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  1. I'mJustChiding

    Halo: Humans vs Covenant The Troops of Chidimma

    Here are my characters. Hope they're fine ^.^ ...Idk what else to say. Oh also I might not finish my char today.
  2. I'mJustChiding

    Word Associations

  3. I'mJustChiding

    Word Associations

  4. I'mJustChiding

    GAME: On your left.

    On my an empty plastic cup. I'd melt it and then burn them with the hot melted plastic.
  5. I'mJustChiding

    Word Associations

  6. I'mJustChiding

    Chillin' with Chids.

    Chillin' with Chids.
  7. I'mJustChiding

    New User Hello Peeps!

    Thanks, and yeah I have already. ^.^
  8. I'mJustChiding

    Add a Letter, Take a Letter, Change a Letter

    I’ve played this game on another forum before, and it is pretty straight forward once you know how to play. So basically, there will be a sentence we start off with. For example, ‘The forgotten flamingo flies to France’. The next person to reply would either add a letter, remove a letter, or...
  9. I'mJustChiding

    Epic Roleplay IC - The Halo Human-Covenant War.

    This seems interesting. I'm down.
  10. I'mJustChiding

    New User Hello Peeps!

    Yeah, I figured as much. Sorry for not responding earlier, my mom took away my IPad.
  11. I'mJustChiding

    New User Hello Peeps!

    I didn’t know you had to use softwares. I thought it just took mad skills at editing.
  12. I'mJustChiding

    New User Hello Peeps!

    It is really nice. So, do you draw often?
  13. I'mJustChiding

    New User Hello Peeps!

    That’s so sweet, thanks! And okay, I’m fine with Chid. I don’t mind anything, really. Did you draw your profile pic? It looks so cool.
  14. I'mJustChiding

    New User Hello Peeps!

    Well hello Proton that isn’t a proton. ^.^ Pleasure to meet you! I’m Chidimma, but if you can think of anything shorter, you can call me that.
  15. I'mJustChiding

    The Truth Comes Out

    It was a pretty clear night for Toronto. The stars could be seen clearly through the blue sky. The moon shone clearly through the sky, an eerie full moon.The traffic was stilling to almost nothing. Parties were winding down and apartment lights were getting turned off. Snow covered the grass and...
  16. I'mJustChiding

    Meaning Of Life. Yes. Again.

    During Science a few months ago, my friend---my classmate suggested that if you couldn't (or wouldn't) have kids, then you were just a waste of space. She kept on saying that the whole point of living was to reproduce, and I found myself arguing with her. Of course, she was busy yelling that...
  17. I'mJustChiding

    Music Share: What's Playing?

    So I'm obsessed with Meghan Trainor, so obviously I'm sharing one of her songs! This is one of my favourite from her.
  18. I'mJustChiding

    New User Hello Peeps!

    Kk, thx! :)