Searching For a Partner for a Variety of Ideas


Active Member
Hello, I am full of RP plots right now and don't know what else to do with them aside from put them here and see who's interested. But before we get to that, rules first.

  • Grammar. As long as I can understand what you're writing, we won't really have problems with this. There's nothing wrong with making errors every now and then- pretty sure we all do.
  • Post length. Can't say I have a certain number of paragraphs I expect my partner to give me. I usually do at least 1-2 so I guess that's be it. I usually try to mirror my partner in terms of that anyway. I actually don't mind one-liners all that much-I feel like I'm the only person on here who thinks that way- when it's in something like a conversation. Otherwise, I may have a bit of trouble with thinking of a reply.
  • Frequently. I'm a patient person. If you're busy, you're busy. I can wait for replies.
  • Triggers. I would like to warn you. I can go into some dark themes that can be a bit heavy at times. I can get a bit gory too. If that makes you uncomfortable, let me know and I'll tone it down. This is roleplay and I want it to be fun for both of us.
With all of that out of the way, let's get to the ideas in mind:

Bitty. Genre: Fantasy, Comedy Slice-of-Life
Inspired by the Spice and Wolf series. A young man is out and about, exploring the forests near his village, when he comes across something unusual in the grass. when he approaches and looks closer, he finds that it's a fairy who appeared to have hurt her wings. she's understandably terrified of this looming human, and out of pity, he takes her back to his home to try to nurse her back to health -- because surely, if he left her, she would die to some creature in the woods, or to the elements. interacting with such a tiny creature in itself proves to become a challenge, and the fact that she's scared of him does not make it any easier on either of them as they try to adjust to each other.

Hurt By Eternity. Genre: Dark Fantasy, Romance, Adventure

This is kinda a weird one to me, but interesting as well and I want to see what others think.
In the lustrous land of Askia, there lies a great tower in it's forbidden lands known as the Arcane Tower. While magic is no uncommon aspect of Askia, one young princess had a power that made her feared and shunned by many; She was immortal. While technically she can die, she will always come back from the dead and to the realm of the living. Nothing can keep her dead. Stabbing, Strangling, Poisoning...nothing works! The princess became of outcast due to this, hunted by forces who wished to take her immortality and forced to leave her home. Eventually, she was captured and kept in the Arcane Tower for years to come. Until one day, when she finally escaped.
In the lustrous land of Askia, there lies a great forest known as Pleasant Grove. It is a beautiful and peaceful place, housing different species of wildlife and plantlife. A wizard, who regardless of his enormous magical power, has been alone all his life in this forest, for he has never found true love. One day, he comes across a woman lying dead in his forest. With not much else to do aside from wonder what happened to her and how she got here, the wizard buries her. However, the next day, he soon finds the girl wandering about as if nothing happened. Upon questioning the girl, he learns that this is the immortal princess, one who has one request upon learning who he is:
"Will you teach me how to die?"

And there you have it. If there are any of you who are interested, please reply below. More ideas will be added later on.
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Though I have no clue about the Spice and Wolf series, I am interested in Bitty! Would you be playing the young man or the fairy?
Hurt by Eternity sounds quite interesting. Let me know if you have time to chat more about it. I would be interested in seeing which character interests you more and why.
Hurt by Eternity sounds quite interesting. Let me know if you have time to chat more about it. I would be interested in seeing which character interests you more and why.
I like the idea I have for the princess so I'd have to go with that one.
I see. In that case I have no problem playing as the wizard if you are still looking for a partner in this roleplay.
Update: New plots.

Vision Without Glory. Genre: Dark Fantasy, Action, Adventure.

Tried to make something based off of this song I found (Lyrics here if you want to see for yourself) and I'm not sure if it's that great.
The world of Athana is a hellish land, one that had been torn apart by countless wars and haunted at night by dangerous monsters known as the Banished who roamed the streets at that time, hunting for any sort of meat they can find, including human flesh. There wasn't a single time where not even the smallest drop of blood isn't spilled upon the soil. But now, great kingdoms rule the land and the wars have finally come to an end. While the Banished still roam, that is no problem for them and all remains well...on the outside. What really goes on is not peaceful in the slightest. Those of higher rank abuse the those who are weak and treat them as slaves, peasants live with barely any food and water, yet are forced to work for the little rations they receive and die while doing so and conflict is still abundant between these kingdoms.
Two siblings (gender doesn't matter), known as the Towers, were once great generals of a kingdom known as the Baseon Empire during the times of war. Despite all of the suffering the siblings and their people went through, they stayed strong and were well respected for this. But in the end, they lost the war. The empire was taken over and only they escaped. Since then, they have wanted to avenge their empire and take down the great kingdoms, though it may seem impossible. By rescuing their captive allies, they rebuilt their army and set off of their quest. But many of them eventually become traitors and abandon them for the sake of riches promised by their enemies. No matter what happens though, the Towers will risk anything for vengeance. Even if it means destroying all in their path, tarnishing their once good name and possibly dying in the process.

This next one isn't a plot, but I wanna see if me and anyone else on here can make one out of this song. Message me if you wanna try.