Ame Damnee The Sanctuary

The Sanctuary

He shrugged as he took the cups and placed them in the bedside table. Talking to her was... strangely nice, considering he was never much of a talkative person. Mina, huh. "You have a nice name." he gave her a small smile. "I'm Errol." and with that he looked away again, awkwardly. There was nothing else to say, though, and he was getting really sleepy. He leaned down on the mattress of her bed, placing his forearm underneath his head. The bed was soft, and he felt himself drifting. "I apologize... I'm not in my best state right now. But... just for a few minutes..." he did not finish his statements as his breathing slowed, falling into a deep slumber.
Maric Vakarian - Sanctuary

His sleep was dreamless, without a care in the world as his body repaired itself. His eyes fluttered open as consciousness returned to him, the first thing he saw was Errol, slumped over on the bed of the newest patient that was brought in, who was awake and eating something. He then felt the skin against his hand and turned his head to see Xena, sound asleep while clutching it. He smiled at how adorable she was. Gods help me, I love her so much. Using his free hand, he gently stroked her hair, enjoying the moment of peace while it lasted.

Then his mind flashed back to the person who stabbed him, Zaraa. I must've hit a nerve when I called her a pawn of Lucifer. Either she doesn't believe me and is batshit insane, or she does and just doesn't want to admit it. The thought gave him a bit of satisfaction, showing that he still knew how to get under the skin of even Satan's most trusted toys. He gave Xena a gentle kiss on the forehead before turning to the other patient. "You look like you're healing nicely. Good to see, you looked pretty bad when you were first brought here." He gave a respectful nod to her. "I'm Maric Vakarian. I'd offer you a handshake but mine's kind of occupied right now." He joked as he looked at Xena again, a goofy smile on his face.
A quick flash of blinding light hit the area and Shiva, along with Morrigan, landed with Zaraa in the area. She'd teleported to the side of the building, out of the way of the broken down door. The moment Morrigan and Shiva let go of her, she began to speak a little quicker. "Remember, ask for Xena and tell her what happened. The steps to the entrance are right behind you. I can't help you any further, I'm sorry." Then, she was gone once more, nowhere to be found.

Mina - The Sanctuary
Mina grinned when she saw Errol fall asleep. "That's what happens when you drink too much, my friend," she said lightly. The Sanctuary fell strangely quiet after that. Finding herself with nothing else to do, Mina reached over Errol and swiped another scone off the plate and looked around the room with bright eyes. Having been unconscious for so long, the last thing she wanted to do was go to sleep again. Before long, her eyes fell on Errol again. She studied the man's face for a few moments until someone suddenly spoke.

"It's amazing what scones can do for a person," Mina replied to Maric cheerfully. "Although, I'm sure the healing helped as well." She gave a wry smile before continuing. "Your implied handshake is appreciated. I'm Mina. Also, what happened to the door? I've heard of walk-in patients, but this is ridiculous." She snickered at her own joke.
Shiva & Morrigan Strange
Morrigan loud out a loud, high-pitched squeal as they suddenly changed surroundings, closing her eyes and crouching down in fear briefly, Shiva didn't seem to react all. "Morrigan, are you okay? What happened?" Shiva asked upon hearing her sister. "I-I'm fine.. Just a little shocking." The dark-haired sister answered, leaving out the mention of a bright light so as to not offend her blind sister. "Alright, Lady." Morrigan said before their escort poofed into nothingness, the same way she had come to them. After a short sessions of breathing, Morrigan stood up again and took a peek around. It looked.. Clean, something new and foreign to them. Morrigan took her sister's hand and knocked lightly on the door frame before them that the mysterious woman had brought them to, confused as to where the missing door was. She felt nervous, and gave a small cough to demonstrate it. She wasn't sure what to expect, and had suddenly lost all of her bravado. "Umm.. Excuse me..? Are we interrupting..?" She asked as he sister began to wield her ability. Small wisps of mist seemed to emanate from the pale sister, climbing over everything and everyone, not harming, but not exactly pleasant either, like the air had suddenly become colder. "We're inside." She stated simply with a small bit of pride in her voice, her mouth twitching upward in a anxious yet excited smile.
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Maric Vakarian - Sanctuary

Maric laughed lightly at Mina's joke. "That little situation happened after a friend of ours got a bit carried away with knocking on it. Poor Xena's had no time to get it fixed." He said as he stroked her hair lovingly again. He was about to continue when he heard a knock on the door frame and a young sounding voice asking if anyone was in. "I'll get that, you rest up Mina." He said, groaning and clutching at his stab wound as he got out of bed.

