unexpected friends

Faith followed Anne, looking like a curious tourist, and not at all like the protective angel she actually was. Anne didn't know who or what she was, and she intended to keep it that way for as long as possible. She likely couldn't keep it a secret forever, especially if Anne was attacked. After all, she wouldn't be able to explain her choice of weapons especially well. Still, maybe it would make Anne feel a bit safer knowing she had a guardian angel nearby.

Faith's eye's scanned around, looking for signs of being followed as she walked with Anne. She drew her own card, and went through the stall when the scanner beeped. Her every movement was fluid, almost deliberate, tailored to looking like she was something she was not. "I don't see any clear signs we're being followed right this moment. But, Anne, trust your instincts. If they say we're being followed, I think I'd rather be safe, and act like we are. People's instincts are better than most people think they are."
It was a long and exhausting trip to Amsterdam, but after 12 hours, Holt and Clark could finally find a decent place to rest. Holt had a place in mind. A somewhat more luxurious than usual Hotel in the western side of Amsterdam. He knew the owner from a previous contract. It was one of the more unpleasant but rather reasonable ones he had done. Which put the two in good relations, thus giving Holt and Clark the privilege of staying there for free.
Clark and Holt moved to their rooms, but not before Holt warned his friend to keep an eye on his companion, and a few "other" things. So there would be no scene later on.
The rooms which they were guided to - by a short, plump young lady - easily explained why the Hotel had 5 stars. But them being exhausted left little reason to admire the room in which they would be staying. After several minutes, they were both in bed.
3 hours later
Holt woke up by the feeling of the vibration his phone was producing. An alarm he set before he went to bed. He was already half dressed when he went to sleep, he even had his Shoes on. He made sure to do his best to not wake Clark up, it was the last thing he needed. Holt took his leather jacket and small black scarf and left the room. He had everything he needed to complete his contract in his car. He brought nothing of importance into the hotel. It was more convenient.
Some time later...
Gloria awoke to herself being dragged along on a dirt road. The rocks and dirt sewing themselves to her hair and clothes. She could barely make out what was dragging her, or even what was happening in that matter. Her head hurt from the constant bumps of sharp rocks and depressions she was being dragged on. Her first instinct was to get back on her feat.
She tried to grab onto the ground to lift herself up. But found out she had restrained By what? From the looks of things, it seemed to be straight jacket. Suddenly fully woken up by this revelation, she began to violently shake and wiggle like a worm. Her legs were tied together with rope and her mouth taped shut with duct tape. Her mouth as taped to she couldn't even move her mouth. Must have been layers covering it.
She looked to where she was being dragged, but the darkness was covering everything and the stars and the moon were the only source of light.
After a few moments, her eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and she could just barely make out the culprit. He stood at least 6.3 feet tall. He wore a hooded leather jacket and gloves. The rest was barely visible, but it could have been assumed he wore casual jeans and shoes.
She tried to speak, but her mouth simply wouldn't move. A few seconds later, the continuous dragging came to a halt. Gloria looked around frantically in hopes of finding a way to escape. As she did, she saw that she was laying next to a human shaped hole. It seemed to be at least 4 or 6 feet deep. Gloria could only struggle and pray that it wouldn't be her grave.
The man proceeded to unholster his gun. As he did, he gazed at her with cold eyes "Ma'am, I suggest you close your eyes. It will make things easier.".

1 hour later
After a rather productive nightly stroll, Holt was back in his hotel bed, one step closer to achieving his goal. Although he wasn't sure if he deserved a good night's rest...
Anne nodded at the woman and lead her through the busy station. They were lucky, just at the moment they walked on the station the metro entered. “We need to take that one.” She said whilst she walked into the full metro. There was no place to sit, so they forced to stand. They only had stay in the metro for about 5 minutes so it wouldn’t bother that much.

For so far as she knew, she wasn’t followed anymore but, it wouldn’t really matter she realized, they already know where she lived. Nervously she stared at the door. Suddenly anger started to boil up. She wasn’t going to run and hide like her father does. She wasn’t going to follow in his footsteps running away for some unknown enemy. “Do you have any idea what I am supposed to do now? I mean they know where I live.” She said softly towards the woman.
Faith thought for a moment. "You have a couple of options. Right now, you're being stalked. The police really can't do anything about that until they try to hurt you, but you could still tell them." Her voice was serious, not the lighthearted way it had been when they'd met, or the way she tried to keep herself to not worry Anne. "You're right, they know where you live, so they can always get at you there." She considered for a moment how much to tell Anne.

Faith was reasonably certain that Anne would never believe that she was here specifically to protect Anne. Not unless something happened and she was forced to reveal herself. "When you're being stalked, it's typically wise to move away or hide. But that's because most, and note I said most, stalkers are obsessed with the individual they are stalking and will give up if the object of their infatuation moves away. I'm not so sure that's going to be the case here. I'm a decent fighter, so as long as the two of us stick together, I can protect you." For the moment, as she spoke, her eyes were hard, those of a warrior, not a scared and confused tourist. Her mind was considering how to keep her charge safe, not if she could fool her into believing the lie.

Then, it was as if she realized she had allowed the facade to slip. She smiled, and the deadly seriousness was banished from her face and eyes. "Hey, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I mean, after all, unless they have something specific they want from you they won't dare take you in a crowd where you could cry out for help. Or while you're with someone."
“I hope so.” Anne answered. The girl was right, at this moment she wouldn’t be in danger. After a second she realized what the woman had just said. “Would you really do that?” she asked. “fight for a random stranger you just met?”

