New User Um...H-hi.


I was trying to find a new site to RP on, and...well...stumbled upon this one. That's why I decided to join, so...yeah.
Hey! Want to provide us with some RP preferences and experiences?

Feel free to ask me questions
I like any kind of RP, and have been doing for about...a year and a half to two years, I believe. I've experienced various kinds of RPs, and tend to switch between rping in first and third person, depending on whether it's me and a group of people or just me and one other person.
Hey there and welcome to Storyteller's Circle!

I see that you got your introduction thread up, but make sure you swing through our other community forums as well. The sooner you get to engaging your fellow writers, the sooner we can get your account approved so you can start joining roleplays.

In the meanwhile, if you need any assistance with anything please don't hesitate to ask. We're a pretty friendly lot here, and there's usually a pile-up line of people happy to lend a hand :)
Will do. Thank you, all of you, for the warm welcome. Now, I shall go begin my journey into the world of the community here.