Illya wasn't in the line for food very long and Kirit was standing at his side. In a way Illya was almost starting to feel desperate to get away. He didn't mind the tour and he had asked Kirit to train with them, but he hadn't quite thought to invite the young man to the mission tomorrow. Something where they made another hit. Tomorrow was critical to the success of this entire campaign in Reylia. There was no room for mistakes. Taking the plate of food he looked at it carefully and then to Kirit. It was too hard to think of what to say for the moment. Illya started for his seat with Kirit following him, obviously he was persistent and he expected an answer as any man should. "Eh...." Thinking for a moment longer he took a seat and poked at the food while he thought of what to say. "Kirit I tink maybe..." That was cut short as Kalizda slid in next to him and planted a surprise kiss on his cheek. Eyes widening slightly he turned to the little woman and gazed into her eyes. "Hmmm?" She was prompting him to eat his food and he nodded. Picking at it he took a bite and nodded to some of the other men that were waiting to see if it was safe. Once they were assured the men began digging in like ravenous beasts. Illya gave Kalizda a quick kiss. "I talk wit Kermit....Kirit first and den I uh....We talk?" He didn't know what was up, but she almost looked giddy. That was good. A giddy Kalizda was better than a worried one. As distracting as it was to sit next to his beautiful Kalizda when she was excited he was going to have to talk with Kirit first. "Yah ask meh dis because?"

Kirit blinked, but his expression didn't change and neither did his tone. The task and his position were clear enough to warrant him coming were they not? By the way the General was mulling over things, it was obvious he was not welcome though he was supposed to be training with them. "I ask because I am First Warrior. I ask because ye lead ye unit an' it is what my duty says 't do. " Kirit's eyes shifted a little to his wife who was listening intently, though he had spoken in traders tongue. He didn't want to ask her to translate because he should be able to speak to the man himself.

There was plenty of reason to both say yes and no. Just saying no without a reason was bad news and taking Kirit with could make a difference in how the business at the mine went. Even if the man could keep up he didn't know the signals and a single wrong move could give them away and spoil the entire thing. After a long moment he nodded. "Yah learn fast?"

Naturally he would be an addition to what, from what Tikan had described, was a precise and well organized unit. Adding in new personalities or soldiers sometimes threw the feeling of a group or endangered them if they didn't know what they were doing. Kirit understood the concerns and the risks, the General was weighing, but he was supposed to be training with them and he could be of use. He met the General with a firm, but acknowledging look and gave a singular nod. "Aye. I learn fast." He wouldn't have made it to First Warrior without that skill.

"Good." Illya nodded, "Den yah train tonight. I give signal and Kalizda translate for yah." He didn't want any chance that the soldier could misunderstand Illya's meaning when he gave signals. "If yah learn dem well enough dat I drill yah in morning den yah come, but yah dun engage unless Kalizda engages." It was better to leave it that way to start with. No need to get the man moving as a militant part of the group yet when he hadn't a chance to actually train with them. "I give briefing and yah sleep in ship wit men. I sleep in ship wit men and I get up 4 hours later den meh men all get up 1 hour after."

Kirit glanced to Calysta again. He wouldn't draw unless the woman drew which almost sounded like a protective detail. It was agreeable enough to be limited to that considering his newness to the unit. He would learn the signals tonight and be ready to board the ship afterward. It was always best to get accustomed to a new unit by eating and bunking with the team, even while not in official training session, though the lack of sleep would be interesting with so little the night before. It was a minor thing to worry about as warrior though. He would tough it out as he always did. "Aye. After drill, I get'm equipment an' board'th ship with ye unit."

Calysta nodded, glad to see the First Warrior would be coming with them. The man was reserved and to the point most of the time, but if Tikan had chosen him for the position he had to be good. Though she had seen his eyes widen some a the hours Illya informed him they would be running. "It won't take long to learn," she assured him, "i could probably used a drill down myself, so it will be a good practice for everyone."

It was a little frustrating to see the man Kirit was just as shocked about the sleeping hours as Kalizda had been. It could mean a very long day for the man and he couldn't get too tired to perform. If he was a first class warrior here then Illya was sure that he would be up to the performance. "I take yah ta ship tonight and yah talk wit men." The men would likely want to half grill the new comer for themselves and that was only reasonable.

There were Kirit's first orders from his unit leader and he gave a quick nod. "Yessir." Then he went to eating his meal since everything seemed to be set. He would eat well now and then skip dinner in favor of drills, ensuring his equipment was ready, and getting aboard the ship early enough to answer any questions before resting up. Between there, he would eat simple protein bar. There was a slight buzz of anticipation floating around the back of his neck at thought of running this mission and getting to train so early on. It happened before an mission , this seemed more exciting than normal and he gave the two of them a measured smile, before taking another bite of his fish.

In some ways the eagerness was almost nauseating. There was a difference between obeying orders and being almost excited about them. Illya hadn't even promised the guy that he would go with them. It was just a matter of Kirit's ability to remember the commands and perform in such a way that Illya was sure that he would tag along to see how a mission was done. If he proved to be useful in training sessions Illya would consider pairing him with one of the men that wouldn't mind and then he would rotate positions a little and allow for one more team member. Otherwise Kirit would train and then return to his unit. Working with the elite soldiers was different than some. While he was the general and had the final say he also had to take into consideration the opinions and thoughts of his men. They had almost as much say as himself if they chose to stand as a majority and disagree. A good Chippequoti General would listen to his men in such times as they were all to be focused on the better good of the Chippequoti.

