Ame Damnee The Terrestrial Bay



So far, the only charted ocean in Terrestria is The Terrestrial Bay, an extensive body of saltwater stretching from New Eden to Abaddon and beyond. Across this sea are numerous islands and small plateau's jutting out from the surface of the water, as well as an extremely diverse array of sea creatures. Much like in Oblitus, however, not all of them are the friendliest type... It is said that those who venture too far from the continent itself, are never seen again.

Though most of the world spends their time on land and naval forces for both cities leave something to be desired, it is not uncommon to find your wayward seafarers spread out across these waters. Over the years, pirates have made their mark across the bay, becoming increasingly more prominent as free-spirited people start a new life of sailing and exploration. What lies so far out into the vast expanses of the great blue? Perhaps treasures to last one a lifetime, unexplored land to claim? Or maybe beasts of unimaginable size and power... It remains to be seen.
Captain Ralerus Deldros
Fortune Slave Pirate Ship, On Deck

The salty scent of seawater filled the man's nose as he stood tall on the forecastle deck, hands pressed firmly into his sides. The sun was setting over the horizon, casting vibrant rays of color across the boundless sky. Rich golden, pastel pink, crimson red, navy blue - all of these tones and more merged together to create a dazzling, radiant sunset. That was one of the great things about being a sailor, really. You've never seen a sunset until you've stared up at it from atop a grand pirate ship, out in the middle of the great sea. He inhaled once more, deeply; taking everything in. Sailing, he thought, was a form of flying on its own. The angels, with their massive, feathery wings and stuck-up attitudes, would never know the freedom and serenity of coasting along the water's edge under a beautiful sky like this. It really made a man feel at home. Hell, Ralerus practically married the sea many years ago - when he first laid eyes upon it. What more could one need?

This prideful dark elf was Captain of The Fortune Slave, Ralerus Deldros, he was. In all his years of journeying across the Terrestrial Bay, hopping from island to island and terrorizing villages along the coast, he'd seen many things. A beautiful day like this, in fact... Would probably bring with it a dreadful storm. He rubbed the bridge of his nose for a second, and then turned, his ragged cloak swishing out from behind him. He approached the mast, glancing up to the crow's nest as if searching for someone. "Alora!" Called Ralerus in a booming voice, noticing the slight shift in the winds. "Adjust the sails, we'll want to pick up speed. We can't afford to waste any time!" With those orders, he walked off towards the other end of the ship. It was quite a massive vessel, and it took some time to migrate from one end to the other. Particularly when there were plenty of other pirates to move around.

Here he stepped up to the poop deck, approaching the steering wheel where his first mate would no doubt be attending to her duty. "New Eden should be coming up off to the East in the next day or so. Think you've got it under control, or do you need the pro to take the wheel?" Ralerus raised a thick eyebrow, smirking at the jest towards his companion. He was fully prepared to dodge out of the way, should Tor'mur's robust fist come spiraling towards his face. Adjusting his captain's hat, he stepped around her, whistling a merry tune. "Don't fall asleep this time~"​
On the front of the ship's deck, stands two men, Gosberg, the ship's Arsenal Commander, and Remon the Cabin Boy. Gosberg fiddles around with the scope of his Long Gun, as Remon loads a hollow clay pot onto a Ballista.

"Job's done sir." Remon said once he finished prepping the weapon.

"Very well then." Gosberg finishes up his tinkering before looking out at the open ocean through his Long Gun's scope. "50 Yards...Release!" Remon pulls a lever and the Ballista slings the pot a good 50 yards from the ship. Gosberg watched the pot, through his scope, land into the water and he waits and aims. To ease the silence he addressed Remon "You excited?" He asks

"I'm...sorry sir. I don't think I quite understand."

"About tomorrow, or the day after if the gods wish to be right bastards. New Eden is your home town is it not?"

