New User The bards song


Pusher of The Giant Red Button
Hello young and old. It is I, the greatest worst best person this side of the Internet.

If you are wondering who I am, then you'll be disappointed. It's all top secret. Very hush hush, you must understand.

However, if you do have the clearance, them you'll find several interesting things.

First, I'm a veteran RPer. I've played lots of DnD, almost always being either a bard or warlock. Or a Rouge in 3.5 because God damn skill monkey.

I've been on several other roleplay sites, dabbling in various genres. I like pretty much eveything, but i particularly like action, drama, and comedy. Character development is an essential part to a good RP, and it's a thing that must be strives for.

Now a days, I am active on the space battles forum where I help out with the Infinite Loops project.

I'm looking for a community of good RPers, so I'm here.

And you'll probably will keep seeing me for awhile.