The World Engine Locker


Guarding lands of Eternal Frost
Jomber's Rules of character ruling shall be here:
1. No God Items
2. No God Armor
3. No God players
4. What Jomber says is absolute
Jomber said:
Well, five second time travel as an excuse for a dodge is fine. Just... there needs to be a cooldown or windup.
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Cinon and Cedric's info and abilities:

Both are just larger than a wild wolf, ~240 lbs. Both are built like the six limbed quadrupedal dragons, but their wings are located on their arms and neatly fold when not in use.

Neither have thumbs and have difficulty manipulating most things designed for humans.

Relative to a human, both are stronger, tougher, and bigger. Both are slower than humans on the ground, but cannot be beat by any land animal once in the air.

- Invisibility (Detectable by passive noise / air movement, but not active type "scanners". Invisibility only works on exterior tissue.)
- Skilled in the art of quiet
- Clumsy

- Defensive movement into minds (dreamspace). Actions taken in dream space have different effects on the mind.
- Can speak with host, experience senses
- Always feels pain / more intense senses from Cinon

With Body / FM:
- Able to access "electric mechanical minds" (computers) - Ai only?

With Body:
- Telepathy
- Aggressive movement into minds (dreamspaces)
- Stronger
- Faster
- Bigger
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I work better in google docs.
Ethans Char here.
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View attachment 955

Gabriella (Gabby) Asualtak:

Physical traits:
Age physically: 20 years
Actual age: 90 years
Height: Just under 5'5
Weight: 140lbs
Build: Petite, thin waisted but with curve and muscle
Eyes: light grey
Hair: dark brown
Distinguishing Features: Gabby wears a grey flight jumpsuit with two breast pockets and four pockets on the legs. A patch on her left shoulder shows off the insignia of the Skycorp and another patch on the opposite shoulder shows the flag from her homestead continent of Aerikta.

Gabby was born on her home world Kaereal on Aerikta, one of 90 floating continents inhabited by a humanoid race. These floating continents vary in size, shape, and have vastly different cultures on each. Air travel was developed for the continents to travel to one another without having to trek through the Wilds. The Wilds is the planet surface below the continents and is uninhabitable by humans. It includes thick jungles full of various Wilds beasts, lava flows, fields of geysers that erupt corrosive and poison gas. Much it if remains unexplored.

Gabby was a pilot for the SkyCorp, a 90 continent funded organization that develops flight and defense technology. She has had combat training, medical training and many hours of flight to be a pilot and has a broad range of skills in these areas.

Her life came to a sudden and tragic end when a test flight went terribly wrong, causing her to crash on the surface of a continent, despite her best efforts. She left behind a mother, father and sister with whom she was close.

She awakes as a spirit, floating aimlessly, unseen, unheard, and intangible to her world for 70 years. This causes her to become disconnected to her humanity and forget things she once used to feel. Upon being teleported to the Observatory of the World Engine, she finds she has a doll body that can interact with the world around her for the first time in 70 years. Her emotions and memories slowly begin to return.

-Weapons and hand to hand combat training
-basic field first aid
-Doll Body: does not have organs, blood, or a heart beat. She does not need to breathe, but does so out of habit sometimes. The body allows her soul a vessel to use in the World Engine for the basic senses, which also includes pain.
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Name: Cinder
Age: 32
Gender: Male.
Height: 6'2-6'6 (head-start of tail)
Weight: ~500 lbs.
Wears a dragon amulet that is attracted to pure souls and when worn learns about the wearer through mental interaction. (read more below)
Cinder is a strong fire-breathing dragon with Runic Triggers that power a set of elemental and telepathic spells on his horns. He can also transfigure things close to him to similar elements. (ex: granite to basalt)
HUGE disliking of humans because one killed his sister. Won't kill on sight though.