Immediately following dinner Illya spent a few hours giving signals and watching Kirit drop to the ground, get up, shift sides and on and on. Eventually he sat down and started to look over the maps while looking up only to give a lazy order. Some of it was to test how long it would take the man to give up or if he would get angry. Illya had a lot to do before the morning and he didn't have all day to train Kirit. Eventually the time was late enough he knew that they were going to have to call it a night on the drill. "I have no more time. Yah go now." Flicking his wrist at Kirit he gave him motion to leave. There wasn't a particular dismissal that he gave. In many ways they were informal with each other and in other ways there was a strict formality that they followed. While he never thought about it, chances were it was confusing to outsiders.

Even while the men were in the ship the general sat outside staring at his maps. Though Tikan had graciously allowed him and Kalizda to stay in the villa it wasn't right for him to stay there tonight. Most of the time it was good custom to stay where the men did not except for one or two nights.


When Kirit stepped into the ships barracks the men looked at him and one of them grinned broadly. "Ah..." He spoke in Quoti. "Our new little friend is here." Ehvan sat up on his bunk and looked over at the young man and a grin came to his face. All the rest of them knew what he was thinking and the entire room of 49 Chips stared at him for a long moment. While Ehvan was busy grinning he gave the nod and started to speak again in Quoti. It was the one benefit of being their kind. No one but the Chippequoti knew the language and it made for good times when a new comer came around.

"Eh, hu hut." With a short burst from Ehvan and then he nodded and all 49 of them did it together. This time they leaped off the bunks and jumped into the center of the room. Now that Kirit was surrounded they started the initiation that was mostly to see what a new guy would do. So far as they could tell it was making Kirit a little bit nervous. With the tall men surrounding him it was impossible to see what the others were doing and two of the men pulled blankets off the extra bunk to throw over Kirit's head. Once they had him wrapped up the men belted the blanket over his head and secured his arms to his side just above the wrist. Picking him up they played a sort of hot potato game with him.

With each pass they would ask him a question about battle, weapons, function of certain pieces of equipment and there were personal questions interspersed. If they didn't understand the answer or he didn't answer fast enough they would drop him. Kirit had yet to answer something wrong though he was answering slowly quite a bit of the time. Each time they dropped the new recruit a quick "Hut" would sound and the men would laugh and haul him off the floor.

The game had gotten almost out of hand and Illya was hearing a lot of 'Huts' from the ship. It was probably about time he stepped in. If they hadn't stopped by now they would be making the young man sore. Kirit had seemed to be a bit of a quiet fellow and the men were going to work that out of him soon enough. Most of them were quiet in their own way when among strangers, but a new man in the group was expected to try and make friends soon after this. Kirit would have to earn his place and it would be through various expectations. Slowly Illya walked up the gang plank of the ship and another 'Hut' sounded. Shaking his head slightly the general grinned. He remembered doing this as a boy. He had to undergo it at the age of 13 when he first started to train with his father to join the military and then at 17 again when he joined a unit as a man. Usually the first time was the worst.

Stepping inside the room he saw the men holding a blanket wrapped Kirit. Speaking in Quoti he made sure to keep the orders private for the time. "Put him down." A thud sounded as the men dropped Kirit and they made room. Illya nodded to one of them to loose the Reylian. "He needs rest make sure he has what he needs for the night and he's prepared for the morning eh?" Leaving again Illya planned to finish the rest of the debriefing for himself tonight and tomorrow he would present it to them. At the rate things were moving he may not get as much sleep as he wanted. It was looking more like 3 hours instead of his usual 4.


The few hours of sleep that Illya got didn't quite feel like enough and he still felt a little sore from the belly flop. There wasn't too much that he could do about that for now so he tucked a lozenge in the side of his cheek and continued with his day. His first hour before the others got up consisted of ensuring that there were plenty of back up weapons for the men to choose from, armory ready aside from each man's personal collection, and finally the plan that would include directions for the units that they would divide into. It would need to be a simultaneous hit on the three mines and Illya was going to be in constant radio contact with them. Next he started to check his own gear and ensure that the radio worked, headset was good, and all the functions were clear on it.

Walking into his bedroom again Illya carefully rubbed Kalizda's shoulders. "Time ta get up." She didn't take much to wake up anymore and Illya moved on to wake his men. The room was full of snoring and a few that were mumbling in their sleep. Illya flicked the light on and gave a shout. "Up!" That was the single warning for the men to be moving to get dressed, have supplies on their person and ready for the debriefing. "5 minutes." Turning around Illya walked back out to his set up in the main armory.

Yawning and still with sheet marks on their faces many of the men leaned against the walls of the ship while Illya began rattling out orders to each unit. He didn't have Kalizda translate till it came to Kirit's part. "Yah stay with Kalizda and meh. This is a series of three mines. My unit will take the headquarters at the main mine and the rest of you will hit with each subsequent signal."
Kirit met Calysta and the General on the open quad field for drills in the late afternoon. The sun was starting to sink lower, turning the light into a golden orange and casting long shadows over the yellow grasses. He came in his combat uniform rather than his dress leather tunic this time. His cargo pants were tucked into tall black boots, and he wore a black, long sleeved thermal shirt with his body armor strapped over that. “Reporting for drills, Sir,” he nodded to Illya. The general nodded and Kirit stood in waiting to be called to attention, but that didn’t happen. Instead, the man started talking in fast Qouti while his wife translated it to Kaerelean.

“This motions are for basic movements with the group. You need to memorize them and keep up,” she translated quickly, “I’ll motion with him and translate the proper move. You’ll go till you know it.”

Then he was put through his paces. The signals were easy enough to learn with Kalizda translating and he picked up on them quickly. When the General realized that Kirit had mastered the calls, he asked his wife to stop translating and let him learn the signals silently on his own. Kalizda nodded, and even joined in for a good 30 minutes of the drill down. The little woman kept up as if she were born to it. He knew bits and pieces of her story as well as the General's and it made him curious.

