New User Sup. New guy here


New Member
And wow, didn't expect this name to actually pass. I usually had to add some numbers or letters somewhere... whatevs.

Nice to meet you all. I am Alpha. While new to this site, I'm totally not new to RP or fiction writing in general. Since Japanese culture affected me a lot (I'm totally not a weeb, bak... #ahem), my preference genre of RP is Fantasy. Hope to have some fun here ;)
Sup Alpha! New kid on the block, eh? And yeah, the site is fairly new, so there are a lot of free usernames to choose from. Pretty cool B). Charmed to meet you as well, I'm Aman. Have you been on any other roleplay sites in the past? And how long have you been doing it? Also, I like anime and fantasy as well : D I assure you that you'll have a great time here! If you would like me to send you some recommendations for roleplays to join, then you need only ask. ♥

Also, here is a brief rundown of some of the site's features: Home takes you to the front page of STC, where all the most important things are pinned. Forums takes you to all the forums - Community, General Roleplaying, and Epic Roleplay - with sub-forums inside. Activity shows you the most recently posted things by members, like status updates and forum posts. Members shows you everyone registered on STC, like you and I. Calendar is currently inaccessible. Help brings you to a very helpful guide made by Tiko on how to get started and figure out the site's features; you should focus on getting approved by posting in the specified forums. Rules is another helpful guide listing the site regulations, and also guidelines for Epic Roleplays. Chat takes you to the chat, where users are frequently conversing with each other about a variety of topics (and where I personally spend a lot of time lmao). Donate takes you to a page where you can choose to donate through PayPal and become a Benefactor to the site.
If you click on your name that will take you to editing your profile. You can also explore the various drop-down features for personalizing your STC experience. Inbox shows you the private messages you have with other users, which can be more than just one. And finally, Alerts tells you of the most recent postings appearing in your watched forums, or when people like your messages, or when someone @'s you.

Hopefully that will help you a bit with navigation! I'm sure it won't be too difficult for ya. ( : if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or a staff member. You will likely get approved soon if you focus on posting. Glad to have you as part of the community. (•◡•)
I think names like that will be free for awhile, we're not a huge site yet

But you're helping with that, aren't you? Welcome to the site, man, you'll find more fantasy here than you know what to do with!
Thanks for warm welcomes :)
Have you been on any other roleplay sites in the past? And how long have you been doing it?
My main site was RPNation and I sometime made accounts on other sites to join RPs my friend hosted, but I stopped posting due to university entrance exam and I guess with that passed I want some change of pace so I looked for new site. As for how long I think it's roughly 3 years.
Welcome to Storytellers! Everyone here is very nice and I am sure finding a rp wont be hard! There have been a lot of new ones starting up! I also enjoy fantasy rp and jap culture =)!
Welcome to the site Alpha, Hope to roleplay with you soon! There are a lot of fantasy roleplays around, you can find quite a few in the epic roleplay section while there are also some in the general forums, later.
I'm a new person who is the worst at technology, I do 1x1 roleplays but I'm attempting to do group roleplays too. If someone needs a rolelplay buddy, just contact me