Appearance: a Singular gem of purple color, no chain.
Powers: telepathy, harmless feeding of souls
1/100 (Tk: 2.5 PS: 10)
Appearance: A gem of the wearer's favorite color, kept within the tail of a curled up silver dragon. (includes chain from here up)
Powers: Telepathy, flight, soul vision, camouflage, harmless feeding of souls
1/500 (Tk: 1 PS: 4)
Appearance: A gem of the wearer's favorite color, surrounded by 6 gems of purple within a silver casing
Powers: Telepathy, flight, soul vision, emotional influence (suggestion not force) of wearer, ability to change into other jewelry (ex: bracelet), camouflage, harmless feeding of souls
1/2500 (Tk:0.4 PS: 1.5)
Appearance: A gem of the wearer's favorite color with 12 more, The main in the middle being of a petal of a flower, the twelve others surrounding it. The chain changing to that of silver flowers.
Powers: Telepathy, flight, soul vision, a strong emotional influence of proximity, ability to change into other jewelry, camouflage, ability to slowly (10-15 mins) drain souls for energy.
1/6250 (Tk:0.4 PS:0.6 AS: 100
Appearance: Large center gem with 3 smaller at the top and bottom, below those three, two rows of 8 gems each, above which the chain is changed to that of gems (all gems are purple from here up)
Powers: Telepathy, teleportation, true vision (multiple forms), Immense mental influence of proximity, ability to transform into any other apparel, ability to quickly drain souls for energy
1/31250 (Tk:0.4 PS:0.6 AS:

(Because I got tired of describing.)
Powers: Stronger of those before, the ability to quickly mass drain souls, the ability to overload mind for short duration, complete control of 3 forms (mind body soul), the only way to destroy is to drain to lesser form.
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Name: Elizabeth Penry
Nickname(s): Penny (she hates this nickname!)
Age: 20
Height: 5'4"
Sex: Female
Weight: 134
Sexual Preference:
She has no interest in romance, though this can change. (Just play your cards right)
Elizabeth has deep red hair and vibrant, electric blue eyes. There is a light splattering of freckles across her upper cheeks and nose. Her long, red hair is typically shoved behind her left ear and tied back in a ponytail.
Elizabeth enjoys wearing an old, tattered brown trench coat. However, her coat is now more patches and pockets then actual coat. She wears a white t-shirt, which is covered in oil and grease stains, that is tucked into her blue jeans. She wears a brown leather belt and brown leather boots. She carries a 10mm Glock in a brown thigh holster on her right leg.
10mm Glock, She is also very adept with short blades.
Elizabeth is really good with anything mechanical or electronical. She is also rather adept at programming. She dismantles old pieces of equipment and modifies newer things all the time.
She is really bad with people.
Elizabeth is a soft spoken girl. By soft spoken, I mean that she follows the saying "Speak softly and carry a big stick" almost religiously. She doesn't care for most people, as they just annoy her. She is not religious at all either. She enjoys scrapping old technologies and modifying them for her own use. (Robot army!!!) She is typically ice cold towards people, but if she has some technology to play with, then she is as happy as a clam.
Elizabeth grew up in a normal Irish home. She was an only child who worked from a young age to help support her family. She always hated people because of the way they treated her and her family just because they were poor. Having worked as a mechanic in her younger years, Elizabeth was finally able to get a good paying job with an exploratory expedition force. After negotiating that all the money that she earned would be sent directly to her family, Elizabeth packed up everything she owned and boarded Earth's ships.
(Look at the face, ignore the dress; also, her body dimensions are the same as in the picture)
Name: Nazren Chaimre
Race: 'Awakened' Human
Age: 74 (looks late 30's)
Height: 6'1
Weight: 210
Appearance: (from top to bottom) Nazren has unkempt wavy brown hair and one glowing electric blue eye covered by his hood (A gray-blue regular eye next to it). under his bandana is a three claw mark scar that ends at his lips. A long silver tear stretches from his straight left shoulder down to his back just below the ribcage. multiple other smaller scars lie across his body. they are not of importance. Dusty brown with gold trim armor is one of the many layers of clothing he wears, with hardened black leather from a Karok just underneath it. (there is also a blue ribbon on his left arm. Don't know where to put that but it's important.)
Whenever someone touches his skin, however, his form changes to that of his 800-year-old cursed self: flaky patches, pale skin, and a sewn eye. Burns and cuts lie in large number across the rest of his corpse, with a glowing white cut across what's left of a palm and fake fingers(left hand).
Trained in multiple variants of swordplay
Trained for decades how to hide well in the shadows
Good aim with most ranged weapons
Resistance to pain
Good senses
Only human.
weak near magic
can't swim/afraid of bodies of water (more than say a swimming pool)
becomes weak when touched by flesh (see wraith form appearance)
4 large throwing daggers
1 sword
1 bow
a few dozen arrows
a few smoke pellets
a full coin purse
1 owl by the name of passer
1 grappling hook gauntlet
1 hidden blade gauntlet