Eventually, the afternoon had faded to evening and the General sat back, reading maps and calling the occasional order casually, as if he had grown bored. Kirit wondered if this might be some kind of test. Maybe the General expected him to lose interest or make a mistake as the time frames between signals grew longer and longer. The man did not know Reylian warriors well yet.

Kirit dropped immediately as the General gave another lazy order and waited belly first in the grass for 30 minutes. He would stay vigilant and not move until ordered. To do otherwise would make him subject to reprimand. The signal came to roll left and stand finally, so Kirit followed and tucked up to his feet, rising to attention for the next command. He waited and waited, letting the silence be filled with night time buzz of the flytr bugs rising up from the grass. One landed on his nose, tickling with its tiny wings and he fought the urge to wipe it away. Instead, the glowing little insect made him sneeze and sent a flurry over them flying up to cling to his shirt and pants.

“I have no more time. Yah go now.” Kirit heard the order and saw the general wave him away. This was some sort of trick. He would be casually dismissed and then reprimanded for not waiting on the official dismissal. The young warrior stayed glued to the spot, awaiting his official release and any other attempts for him to break rank. Would the General play it dirty and try to force him out of attention?
“Kirit, he’s say you are dismissed,” Kalizda finally told him in Kaerelean, “You’re done.”

His eyes traveled to the dark haired woman and she gave him an affirming nod. “No formal dismissal?”

“Not this time,” came her reply.

His shoulders relaxed and he looked over the General who was gazing down at maps. This was the way of such a strong Chippeqouti unit? The discipline seemed strange and he wasn’t sure he liked it, but he was there to learn. The young warrior kept quiet and gave the General a small nod anyways before going to collect his gear.

As soon as Kirit stepped aboard the ship and into the bunk room he knew there was trouble. Before he had even put down his bag, the rest of the men were circling up around him with grins and chuckles like a pack of wolves. He had expected a bit of initiation which was usually what happened when a man joined a new group, but he wasn’t sure what sort of initiation this would be. When he joined his own unit a year ago, they had caught him sleeping in his hammock on the 7th night, trapped him up in it, and hoisted him up the watch tower a hundred feet in the air alongside the other new men. They had called for him to “Hatch like a falcon and fly down!” The first trick was to get down, and the second trick was to do it without getting caught by the men below. Those caught were tossed into the lake.

Kirit wondered if the Chippeqouti initiation would be as easy to weather. They were all giving him knowing looks and he was ready to duck or dodge his way out of a beating if he had to. Getting hit by one of them would do some damage, but there were at least 40 of them by his count and only one of him. The first blanket was tossed at him like a fishing net and he batted it away, only to have their circle enclose on him and another woolen blanket tossed over his head. Immediately, he tried to pull it off, but a strong pair of arms wrapped around him in a bear up and he was lifted off the ground while a belt was lashed over his wrists, pinning his arms. Now, he was a useless, Reylian sack boy and the men were entertained to treat him as such. The world was tipped up side down as he was tossed from one set of hard hands to another. Questions were barked at him in traders tongue with each stomach churning pass.
One caught him by his ankles and laughed. “What’s yeh name?”

Determined not to just give in, Kirit struggled against the man’s grip. “Kirit Dynat!” he growled.

Another toss and he was caught by the waist and tucked under another’s arms. He barked another question, but Kirit couldn’t find the words fast enough in his traders tongue. “HUT!” The man let go and the young warrior fell, leaving his stomach behind. “Oof!”

They hauled him up and passed him end over end, each with a question about combat or personal. A simple beating might have been better for him. He didn’t like using traders tongue because he sounded like an idiot with his limited words and the Chip men seemed to find it funny. But he would have to do this as part of the team and he did want to get to know his new unit. If this was the way he had to do it, then he would endure. “Are yeh agreed?” asked one of the men.

Kirit had no idea what that meant and couldn’t answer, so there was a ‘HUT!’ and he was dropped again right on his bum. Pain jammed up his spine from the hard fall and he let out a Kaerelean curse just as he heard a familiar voice call an end to the fun. He was hauled to his feet and the tight belt was loosened freeing his arms. The men laughed a bit as he flipped the blanket off of his head and scrubbed a palm over his short hair. “Ye have good throw, but need t’ work ye catch,” he said, as a small smile lifted the corner of his lips.

Calysta took her time preparing her gear before bed. Illya had told her they would be moving out to the mines first thing in the morning and that it would be a coordinated move at the mines headquarters. It meant that they would be splitting off and it also meant that she would have to work efficiently at her negotiation. Splitting up would be dangerous and while she talked, mean could be fighting a half a world away because she was too slow or made the wrong move.

She had cleaned her gun and started filling up a spare clip, popping each bullet into it as she tried to ignore the nerves building in her stomach. It had been one thing to train, but this is real. The stakes were real. Illya's life, the Chip lives, and even the young warriors life depended on her. The feeling was similar to the day she received her first mission from Skycorp, but that had been more boundless excitement. This time it was more a feeling of anxious pressure to perform. Is this the way Illya felt all of the time?

Loading the last round into the clip, Calysta tucked it into the cargo pouch on her pack and then went to laying out Illya’s clothes. When she picked up a pair of his pants to lay over their chair, then his shirt and she organized his body armor along with it. Staring at the armor, Calysta tried not to think about him needing to actually use it. So many things could go wrong tomorrow but she couldn’t focus on that. This had to be done if they were to ever be free of the Federation. If all of her people were going to be safe. Going to the mines and determining if Reylia was clear of enemies was the first step in the right

Calysta peeled off her shirt and leggings before climbing into bed. Illya would keep his high energy hours, and join her within the next few minutes, so it would be better to try to get in what extra rack time she could. Flipping to her side, she sighed and pulled the covers over her head. The sheets smelled like Illya’s herby oil and the scent was a bit overwhelming. Had he dropped a bottle on their bed? Used to much in the wash? Normally, she liked the smell but the scent was strong this time and made her nose itch. Calysta poked her head out of the sheets and stared at the ceiling, feeling wide awake. Her mind wouldn’t shut off. It was live-wired with what tomorrow would bring, for better or worse, and on top of that her stomach gave a hungry growl. Her Chips odd hours were starting to make more sense if this is how it felt to be on the eve of a possible battle, but the hunger was something she hadn’t expected. Then again, she had been running drills with Kirit and that usually worked up a good appetite no matter when you did them.

