Sharky's Characters


Just chillin'


Foxgloves is a rather thin figure, concealed under a long hooded cloak. His hood has two long, dangling points on the top that flop around like a rabbit’s ears. This has the odd effect of giving him a childish and almost playful appearance at times, despite his serious demeanor. He always wears a simple white mask, and only darkness can be seen behind the eye holes. The fingers of his gloves are long and thin, and he is tends to be rather particular about keeping them clean. These gloves are seldom removed, for that would reveal the lack of hands underneath. Despite standing at a little under six feet tall, he is extremely light, as though he is stuffed with cotton and cobwebs.


Foxgloves, at his very core, is a salesman. He primarily sells glass eyes and assorted body parts, although he can generally find anything the customer could possibly desire for the right price. He tends to be very curious, and loves nothing more than a good story or a secret. In general, he displays a casual disregard for rules of all kinds, whether they be posted signs, regulations of a nation, or the laws of nature itself.

For the most part, Foxgloves tends to be quiet and focused, with a calm voice that hides how high-strung he can be. He has the habit of becoming fixated on certain people or things, usually things he finds particularly beautiful. Very few things upset him, except when it comes to things that he cannot have. If Foxgloves wants something, he will bargain incessantly, before resorting to begging or stealing. If deprived of something he wants badly, he falls into a deep melancholy. Usually, he perks up again once he manages to find or create a facsimile of the desired object, even if it’s nothing more than a piece of painted paper-mache.

Above everything else, Foxgloves tries to keep busy. Whenever he finds himself sitting idle, he can’t help but think of all the things he must be missing out on, and of how everybody else must be getting ahead in the world. To avoid missing out on things, he tries to keep up on all the news that he can. He also tends to stay busy with projects, even when “relaxing”.


Foxgloves has an uncanny knack for showing up wherever he pleases, appearing inside closets, behind bushes, and under beds. He also has a strange habit of vanishing whenever he steps out of sight or turns a corner. He is talented enough with a saw and scalpel to remove a person's hand without killing the hand, allowing it to keep any of the skills that it had when still attached to its previous owner. Also, the many pockets within his cloak seem to hold far more than they ought to.


Foxgloves amuses himself with all manner of hobbies, including reading, ballroom dancing, and crafting faces out of clay. He recently acquired himself a tongue, which had previously lacked, and as such has been spending much of his time trying to find different things to taste. He also has a pet named Sinistri, which he keeps in a small birdcage. Sinistri is a severed left hand, but is generally very friendly.
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Jeanette Parfait




Jeanette is of medium height and muscular build, with broad shoulders strengthened by many years bearing a heavy pack. Her reddish-brown hair is cut short, hanging down to her neck on the rare occasion that it’s not tied back with a bandanna. Despite her lack of children, she has what people often describe as a kind, almost motherly smile. She seldom wears jewelry beyond a single silver earring and a golden wedding band. Her clothing choices are usually more utilitarian than stylish, although she generally tries to avoid wearing colors that clash atrociously if she can help it.


In her youth, Jeanette was as volatile as a firecracker. She’d spend her days picking fights and pulling dangerous and often foolhardy stunts, simply to keep herself amused. However, age has tempered her personality somewhat and given her the patience needed to lead scavenging groups. Nowadays, she’s very calm and mellow, slow to anger and quick to forgive. Despite her kind demeanor, however, she can be very strict with her salvage crews about following rules and obeying orders. This strictness has earned her the nickname “Matron Parfait” among scavenging circles, much to her annoyance. Her age never dulled her insatiable curiosity, and she will often go through great and sometimes unwise lengths to satisfy it. She takes much pride in her reputation as a fearless leader, and does her best to maintain it despite it being far from the truth.

Roxanne Fletcher



Roxanne Pollyanna Fletcher is of slightly-above-average height, with a trim, athletic figure. Her hair, long enough to cascade past her shoulders, is dyed a pure, platinum white. She tends to favor dark hoodies, band t-shirts, jeans, and leather jackets, and is seldom seen out in public without her heavy motorcycle boots. While she’s pretty enough to attract a glance, her glare is usually enough to dissuade a second. She has a tattoo of a dragon on the inside of her right thigh, although few are lucky enough to see it and she’s always evasive about its origins.


There are exactly four things Roxanne likes: sweets, riding her motorcycle, playing ice hockey, and singing for Pharmacological Bliss, her punk rock band. Outside of those, the world (and others) hold little interest to her. She also considers the majority of the population to be boring and short-sighted, and can be very picky about who she wants to be friends with. She tends to distance herself from her relatives, a wealthy family in control of a chocolate-making empire. Unimpressed with her grandmother’s plans for her, Roxanne chose to seek out her own adventures rather than work for her snobby cousin in the family business.