New User Sup boyos


Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Hiya~! I’m HydreigonBorn, but you can call me Hydreigon, HB, Ashei, or whatever the frick you want!

I’m from the Rocky Mountain states. I live in a small town. Small as in the population of 2,000 small. I like video games, basketball,, other sports, movies, comics, music, roleplaying and TV shows.

My favorite game is Fire Emblem: Three Houses, but some other game/franchises I like are, Legend of Zelda, The Elder Scrolls(Mainly Skyrim), Injustice, The Arkham games, Overwatch, Super Smash Bros., and many more!

I’m quite fond of movies, like Megamind, Lego Batman, Star Wars, DCEU, Marvel, DCAU, Space Jam, and others I don’t want to name right now. I think my favorite movie is Batman: Under the Red Hood. Some of my favorite tv shows are the Office, Avatar the Last Airbender, Young Justice, Teen Titans, King of Queens.

I don't like books but my favorite is Ready Player One or Steelheart

Some of my favorite artists are Peter Hollens, Lollia, Beach Bunny, Fallout Boy, Queen, and many more.

I like superheroes, a lot. My favorite Superheroes are Red Hood, The Flash, Kid Flash, Batman, Green Arrow, Blue Beetle, Cyborg, Doctor Strange, Captain America, Quicksilver, Starlord, Starfire, and Nightwing.

I guess I should talk about roleplaying. I have been roleplaying since 2016. I took a little break because I grew tired of the old site I used. I'm ready to get back to roleplaying because I'm passionate about it. I'm open to roleplay anything really, but I especially like roleplaying in universes from my fandoms. I like to roleplay horror, a slice of life, medieval adventures, sci-fi, or anything else.

That’s all for now

I hope to get to know a lot of people here and have fun roleplaying with you all.
Hey there HB! Welcome to STC, glad to see some of your interests there and Three Houses has proven to be a great game for me too ^^ Although I back Claude, sorry Dimitri.

Also your first message was read as Link's loud exclamation of Hiya! Same as his Up B in smash. Let us know if you have any questions about navigating the forums or some of the active RPs!
Hi Hi! Welcome to STC! Happy to have you Ashei!
If you need any assistance feel free to let me know, otherwise enjoy!!
I've just started Skyrim on VR, let me just say it's cool but the movement makes you kinda dizzy (I liked it better on the computer)
I hope you enjoy it here!​
It is very. Though I'd suggest if you have motion sickness to stay far away from it. It is not friendly to the senses.
That's why I prefer the computer version better
I just got introduced (I try to stay away from things I'm not familiar with and I suck at games usually) but I really like it so far. Took me forever to decided on a character appearance tho