Since it didn’t look like she was going to be sleeping, Calysta threw back the covers, tossed on her shorts and tank top then headed toward the kitchen. Chips didn’t really eat junk food but she had some chocolate stowed in a low cuppard. The men rarely thought to look for snacks on her level.

She woke to Illya rubbing her shoulders, urging her awake. They had both only been to bed for 3 hours or so, but now it was time to move. “Mhm.” Calysta’s eyes opened and she brushed her hand over her Chips as he retreated from the room to get the others up. It took her all of five minutes before she was dressed and strapping the chest plate to the body armor on. Her fingers kept fumbling over the clasp at her side, and after three tries, she managed to get it locked down. Illya was walking down the hallway coming back to their room when she was on her way out to the debrief. She could already tell his green eyes were starting to turn to battle focus. They would never show the stress, but it would be there nonetheless. This was his first real operation outside of Nuen and she knew what that meant. His mind would be edging toward his past.

Calysta caught his arm and made him pause, giving him a quick kiss. Hopefully something to encourage him a little. “Your gear is all set up for you,” she whispered, “We’ll do well.”


Kirit tried to sleep lightly, waiting for the Chips to decide on another form of hazing if that was to be the case. The young warrior had been running on only a few hours from the night before though, and his tiredness caught up with him finally. As soon as his shaved head dropped back to the spare bunk, he passed out.


The overhead lights and an order were his wake up call. Squinting at the florescent beaming down, Kirit rolled out of bed, and turned his back side to side, twisting out the jam from last night with a crackling pop up the length of his spine. There was no use even mentioning the lack of sleep and he knew once he was moving he would wake up. Limited sleep was part of the job.

He felt better having stretched and began strapping on his gear. He would take his gear pack, side arms, and his long knife. If this was to be a quick operation, he would leave his scythe behind for now. With his long knife tucked at his chest and his pistols on either hip, Kirit was ready within five minutes and awaiting orders.

As he expected, the General returned and by his side was Kalizda. He was not one to judge a warrior by his or her size, but seeing her stand there in smallest set of body armor he’d ever seen was kind of funny. Especially compared to her broad husband standing close by. The General began his debrief and Kirit nodded at his orders. He would be staying close to Kalizda and going to the mine headquarters.

Kirit didn’t know much about their enemy other than they were wide spread and hiding behind the mask of traders. He did know that they posed a threat to Reylia and subsequently the alliance, which was dangerous. They were the type of enemy who liked to pit people against their own kin and as far as he was concerned, entities like that in the world weren’t necessary to it. He gave a crisp “Yessir” when his orders were translated and the others grinned a little. Maybe he was too formal, but he would continue doing what he knew to be correct until he could determine otherwise.
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Illya started into the briefing as soon as he was outside. Everyone was there including the little Reylian that he had invited to train with them. Kirit had been a popular choice with the Reylian's and Illya didn't really want to take him today, but there was never going to be a convenient time. "Each group will split into 17 men. Kalizda's group will have one extra man. Kirit es joining." A few of the men turned to look at him. Not all of them were fond of the idea, but they were not about to question this sort of decision. They could see the reason for it and it was a smart move to take him with no matter how much they loathed the idea. Kirit would be proof of his people's approval for this operation and he would be witness to any troubles that they had with the Federation.

"Unit Green yah take center position, unit Cathaich yah take dah far left and den meh unit, Caonag will go to da main mine." Leaning toward Kalizda he whispered to her. "Yah place is always Caonag no matter where yah deployed yah unit always called Caonag." There was a legend that went with the name that otherwise it wouldn't make sense. "Ehvan," turning back to the briefing for the meeting he gave a short order. "Yah lead Green unit to center and make contact soon as I tell yah." So far Illya completely expected that they would be making war. The Federation was not a kind of organization to give room for negotiation. "Shamaah yah take Cathaich to far left." There was no need to give further instruction. Instead Illya stepped aside and let all men see the maps and drawings that he had made from his research on the mines. Places that when he asked Tikan the man didn't know much of. Nobody seemed to know much about the mines and Illya was a little irritated that they were walking in almost blind. Sadly this was fairly regular with the Federation and one of the organizations strengths. They kept so much of their operation under ground and un-suspicious looking on the surface that nobody knew anything besides what they were told.

Gradually each group would approach and the leader would read the map and look at it carefully. Then his group would gather around and finally Illya's group gathered around to be sure that every man understood what they were about to do. What many didn't understand about their efficiency was that the Elite Chippequoti soldiers did not need a general or a leader. There were only leaders to ensure that at least one man led the unit and when he fell there was an automatic assumption that the man behind him would be the next leader until the last man fell.

The green unit took off first with the others close at their heels. It was a running pace and the main mine would be a little more risky. Illya and his men were dressed in their full gear, but they would be marching straight in to conduct negotiations. Standing off to the side of the table Illya began to roll up his maps and shove them back into a container. He seemed to be in no big hurry while he waited for some kind of signal from the men to indicate that they had made it to their hold. After what seemed like forever a little buzz came over his headset and Illya listened. All the men in his group froze as they listened for the next round of code to come through. When it finished Illya held a single hand up and then started jogging toward the main mine. They didn't have long till the second group would reach their point and then they had approximately half an hour to start negotiations and find out if they were friendly or not though Illya was half tempted to shoot men anyway. The Federation wasn't going to deal with them fairly.

