What was your first role-playing experience?

Agh this was soo long ago! My first experience of rp was on gaiaonline! I made a cute little avatar and named it Elliryanna. They had a bunch of games that you could join with text chats on the bottom. Id always go into the puzzle ones with the simple "misty forest" theme. Its funny, Elli started off as a werewolf of starts! Man she sure has developed since then. :D

My first time not being embarrased about rpng was when i was in highschool! I met my best friend on like the 3rd day of fresman year. We were simply sitting next to eachother and i saaw her writing in a journal and she told me she was writing a story! we ended up starting a journal together about the adventures of Elliryanna and Ember (she loved vampires and was big on twilight before the twilight fever hit).

It was so simple back then....how far we have come since then!
It was actually terrible. The girl got too personal with me, thought I was a guy and actually wanted a relationship with me. The only problem is I thought I was roleplaying with the girl IN CHARACTER, not actually one on one. Poor girl ended up heartbroken when I realized. :l @Ethereal @kalon
Embarrassing. The group was ridiculously huge (with around 140 members) and the roleplay was about... matchmaking and dating? Oh god. Anime images, more female characters than male characters and 100% one-lining only. I was playing a guy and basically tried to woo the prettiest "single girls" into a pairing. I WAS 11 OR 12 YEARS OLD, MOMMA. And when it worked after a lot of writing, I got really addicted to it and joined more groups. Looking back on it, it was a terrible experience, but back then, it was so fascinating to me. Do I regret it? Oh no. I met some of the most amazing people thanks to my macho antics. I love you guys.
Hmm. I think this was back when I was invested in Gaia Online. My friend got me into it, and we RPed a little bit. It wasn't anything big, but eventually I moved to another site and got really invested there. It was kind of a free-for-all, as the threads weren't actually set up for role playing, and everyone ran around godmodding and whatnot, but it sure was fun at the time!

I did some classic fantasy, where my character traded livestock and small pets, as well as some pokemon RP. I did catch the attention of another roleplayer, since I was so interested in her character, and we eventually split off to do our own story line.

I haven't done serious RPing for a couple years, and I really want to get back into things. I missed it quite a bit.
My first experience wasn't too long ago, only a couple years, in fact. I was dragged in to an impromptu Dungeons and Dragons RP-style game that ended up spawning a full blown campaign that my DM called "Endless Folly." I had the good fortune of being in a group of creative individuals, most of which were great actors. I've been hooked on RP ever since, really. Now we meet weekly to continue our story.
I first started Role-playing on Lucasforums before it died. Lots of Star Wars Rps and a couple of non star-wars ones. Good times....Good times...
My first technical "roleplaying" experience went as follows:
My two younger siblings and I were all homeschooled for about twelve years. We pretty much just had each other for entertainment, and oh boy, did we come up with something. I'm guessing nobody else remembers that low-key terrifying children's show "Oobi", right? The one where they made these weird snake-people-things out of their hands like warm-blooded sock puppets with googly eyes? No, just me then. Anyway, we saw that show and figured, "Hey, we can make snake-hand-people too!" So we did: we developed a freaking expanded universe for these hand-snakes with our collective juvenile imaginations. We named different species (that all had appropriate mythical/magical powers, of course), the three of us were the adoptive parents of over twenty individual snake children each, there were "wild" snakes, there were the "egg days" (not even kidding, snake eggs would fall from the sky), they had imaginary clothes and somehow could both slither and walk on the tip of their tail (????), they went to school, got sucked into video game worlds, some grew up and went to snake college. Not even going to get into the worm-hand-creatures that we made from that as well. We kept up this strange fantasy for years until we grew out of it. It drew me and my siblings closer than most, though, for which I am eternally grateful.

Dear lord, that was a long time ago.