"Not many people would. I'd fight for someone I hadn't met at all if they were in danger." Faith said, "As it is, we may have just met, but you're helping me out. It would be discourteous if I didn't help you out." It wasn't the truth, or it wasn't the entire truth. It was a half truth, leaving out the truths that Anne wouldn't believe. "As long as you are with me, you're safe. I promise you that." She said.

"thank you,"Anne said. While leading someone trough Amsterdam and taking actual risk for someone were two completely different things, she was thankful for the help either way. She sighed for now she was save. The Metro stopped and Anne stepped aside to let the people pass. With people walking past between her and Faith she lost sight of her for a moment, before she got the change of telling the woman they suppose to stay in the metro. She hoped the woman wouldn't step out.

" You're welcome." Faith, who's eyes had never stopped scanning realized that people had gotten between her and Anne. She decided to wait for the people to leave, not wanting to leave without Anne. She almost reached her mind out, to link to Anne's mind. If she had to she could project her thoughts into the mind of someone, even if they weren't psionically inclined, but it could be a pain to get someone to not panic at the sudden voice in their minds, especially if they weren't psionically inclined. No, it was better to save something like that for an emergency. As a telepath, she could techincally also read people's minds, but she, like all psionics who had mental talents rather than more physical talents, such as cryokineses or pyronkineses, had been taught to respect the privacy of others. Only in an emergency would she take such a step. She located her charge on the other side of the doors, making sure not to loose sight of her again.

In reality, the time she was separated from Faith wasn't really long. Still, when she saw the woman again between the crowd she was relieved. Anne wasn't completely helpless herself. Hours of self-defense lessons her father had insisted on her taking had make sure for that. Still, she would very likely not be strong enough to fight against an adult man. especially when he was armed. In that case, she highly doubted if the woman could help, other than preventing the man from attacking in the first place because of her being there.

Anne observed the woman standing observing the situation and wondered who the mysterious tourist was. Half because of that and half because she wanted to break the silence she asked. "So, from what country do you come?"

"America." Faith responded. That was true enough. They didn't only recruit Angels from America, as people all over the world had the genetic marker that enabled them to get the cybernetic implants Faith should be getting after this mission. As it was, she was already stronger than Anne suspected, though not by as much as she would be with the implants. She had her swords with her, hidden, like she always did. She smiled at Anne.
"cool, how long are you gonne stay here?" Anne replied at the woman in the hope to have some sort of conversation to distract her mind of the man in the car.

"Not sure. A while. I think it kind of depends on if I can find a place to stay and how long my money lasts." It wasn't the whole truth. She was planning on staying until she was sure Anne was safe. Really truly safe. For some missions, it meant their lifetime. That was likely not what was going to happen this time, because those missions were given to the people who had cybernetic implants, due to the fact that they aged slower than someone like Faith who hadn't been implanted yet. But the money had nothing to do with this. She could get more if she needed to. No, she was trolling the idea out in the hopes that Anne would offer to let her stay with her. At the very least, she was implanting the idea that money could be an issue. It would be monumentally easier to keep an eye on Anne if she was staying with her charge. But if worse came to worse and Anne didn't bite, she could at least make sure she was nearby, and with Anne when they weren't sleeping.

"nice, you could possible rent a room from a student. They are gone anyway."Anne said. "I can give you some numbers from people who might wanne do that. You can also rent my room though if you want to? I am at home this summer." Anne suggested.
"I think I'll take you up on that." Faith said. Well, that went better than she'd expected.

"good, I shall show you my room, after I showed you Amsterdam. I do have to pack more than I first thought though to make place for your luggage." Anne answered. As she finished talking the metro stopped once again. This time Anne did step out. She made sure Faith followed her though.
"Sounds good to me." Faith followed Anne. She was glad she'd remembered to bring a pack. It would have looked odd for a tourist to not have some kind of luggage. And it had the benefit of being easy to carry. "And thank you, I appreciate it."

"it's fine" Anne replied seeking her way through the crowd out of the station. It wasn't a very long walk through the Dam from there and within ten minutes they arrived at the dam.

Faith followed closely, not wanting to lose Anne in the crowd. Since Anne couldn't see her, she didn't keep the interested tourist expression on her face, instead allowing a watchful expression to take it over instead. She wasn't being menacing, though if she'd wanted to, she could have caused the crowd to part before them like water. Her eyes were constantly scanning her surroundings. If Anne were to look back, Faith would immediately look like an interested tourist, if she noticed, that was.
The rest of the drive was long and eventful. At least Clark thought it was eventful. He liked when the man let him choose what they listened to and he was more interested in listening to the people talk on the little communications device. This human must not have had many credits. He ran around constantly and he couldn't even afford to repair the communications panel in his miserable craft. Still, at least Clark could try to understand what they were saying.

Before leaving their planet all those sent out to explore had to spend time studying and preparing to learn foreign languages. Not that they had ever encountered any, but the Tannas firmly believed that any language could be learned if one listened with great concentration. For hours he listened to the language and sometimes he would silently mouth the words when he thought he understood what they were saying. A few of the words felt odd and he found his jaw getting sore after a while, but at least he was making progress and he was determined to learn just a few words everyday. If he could remember 10 a day he would soon be speaking in this new language and then he would blend. Perhaps he could find someplace with more sophisticated technology too.