Slowing to a fast paced walk Illya reached the gates at the mine and let Kalizda state their reason to visit. Not surprisingly they were admitted without issue and he followed her carefully inside to speak with the head of the mines. Illya had put his gun aside and he held onto the hilt of his sword. He would draw it if he had to. It seemed the mine had more to it than he thought. It was carefully carved out inside and the hallways were covered in white marble with veins of gold. The richness was a typical display of power for the Federation. Finally they were left in a room with the same white marble and black granite. Instead of veins of gold there were gems laid in the stone of the room. Sitting in front of the desk was a small chair made almost entirely of ruby. Nodding to it Illya made sure Kalizda was seated and ready for the negotiations that would start as soon as the head of the mines appeared.

Calysta couldn't help but look around at the richly done room before her. She had never seen much wealth in one place before. A small stool-like chair of of glittering geode at across from a gemstone desk and chair. Was she supposed to sit and wait? The chairs were beautiful but they looked uncomfortable. Then again it would look odd of she stood for the entire negotiation too. Calsyta took a seat on the sparkling pedestal and tried to keep a calm, confident face. With each passing minute, she grew a little more nervous though. Where was the owner? Folding her hands in her lap, she stole a glance at Illya wondering how he was feeling.

Remaining as calm and as unmoved looking as possible Illya still rested one hand on his sword. He looked around the room to be sure he knew all the exits in case the negotiation went poorly. Kirit was standing back with the other men and he would witness how the Federation worked at this point. Illya wasn't sure what to expect. They were somewhat different and yet the same as before. A few minutes later an average sized man came into the room with a warm smile. "I apologize for keeping you waiting. What is it I can do for you?" He didn't have any men with him in the room or any body guards. It was all so strange appearing. Like he was confident of something that they didn't know.

Calysta looked the man over, measuring what she saw carefully. He appeared casual and non-chalant about their presence with his warm smile. His body language was kept neutral at best though. This man may have been addressing her, but his shoulders were squared toward Illya and the other Chips, showing his real interest. He knew where the power was in the group across from them. Calysta shifted in her hard seat and her grey eyes met as she translated the words to Illya and then replied. "I was hoping you might find the time to have a small talk with me. I am Calysta Monroe, representative of the Alliance. What is your name, so I may know who I am talking to?" She started out simple just to test the waters and how cooperative this man would be given he had come with no guards to speak of.

The man turned himself slightly toward Calysta and answered. "I only have a few minutes. Hope that half an hour will be enough time." The man took a seat for himself and then introduced himself to her. "May name is Grant Cummings. I would like to know what the nature of your visit is? I wasn't expecting to have anyone come to my office this morning much less men with weapons."

Calsyta tried not to frown. His response was hardly an acknowledgement of a representative of diplomatic presence, one that was hotly debated at the moment too. He seemed far too casual. Calsyta relayed his words back to Illya in Qouti and then gave him a chance to add anything back to the man before she formed her reply. Illya stayed quiet for the time, so she drew herself up and replied. "Your time is important and we recognize this, so I will be brief. I'm not entirely sure, what you may or may not have heard of the Alliance and its current situation, but I am here to ensure that it is known the Alliance still stands and determine if there are any of its enemies on Reylia. In short, I have come to ask where if this privately owned company is a friend of the allied planets."

The man raised his eyebrows slightly. "I'm not sure that I understand. Companies are independent of political affiliations. We're here on Reylia and so long as we're here we operate and produce in Reylia regardless of political climate."

Calysta ignored the man's apparent surprise, and translated before answering in kind. "That would be the hope, I'm sure, but not the reality. Knowingly or unknowingly companies are being used to manipulate politcal matters within the Alliance by a widespread conglomerate called the Federation. You may or may not have heard of it at this point, but either way your political independance only goes so far as to where your product ends up."

Shrugging a little he gazed at her for a long moment. "I don't trade with conglomerated companies. My product is sold directly to Reylia and outside trade is then sent to clients, mainly merchants. Are you accusing me of working with the Federation?" Carefully the man got to his feet. "I'm not fond of being accused of bad business."

"No," Calysta said firmly, "If I was accusing you of that I would say so. You stated your company was independent of political affiliation and I merely pointed out that may not be as true as you might believe. There is no accusation, only my point." Calysta kept herself calm even though he was standing up and looking at her angrily. Gesturing to the room, she gave the man an earnest gaze, hoping her gut feeling waa wrong. "It looks like you have benefited from the existence of the Alliance. Enjoying its peaceful airspaces and trade preferences on Reylia let your mines flourish. The Alliance wishes to keep that peace for your business and your people but that can't happen with companies possibly supplying the Federation in anyway. I don't accuse you, but I do ask that you look into these outside merchants and help cutout Federation influence where it may exist. Help the Alliance in this."

Grant nodded. "Fair enough. I will have my secretary take you to the file room and allow you to look over the trade agreements as you are a representative of the Alliance." Walking over to his door he spoke something into the room and a young man came out holding a folder in one hand and a small case in another. Peering over the rim of his glasses the man nodded and went back into the room only to come out with a set of keys and still a small briefcase. "My assistant will see to it that you can gain access to any file and then I would be pleased if you set aside any files of problematic clients of mine."

Calysta translated for Illya and waited a long moment for the man's reply. When he finally nodded and gave an answer, relief flooded through he veins. Maybe this would be a successful mission. As he talked, and she watched the exchange for the brief case, her relief faded some, all the files would be open to them, save the one that just went into that case. It could be nothing, but then again it could be something and she couldn't take a chance. She stole a look at Illya to see if he caught the same thing she did. "I would gladly review your files, clients, purchase orders and bookkeeping too. We appreciate your help on the matter."