He approached the door and found two teenage girls standing in the doorway. "Hi, yes come on in, I'll go get the healer for you." He smiled sweetly at the two girls and led them into the patients area. He didn't want to wake Xena up, but at the same time, he knew she'd get mad at him for turning away two patients to let her sleep. He gently nudged her a couple times, waiting for her to stir. When she did he lightly kissed her on the forehead. "Hey. Sorry to wake you, but there are two little girls who may need your help." He said softly.
Xena Mythriel Al'vyon
The Sanctuary - Garden

Xena stirred, straightening up and rubbing her eyes as she tried to make sense of everything around her. Ah, it seems that she has fallen asleep. She felt a tender kiss on her forehead, and suddenly became aware that she was being nudged awake by Maric, with the word of two girls needing her help. She nodded and leaned in, placing her arms around his neck dazedly... and then frowned as she gave him a reprimanding look. "Why are you up? I thought I told you to go to sleep and rest, Maric Vakarian." she insisted, as she pushed him to sit back down on the bed, scanning the Sanctuary. It seems that Errol has fallen asleep. Good. The other patient from the desert seemed to be up and about too. Even better. Xena gave her a friendly smile before she glanced over at the two unfamiliar young girls who had just entered the room.

Xena cleared her throat, standing up and smoothing her dress, trying to look presentable as she regarded them. "Hello. I'm the healer here in the Sanctuary. Anything I could help you with?" she asked with a cheerful smile.
Shiva & Morrigan Strange
Morrigan tried to think of something to say, but her mouth was dry and their displays of affection seemed to heighten her nervousness to new levels. Is this how Shiva feels? She pondered in her mind, sparing a small look for her sister who seemed to be trying to look everywhere but the people in front of them, her white-sleeved arms holding the sides of her arms carefully and rubbing away some of the tension of the enviroment. "I..." Shiva tried to say before crumbling and looking down ar the ground, her blind eyes simply gazing at the floor as her mind tried to think up something to say, but her shyness sitting as a huge block, not allowing the words to pass.. "Sh-She's shy." Morrigan said quickly, rubbing her sister's back with her single hand to comfort her. "She kinda got hurt not too long ago, somebody.. Well, kicked her in the stomach and she's not exactly feeling well. I'm Morrigan, this is Shiva we are both happy to be here." Morrigan said as she regained her stature. This place is so.. Clean, it's like home before our parents.. Left. Morrigan thought with a soft, audible sigh, squirming as her sister began scanning the area with her ability again, who was hoping that nobody found it too uncomfortable
Maric Vakarian - Sanctuary

He chuckled a bit as Xena pushed him onto the bed. "Hey, I'll have you know I did exactly as you asked Ms. Al'vyon. I'm feeling better already." He said with a lighthearted wink to his lover. He let her address the two girls while he turned back to converse with Mina. "So how does a girl like you wind up in critical condition? Don't take this the wrong way, but you seem like more of a performer than an adventurer."
Mina - The Sanctuary
Mina watched curiously as the two new girls filed in. This place seemed to get a lot of traffic, though that was hardly a surprise. She looked back at Maric again when he addressed her. "See, I get that a lot," she explained. "People tell me I'm supposed to be one thing, and they're always surprised when I turn out to be something else. 'Mina, you're a dancer, why don't you try minding your own business?' 'Mina, stop trying to be more than you are.'" She rolled her eyes as she mocked the disparaging voices she'd heard one too many times. She looked down at her hands and scoffed before continuing. "I suppose I don't like restraining myself with boxes and categories."

Mina looked up again and gave Maric a half smile. "But yes, this time I managed to bite off a little more than I could chew. I went after the Daemon's Cradle when it went missing. I got lost in the desert because I'm an idiot. And then I showed up here. Don't ask me about that last part, I have no idea what happened there."
Xena Mythriel Al'vyon
The Sanctuary

Xena cracked a smile at Maric and then studied the two girls. They both look evidently nervous, she could only wish that she could do something to help with that. She smiled at the siblings as she walked towards them. They seem to be inseparable, the way they stood next to each other. She smiled at Shiva as she held her hand gently, using her magic to heal her easily. It was quick, nothing quite as dire as the injuries she was used to, just a bruising in the stomach area. "You should be feeling better now." she said with a smile. "You two should stay in here if you feel like you need more rest. While I... well, I think I might have some other things to do."

