New User Whoo boy, it's me! Mr. Poopy MarleyHole

Marley Qwander

New Member
Well. It's been about I'd say a good five years or so since I've done anything like this. Maybe it was the drive of intense boredom or the fact that I recently came across an ample amount of spare time to do such writing once again. It has probably been far too long since I've let the creative "juices" flow, and it will be nice to get back to it.

I have not really solidified what people like, or what experience anyone else is shooting for on this forum, but my own personal preference leans towards either fantasy, LOTR or some good old D&D. Although I have no objection to Homebrewed. I do enjoy a good Apocalypse, unless it has anything to do with beetles. I hate beetles. Zombies has been something I'd been looking to do for quite some time.

If I had missed anything, or if anyone was to be generous enough to leave me a few nuggets of wisdom about the forums themselves I would probably buy you chicken nuggets if I had a fatter paycheck. For now the nuggets are mine, in my nugget cave.
Hail friend and welcome to the forum! Cant wait to see you around.

Thanks Mr. Poopy MarleyHole i could always count on you.