"I'm not interested in politics Miss Monroe." The man knew very well that she was married to one of the Chips, but he didn't know what else to call her. Glancing at his watch he sighed. "Sorry to brief with you, but I have to get ready for my next meeting." Hustling out of the room he went back through the door that he had originally come through.

Illya had done his best to keep up with whatever Kalizda had ordered or said during the meeting. At least they hadn't negotiated for him to take his hand off the blade that was still sheathed. It was something that looked a little less threatening than holding a gun. So instead his gun rested across his chest and at ready for whenever he needed it. This time Illya took the front. He only had Kalizda in the front when she was negotiating, though he was close enough to push her over if it looked like it was about to get dangerous. The 16 men flanked Kalizda and Kirit. Both of them were stuck in the middle as the Chippequoti prepared to leave the room. There was something not quite right about this. It was more than just the briefcase that the assistant kept carrying and they obviously wouldn't get to see.

Still there wasn't anything else that he could see, hear or smell to consider this off. The group walked down the hallway again and then through a little series of doors that the assistant unlocked. "All the drawers are unlocked, I'll just check to make sure and then I'll have to leave. You may set any problematic files aside, over here." Setting his hand in a bin the man then ensured that all the file cabinets opened up. "Ok, anything else and you can hit the emergency button over there. We'll have an office assistant ready to help." With a nod the assistant pushed past them and out into the hall again.

They were only in the room a few minutes when Illya heard Green unit call in. "We've spotted movement. Looks like a convoy with men is headed your way." Immediately following the others group called in as well. "We've spotted convoy headed out to. Also headed that direction." Illya clenched his jaw. Moving prematurely could be detrimental and yet it seemed that they were going to have very little choice. The general went on with orders in Quoti. "Wait for further orders." He hadn't heard anything that should have indicated trouble inside this mine, but he was also concerned that maybe their movement as slow as it had been through the mine hallways had been loud enough to cover any sound of men filing into it and preparing to gun them down soon as they tried to leave. Illya was trying to think of how he wanted to do this. After a few minutes he looked at Kalizda. "Find anything yet?" Nodding at her answer he started to pace the floor.

His men needed to clear their areas quickly if there was trouble. Illya had a feeling that his group was in trouble, but he couldn't really say that definitively until he tested it out. After a moment he thought of one way to do it. Motioning for one of the other men to go with him, Illya tested the door to be sure it could lock by standing on one side and having the other lock it and then he tested. Once they were sure that it locked he had the other unlock it and step through with him to the second door. By now the others had caught on what he was going to do and they made a small half moon around Kalizda and Kirit. One stood ready at the door and the rest made a formation to protect the inner door to the file room.

Illya paused at the second door and nodded to the one man behind him. As the door swung open a hail of bullets came flying into the small section and Illya winced then stumbled back. Slamming the door shut he locked it and the two of them ran for the second door. "Open up." Illya yelled in Quoti. The others had already locked it just in case. When the door swung open Illya stepped in with the other. He could see Kalizda and Kirit staring at him wide eyed. It wasn't till the trickle of blood from his head started to run over his ear that he knew the reason why. Plucking at his scalp he pulled a bullet from the skin and dropped it to the floor. "Eh." Growling a little he wiped impatiently at the trickle that increased to a gentle flow of blood running down the side of his head and soaking through the black curls. Pressing in on the radio bit he sent the next command. "Clear yah areas now."

Looking over at Kalizda he motioned to her files. "Yah pack dose up now and we go." It was going to be a fight the whole way, but he wanted his men to clear their mines out. While Illya got his unit ready the yelling outside grew steadily worse. Gunshots seemed to get closer and he knew they had come through the second door. He was going to have to lead out clearing a path with a few of the men. They would move faster with their swords. Another report came in and Illya got news that the mines were cleared out and all people were standing outside of them now. "Den destroy dem and run intervention here." That was all the more he needed. They could halt operations with a few explosions at the other mines and then work their way through the mine here to escape. They would only have one hit to make next time and the civilians would be spared from the other mines. Hopefully the civilians here would be smart enough to stay out of the way and just hide somewhere. There wasn't going to be anymore time to worry about that detail. They were just going to have to get out alive. By Illya's estimation it would be more difficult to get Kirit and Kalizda out than himself.

The enemy was piled thick and deep into the hallway now and they were pounding on that last door. "Yah 4 stay wit Kalizda and Kirit." Pointing to another 2 Illya gave the next order. "Yah 2 wit meh." Drawing his sword he nodded to the men guarding the entrance and they opened it up. A soldier rushed immediately into the room only for Illya to cut him down and then move forward. Screams of panic sounded and weapons began to fire wildly as the Chips worked their way through the hallway of packed men. There was no chance for them. A spray of blood splattered against the walls and onto the armor of some of the men still guarding the doorway. Slowly they began to file into the hall and the group of four moved Kalizda and Kirit with them. They didn't need any orders, each man knew that logical progression of the battle at hand. They couldn't afford to get cut off.

A section of them moved forward with Illya and the other 2 to clear the way ahead and a small section held the back as they filed into the hallway. Kalizda and Kirit with their bodyguards moved through the center of the chaos protected on either side by the other parts of the unit. Bodies of the dead spread out through the hall and blood ran in conjoined rivers from one body to the next.

They were almost to the front of the hallway and another flood of men charged down into the cave. It bottle necked them, but the Chippequoti had not advanced far enough yet to take advantage of it. Instead they were caught just trying to hold their ground. One of them fell in the front and Illya stood over his body until a man from the back could rush up and take his place while dragging his body back. It looked like he would recover, but he needed at least a few minutes rest. Another rush of men came to the front and one tapped on Illya's shoulder and took his place while the general rotated back. Illya was covered in blood, his hands shook and fingers locked around the handle to his blade. He couldn't even let go of it.