At last they stopped and it was again a crude sort of living. Far better than the last place and this one had a second bed. Clark nodded briefly to Holt and sat down on the edge of his bed. He wanted to learn more of the language and so he started to look for any kind of communications in this new place. This one was somewhat better, it even came with a screen, but again there was no way to speak back. In fact, it didn't appear that was the purpose of this device. Instead it was some sort of entertainment. There was only one way to learn about these strange humans and that was simply to watch what they enjoyed. So far as he could tell they were oddly incapable of keeping interested in one thing.

There was an eclectic selection of interests surrounding a primary figure in the entertainment. He started to figure out as time went that the primary form of entertainment was the show and the rest was trying to sell a product to homosapians. They were advanced enough to know what it was to prey on those seeking comfort, attention, beauty, or any other little desire. During his long study he must have fallen asleep. When Clark woke up next the sun was shining through the shades of the small room and he carefully sat up. Holt must have turned off the entertainment hologram. Without a word Clark stood up and he marched right back over to the hologram and turned it on again. He was determined to learn more of this language. The hologram was far more helpful than what the man had in his craft.
Collab @Silence , @Alissa Ming , @The_Dujke and @Blue winter rose

Anne pointed at the hold her arms out wide, "well, so this is "de Dam", the centrum of historic Amsterdam," she said. "And that is the National Monument," she added pointing at the large statue on the square. "Once a year on the 4th of may we have two minutes of silence, here to uh.. what's the word? think back? at all the Dutch people that died in wars, since the second world war." She explained, trying to keep her mind off the man.

Faith looked around, her gaze traveling to each location as Anne mentioned it. She didn't have to feign interest. After all, nothing truly lasted forever, and quite a few of these sites were long since gone, despite the best of conservation efforts. What was still there of the ancient days were not nearly in this pristine of condition. Then there were antiques like the dam itself. As technology had advanced, such crude energy methods had long since been abandoned, and in many places taken down. But even as interested as she was, she kept her lookout for any danger. "This is so cool." She said simply, not even trying to keep the awe out of her voice.

"Gorgeous..." Holt admired "I feel like ages have passed since i've been here.". He let out a chuckle when he realised that there was a huge hole in his schedule. He finished his contract and needed to hear from his employer. So all he could do now was wait. And since he was watching over Clark, he thought this could be a good opportunity to show him some things about European culture. He and Clark sat on a bench near the Dam. Giving them a good view of the area. Holt's car was parked close by, so transport for the duo wasn't going to be a problem. "So, I've noticed you've been really focused on news channels on my radio. Hopefully that means you'll be able to understand me soon." Holt lit a cigarette as he leaned in on the wooden bench. He puffed his cigarette and began to think about a sollution to Clarks predicament. What could the alien want? Probing humans was certanly out of the question. So what was it? Destroy earth? Enslave humanity? Hopefully he would find out soon.

When they stopped it was in a large city. Clark stared around at the people walking and he watched the vehicles move about. All of it felt foreign and strange in almost every capacity. Additionally, it was loud. It all felt loud compared to his home planet. On the ground it was near silent. People were perhaps the loudest part. Then he could hear jets and aircraft go overhead every now and then too. After a long moment he looked at Holt. He was understanding a lot more and he narrowed his eyes slightly. The man wanted him to know what he was saying. Over days and days of nothing, but constant immersion in the language he was understanding more, but he didn't really know how to say that he understood. Instead he shrugged and kept on watching.

Anne smiled at Faith. "yeah, it is." She looked around the large square, it was grouded, mostly tourists though. Convesations in at least 4 diffrent languages mixed togheter. So many people and no one she knew, so diffrent than at home. "Somewhere churchclocks sounded. Anne counted at along 6 times, so late already. "Are you hungry?" she asked, whilst she tried to think of a good place to eat nearby.

Faith thought, as her eyes wandered the mingling groups of people. She had to admit she wished she had a translator with her. It might be interesting to know what these people thought of something like this. "Food sounds like a great idea." She said. She was too awed to really know if she was hungry or not, but she did need to keep her strength up, if nothing else.

Holt and Clark sat quietly on the bench. It was good to relax, sure. But something wasn't right. Like something was somehow wrong. Holt was weary. And then, suprising him completely. His stomack grumbled. He was hungry. He looked around and caught the site of a pastry shop close by. It smelled wonderful. "Hey Clark, let's grab a bite to eat. " he said as he got up from the bench and ventured twards the hypnotizing smell. A sign above the shop said "BOBIS". Whatever that meant.

If there was one thing that Clark was more than glad to admit he understood it was the invitation to eat. He wanted to have some food and there was something good smelling in the air. Slowly he got up from his place on the bench and nodded. "Food. " He knew that word and it was easy enough to say.

Anne walked into one of the streets that were connected with the square. She didn't really had a plan where to go. She just walked in the hope to come across a restaurant, that was nice, whilst she thought of the possibility's. Then the brightly coloured sign of BOBIS pulled her attention. "Look, I ate there once with Fleur, they have good food, decently cheap aswell." she said nodding in the direction of the pastry shop where two man just walked through the door.

"Sounds like a good plan to me." Faith said. Her eyes were bright with interest, again, not entirely feigned, but were still watchful and alert. "If you say there's good food there, that's good enough for me."