BUT! My first normal roleplaying experience would be on a lovely little toxic site known as Quotev about a year and a half ago. I started off writing cringy Super Smash Bros. fanfiction (no, past self, no matter how much you wished it, Marth and Ike are not brothers-) and making anime quizzes before I discovered roleplaying. My first character? Prepare yourself for the edgiest name to rule all other edgelords: Dusk Evenfall. Pitch black hair, dead white skin, silver eyes, small fangs, an "I'm-an-edgy-teenage-shadowlord-so-don't-screw-with-me"attitude, angsty middle teenage years, dressed in all black, and had control over shadows and space. Excuse me while I go hide in my blanket of shame. He was awful. If I ever write a character like him again, please just tell me to get a grip :,)
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Crunchyroll, way back when it had an active forum base. Lots of vampire and other supernatural themed groups, because I'd started reading twilight. Excessive amounts of talking to a male character once, and then both of us creators deciding they were obviously 'meant to be'!

It's a little bit cringy now, but lots of good memories there. I met some nice people there, even if I didn't maintain too many of those relationships.
I remember my first roleplay. In fact I remember my very first roleplay. It was a roleplay involving a massive alien three headed dragon saving the world from an evil alien bee queen while in the process winding up a bee dragon hybrid. Good times, that was.
My first... that was a few years ago. I originally roleplayed on G+, and I liked it a lot back then. I much prefer this site though.
I started in the 3rd grade on a horse rpg website with a chatroom. It was a warrior cats roleplay.

It was awful.

Everyone was much older than I was, so I was probably extremely annoying, and I didn't know what balanced characters were. It's pretty cringey. But in retrospect, I had a lot of fun, and I think I must've done something right along the way, because I've got to meet so many amazing people as a result <3
God, ok so this is going to be so weird.
When I was 10 I got on my family's only computer to study for a test with this website my teacher told me to use called quizlet. This was my first experience with forum role play. I hecken loved it until quizlet was like:"Hey this isnt studying!" and they took it down.
THEN I installed this game called WIZARD 101 and I ended up bumping into an entire role play community that used the characters they made for the game as people they roll played as. As a hormonal and lonely teenager, living in a really bad area of town, I really only had the people I met there as friends. What remains of that community from 11 years ago: I still consider friends. we're all adults now and all we do is hang out and play overwatch pretending to actually be adults. Recently some stuff has happened to our group and we're struggling to stay together. someone mentioned it would be good to get back to the basics. I thought I might as well search for a solution. I came upon this website after searching for a LONG time over google.

anyway thanks for having me.
I myself started out roleplaying, embarassingly enough, on Roblox, in the game known as ''vampire kingdom''.
If that sounds derpy and noobish already - you don't know half.

I've gone back there earlier today, which was pretty much the reason why I joined this site. The quality of roleplay there is simply... It can make a person cry, truly.
The people have no grammar, no logic and no skill whatsoever!

Anyhow, that is where I first experienced the joys of roleplay, and my character here, the joys of existance.
Ive always enjoyed writing and started out on a simple 1x1 with an old friend about a year ago. I really enjoyed the challenge of coming up with new characters, settings and stories. Now I enjoy them here with even more friends and an expanded pool of creative minds!
Haha, not gonna lie, I got started roleplaying because I was really enjoying the Warrior Cat books. I was searching for - honestly I don't even know what, something Warriors related - and then I came across the good old Warrior Cat Forums. First thing I did was join an RP; three and a half years on, the owner and I are still the best of friends. Whoever says internet friendships are not real friendships has clearly never had an internet friendship (although, yes, I do understand the dangers of the internet and all that). I do miss the simpler days sometimes ;u;
My first experience roleplaying was actually a pretty bad one. It was about 5 years ago on a lazy summer afternoon. My friend and I were pretty bored but neither of us could drive yet. So she suggested we try to roleplay over messenger. The results were... quite embarrassing now that I look back on it. She had fun, but I wasn't a fan of the whole *character does this* format. So we did that until she was sated, but I wondered if there was any better way to roleplay. I looked around the interwebs and, sure enough, I found the wonderful world of forum RPs! Of course my friend and I still hang out, but we haven't really done a roleplay together since.