A roar sounded as another flood of men came into the cave. Illya knew they had to gain ground or they would quickly get pushed back and he would lose Kalizda and Kirit. There weren't enough of them to protect them and even the four that guarded Kalizda and Kirit were getting shot by stray bullets. There was no telling if Kalizda had or would get hit. Soon enough the other part of the unit would arrive, but Illya needed relief now. Already the front line was becoming exhausted again.

This was not the kind of situation that Illya could afford to only maim his enemy. He was going to kill every one of them. A wounded man could still shoot at his center group. They were in a closed space and open ground would have allowed for him to spare more men, but not here. Setting his jaw he started back for the front line. With a roar he began slashing into the enemy and moving into the center with or without backup. Men on all sides of him fell to the floor dead or screaming. Illya faltered momentarily and fell to his knees with a cry. His leg had started to give out and a stream of blood ran freely from it. Gritting his teeth he kept on slashing till he could get back to his feet an continue clearing a path. A few of the men came in behind to widen it and the group of four started to usher Kalizda and Kirit through it. At times they drug them or held onto them to be sure that the woman and trainee didn't get hit.

Only a few minutes later the rest of the troops arrived and cut into the mines working their way down. Once they reached the line of other Chips in the unit they worked back up. When they reached the top of the mine the ground was clear and all soldier outside were maimed. Anyone inside was dead or mortally wounded. Illya winced a little and nodded to the men. They were pulling out now and re-configuring the next attack. He would have to wait at least a few hours to be sure they had the ground outside secured.

Looking to the four guards he nodded. "Yah do well. Get dem back to ship and stay dere. Rest of us finish da job here."


"Mr. Kent. We had a little scuffle this afternoon. I need more. They're in Reylia." The man stared at the blank screen for several minutes. He knew Kent was there, but the man never seemed fond of the public knowing what he looked like. Some rumored he was old and in poor health. That could be reason that he kept an iron grip on his holdings and people, but never allowed them to see him. Who would want their underlings to know that they were in failing health? It was like a horde of jackals anyway and Grant knew that for a fact because he was one of the jackals waiting for Kent to fail.

A loud sigh sounded and the voice came over the speaker. "You need more of what?"

The man wanted to snap, but he knew better. Instead he quietly answered. "I need more men and more weapons. There is about to be a battle for Reylia with the Chippequoti. They have managed to turn the Alliance against us and preserve at least the Reylian's loyalty to the Alliance." This wasn't exactly what he thought he would encounter.

After a moment Kent answered. "I sent more armaments to you only a few weeks ago. They have been distributed to all companies. It should do the job. Is there anything else?" He had sent specific instruction to use the new equipment and from the sounds of it there were some men that hadn't used it already when they should have. Grant was going to have to fight to keep his place now and Kent knew he wouldn't be able to. At least it would remove one of the more troublesome members of his group and act as a warning for the others. Right away the others would listen and he would be the undisputed leader again. At times little lessons like this were beneficial especially since it came at very little cost. Reylia was always teetering on the edge anyway. What they didn't want to lose was Uria and he was going to send additional armaments there.

It didn't sound like there was much help to get. Grant knew he had been sent to Reylia to be put out of the way. The additional armaments he had been sent were only bullets and he didn't see how they were going to make the difference in the war. Kent had a sick sense of humor. It was as if he had told them to commit suicide when he sent those and now refused to send any other aid.
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Kirit stood in the back of the room with the rest of Kalizda’s guards listening to both his ear piece and the conversation going on between the woman and the mine owner. Already he could tell something was not right. The man wore a smile but his motions and tone were wrong for sincerity. Kalizda seemed to pick up on this as well as she shifted in the glittering chair, but she kept persisting a peaceful resolution. It had to be maddening to try to walk the fine line that she was. Knowing something was wrong, but with no true reason to act otherwise. The young warrior’s eyes shifted to the Chippeqouti General. The man was probably keeping a calm face, but Kirit could see his fist gripping the pommel of his sword tightly. He knew too.

Kirit shifted casually, drawing his hands from behind him to rest at his side where the pistols waited. Illya had asked him not to draw unless Kalizda did but if this man attacked her directly, there wouldn’t be time for her to draw. He would defend himself and others if necessary. The conversation came to an abrupt end, though the mine owner seemed cooperative it was obvious he was in a hurry to leave. Not a good sign. They were lead by an assistant into a filing room and stated they had full access to everything they needed. There were two doors, an inner and an outer door that created a sort of parlor area separating the main hall from the filing room. Those could be a blessing or a curse depending on how this played out.

Kalizda pulled open a drawer quickly and began thumbing through records, her little fingers working fast over the files. Electronic records could have been offered but, this filing room would take them far longer than a simple download and search. The woman’s eyes grew wide as she pulled out one file and she waved him over, holding out the paper written in standard Kaerelean type. By the looks of the names and amounts, it was a shipping order list to different townships on Reylia. Most of them the affluent areas. “Do you know some of these places?” Kalizda asked him quickly, “Are they all on Reylia?”

Kirit’s dark eyes scanned the page and he nodded. “Aye. Most of them.”

The earpiece in his ear crackled to life and two report came in. He had no idea what they said, because it was in the Chip native language. It was impossible to know what was happening other than judging by the tone, which sounded like a warning. Apparently, he was going to have to learn the entire Chip language in order to know what was going on with his new unit.

As he suspected, the two reports from the other units were warnings and Illya began to pace the floor before turning to Kalizda. "Find anything yet?"
She nodded and made a quick reply in the Chippeqouti language. Kirit could only assume she had told him ‘yes’.

