What Would You Call the Land of the Faeries?


Active Member
So in my story that I'm writing there's there's main planes of existence: our plane, the spirit plane (which is almost the same as ours), and the plane were Faeries live.

By Faeries I mean pretty much anything: elves, goblins, dryads, were beasts, kirins, dragons, and all that sort of jazz.

In this the land here is split about 45/45/10 between being controlled by the Summer court, the Winter court, and no man's land.

The Summer court's land is known as Arcadia, despite it not being harmonious or peaceful. It is beautiful though.

The Winter court's land does not have a name and is as such can not be manipulated by the royalty. The people of the winter lands only live there because the land tolerates them.

No Man's Land tends to shift between being owned by either court and isn't that important to the story.

Anyway, I'm trying to think of a name for the whole plane in general, does anyone have any ideas? It doesn't have to have mythical ties to it or anything, I mean the Iron Fey books called the faerie world "NeverNever" and I thought that really matched the feel of that world.

But yeah, any help is appreciated!
Nevernever is a pretty common name among author s for the far lands, I know of the Nevernever through the Dresden Files series. So I'd say that that's a good bet.
Ammm... how about just good old Faerie Land? Not very fancy but gets the point across.
Fae Realms typically works for me.
For your idea, probably Fae Kingdoms, as there's two of them that are the main focus.
You should consider what the human realm would be called since the Faye Realm would most likely have a similar name. So if Faries call the human plane the human plane, chances are they'd call their realm the faerie plane.
What about something like the Season realm or the realm of ice and fire because there is a winter court and a summer court although that may would look like a little long in comparisment with spirit plane. Maybe nature plane will be be a good name.