The Occupation of Strasstekra

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Yet another epic fantasy roleplay. More details are soon to come.

Strasstekra is set in the world of Saravis, a world significantly less hospitable than Earth. It is located relatively close to the Equator, and it's meager territory , is dry grassland. This isn't due to lack of rainfall, but a globally thin ozone layer and an invasive species known as Besvon. Besvon is a variety of tall-growing, tannish-green grass with powdery spores coating it's blades. It spreads at incredible rates and is poisonous for consumption by humans. The grass kills off most natural flora in an open setting and has ravaged a sizeable part of the continent. The only naturally resistant crops are Rhajem and Krehman, varieties of wheat which are coarse and bitter to the taste. The Towers offer solace and a place for cultivation of other crops. Relics of a long-ago race centuries ahead of those who now inhabit them, their immense statures dominate the landscape. Strasstekra, an independent power, is one such Tower. Circular and about a mile in radius, it extends 2000 feet into the air. Each floor of the tower is illuminated by phosphorescent rock in the ceiling. The Tower is a living entitie of sorts, drawing heat, light, nutrients, and water from the air around it. The tower has balconies and gaps allowing for the disposal of waste on every floor. It has 20 floors in total, the top for government, the 5 below commerce, and the 14 below that for farming, as Tower soil kills Besvon. Below all of that lies Morteva, the remnants of more settlement below the tower. It has tunnels extending all the way to other towers, but lacks natural light and is settled by no one but wild animals and convicts. Lifts run throughout the tower, providing transit between floors, but function independently, making a full cycle once per hour. Alternate lifts run into Morteva.

The city of Strasstekra is an independent power located in the middle of the Baluvi Grassland, which takes up close to a fifth of the charted continent. This makes it a valueable ally and has kept it independent from other empires for centuries. The Shevra Empire has now besieged the city and begun to occupy it. Travel in and out has been halted, and the top tier taken by an impromptu government. Guards block transit via lift to the top or bottom floor and patrol the streets on occasion, but generally leave to public to do as they please. The Street Lords have begun to rise from the criminal underworld into actual power, becoming barons of small territories. Gangs have formed rapidly as violence skyrockets as what remains of the government falls to shambles. The Shevrans care little of this. They have their city for the time being, and the new innovation of gunpowder to subjugate uprisings until they can negotiate their control of Strasstekra with other empires. So who will you be? A farmer? A politician? A Street Lord? A Shevran guard? The choice is up to you.


This is my version of the older-than-dirt elemental magic cliché. Magic will be divided into 5 primary aspects, and each one is attributed to a certain proficiency and requires a certain input. Along with this, there are fifteen secondary aspects. The base elements are air, water, earth, fire, and life. Every person is born with affinity to one of the five based randomly upon whatever their parents have. It is expressed through markings upon the lower dominant arm. Ambidexterous people have markings on both arms. If your arm is severed within 5 inches of the elbow, you lose your powers. The markings are a sort of etherial dye, reaching down to the bone and shifting in shade to remain visible despite tanning or scarring.

Growing stronger: Every 5 years, a person gains one "tier" of proficiency. Directly killing another (i.e. stabbing, strangulation, pushing down stairs) even accidentally grants you another tier of proficiency for every multitude greater than you they were, rounded down but excluding one. For example, killing someone of ToP 32 at ToP 5 will grant you 6 ToP's, more than doubling your strength. However, killing someone with ToP 6 at ToP 7 will only grant you ToP 8. Tiers are recognizable via markings on the arm, as are elements. There are no indicative symbols other than increasing complexity, but one simply knows by looking. This has leaf yo the social preference of longer sleeves and wrist wrappings.

Requirements and boosts given by elements:

Water manipulation uses body heat and can be used with more precision the stronger one grows, allowing for nearly artistic precision at high Proficiency.

Fire manipulation uses hydration and can be used with greater power the stronger one grows, allowing for one to achieve unbelievable heat and speed of use at high Proficiency.

Air manipulation uses wakefulness and can be used with greater ease the stronger one grows, allowing for practically subconscious use at high Proficiency.

Earth Manipulation uses stamina and can be used to greater scale the stronger one grows, allowing for the movement of multi-tonne objects at high Proficiency.

Life magic has the temporary drawback of poisoning onself, leading to a state similar to drunkeness after extended use. Doing so for long enough causes a number of permenant effects upon health and gradual withering of stature. Those with life magic grow more in tune with other things the higher their Proficiency, allowing for stronger use of their magic. They control their senses, eventually achieving a level of semi-clairvoyance. This sounds good until one dodges their intended death so nature attempts to balance things out. They're plagued with near constant threats to their life and often go mad.

Secondary Elements: One chooses their secondary element at 15 years, and it can be one which their parents had. If only one parent was metal and another vapor, they couldn't be dual water, as only one had a water-based power. If someone kills another before their 15th, the dead person's power will latch onto theirs, assigning them an element without them choosing. Otherwise, the choice is subconscious.

Ice (water and air): Can control and freeze water and other fluids at a moderate temperature range and below. The heat removed must be redirected somewhere else, and there must be a significantly colder object to start. This power emphasizes working easily in a detailed manner.