Hardened by hardship
Rusty social skills
Pure soul
Forcibly uncaring
Wish: Be free from his wraith form.
On winter's sun,
A woman on the run,
Shall create,
One of sealed fate.
His skin shall flake,
His insides shall bake,
Torment shall follow,
A punishment of Sorrow,
For all those he holds dear.

This shall be done,
For he is the son,
Of the immortal one,
A lord of bad fun.
This master of lies,
tricked the one who flies,
To host a great slaughter,
Every being but not her,
Not the wife of fear.

This child who shall soon draw breath,
Shall be banished from death,
But blessed be his cowl,
And also his owl,
For I am not made of stone.

I, wife of fear,
Shall be ever near,
And make sure the curse adheres.
My words shall not be twisted,
He shall be restricted,
This can only be lifted,
by a powerful one like our own.
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Name: Garzon

Age: 35

Height: 5'8

Race: Native

Sex: Male

Weight: 137 lbs

Appearance: Wears denim shorts as well as a t-shirt given to Garzon by terran after being rescued. Has wavy brown hair and a feathered headdress similar to aztec headdresses. He is missing his left eye.

Equipment: See the appearance section for clothing. Garzon also carries around a large animal skin bag with healing supplies in it.

Skills: Good with herbs and medicine as well as healing magic to the extent of a native's abilities. Knows extremely limited of draconic languages(just enough to do his job when he was a slave). It is worth noting he got a considerably better education from the elders of the tribes due to his special abilities than most natives

Weaknesses: Not physically fit. Missing his left eye so it is easy to sneak up on him

Personality: Very smart and a know it all. Has a quick mind. Garzon is calm. He had bad experiences with most of the dragons he met, although his owners were not overly cruel to him

Backstory: He grew in a forest as part of a small tribe. He showed extraordinary talent in healing for a native and also some magical talent, which, while outshone by most dragons, was still far above that of a normal native. He quickly become a leader to the surrounding tribes and taught them to defend themselves against dragons. The dragons, obviously, didn't like this and sent a force to deal with Garzon and his confederation. No matter how trained the natives were, however, they were still easily defeated by the dragons without killing a single one. Most of the natives were killed, but Garzon was captured to serve as a healer for the leader of the group of dragons that had captured them. He tried to work against the dragons when he was enslaved but his left eye was mutilated as punishment. Gazron then realized that working against the dragons was hopeless and did was he was asked by the dragons. He was a slave for 5 years before the terran arrived and freed him. Right before his introduction to the RP he is currently living in a terran camp.
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Breed: Purebred, Su Aura Song
Age: Late teens

Appearance: Typical features of her breed with a long finned tail. Scales are opalescent in color mixed with a few black scales, creating a mirrored patter over her body. The green and pink sheen to her pearly scales glows naturally in the dark in intricate swirling patterns. She has bright pink eyes. Measurements: 4.9 at the shoulder 4.5 meters in length

Background: Safyia is a perfectly content flying with her small family of 8. She thinks little of the comings and goings of the world below her claws and spends most of her time dipping in and out of clouds with her older brother Lyru. When her brother is old enough, he is married to a young dragon from another family named Ykaya. He is strictly traditional, and while he follows these traditions, it is no secret he is unhappy with his new bride who is for lack of a better term…odd. Ykaya urges Safyia to go out and see the world before settling down. She kindly ignores the warnings from her sister-in-law at first. What could be better or more amazing than life in the sky? No worries or cares? But the more Safyia speaks with her the more she wants to know about the on goings of the world below. It seems almost exciting. While she isn’t fully convinced associating with Terran’s and mutts is a good thing, her curiosity grows. She decides to take Ykaya up on her advice, much to her entire family's chagrin, and leaves on her own.

Exhaling fire in limited quantities.
Adept in flight, both in maneuverability and duration
naturally telepathic- (average in skill among pure breeds)
