You are Two

Yes you may draw it.

Your all invited
And no I have not!

Everyone ready?

I am busy with school and other things some days
However I’m going to do my best to hit at least one daily response.

I’ll be aiming for more. But life does happen!
Yes you may draw it.

Your all invited
And no I have not!

Everyone ready?

I am busy with school and other things some days
However I’m going to do my best to hit at least one daily response.

I’ll be aiming for more. But life does happen!
i understand please do not stress yourself and take your time! I am ready but I haven’t gotten the PM invite yet
I understand ^^ with my work schedule i try to post at least once or twice when im working, but more if im off
A) I’m a senior in high school so I have that during the week. And I work and that’s usually Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday but it sometimes changes. Like this week I’m working tomorrow and Saturday. But regardless I can definitely respond daily.

B) Mr. Robot is a great show if you’re interested in DID. It has two actors playing the two personalities. You should definitely give it a try.