"Yes sir...about 6 or 7 years ago, I called it my home. I wish I could come back under...better circumstances." Remon replied

"Better circumstances? And what do you mean by that boy?" Gosberg asks, and right after he fires off the Long Gun, shattering the pot. "Reload!" He called and Remon got back to work reloading the Ballista as Gosberg began reloading his Sigil-Lock. "You're coming back to the place you were born for Knight's sake. You got to be at least happy or curious about how it was progressing right?" Gosberg took aim at the ocean yet again. "60 yards...Release!" Another pot flies out into the ocean.

"Maybe...I'm just hoping whatever friends that may still remember me would remain unharmed after his raid." Remon replied

"I see your thinking lad. But still you can at least can take a breath of relief once this life is over. I know I will when this is over. I'm not one for the sea. Too much salt, too much sun, and good steel is far and few between." Gosberg lets off another shot, shattering the second pot.

"I see your aim's getting better." Remon commented.

"Yes, and I last time I checked our supply of pots and shot remain as low as ever. Hopefully we can rectify that tomorrow." Gosberg opens up his flask and takes a drink, only to find that it was empty. He holds up his flask to Remon. "Go make me some more Iron Water, would you kindly. Residue's in my quarters and I know you know where the Rum is." Gosberg ordered and Remon takes the flask from the Arsenal Commander

"As you wish Sir." Remon said before heading under to make the commander some drink.
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Maligaro Sol - Fortune Slave Deck, Terrestrial Bay

Maligaro emerged from below deck, standing in the entrance a moment for his eyes to adjust to the light. He squinted, and pulled up the hood of his red robes. It was his first time above deck since he had arrived on board. He had been setting up his surgery room, and reading over a handful of books he had picked up in port. He took his meals in his cabin, and kept to himself. No one had needed his aid, thus far anyway. Maligaro ascended the final few steps and stepped on the deck.

He walked slowly down the length of the ship to the prow, one hand carressing the railing as he went. Several sailors loitering on deck in small groups glared conspicuously at him as he passed, and dropped their conversation into low, murmured tones. Maligaro gave them an ever so slight nod in greeting as he passed. He took note of the various reactions: apprehension, caution, superstitious glares. They held no fear, though. Maligaro saw that clearly enough. The crew were a veteran bunch, and they had faith in their captain that taking him aboard was for the better.

Maligaro held high hopes for this ship and its crew. Surely, they wouldn't be lead astray by the freak storms he usually found himself caught in, and wouldn't be scared by the few trinkets he had brought with him to help him in his service of the gods. Soon, though, they would begin assault upon the Admiral's estate, and there he would see the true mettle of this crew. He had prepared some poultices and a handful of other supplies to be used during the battle, assuming there was a true confrontation.

Maligaro shook his head lightly to clear it as he reached the prow of the ship. He unclasped his amulet, and wrapped it around his pale palm. He stood in a trance at the very foremost of the ship, hands meeting in fist and palm, head balanced on the fingertips. He rocked back in forth ever so slowly with the gentle churning of the ship, his red and gold robes fluttering lightly with the wind flowing from his back. On some days, the gods would speak to him. He could hear them most of the time, but it took quiet, and patience to try to understand what they said. Maligaro exhaled, and listened.
Fortune Slave
At the Wheel
Tor'Mur stood at the wheel of the Fortune Slave, seemingly in one of her rare good moods. Though the sun was setting, the last few rays were still warm, and the sea air was as crisp as ever. Tor'Mur inhaled deeply and exhaled with a satisfied grin. Oh, the weather was nice and all, but that's not what really made the first mate happy. No, it was the anticipation of the coming raid that really got her blood pumping. It had been a while since they'd seen some really good action, and Tor'Mur was itching to swing her blade again. Not to mention the rewards... They'd been after this mysterious island ever since they'd first heard word of it, and now their hunting was about to pay off. While Tor'Mur was a woman of action, she had to admit the Ralerus' plan seemed flawless. With the kidnapping of the Admiral's daughter, he would have no choice but to hand over the map.