Steam (water and fire): Can control vapor (including smoke) and fluids of a moderate temperature range and below, along with heating said substances. The heat added must be pulled from surroundings. This power emphasizes working with powerful, fast, and dramatic percision.

Clay (water and earth): Can control stone, water, and most forms of damp earth. Given enough time, they can meld water with stone into clay, often on a massive scale in an elaborate manner. This power emphasizes intricate work on a large scale.

Plants (water and life): Can control plant life and how it grows and interacts, along with modifying oneself to a minor degree with features like poisonous blood or the ability to photosynthesize. This power emphasizes complex, but often subtle changes to oneself and their surroundings.

Metal (fire and earth) Can control most concentrated metals in a solid or liquid state, but can only melt them given a catalyst of intense heat (difficult for anyone without very high Proficiency). The only advantage to melting them is their heat and fluid nature even when not being controlled. This power emphasizes fast control over large quantities of materials.

Lightning (fire and air): Can control and generate lightning. This can be within a wide range of strengths from the power to stun people (low Proficiency) to cooking someone on contact (high Proficiency). This power is hard to work with in a cold environment with minimal movement of energy i.e. lack of friction, wind, or burning. This power emphasizes powerful, instinctive manipulation, using lightning reflexively if needed.

Flesh (fire and life): Can control and alter one's own body temporarily and permenantly. Temporary changes enchance numerous abilities, and permenant ones can change anything from hair color to organ placement and bone density the stronger one is. Permenant changes require consumption of tissue from a live victim or one dead by the Proficient's hand. This power emphasizes drastic changes to ones own physique.

Dust (air and earth): Can control dust, dirt and sand, creating a temporarily solid substance in enough density. Using this, one can create bludgeons and barriers from mundane materials. This power emphasizes being able to do things of large scale with little effort.

Beasts (spirit and earth): Can control animals of the surface and mimic animal traits, such as claws, teeth, and night vision. This power emphasizes large scale control with connectivity to what one does.

Avians (spirit and air): Can control animals of the sky and mimic avian traits, such as feathers, talons, secondary sets of lungs, and wings. This power emphasizes forming close bonds, allowing easy control.

The other five powers are the base 5, coupled the same power a second time: double air/fire/earth/water/life. Life allows for mental persuasion, great understanding of the actions of others, and heightened senses.

In Summary: Every person is born with Proficiency in one of the five elements. This is represented by a marking on the dominant arm. If the dominant arm is removed, they lose their powers. One becomes gradually more powerful every 5th year, or by killing another. At 15, every person picks their second Proficiency, which combine into an alternate one (vapor, lightning, metal, flesh, avians, beasts, plants, ice, clay, dust, and each of the initial 5 at a greater strength). An ambidexterous person has two secondary Proficiencies.

I'm considering adding the sixth element, which I'll refer to as "force". The abilities of force would be knetics, friction, tension, light, gravity, and microbes.


Food: The staple of Strasstekran food is a combonation of quality wheat, and the bitter stuff which survives in the grasslands. They therefore use many spices and sauces to make grain more palatable. Fruit and vegetables are also quite common out here, and meat is far easier to store given the ability of people to create ice. The most common kinds of alchohol are red wine, light beer, and mead. Non-fruit based sugar and sea salt are luxury commodities, and the prefered commonperson's condiment is Chebec paste. A mixture of lard, water, and Chebec root, it's spicy and earthy, and very inexpensive.

Art: Strasstekra has always been a hub of cultures, but some styles are more prevalent than others. Much of the finer culture is influenced by the Middle East in my mind's eye, and art will reflect of such.

Music: The most popular instruments are the lute, lap drum, trouper's flute, and hand cymbal. Other instruments are widespread as well, though.

Clothing: Common garb is generally a short sleeved or sleevless shirt and breeches, or a skirt for women. Some wear clothing cutting off at the knees, as it can get warm. Dyeing is common amongst higher classes, as is jewelry. Going outside of the Towers requires heavy coverage for protection from the sun.

Religion: I'll elaborate more upon these later, but the main three are Shafism, Cycliety, and Nemronism. Shafism believes in a single divine being, devoted to understanding all. It's followers believe humanity is interconnected subconsciously and desire to seek new experiences, however meager they may be. Cycliety believes in five gods, one for each key element. Each has their turn shaping the world, and does something grand in their final action. They believe they're currently in the Age of Jemej, the Fire God. With time, the whole world will be burned to its core and made anew. Nemronians believe staunchly in the pillars of moral upheld by their 21 gods.

Designing a character sheet:

Name: (The names here use honoraries as a last name. "Ra" implies from, or by. So John son of Steve would be John Stevera. "Nu" is a title of subjugation, used by slaves or combined with titles for lesser lords. "Vo" is in control of. Strasstek, founder of Strasstekra, would be addressed Strasstek Strasstekravo. Street Lords often use the honorary of Kredovo, or "Owner of the Streets.") (If you wish your name to have religious or historical roots, I'll roll it into the doctrine of one of the in-world religions once I release a description of them)

Power and tier: (Please keep in mind that a common person would be weak unless rather old)




Relationships: (Important friends, family, or romantic partners. Sexuality, too, if you deem it necessary)



A brief bio:

Other facts: (Likes/dislikes, insecurities, pasttimes)

Image: (optional)