New User An Old/New Friend


Hello everyone. Long ago, I have joined this place, but my account was lost into the depths of the mist, for I had deleted my email thanks to hacking, and had forgotten my password. Some of the older users would remember me as "The Poet." But now, onto the details of who I am. You can call me by my username, Poet, or Aiden. It does not matter to me. You ca give me a nickname if you wish. I am 15, and as by my old nickname, I write poetry. But I am also a storywriter. As I had joined here, I love roleplaying. But I also voice act, and generally enjoy chatting. Of course, if you wish to get to know me more, then if this account is approved, DM me. To all my old friends, I am glad to see you again. To the newcomers, hello.