Tor'Mur looked over as she heard the Captain approaching, and she greeted him with a friendly nod. "Do you need a pro to take the wheel?" he said.

Tor'Mur just rolled her eyes in response. If she weren't in such a good mood, she probably would have punched him. "Don't fall asleep this time," he continued.

Okay, now she would punch him. Tor'Mur threw a fist his way. "If you weren't such a slave driver that never would have happened," she said. "We both know I do all the work around here," she continued. "Hiding in your quarters all the time, puh-lease!"
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Alora - Fortune Slave, somewhere high up in the sails

The barely noticeable breeze that tickled along the female's shoulders and over the back of her neck made her sigh softly as she watched the setting sun’s rays dance across the darking blue-green of the sea. The scent of the salt air was the sweetest perfume the earth gave off. Perhaps she was just biased though, after all she had lived her entire life at its edge and sailing over it. Her ancestors hailed from its depths like many fish and beauties that gave life to this desert plain.

The call of the captain caused her blue gaze to drift down to the elven male, “Hai~!” She called as she hopped up from her place of rest then stretched. Any who watched her might have though her just taking her sweet time but really she didn’t want to pull a muscle again. The last time she did that she had pulled a shoulder muscle and had to direct someone else to hoist the sails and check all the other riggings. The siren preferred to just do it herself.

Once finished stretching she smirked then did a swan dive towards the deck. On the way down she grabbed a rope which caused all sorts of thing to come undone and allow the sails to unfurl with a bustling rumple then snap that caused the ship to jerk slightly as the wind filled the canvases. As her boot covered feet hit the deck she sprung into action tying off the rope in her hand to the main mast before moving in a flash of movement to get the other ropes that needed attention. Most knew to stay well out of her work space when she was getting the sails ready. Those that didn’t ended up used as bounce posts for the female to use to get from one place to another.

“Onward bound to the sun!” She cried as she was finished and had landed near the captain, “Where are we headed anyway?” Knowing something so simple helped tell her what to expect when it came to how much attention needed to be paid to the various sails. Her choppy blue hair was tussled by the wind making her tiny black horns appear smaller than normal.
Gosberg- Somewhere on deck

Gosberg had spent the entire night on deck. He had fallen asleep sitting on a crate and leaning on his Long Gun. His hand was held tightly to a half-empty flash. He was awaken when his hand mistakenly pulled the trigger of his gun, letting off a loud shot. He lets off a snort before waking up. "I'm up! Who's calling?" He looks around to see that it was early morning, much to his surprise. "How much did I drink last night?" He groaned before taking a swig of Iron Water. "Apparently not enough." He quickly downs the rest of the drink before standing to do his daily chores. The first of which was to check in with the first mate, or bother. Whichever came first. Gosberg walks up to Tor whom, he assumed spent the entire night steering the ship. "Well how do you do my toothy friend. Stayed up all night I see. Catch any good sights? See anything interesting and the like?"

Remon- Somewhere on deck

Remon jumped at Gosberg's gunfire, spilling a bucket of water all over the deck. He rolled his eyes as he watched the Rolman walk off to probably pester the First Mate. He spent most of early morning swabbing the deck, a task that was now harder due to the Arsenal Commander's tendency to fall asleep holding onto his firearms. Still he remained ever vigilant, mopping up the mess, muttering to himself the entire time.
Fortune Slave
At the Wheel
Tor'Mur was leaning heavily against the wheel that morning, trying her hardest to keep her eyes open. She'd been there all night, and her boredom was starting to get the best of her. The First Mate jumped when a gun suddenly went off, followed by Gossy's loud shout. While mentally slapping herself for almost falling asleep at the helm again, Tor stood up straight and peered down at the deck, only to groan when she saw Gossy heading her way. She glared at him when went to stand next to her.

