The (Un)lucky Few

Name: Arrow Smith
Age: 18
Physical characteristics: Arrow has a small, petite stature, standing at 4' 8". Has a burn scar on her left ring finger, all the way around the base of the finger like a ring.

Personality: Arrow is a quick-thinking kleptomaniac. Sweet and spunky, she's got a fiery temper to match her hair and a deep love of puns and bad jokes. Mostly, she loves to make them. She is a kind individual, who trusts easily and is rather naive and innocent, believing in the good in humanity. Ever the optimist, she loves to spout random bits of wisdom, and oftentimes they don't make sense to anyone but herself. If you make her angry, you'll regret it, but if you don't, she'll stick by your side. Loyal to the end, she's always willing to pick up a little somethin' for her friends.
Brief description of history: Arrow narrowly avoided getting caught stealing several times, but one day, she took a ring, and the security was notified. Fleeing the scene, she snuck around the restricted areas of the ship, and in her desperation she tripped. She grabbed a pipe to stabilize herself, but the pipe was incredibly hot, heating the ring and the rest of her hand. When the security found her, she was cradling her hand tenderly, sobbing. They had to cut the now deformed ring from her finger, and they treated her burns before shipping her off to jail.
Skills: Arrow is stealthy, quick, and silent, and an incredible thief. She could steal the nose-ring right off your face and you wouldn't even notice. Probably. She's very flexible and agile, with a gymnast's level of bendiness. She's also very good at following orders, and prefers to be told what to do, rather than have to come up with it herself.