Emily wrinkled her nose. "Didn't know that wuz poss'ble," she quipped at the bathing comment with a yellow-toothed grin. She put a strip of venison jerky between her teeth and spun it until it weak enough to break off. She furrowed her brow at the age. "I'll be the judge o' that, whenever I see 'im." She laughed.

Since there were no adult figures around that could punish them, Emily was one hundred percent fine with showing her real feeling on that days workload. She rolled her eyes and loudly groaned. "Sore. An' borin'. And 'orrible," she growled. "Because we're split, between the big rooms and that pipe, we're not gettin' enough done." She huffed and shook her head. "As soon as the pipe's better. That's when things'll go up."

She glanced back up at Holly. "Don't mind that, though. Whaddabout the kiddywinks?" Her voice took on that fake, 'least favourite aunt' accent.

"Will do!" Mercy was a helpful sort of person, not one to laze about, and until Holly was all moved out of her own work space, Mercy would have to find something else to do other than invent or work on projects people had brought to her. She hoped more people would bring her things they needed fixing once she was up and running, but until then...boarding up windows.

Having a perpetual toolbelt upon the tilt of her slender hips, Mercy had everything she needed. Finding one of the broken windows down another hallway, she pressed four nails between her lips, lifted the hammer into her hand and pressed the board across the window. One nail was removed from her lip, and carefully aligned on the board. With two quick bursts from the hammer, it was sunk into the wall and the next nail put into place to find the same treatment.