Holt walked over to the glass counter where chubby old man with a mustache stood waiting for him to choose. The choices were endless. Pretzels, waffles, cupcakes, even pizzas. Holt stared through the glass and pointed. "I'll take the pretzel, and uhh, give me two waffles for my friend here.". The old man gave out a smile and gave them their order. All fresh and warm. They took a seat at a table next to the window. Giving them a good view of the Dam.

The closer they got to the building that Holt had pointed out the stronger the scent of food got. It was almost enough to make Clark feel like a mad man. He wanted to eat all of the food and it smelled far better than anything he'd eaten so far. When they stepped into the building he stared at the different food, not even sure what he wanted. However, that didn't seem to matter. Holt chose something for him and then a different food for himself. Clark looked from Holt's selection to his own, but didn't say anything. He would just have to wait till he could speak the language more fluently.

Anne walked into the shop, the smell of food was really prevelant in the shop and reminded her that she didn't really had eaten anything since the two slices of bread she had quickly eaten during lunch. She walked over to the glass counter and waited for the two man to make there choice and pay. One of the man looked a bit off and didn't seemed to be able talk somehow. "So what do you want to eat?" She asked faith, "The pizza's are pretty good. You want to share one?"

"Pizza sounds great." Faith said. Her eyes wandered the store as they stepped in. She noted the two men in front of them. One seemed to be a foreigner, who couldn't speak the language. But there was something about him. Something off. Not dangerous. She'd met enough dangerous people men and women alike to know the difference. But she'd also met aliens, many of whom had been humanoid. The man she was studying as unobtrusively as possible didn't seem quite human to her. But it wasn't something blatantly different. He looked as human as she did, meaning if she was right, he was humanoid. It was just a feeling. She pulled her eyes away, not wanting to get caught staring, and returned to being the alert sentry she was supposed to be. But though her eyes were scanning again, she kept her muscles relaxed.

The pretzel Holt began to eat was delicious, He looked around the room, taking in the interestin scenery, until he noticed a few things that were a bit of a bother. He didn't like how one of the customers came in looked at Clark. He needed to get him to behave like a civillian. Otherwise, they would have a lot of trouble with staying incuspicuous. Holt stared back at the girl with an annoyed expression. Hoping she would stop staring at someone for who she knew could have been autistic. He just wanted to eat without worry.

Clark didn't notice and he didn't care that anyone stared at him. He was happy enough with the food. On the table he saw a little butter and some jam. If there was one food that he did know, it was the berry spreads from home and he hoped that these ones would be similar. Grabbing one of the tiny packets with the berry spread he opened it up and smeared a generous portion over one part of his first pancake and then took a small bite to determine if it was good. As soon as he tasted the berry he grinned and smeared another 3 packets on the single pancake. "Mmm." Nodding some he tried to indicate that the food was good. He'd seen that on one of their strange sort of advertisements when he was watching the hologram.

"Ok, you like Pizza Mozerela?" she asked at Faith. She noticed the woman looking at the two man and got a bit supscious. There was something weird, the woman looked a bit too long. "Seen them before?" she asked, slightly worried. The man acted weird, unnatural, like he came straight out of a commercial. suddenly the thought came up that they were the ones in the car. No stop it you are seeing things now, she told herself, the man was very likely german and not polish judging his accent. Atleast for as far as she had knowledge of accents.

"No, I don't. Sorry, I got a bit wrapped up in my own thoughts. It's nothing." But now her eyes were drawn back to the pair, and she studied the other man for a moment. And she had to force herself not to stiffen. As it was her hand almost strayed to the hilt of her hidden blade. This man carried himself with the air of a man who had killed before. Possibly an assassin, but she couldn't be sure. He could have been in the military. She knew it was hard to turn off. Her own protective air could be mistaken for danger or could be seen for what it was for the observant eye. But she'd met enough dangerous people in her time to recognize the signs of a man who could be very dangerous indeed. She made herself look away from the pair again, though this time, she kept them in her view, so she could see them out of the corner of her eye. Not for the first time, she wished she'd brought her translator. "Anne, I wouldn't worry too much. Even if they were any danger, which I very much doubt, no one would be so foolish as to attack someone in public. There are too many people here for a specific attack, so anyone who wants to hurt you would have to wait for you to be alone." She smiled nonchalantly, failing to mention that someone crazy might be a different story, or the fact that her last job had ended with some public fighting. Though to be fair, those fights had been against Demons, not normal people.

Holt stared in confusion. He heard everything. This wasn't good, if somehow that girl knew who he was, then he would be in big trouble. He pretended that he didn't hear anything. But some of what he said was intriguing. It seems that this girl named Anne was having some sort of stalker problem. He continued to eat his pretzel and thought; "As long as they don't figure out Clark is an alien, were fine."

It wasn't hard to tell that there was something wrong, but Clark couldn't begin to guess what it was. Unless these people were looking for him. Perhaps Holt had brought him here on some sort of meeting. Maybe he was going to hand him over to his superiors in this city. It was big and there would be plenty of places they could hide him if they wanted to. Shoving a few more bites into his mouth the alien swallowed his food in uncomfortably large bites. When they were done he was going to find someplace else to go and someone else to follow around until he learned better how to speak their language and blend.

