An Awkward Bean Enters


Elf in Spirit
Hi all, this awkward bean's name is Aylura and I'm happy to be here! I've roleplayed for many a year now, but where I was roleplaying has been unusually slow so I went out in search of new territory and ended up here! I usually lean towards more fantasy and sci-fi roleplays, but I'll play in almost anything I find interesting. My schedule is always changing but I always find time to be online for a little while every day.

I am kind of a nerd or geek, depending on what word you like to use for someone who likes video games/anime/super heroes/sci-fi/fantasy. I'm kind of an awkward bean (as if I hadn't said that enough by now) but as time goes on I'll get more comfortable and talkative. That being said, you are always welcome to talk to me, ask me questions, or send me terrible puns or memes.

I look forward to meetin y'all! :)
Hey there and welcome to Storyteller's circle :)

I'm on my way out to bed myself, but thought I would swing through here real quick on my way. We have plenty of fantasy and sci-fi roleplays opening up, so I recommend browsing around to see if anything catches your eye.

I would also encourage you to browse through some of the other introduction posts and get to know some of our other new arrivals. A lot of them share your interests.

If you need help with anything, just ask! There's usually someone around willing to lend a hand.
I've bean in your spot before. :p
And there's no other way to PUNish newcomers than with some ice breaking questions.

1. If dwarfs are born out of the ground, then are elves born from trees?
2. What is so hot it's cool, yet so cool it's hot?
3. In a Sci-Fi Fantasy... What is the science? And what is the fantasy? For since Science is the art of knowing, what would that leave to be the worlds Fantasy? Their magic? Humanities reason for liking cats more than dogs?
Thanks for the welcomes! Been busy with classes but I hope to have more time for poking around and answering your strange riddles soon! I've been initiated a challenge that I cannot refuse haha :p
1. One would think, but depending on the mythology one subscribes to, one could argue that only Wood Elves are born from trees, while others like Dark Elves are born from darkness, Blood Elves from, well, blood. Or if you'd like to just think of elves as one race with no sub-species, then I believe that they would have either been A) mutated genes from humans long ago or B) created from some Ancient Magic™ that no one has any idea about. That's a typical fantasy trope, isn't it?

2. I had no legitimate answer for this, but after browsing the modern day Library of Alexandria (coughcoughGOOGLEcough) I will go with a favorite answer I found. That answer being Poptarts. Eat Poptarts kids.

3. You raise an interesting question here. I'd refer to a particular book series I read, but I can't remember the name. It's a shame really. But in that world, they considered magic as separate from science simply because science could not explain everything magic does. To be fair, it was a more medieval society but the argument made sense and had some backing to it. And that's the easiest, least wordy answer I could have given. (Also it's been SCIENTIFICALLY proven (don't quote me on that) that cat purring has healing properties, so that may be why humanity seems to obsess over cats more than dogs. Don't ask me where I got this information, I cannot for the life of me remember.)


I actually do have some questions that I can't seem to figure out via browsing the forums so I'll post them here in an effort to get some answers. I hope they are clear enough!
  • How do I set up a character for an RP? (Sorry if that sounds a little like something I should be able to understand but it's just not clicking for some reason.)
  • I understand that there's a specific forum for looking for roleplays to join and all that jazz. Do I need to post there as a new user or can I search around for any open one that I'm interested in?
  • Are there minimum post limits or is that specified by the GM (or whatever you call someone who runs the RP)? Does the limit exist? (Whoops how did that reference get in there?)
Thanks for sifting through this wall of text, and answering my obvious questions. I wasn't expecting to write so much on this post but it's too late now. ;~;
Really you could have skipped the first few items but you probably already read them by the time you read this.
You can have a cookie and gold star for reading my nonsense. C:
1. One would think, but depending on the mythology one subscribes to, one could argue that only Wood Elves are born from trees, while others like Dark Elves are born from darkness, Blood Elves from, well, blood. Or if you'd like to just think of elves as one race with no sub-species, then I believe that they would have either been A) mutated genes from humans long ago or B) created from some Ancient Magic™ that no one has any idea about. That's a typical fantasy trope, isn't it?

2. I had no legitimate answer for this, but after browsing the modern day Library of Alexandria (coughcoughGOOGLEcough) I will go with a favorite answer I found. That answer being Poptarts. Eat Poptarts kids.

3. You raise an interesting question here. I'd refer to a particular book series I read, but I can't remember the name. It's a shame really. But in that world, they considered magic as separate from science simply because science could not explain everything magic does. To be fair, it was a more medieval society but the argument made sense and had some backing to it. And that's the easiest, least wordy answer I could have given.

1. I actually haven't been able to pin-point one true 'typical' source of elves.
But you have mentioned some of the more common ones. :p

... How did Blood Elves come from blood though? o_o

2. Y... you googled it? o_o

3. Though at the same time Science doesn't even explain everything science does, just enough for us to be able to use it. So wouldn't all usable magic be a form of Science?

I actually do have some questions that I can't seem to figure out via browsing the forums so I'll post them here in an effort to get some answers. I hope they are clear enough!
  • How do I set up a character for an RP? (Sorry if that sounds a little like something I should be able to understand but it's just not clicking for some reason.)
  • I understand that there's a specific forum for looking for roleplays to join and all that jazz. Do I need to post there as a new user or can I search around for any open one that I'm interested in?
  • Are there minimum post limits or is that specified by the GM (or whatever you call someone who runs the RP)? Does the limit exist? (Whoops how did that reference get in there?)

For characters you can post them in the Character Depository which is basically an archive/storage of characters. But you don't need to, once you've signed up for an RP and gotten past the recruitment stage you would also be able to post it that respective RP's OOC (Out of Character) forum.

The Bulletin Board is where you would look for roleplays. You're allowed to either make your own roleplays or join other people's, or both. :p Just as long as Tiko's gone ahead and approved your account (if you can see the threads I'm linking to, then she probably has already).

And there's no minimum post set by the site, that's something that changes on a GM basis.

You can have a cookie and gold star for reading my nonsense. C:

Sweet! :3
Hey, I'm swinging back through here because I recalled you mentioning an interest in sci-fi :)

One of our users just posted up a new sci-fi roleplay that's in need of some interested players. I thought I'd recommend it over to you to give it a look-over if you're interested. I'd very much love to see him get a good lineup of players.