When is a character too OVERPOWERED

I think that the way they handle the massive increase or starting power level is what determines the level of acceptance.
In Saitama's case, for example, people claim he has a god or a titan living inside of him, but the way the anime is written gives him
the idiocy level everyone can laugh at and enjoy. Also he fails at other aspects, making him an imperfect overpowered being.
Nothing can win against him, unless they happen to be a sheet of paper with math or history on it.

An RP character can be considered overpowered if they are the type of person that no matter how the others interact with him, it will never affect him. They could cause an atomic bomb to go off on top of his head, and he will walk away, no matter how damaged they make him seem. Just look at the stuff Superman has walked away from for the last forty years. If you have a Superman in your party, with one strange, unique, or incredibly difficult to garner weakness, then you, my friend, have found the overpowered person in your group.
Overpowered characters have no place in a rp unless they are limited in other ways. Maybe they have some crazy powerful gift, but can only use the power X number of times in their life, or under very specific circumstances. Everyone in a rp ought to have equal weight and ability to influence said rp. If your character can't hold up against another, then there is a lack of balance - and that can easily kill a rp. I strongly advocate for having a conversation with your partner if you feel like that kind of situation is happening, and then you can try to strike a more even balance. It's more fun and feels better that way.