaf drawing binder instead of any of her bound notebooks, so she had to sprint and grab at stray papers and try to navigate all at the same time.

She failed at the last requirement just as she approached the right classroom, because her necessary slowdown was causing everything in her arms to nearly crash to the floor. This resulted in her not seeing the new student set in front of her, and instead crashing into him with a very undignified shriek. She felt even more undignified when her heels decided to lose all traction and cause her to fall flat on her butt, her books flying into the air as she tried to grab onto something out of self-preservation. This instinct obviously failed her, so she just looked up at her crashee with a pathetic little pout, her messy, sleep-deprived sketches floating down like a mocking rain around her.