Anne nodded and ordered the pizza assuming Faith would be ok with it. The man handed her the pizza on a plate, true it was probably laying there for a while. So, it wouldn't be very fresh but it was still hot and probably tasted decent as well. Anne placed the pizza on a table and started cutting it into pieces. "That, isn't really helping," she said anxious, the words of the woman actually only made her worry about the man. She made an effort in cutting the pizza as quick as she could, so they could leave as fast as possible. Whilst she was doing so she made the two man weren't planning on an attack or anything. She felt pretty silly for thinking so, damn, she was turning into her father.

Faith shrugged, nonchalantly, enforcing a nervous-sounding laugh. That was intentional. “I’m over-reacting, Anne. I think your nervous energy is getting to me a little. I don’t mean to make you nervous. We’re perfectly safe.” And wasn’t that as close to a blatant lie as she’d come. She had no doubt the human man was dangerous. She didn’t think he was a danger to them, but he could be, if he wanted too.

Even though Holt acted oblivious, he knew that the girl was still watching him. He was starting to get annoyed. He looked back at the girl and said; "You know, it's not polite to stare." just loud enough for her to hear. Adding a friendly smile.

It seemed that the awkward silence was broke and Clark looked up at the others. They were watching and he still felt like running, maybe finding somewhere else to go, however he couldn't miss the chance to say something. This was a conversation he could certainly take part in. He knew what to say. He'd seen it in a movie. "Yeah....He doesn't like you. I don't like you either. You'd better watch yourself."

Anne nervously looked up at Faith and pointed vaguely at the pizza. "Here, these are yours," she said whilst she put a slice in her mouth making a hurry and trying not to look at the two men. It didn't bother though since the man already noticed them staring. Anne looked up slightly surprised the man did seem to be able to speak English, but, he had a very weird accent she couldn't place. It seemed like he had studied the sentence as well, like she walked into one of those movies Tom watches.

“Sorry,” Faith said, airily, two the other two. “ I don’t mean to stare, but everything is just so fascinating. I’m a tourist from America, and while we have lots of races and religions, it’s quite something else to see those people outside of your home.” She smiled at them, then visibly turned to her food, there was no obvious wariness, but she was hoping she’d deflected the issue

"Bullshit," he said "the girl next to you has a stalker problem, and for some reason you think that's us.". Holt took a bite out of his pretzel and looked the blonde girl in the eyes. "Am I wrong”.

Since it seemed like things were getting heated up just fine, Clark rolled his pancakes into a sloppy collection and nodded slightly to the rest of the people in the small building and started for the door. He had his food and he didn't need to be in the middle of this. They could all get in a fight and this would be a great chance for him to slip away.

Anne turned around to the man, holding the pizza slice in her hand. The man figured out surpricily well what was going on. The girl played over the events in her head, trying to figure out what they had said to make him think that. He obviously was listening of their conversation that was for sure. "No, no you are not," she said, in fact, the man's words made more convenient that they at least know a bit more about who was stalking her. Slightly panicked she looked at the door and wished she had ordered food that she could take with her and sneak away like the other man.

Faith knew this was going south quickly. She should have known such a dangerous man would be quick on body language, just as she would. But she nodded in agreement of Anne’s statement, wishing Anne wouldn’t panic. It was as good as a confirmation. “Even if you were correct, we’d never assume anything about you. Instead it would be just caution to assume those we don’t know mean us harm. But then, you don’t mean us harm, right? So we can all just return to calmly eating.” She hoped.

For a moment, Holt was concerned that Clark would run off to who knows where. But he would probably be close by. Holt sighed "No, I don't. But I am willing to offer some help solving your problem. I've dealt with these kinds of situations before." He finished his pretzle. "So? Want my help?".

Disappearing should be easy, at least that was what Clark figured. Taking himself outside he stepped around the corner and stood in an alley to avoid having anyone see him change his face, eye color and hair color. It was an easy and fast transformation, but he'd discovered that this race of people didn't do that so easily. Once he had changed his looks he took his jacket off and draped it over one arm to hide the rolled up pancakes. He did want to finish eating later on. For now, he was going to walk away and not worry about hanging out with that guy Holt anymore.

Anne looked at Faith unsure if she could trust the man. For all she knew he could be the stalker. If she learned nything from her father was that she shoudln't just take the help of stranger. On the other hand she didn't know Faith aswell. Still it felt diffrent, maybe it was purely because of appaerance, maybe it was more.

Faith smiled winningly at Anne, though to be fair, she wasn't sure how far to trust the pair either. She was positive that the nervous looking humanoid man was an alien. Meaning he shouldn't be alone without some sort of guide. The other man was the problem. He was dangerous, and could make her job either easier or harder, depending on if he could be trusted. The difference was that it was Faith's job to protect Anne. She didn't know if it was kindness or some plan to take her that motivated this man. For not the first time, she wished she'd had the psionic ability to tell when someone was lying. Being an Empath might be nice as well. But she couldn't read minds. She could speak to people mentally, but she couldn't read minds. She couldn't tell when someone was lying beyond body language, and she couldn't read emotions. Her eyes narrowed in speculation, as she looked over for signs of falsehood in his offer or some reason why he was offering. She allowed the question onto her face. She had seen the alien leave the place they were eating. She would have to find him later. He could get lost very easily in such unfamiliar settings. But there wasn't much she could do now. Not now that he'd left the building. "You're offering to help too complete strangers?"