She looked outside, feeling a little apprehensive. She wondered where Wroth and Brynhild could be at this moment. She remembered the deal she made with the Circle of Sanctity's overseer. She glanced at Maric, looking way much better than he was only a few moments ago when he was bleeding out into the floor. She spotted the mark on the side of his neck and smiled fondly. "Maric... have you properly recovered? I think there are other things we need to do... am I wrong?" she gave him a meaningful look. From what she gathered from Guruk told them, she needed to have a branding ceremony of some sort soon. That, and she kind of wanted to talk to Jocasta, and clear up the misunderstandings they had.
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Maric Vakarian - Sanctuary

Maric felt sympathy for the dancer as she told him her story. He got up again and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, choosing not to shift his personality. "I respect your determination to try and surpass peoples expectations of you, but to do that you need to know your strengths. What do you excel at besides dancing? Once you find the answer, you can start breaking out of that box you're stuck in, and stop getting yourself nearly killed." He said the last part with a wink.

He turned to Xena as he heard her questions, the meaningful look telling him everything he needed to know. "I'm fine, Xena. You're the one who patched me up after all, how could I not be? As for those other things, I do believe you're right." He took her hand in his and was about to take off when he remembered Errol who was still resting on Mina's bed. "Should we wake him and tell him where we're going? I imagine he feels the same way Guruk felt about us excluding him from our business on accident." He whispered to Xena.
Rayen Ales

The faery approached the building with caution, if the memories were anything to live by, the pair he was seeking would be dangerous. He did a quick round around the building, careful to stay out of view of the windows, spotting the two entering the bulding before settling in front of the door. I haven't lived for centuries to just let it end here.... but, I need to find out more about these thoughts... sucking in a shaky breath, he gave a light rap on the door despite it being a hospital, or at least as the people he questioned claimed, and stepped inside with quiet creak of the hinges. His eyebrows raised slightly in confusion at the spacious interior as he scanned the room. Noting the multitude of people in the room, he spoke out, "Erm, pardon me, but I'm looking for two people, Maric Vak- Vakurien? and Xena Al'vyon." Mentally facepalming himself, he would have to remember to practice his speaking skills.
Shiva & Morrigan Strange
Shiva recoiled slightly at the contact, but did feel noticeably better after the contact. "Tha..nks." She mumbled. Their grip was different from Morrigan's. "I mean.. We're not going anywhere else.. So, I think we'll take you up on the offer." Morrigan replied courteously, her face remaining still while her eyes returned to their somewhat lifeless ways. "We won't be a problem, missus." She said quietly before the two of them sat on one of the beds, silently pondering how something could be so incredulously soft and constantly feeling the fabric.
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Xena Mythriel Al'vyon
The Sanctuary

Xena stared at Errol's sleeping figure, making a small smile. "If I wake him up now, he'll feel compelled to stay up and watch over the patients, and not get any sleep or rest at all as a result. That's just the way he is, a moron and a workaholic." she said with a small giggle as she went towards him and softly caressed his hair. She then gazed over to the patient beside him and smiled at her. "I'm sorry, but can I ask a favor? When he wakes up, tell him I went out to take care of something. And that... if he waits for me in the estate later, preferably sober, I'll fill him in on everything." It was the best thing she could do at the moment. The things that has been happening isn't something to be discussed in a room full of people.

She walked back to Maric and they were about to go when a light knocking filled the room, and a man stepped inside.

