Resolved/Answered The Endless Butterfly Questioneering


Okay.. So.. I will be UP FRONT! I ask a LOT of questions. Like all the time! Soooo, Making a thread like this NOW, is the best way to go, so that I don't flood this place with brand new threads every time I have a question!

So.. You probably guessed.. I ALREADY HAVE QUESTIONS! Hehe. And I hope that they are good ones!

One of the main things I've been wondering about is that there are quite a few rp's that are listed as "Epic Roleplays" On the main page of the Forum. What exactly constitutes a roleplay be considered one of these kinds of rps? Like, Do they start of like that? Or do they get moved there after a certain amount of interest? Or after a certain amount of posts maybe? Or is it something more than that. Is it about how built the world is, and how the world interacts with its self? From what I've seen most of these Epic RP's seem to be Multiplayer. If not all of them. So I was just wondering about it.

Also, what do you think would be better? To post an interest check thread (even though i already know that there is interest) on top of an OOC for a Jump In Type rp where all you have to do is make a character sheet for however many characters you want to play and role with it? Or should I go with just the OOC thread and the main thread.

I am working on a rp idea (As aforementioned). BUT, for this idea to work, there is one slight problem. Each clan would have to have their own thread on top of a few other places would have to have their "own thread". Is there a way to connect them so that they aren't all over the place and get lost in the sea of other rps? (if this isn't clear enough just ask me questions right back, we'll question away and answer away until we get somewhere)

Thank you Very much in advance!
On my phone so forgive me for not adding links. If you head over to the announcements forum, you'll notice at the bottom of the list of threads mention of Epics. That will take you to the information you need. An Epic needs a minimum number of users and must follow other set guidelines. An Epic is established only if a GM requests it.

Normally an interest check is posted first. This isn't just an opportunity to build interest, but also flesh out any ideas you might have and gain user input. After the interest check is established and you know you have enough involvement, you move to the OOC. Of course, you could jump straight to an OOC but it is sometimes best to see whether the community responds with interest before putting a lot of work into something. Interest is good to help find co-GMs and such as well.

Clans having their own thread could work in two ways. One is that either in the OOC or IC (can't recall) they are allowing role-plays that while not considered an epic, perhaps they are large enough to warrant their own subforum. Alternatively, if your world is big enough and practically allows for an endless stream of involvement in a brosd range of locations, then you could have an Epic - also with your own forum.

Hope this answers your questions as well as I hope most of my answers are semi-correct.

To supplement what Meliodas already wrote up for you, I wrote up a pretty extensive guide last night that might assist you. This post on particular explains the difference in our the types of roleplays. Single thread, multi-thread, and epic roleplays.

I would recommend posting something into the bulletin board as well. If you aheady have interested players you could do a recruitment post instead of an interest check if you still need more players. Most people check the bulletin board for roleplays to join, so if you skip putting anything there they may not realize your roleplay needs more people.
Thank you both VERY MUCH! But of course.... I now have more questions. Who would I go to to set up an Epic or Multithread rp with? Like which admin?

Also On that note... I didn't know if you guys had the ability on the site to use tabs or not, but if you do, I'd like to know and I'd also like to know what the coding is XD

I'm also looking into how to do some coding myself, so does your sight allow for CCCodeing for like boxes, and other fancy stuff?
At work so I'll just toss you a couple links with answers to most of your questions. Easier than typing lengthy explanations on my phone :p <-- explains how to request epic roleplays, and who to contact. <-- explains tabs

And the link I gave in my previous post explained where to request multi-thread roleplays.

By CC codes do you mean bbcodes? If so the available ones are displayed in the bbcodes bar above the text window. We don't currently have one for tables, but we do support imbedding of Google documents which allows more flexibility of formatting. <-- for more information on embedding Google documents.
I did mean bbcoding.. and that tab thing wasn't exactly what i was thinking it was.. hmm.. well i'll be looking into all of this anyways.. so thanks for pointing these out!