As of now, Holt had some free time on his hands. And who knows when he would have some again. "You got that right. Besides, why wouldn't I help someone in need? I mean, I sure don't have anything to lose - as if there is anything to lose." Holt chuckled at the last part. "So, want my help or not?" If they said "yes", it would be his first stalker hunt. If they said "no" , then back to the hotel it was.

Anne smilled at faith, "You are a stranger aswell," she said, before she glanced over back to the man. He looked like he could help but, also could cause a lot of problem if he wasn't be trusted. He maybe said he had nothing too lose but, Anne could think of plenty things she could lose. "What do you want in return?" she asked, her father always thaught her to figure out what someone wanted, if you knew that, it was easier to figure out if you could trust them. Not she ever thaught to need that much of his tips.

Faith made the motion a fencer made when acknowledging a touch. "Point." The difference was that she had asked Anne to help, and offered her help in return. Though to be fair, she would have preferred any number of other ways to meet Anne. And she wasn't sure she wanted Holt around either. Not because he didn't have a point, but much like how she had seen his proficiency with weapons, he would be more likely than Anne to realize she wasn't telling the whole truth. But neither Anne nor Holt would believe the whole truth. She turned to Holt. "I'll go with whatever Anne decides to do."

"Nothing. " He said plainly. "I'm just willing to help." There was no real reason to ask these girls for money, or anything else. It wasn't fun being paid to do something easy. In Holt's eyes, a person would have to earn a reward. There was no easy mode for living.

Anne looked at the man suspicously, she didn't know what he wanted or why he would wanting to help her. Maybe he is just nice she thought. Afterall helping others without really gaining anything wasn't something that rare, she knew some people that would help, without imiidiatly getting anyting back. Still she doubt he was someone like that. Still just having him around could scare off the possible stalkers and it wasn't that she was all alone with him. "Alright,"she said finally.

Faith bit back a groan, and put a smile on instead. She'd left the decision up to Anne. After all, it was her job to make sure Anne felt safe. And if she'd feel safer with more back up, then Faith would just have to deal. Even still, it would make it harder for Faith to keep under cover. "So, I guess that's settled then. Who knows, might be nice to do the whole tourist thing without having to watch our backs." She put a bright, energetic note into her voice.

Holt was happy that he was able to help. He got up and walked over to the two girls and sat in front of them. A light brown table seperating them. " So, I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Carl Lidl.".

Anne looked up starngely when she heard the name of the supermarket, but, didn't say anything about it. "I am Annemarie, but, everyone calls me Anne."She introduced herself aswell, leaving out her last name. Partly because, she was used to do it that way and partly because of cautious.

Faith raised an eyebrow at the rather odd name, but didn't question it. Not only were strange names a thing, even in the future, not helped by alien influence, but it really didn't matter if he used his real name. Chances were good she'd never find him or anything about him in the history books. "My name's Faith. I'm a tourist, and I asked Anne to be my tour guide."

"Why does a random tourist care so much?" he thought while keeping a straight face. "So, how long has this thing been going on? Do you know?" he said, putting his arms hands on the table. "Would you happen to know why he's following you?".

Anne digged deep into her memory to figure out if she saw the car before this afternoon or if there was something that they would want from her. Finally she shook her head and said,"I would have no idea why they would follow me, I mean I am a engineer student, my parents aren't really rich or anything. Don't have enemies as well." She stopped to think about the last thing, then she remembered her fathers nervous tendencies and added, "At least no that I know of. As for how long they were following me, I noticed them this afternoon when I traveled too school."

Faith rolled her eyes dramatically. "I remember in my psych class that sometimes they don't need to be your enemies to be stalking you. Sometimes it's someone who thinks their in love with you and that you're in love with them in return. It's an infatuation that she wouldn't have done anything to provoke but that particular kind of stalker thinks that some small gesture was meant for him or her. It happens." Faith kept her face straight, not allowing the worry to give her away. She was aware this man was good and was unsure how long she'd be able to stay undercover while he was with him.

"Yes, I know what a stalker is..." he said. "I'm guessing since you've all been staring at me, that i'm the stalker. Meaning that you don't know what he looks like?" he pointed out. "So how do you know that he's following you? Was he or she in a car? If so, could you discribe the vehicle?"

Anne hold still for a moment to recal the things that happend earlier that afternoon,"When I left my home this afternoon I noticed a car, when I arived at the uni I spotted it in the parking lot. When i traveled back I ncoutered it again." she said, as she said it it sounded pretty unbelievable, like one of the stories her father would hold sometimes when he had sworn someone had follow him. A bit scared she just made a drama for for nothing she continued on with the information about the car. "The car was black, with darkened windows and a polish license plate." she said, "and uh," she said trying to remember anymore details, "A volkswagn I think,"

Faith nodded her agreement. She'd seen the car only a couple of times, but she was reasonably certain Anne was correct. "I think she'd know it if she saw it again. I only saw it once or twice while I was traveling with Anne, but I think she's got it right." She should have taken pictures of the car, but that was water under the bridge.

"Indeed" Holt noted. "Alright, Anne, i'll need you to look around and tell me if you can see the car anywhere. Just so we know the stalker is not watching us. Or else we would tip them off.".

Anne nodded and looked out of the window, there were a couple cars parked but, as far as she could see there wasn't the one that was following them and she had the feeling that standing up and go looking outside would be a bit too obvious, "I don't see the car, I think we shoock him of when we took the tram."she said.