"Erm, pardon me, but I'm looking for two people, Maric Vak- Vakurien? and Xena Al'vyon." he said awkwardly. But Xena wasn't listening. Who is this guy? She does not recognize his face at all. She was very certain she has not seen him before. But the moment she saw him she knew at least one thing: he is one of them. The Sin of Greed. The thought that the last person who held the title, her very own adoptive father, was no longer around made her heart break. She knew it was to be expected when they sealed Legion. She, who was barely the helper in the spell, got her soul ripped out and was only saved by... whatever Taran did to get her back. Alma who has taken the brunt of the strain would have gone through much worse, and yet... as she stared at this man standing in front of her, it almost feels like the person standing there was Alma himself. It was weird, strange, odd... she walked towards him and held his hands, staring at it before looking up at him straight in the eye. "Who... are you?" she demanded.
Rayen Ales

Rayen was startled by her sudden movement, grabbing his hands, blinking with panic. He stammered out, "Ray- Rayen Ales. I was given memories from Master Magician Alma and it told me to seek you two... I need to know more about the things I'm feeling and remembering." He started back at Xena, equally as intensely feeling an intense headache encroaching on his mind. His hands suddenly broke from her as he grasped his head, bending over slightly in a grimace and, shutting his eyes as the Sin of Greed's memories flooded through his mind.

She was a young 14-year-old when Alma took her in, into his sprawling tower and made her an apprentice, where she would meet the harbingers. She was like the daughter he would never have otherwise until she killed the previous Sin of Arrogance. They fell out, she's taken part in their ventures more often, killing, destroying... Acts he never wished to have included her in, his greed knew no end, yet there was never desire for another to join what the harbingers had become. We do what we do because we must.

As the immense pain passed, he looked up at her, quietly whispering, "I'm sorry."
Maric Vakarian - Sanctuary

He looked at the man who had entered and said his name in a very odd manner. He could feel the familiarity radiating from him just as much as Xena could. Alma was in fact dead, and this man, Rayen Ales, was the new Sin of Greed. the interaction between the two Harbingers was not one they should be having in front of company. He rested his arms on both of their backs and pushed them into the parlor. "This is a discussion best held in private. Try not to get into too much trouble you three," Maric said to Mina and the two girls as he led them into the parlor, shutting the door to the patients room behind them.

"Have a seat, Rayen." He told the sin. He took a seat next to Xena and held her hand as he regarded Rayen with serious eyes. He'd never liked Alma, and some of that resentment still lingered in his demeanor towards this man, but he wasn't Alma, and Maric needed to try and give him the benefit of doubt. "You're in luck, the Sins of Sloth and Gluttony are also in the city, Rayen. Though sloth isn't the angel Raziel anymore, the new sloth is named Brynhild. We'll answer any questions you might have, do you know of a place you wish to start?"
Xena Mythriel Al'vyon
The Sanctuary

"I'm sorry."

The girl blinked, as she gazed into his eyes. He looked like he was in pain. Perhaps he remembered something? Something... Alma was sorry about? "Why?" she asked with a curious and confused expression. She only has very little idea what it could be, but she continued. "Whatever it is, I... really do not mind. I' don't remember harboring any resentment, so it shouldn't be too important. So... don't worry about it." she sad as she smiled widely, cheerfully at him.

Before she knew it, Maric pushed them into the parlor. She smiled at his thoughtfulness on privacy, he does have a point. She sat on one of the seats, and Maric took her hand as if it was the most natural thing to do in the world as he handled the situation, asking Rayen on what he wanted to start on. Xena decided to let Rayen speak for now, to share them his thoughts on his memories.
Rayen Ales
The Sanctuary

"I can't remember anything from his memory clearly, it's... just baffling, unreal. I could feel his guilt like it was my own, I was him for the moment." His rambling paused for a moment as he began to search his thoughts. Quietly, he looked up, staring at them, "You were the Harbingers. I've read of you in Alma's journals in his mentions. The horrors yo- we... committed, they tore apart the master mage, but he always wanted more, didn't he?" Frowning, he leaned forward in his seat, beginning anew in a questioning tone, "But I'm not him. Tell me more about what you all did, just who were you all? Aside from the destruction and havoc."
Maric Vakarian - Sanctuary

He found it fascinating how deeply Alma's memories could affect this man, his summation of their actions was expertly worded if Maric was being honest with himself. After he asked what they did he let out an ironic chuckle. "The better question you could ask is what didn't we do? Me, I was the Assassin of the Harbingers, using my skills of stealth and seduction to harvest the souls chosen by Lucifer to consume. Of course, that was before he decided that we weren't fun toys to play with anymore and tried to throw us in the trash." His voice held resentment towards their former master.

He looked back up at Rayen, silver eyes burning with determination. "Now we live to correct our mistakes, we live to destroy Satan's toys and find a way to kill him once and for all." His hand unintentionally gripped Xena's tighter as his fury towards the Devil grew more passionate.