New User Watch out world here i come!!

Hello to everyone!! Why its a pleasure to find and meet a great group of people on a role play site. I've been role playing for about 4-5 years I started off kik doing the erotic roleplays (I know what the rules say that this isn't that kind of site don't yell at me let me finish what I'm saying!!!!!!) and it wasn't until a year or two ago that I got into a big Naruto role play that work lead and didn't turn into awkward scenarios that would remind you of a cheesy adult film. That's when I was introduced to the art form of role playing. Since then I've dug up old note books of original characters that I've made forever ago. With alot of revising I started looking for a site to try to spill... That's sounds bad.... To share my creations and attempt on making a world filled with life. Now enough with my rambling, I like to do any kind of role play from horror to romance just pm me to get my attention.
Thanks for reading
With tons of love