Shadow Redfern

Good day to anyone that is reading this. I am a seasoned RPer that has many
Likes: Horror, smut, gore, romance, werewolf, vampire, fantasy, sci fi, anime, comic or video game based, movie based

Dislikes: cannibalism really I don't like people eatting other people but other then that I'm pretty open to RPing just about anything.

I am here to divolge in the diverse community that is RP and to have fun. I would like to find some good 1:1 Rpers to spend my time with as well. I like going into a plot and sinking my teeth into it. Please don't be shy and feel free to write to me I am open and looking forward to getting to know people here.

Hello Shadow! Welcome Storyteller's! We are glad to have you aboard. If there is anything that you need. Please just ask me or the staff we will be happy to help out in anyway.

I think you will fit in well around here. :)

I look forward to seeing you around.