"Crowded areas lose them pretty well, just like I said." Faith shrugged. "We'll just need to keep an eye out, because I'm reasonably certain they haven't given up.

"Alright, the key to us catching the stalker is to not tip him off." he pointed out. "Which means he can't see me with you. But that also limits my choices.". Holt thought in silence for a moment, but then got an idea. "What i'm about to say might sound very sketchy. But trust me it will work. You interested?"

Anne looked at the man pretty worried, "What is it?" she asked cursiously about what the idea could possibly be. Hopefully it wasn't anything too shocking.

Faith leaned forward, interested. While she wasn't a Demon, she wasn't above bending the rules to keep her charge safe. "May as well say what it is, after all, if we don't like it, we don't have to go along. But we can't decide until you tell us what you want to do."

"Well, you see, we just have to lure him out. Now, you might get dissuaded by my method. But I promise there is nothing to worry about. If we were to lure him out, we would need bait." Holt said whilst looking at the girls with a conflicted expression. "You see where i'm going with this?"

"So, you want to provole action?" Anne said not really sure how to feel about it being used as a bait. Unsure about the situation she glanced over at Faith to see what she thinks of the situation.

Faith did her best not to react angrily. "There's a problem with that plan. One is, she's not going out there alone. Even if she was willing to be on her own, her stalker saw me come up to her and ask for help. They'd think it odd I wasn't there all of a sudden. Even if that weren't the case, I'd feel better if someone was with her to stop something bad happening."

"Correct, but the fact that it was out in the open and that it was broad daylight could also be the reason, if it was night time or if she was in an alleyway with or without you, I think the stalker might reveal themselves. Besides, alleys provide a lot of cover. Giving him plentifull time to execute his or her plan." he pointed out." That is why, my plan was to use Anne - with or without you at her side- as bait. Be it night or day. This plan should work. Depending on how eager the stalker is."

Nervously Anne looked from one to another and made circles on the table with her fingers. An habbit she fell into when she got really nervous. "Shouldn't we call the police?" she asked a bit unsure about this, not that she was sure they would do anything. From what she had heard you needed more than just I saw a car a couple times for them to do something. "It is their job to keep everyone safe, right?"

"Police officers drag this process out too long. What I am offering is an immediate solution, but if you want to be stalked more, then feel free to call the police."

“As much as I hate to do this, Anne, Carl is right. There’s also the small problem that the police can’t do much to help until your stalker hurts or takes you. Well, in America it’s that way. I’m not so sure about here.” Faith sighed.

"Alright, so what precisely do I need to do?" Anne asked, if she would do something risky like this, she at least want to know what is going to happen.
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*****Some time later*****

Holt sat in his car, smoking a cigarette as usual. He kept his eyes on the two girls he had met earlier and was also helping them get rid of a stalker. A fun and rather interesting activity for Holt. He had devised a plan to catch the stalker by cornering him, and using the girls as bait to do so. The girls seemed reluctant but agreed in the end. They had found an alleyway which was actually just a dead end. The girls would soon make their way there, hopefully dragging the stalker with them.

Holt was deep in his thoughts, thinking more and more with each drag of his cigarette. "This would be easier if I knew exactly what the car the stalker was driving looked like. Not to mention, if the bastard wasn't driving it, but instead on foot." he noted "Well, no mater how you put it, this ought to be interesting." he said as he admired the shadow-engulfed streets of Amsterdam.

Holt then gave the girls the signal. The plan has begun.
Faith stood close to Anne, her hands unobtrusively on her swords. If this went bad, she'd have to be ready at a moment's notice to get Anne out of the situation. Her eyes were hard, and scanning for the danger she knew could be anywhere. She shouldn't have agreed to Carl's idea. She shouldn't have let Anne agree. But then again, it was likely she couldn't have stopped Anne. And the last thing she was going to do was allow Anne to be without a guard. She glanced around, as though looking around for the danger nervously, which just so happened to bring Carl back into her vision, as he gave the signal. Not for the first time, she wished she had future tech with her. Though perhaps it was for the best. It would be hard to explain the tech that allowed one to become invisible-it really wasn't that hard to figure out when you considered that the E'artin military had uniforms that could turn into whatever they wanted thanks to nanotech-to people of what would currently be considered the modern era.

"Stay close to me, Anne. Try not too look to nervous. But if you're scared, don't hide it." Faith smiles a little. "It'll be more believable if you look like you're trying, and failing to be brave. But now we've got some back up." If Carl actually turns out to be reliable back up...Faith carefully did not say, did not even allow to show in her eyes. Anne was doing a courageous thing, allowing herself to be used as bait. Faith was going to make sure she didn't regret that choice.
Anne walked through the street with Faith right beside her. They went back to her neighbourhood because they figured that, that would be the place he would look for her. She looked confused in Faith's direction. The words surely were meant to be helpful but, the only goal they serve was to distract her from her fears for a second. She was about to say something about it when she noticed the car again.

