New User Yo, nice to meet you.


I'm new here, which is kind of I enjoy writing, and I do hope to have a good time here with the rest of you.
Hello and welcome to the site! Hope you enjoy your stay! What genres do you enjoy playing?

Thanks, I definitely will. I don't have a particular category that I don't enjoy playing, however I don't have much fondness for historical settings, but I imagine it could be done well... But, not enjoying it... Maybe something when it gets too grim dark? It gets off putting when you go that far... But to narrow it down, and to actually answer your question. I do prefer the Fantasy and Sci Fi types of genres the most.
I'm not much for historical RPs either. But fantasy is my favorite genre especially if a little bit of SciFi is mixed in with it. I found a good RP that has that in it. It does have a little bit of history in it but only to give the story some premise. If that is ok with you I'd recommend giving Akashic Arcana a try once you get approved. It takes place 100 years in the future after mankind learned how to use magic. Here is a link to the rp If it interests you here is a link to the Discord
Ok feel free to drop by the Discord while you're waiting to get approved

If you post around on the community forums it'll speed up the approval process. The more active you are the faster you'll be flagged for approval