"Interesting? No. But I do see something pretty ugly standing about two feet away from me," she shot back. "Was that you firing your gun, trying to wake the dead? Pity it wasn't a little closer to your face; ya coulda spared us all from having to look at your ugly mug anymore."
Gosberg - At the wheel

Gosberg chuckled at Tor's crude humor. As much as he enjoys the half-breed's antics, he wasn't going to let a slight like that go unanswered, despite what usually comes after. "If you're proposing I shoot my flask then you need to work on your persuasion skills. It's a engineer's best friend, acting as both container for the strong stuff as well as a mirror for grooming. But I completely understand your confusion. It's hard to recognize one's self when they avoid every mirror on the ship, for fear of bad fortune." He replied.
Fortune Slave
At the Wheel
Tor'Mur's head snapped toward Gosberg at the insult. The burly woman's hands left the wheel as she took a step toward him. "Avoid every-" she spluttered. "I'll show you bad fortune you no good, tin-headed, yellow-bellied-" She didn't get a chance to finish as she swung her fist at him, aiming straight for the jaw.
Maligaro Sol - Fortune Slave, at the wheel

The gods spoke slow most days, quiet and droning. Maligaro strained to hear them, and struggled more to understand them. Today, though, he found he had no trouble. They spoke fast and loud, arguing back and forth, back and forth. Maligaro could barely make out their words in their conversation. He stood enthralled for the night, listening to the voices only he could hear. The gods mumbled of stirring winds, of shaking earth, and of crashing waves. They spoke of change.

The loud, sharp crack of the rifle pulled Maligaro from his trance. He slowly opened his eyes, only to find the sun opposite of where he had last seen it. He had stood the night listening to the whispers. His hands were shaking, and his head was dizzy and tired. Fatigue and excitement swirled all at once.

Today, though, Maligaro knew there would be matters to attend to. They were set to arrive at the Estate today. Maligaro took a moment to collect himself, and strode to the helm, to find Gossy and Tor in a rather animated discussion. He approached silently, and began to speak as Tor threw her punch.

"Commander Gosberg. First Mate Tor'Mur. I hope you two gentlemen would settle down. We have important business to do today." He said respectfully, unaware of his mistake.
Captain Ralerus Deldros
Fortune Slave Pirate Ship, On Deck

The rather intricate redwood doors of the Captain's cabin flew open, banging harshly against the walls beside it; only moments after the bang of Gosberg's rifle penetrated the still morning air. Heavy leather boots made loud thumps against the deck as the man approached, the buckles on his vest clinking ever so slightly. Other pirates on the ship retreated back as Ralerus closed in on the steering wheel where the three stooges stood now, his First Mate being quick to fight as always. "Arsenal Commander!" He addressed the other man sternly, folding his hands behind his back in a formal stance. "As thoughtful as it was of you to act as the ship's rooster and kindly give us all a wake-up call, I would advise that you not do so again. Lord knows I lose enough sleep listening to the racket Tor snores up."

With the little jab at his partner, the dark elf strode closer to the edge of the ship and looked out over the waters below. No storm had stricken overnight, and the day for now seemed calm. Perhaps the gods themselves were blessing the crew on their endeavor. Ralerus had never been a religious man, though, and could only appreciate the weather for what it was. The pirates had an important task ahead of them today. Now was the perfect time to strike. The only time.

He turned towards Maligaro, pushing tangled locks of long black hair over his shoulder. "I should hope that your services will not be needed today, Surgeon; but if they are... Well, I trust you will not disappoint." Offering his ally an emboldening quirk of the lips, the Captain stepped up to the wheel which Tor'Mur currently occupied and whistled. "Is it that time for us to switch posts? Unless you think that you can make it the rest of the way and still be restless enough to fight?" It was a rhetorical question, really, because Ralerus knew that the inimical woman was far too supercilious to just give up like that. She would take it as a sign of losing, and if he knew his friend, she hated losing. And he also knew that she was always ready to brawl. It was likely that as soon as the port of New Eden came into view, the First Mate would spring to life, ready to decimate her foes at the drop of a hat. That's exactly what he would need her for.