Anne shortly glanced over the car and looked at Faith to make sure she saw it as well, all the while trying not to look too obvious. She continued walking the route as they had discussed beforehand. There they would stop them somehow. Anne started doubting if going along with the plan would have been that good of an idea. Maybe the police would do nothing but, what exactly could they do when they managed to trap the stalkers, kidnap them? Well, it was too late to stop now. Hopefully, Carl would have an idea what to do. One that wouldn't just bring them in more problems.
Holt shifted in his seat as he focused on the car the girls were talking about. A black Volkswagen with tinted windows. Holt continued smoking his cigarette and proceeded to check his arsenal. He decided he was going to use his trusty suppressed Sig Sauer P226 and a KA-BAR combat knife. He hid them pretty well, so there was no worry that someone unimportant to the situation was going to see them.

"You have got to be the worst stalker I've ever seen..." he commented. The car just reeked of "Psychotic ex". But he wasn't going to be too harsh, yet.
Faith saw it. She knew she was seeing the car when she saw Anne glance her way to make sure she had. She didn't nod. Her eyes narrowed, as she unobtrusively placed herself, if not between Anne and the stalker, then at least close enough to quickly diffuse any situation that went bad. She hoped Carl knew what he was doing. She knew that she did. She gingerly, hopefully without rustling her outfit, loosened her blades, but did not draw them. It was simply to make them easier to access at need.

She made sure to stay close to Anne, as much for Anne's comfort and support, as to be as ready as she could be for what might come. She only hoped she wouldn't have to move now. She was Anne's Angel. Technically an Archangel, but still Anne's Angel. Still, she didn't want to explain exactly who and what she was, if she didn't have to.
As Faith glanced in her direction she knew, the woman had seen the car as well, even though she didn’t nod. Anne kept walking in the direction she needed to go but, unlike she had thought, the car didn’t move. Even when they walked around the corner, she didn’t see it anymore. It will follow, Anne thought, sure, they just didn't want to be too obvious.

What Anne couldn’t see was that two ma, with short dark blond hair, stepped out of the car. Both of the man were dressed in black and looked like you didn’t wanted to go in a fight with them. One of the two had a moustache with a red glow over it. Both man crossed the street and started following the two woman from the other side of the street.
Holt noticed the two men exit the vehicle He was surprised to say the least, he was expecting only one. But it wouldn't change anything. Holt saw this as his opportune moment to take action. He exited his car while still smoking his cigarette and pretended to be on his phone. He slowly made his way towards their car. Once he got there, he pulled out his knife while no one was looking (including cameras) and slashed three of their tires for good measure. He chose three because if he slashed all four tires, they would be insurance covered. But this way, they would have to pay out of their pockets.

Holt then proceeded to lean against a wall and keep a close eye on the now two stalkers.
Faith saw the two men get out of the vehicle. With her ever watchful gaze and the direction she had been looking, she would have had to have been blind not to see them. She turned her gaze away before they noticed her staring, and walked calmly, with just the right edge of nervous energy, with Anne.

Faith didn’t see Carl slash the tires. It wouldn’t have mattered if she had. She wanted to reach out a comforting arm to Anne, but it would require taking her hand off one of her swords, and that wasn’t an option.
Anne kept walking through the streets of Amsterdam but, she there was no sign of the black car any more. She started to doubt if they wouldn’t have given up on following them. Maybe they knew what they were planning to do. As she walked to less crowded parts of Amsterdam, Anne was sure they must have disappeared there was no way they could hide the car in traffic here. She was just about to ask Faith if she didn’t see it as well, but as she looked in her direction, she spotted the two man on the other side of the street. They weren’t that out of the ordinary but still, the way they looked at them from time to time gave her chills.
Faith looked in the direction she saw Anne looking. She nodded, minutely, and murmured, "I don't know why, buy they aren't following us in the car anymore. They aren't especially good either. Either that or they wanted to be seen. But I don't know why they'd want that." She gave a small, reassuring smile. Though she wasn't feeling especially good about this idea.

She glanced casually around again, as though viewing the sites as they walked. This just so happened to have her checking their back again, to see if they were still being followed. She had to wonder if the two men following them had gotten out because there were just some places that one could not go with a car.
Holt casually followed the pair and observed their attire. They looked ridiculous to say the least. As if no one was going to suspect two men dressed in black of committing a crime. Especially kidnapping or worse, murder. Holt threw his cigarette away and used his acting skills to look oblivious to everything around him. While still keeping the two men at a comfortable distance. He could see everything that was happening and that was going to happen.

He was ready.
Anne forced herself not to look at the two men and tried to follow Faith's advice to hide that she was scared but, still look nervous. She actually had no idea how to do that. After what seemed like hours Anne walked into the blind alley, where she was supposed to go. It felt extremely counter-intuitive and every cell of her body screamed to turn around and ran away but, she still kept walking. Hopefully, the man knew what he was doing and he didn’t let them walk right into a trap. Anne was grateful faith was right beside her in case things went wrong.

Right behind Anne, the two men followed the girls into the alley. At the beginning of the street, one of them crossed the road to the other side and continued walking there.
Holt followed closely. The men have now entered the alleyway. The closer the two men got to the girls, the more Holt wondered what their motives were and what their actual plan was. Since it was very poorly executed. Holt silently made his way towards the corner and kept a solid eye on them. His scarf and hood now covering his features.

For a moment, Holt wondered were Clark was. Since he clearly wasn't near his car when he arrived. In any case, he couldn't be bothered to care. He gave the damn alien a chance, and he threw it away.

Since he was already in his thoughts. He wondered when the mysterious woman was going to contact him. Probably soon, he hoped.