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Overpowered Loner
"Well, I guess that was quite stupid but so was I.
Till a year ago I thought that the term role-play is only used for rpg games. Whichever site I went to, people would always tell how they started rping when they were this small or since how many years they have been rping. But, I just started a year ago and I questioned myself, why did I not discover this sooner?
Rping has this different feel to it. It feels so good that you are in control rather than having to follow one of the pre-determined path that the writer prepared for you. I don't know about you or others but I generally forget a large portion of my dream when I wake up. And the dream is also completely random over which I have no control. Rping to me was like daydreaming about the things I hoped would exist or happen and having a book written on what happened in that dream. So, I searched for quality sites, where quality users would post quality content with whom you can enjoy role playing to your content.[Drumrolls]That's when I found [In slow motion] storytellerscircle."

Does referring friends gets us any benefits? I am planning to send this to my friends.
By the way I am AnonRex and I just turned 19 a couple of days ago. Nice to meet you all.
Wow that was the most beautiful click bait article I've read in a while, Buzz Feed eat your heart out if you'd just write like this guy you'd actually be making money.
Welcome to the site by the way we've got another Rex but i'm sure it won't be confusing.
#7 definitely shocked me!

Welcome to STC, AnonRex! Hope you'll enjoy your time here with us. It's always better late than never to discover RPing.

The daydreaming analogy is pretty good, that's actually how I got started before I ever knew about the internet. With a crappy notebook and a buddy in grade school, we started going from our random class daydreaming into the epic saga of some cyborg muscley discount Dragonball Saiyan guy and a robot snake dragon. The rest was history.

We don't have any tangible benefits for referrals added yet, but we've been keeping track of them for whenever we settle our minds on a system for it, so eventually we'll have something.

Once we do, we'll retroactively grant it to people who had previously referred others.

Hope you have a good time here with us at STC, and don't hesitate to contact any of our staff if you have any questions.

Happy Rping.