"Speaking of restlessness... Is Navi up yet? I swear, if I find her passed out beneath deck again with our entire stock of rum laid out beside her, I might just really throw her overboard this time." Muttering these things to himself under his breath, he looked up towards where the sun rose into view, guiding them to their destination. It had been a good while since the man set foot in the marble city. Nothing but false pretenses of freedom and corrupt officials would have awaited there.
Alora - Fortune Slave, somewhere high up in the sails

The siren sat on the edge of a cross mass as she twisted and knotted small strands of rope into various decorative knots while she gazed out at the water. It called to her like a song she remembered from her childhood years. The glimmer of a few fish breaching a few yards from the boat's side had her standing slightly as she quickly stipped down to her undergarments then did what only a fool would have done. She jumped off the edge of the sail and dove right down into the salty warm water below.

Her shoes and clothes would hit the deck with a thud as they were tied up neatly together with a thud. Any who knew of her secret would simply be amused by the female’s eagerness to fish in the same manner of her ancestors. Once in the water her form changed slightly. Her legs became a fin and tail. While smaller fins cropped up along her arms and shoulders. The fins and scales were a beautiful orange red dashed through with dark blue. Her fins were mostly blue like her hair. Her sheer speed under the waves was surprising. A large tuna that had been chasing the tinier fish tried to run from her only to quickly be caught by its side as it was struck by the siren’s rather hard head and thrown right out of the water.

Unfazed and rather happy now Alora surfaced with a giggle as the stunned tuna floated near her. She gave a slight whistle before a coiled length of rope shot off the side instantly tying itself to the rail of the ship as it dropped down to the female below. Grabbing the tuna with one hand she held it tight to her chest then let the rope hoist her up a bit so she was out of the water which allowed her form to return to that which was more suitable to the land. The rope pulled the woman with fish up the rest of the way. She was humming happily as she reached the railing and tossed the tuna onto the deck before climbing aboard.

Her simple white cotton shirt and shorts clung to her slim form leaving nothing for the imagination, “Cook~!” She cried out cheerfully, “I has a tuna!” Alora thought she had done a great thing plucking the large fish out of the water. She noticed the gun fire just then and nearly jumped back into the water backwards as she stared wide eyed at the male who did it. The Captain chewed him out which made her feel a little better but she was sure one of these days she would end up with a hunk of lead in her chest from the pure clumsiness of the weaponist.

It was then she noticed the surgeon, “Hey, Ducky!” she chimed as she made her way over to the tuna and picked it up, “How’s you~?” She asked as she scooted over to him and stared him over as she did all she found interesting.
Gosberg takes a strike straight to the jaw. If he wasn't already half-drunk then that might have dropped him in one go. Still having heard the call of his captain, he moved around his lower jaw, to make sure nothing was broken after Torvy's gentle mercies.

"I don't know what you're complaining about. It's just the sound of progress being made my kind captain. But I shall heed your word. No more drinking and shooting before slumber." To help dull the sting even more Gosberg lights up his pipe. "Now if you excuse me, I think I best tend to my daily tasks." He heads below deck in order to tend to the ship's arms.
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Fortune Slave
At the Wheel
Luckily for the surgeon, Tor'Mur did not hear his comment as the Captain made his entrance. The First Mate gritted her teeth at Ralerus' jibe and muttered, "that was one time." Though best if he didn't know how close she had come to falling asleep this time around. She really was exhausted, and would have been more than happy to step down so she could get some rest, though she bristled at the Captain's next comment all the same.

"Fine," she replied stiffly, "but only because I need to be at full strength today." Tor'Mur relinquished the wheel. As she brushed past Ralerus on her way down, she added with a snicker, "Lord knows you're no good in a fight."

She was alluding to his little blood issue of course. The rest of the crew didn't know about the Captain's fear of the stuff, and Tor was willing to keep his secret. Though, that didn't mean she was above poking fun at him all the same.

Tor'Mur stalked down the steps from the helm as she started to make her way below deck to her quarters. Most people were smart enough to get out of her way, though a few unlucky ones were too oblivious to notice her presence in time before they were forcefully shoved out of the way. One unfortunate soul toppled over the railing with a yelp and landed in the water with a loud 'splash.' As Tor'Mur disappeared below-deck, she could be heard shouting at a few sailors who were taking a little too long to get themselves ready.
Marcus Polon, Fortune Slave, Near the board

Gun shots. Tor and Gosberg fighting each other. Beautiful Navi and Alora's newest pray. It was too early for all of those things. Well, maybe not for the last one, but it was still early.

The alchemist was standing at the larboard of the ship and looked down on the frothy water below and at the small net, that was bumping against the side of the ship. It was full of seaweeds, of various shapes, colors and sizes, and was probably heavy as hell.

He tried to pull it on the board with all of his nearly nonexistent might. During that he moaned obnoxiously loudly, as if he was lifting the greatest weight a human being has ever attempted to move. After around two seconds of restless trying, he gave up and sat on the board. Nearly out of his breath he shouted on the entire ship:

Remon hears the call, and sighs. Just one job after another, after another. He leaves the bucket and mop where it was and walked over to Marcus. He didn't really like the mad alchemist. He doesn't think most mates on the ship really much liked him. At least not since a couple years ago when he spiked one of the crew's meals with one of his 'special mixes'. Still he was outranked by pretty much everyone on the ship so he begrudgingly walks over to the medic.

"Something you need sir?" He asks
Maligaro Sol - Fortune Slave, At the Wheel

"We're stocked and prepared with potions and poultices, and the surgery is fully prepared and stocked. I haven't been idle the past few days." He bowed his head in respect. "Captain."

It was then he noticed Alora staring intently at him. Maligaro turned to her, and stared back, mimicking her motions. "Hello." He said softly.
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Alora - Fortune Slave, portside

The neon blue eyes of the female glanced over to the surgeon from their momentary drifting over towards the alchemist that was yelling at a boy to come help him, “What sort of fish do you like?” She asked just as she heard the distinct sound of someone yelling as the fell over the side of the ship. Her cheerfulness fell for a moment as she glanced to where a few of the other shipmen were crowding the side railing. Damn it.

“I’ll be right back. I suppose your gallery might have a guest after all,” She tossed the large tuna to some crew member before she made her way over to where the others were. Taking up a short bundle of rope she stood on the railing then dove back into the ocean. Her transformation taking over once again. Surfacing she made motions with her hands for the idiots up top to help her find the male. The water was moving fast around the boat due to the ship being pushed along by the wind. Once someone pointed she dove and swam over to the poor fool who was now sinking like a rock.

Quickly she bound the rope around his waist then looped the straps over her own shoulders. Breaching she waved for some of the rope to unbind from a post near the rail and fall down to her. It was secured to one of the pegs. She hoisted herself and the man up out of the water. Where she had to pause for a moment to let the change from fins to legs take place. Once done she climbed up the side using the rope, “Oi! Help a little he weighs a ton wet!” The man was bigger than herself after all.
~Navyra Darling- Fortune Slave~

Navi, in a drunken stupor, came from her spot and walked over to Alora's location, aiming to help her out after watching everything unfold below her post. "Gotcha, lovely!" she said, as she wobbled over and lifted both Alora and the man from the side of the ship with her hand. Setting them down gently, she gave Alora a wink before dashing off towards Tor. "TOR!" she sung as she slung her arm across the mentioned's shoulder. "Guess what I sa-saw! I saw um...the thing with grass and" she paused, frowning in thought. "Land! I saw land up ahead!" she said with a huge grin.​
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