Kirit turned his attention to the General who had begun looking over the double deep doors as if trying to either work out a plan to get them out or to keep others out. He knew now that there was something on the way to greet them and it wasn’t going to be pleasant. As if by instinct or some unseen signal the men around himself and Kalizda began tightening up, creating a protective barrier. It felt odd being in the middle of such a detail, but with his smaller build he would only be a weakness in this sort of phalanx of bodies. Instead, he stepped close to Kalizda and watched the door carefully as two of the other Chips along with the General went into the parlor area.

The General’s wife noticed the change too and glanced up at him. “Kirit, can you tell anything about what’s happening?”

Kalizda didn’t have an earpiece but it wasn’t like his was doing much good since he couldn’t understand. “Two warnings. Possible Enemies in-bound,” he replied in Kaerelean. The woman paled a little and started snatching up the files. They both jumped when the door behind them slammed and the tatting of gunfire exploded in the hallway outside. Kalizda scrambled to collect the files she dropped as Illya came back through the door, blood trickling from his head. Did he get shot in the…

The Chip General reached up and picked at his head, prying free a copper bullet and growling at it in annoyance before tossing it to the floor like a pebble. He knew of their strength and some about their bones but this was something different all together. The man was practically bullet proof it seemed. Kalizda recovered from the surprise of it before he did, and nudged his arm. “Open my pack and put these in, Kirit,” she ordered quickly offering him the heavy files. Kirit shook his head, and refocused himself. “No, put them in mine, I can carry the weight better.”

The woman didn’t argue with him and he knelt down a little, as she unzipped his pack and started jamming the files where she could. As his pack grew heavier, the yelling and gunfire outside grew louder and finally Illya determined it was time for them to move out. With four of the Chippeqouti guards surrounding himself and Kalizda they opened the doors and pushed into the fray. Kalizda drew her weapon and immediately he did the same, keeping in front of her as an extra body to protect. She didn’t hesitate though, and kept moving side by side with the Chippeqouti as she had obviously been trained to do. The hallway was already packed with well-armed enemy soldiers. Kaerelean men armed as Federation soldiers. The sight made a twinge of fear spike in his spine. These were his countrymen here to kill him and the people trying to protect them and they would do so without question. It was all very loud and very real now.

To his surprise, it wasn’t the hail of bullets, the sound of screams, or even sight of the blood that caught his attention as they battled their way down the hallway. It was the wet thumps the bodies made as they collapsed to the floor that rang in his ears. His eyes locked on to General Illya swiping with his sword, felling every man in his way with sprays of blood and gore. He had seen Reylian warriors go into battle rages before and put to the test himself in some ways but he had never seen the likes of this. Neither had he killed a man.

Another wave of enemies came screaming down the hallway and one of the men in the push faltered. Illya stepped up again falling to his knees as the men around them began taking damage. The General was obviously injured, but it was hard to tell where at first because he was covered in blood. Kirit readied himself, to take on part of the rotation in the push if the General went down, but somehow man bellowed and rose to his feet, taking on a whole new swath of enemies. How?

Kirit heard a yip beside him and Kalizda stumbled, bumping into him. He grabbed her by the pack with his free hand, trying to keep her steady and himself upright. “Kalizda?” She had been hit somewhere in the leg judging by the way she was holding it. A man who had been given deep slash across the chest was laying on his back, blood oozing over his gear and holding a pistol in his shaking hands, aimed at Kalizda again. She must not have seen he was still alive when she stepped over him and he’d fired at her, taking her by surprise. It felt as though time had stopped around him as the man focused his blue eyes on the small woman beside him. Kirit raised his gun as he had done thousands of times before and squeezed the trigger. Two loud pops were the only sound in his ears as the bullets found their mark in the man’s forehead, blood spattering over the floor. The young warrior stared at the deadened eyes of the man until a voice called him back. “ Kirit! Keep moving!” she yelled over the din of the battle. “Go!”

Kirit blinked and all focus flashed away as the world came crashing in. “Aye!” Kalizda scurried along, hopping a little on her left leg some. He helped her over some of the bodies but at one point, their bullet battered escorts nearly tackled them, covering them from another hail storm of fire. The young warrior silently cursed himself before being both afraid and for not being able to work into the team. He couldn’t take bullets like these men could and would have been dead twenty times over had he tried. When the storm ceased he was wrenched up right and half hauled the rest of the way out of the mine.

Somehow the General had made it through all of that. He was still standing and giving orders in his native language. Before Kirit could surmise what was happening, one of the Chip men in the escort grabbed him with a rough hand around the scruff of his neck and ducked his head, forcing him low. They were being ordered back to the ship but the rest of the men were staying behind.

Calysta found herself being hauled away from Illya back toward the ship by Maks, one of her escorts. She didn’t want to separate from him though it made more sense. He was hurt and covered in so much blood, some of it his own and much of it belonging to the men they had just mown through. As Maks half carried her away from Illya and the ongoing clearing operation, Calysta couldn’t help but give her Chip a worried look. She knew she was safe with her escort, but her concern was for those staying behind, including him.

Once they made it to the ship, Calysta dropped her pack and nodded to Maks and the others. They knew to start setting up the defenses, which included getting the outer gunneries ready, racking up weapons near the hatch and setting up the offboard cameras to detect movement. Her unit was still out there and this was their means of escape if need be. The Chip men were fast and efficient at their work, but Kirit seemed a little dazed. He had an ear piece in so he could hear the operations going on at the different mines but he stood by, spackled in blood and, watching the mines in the distance at the hatch entrance. Calysta to a few skipping steps over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. The young warrior didn’t move.

“Kirit…Kirit…”she said, her voice a hoarse, “Come away from there. Go wash down and then you can help me keep watch.”

The sound of his name seemed to spur him out of his thoughts and he nodded silently before turning toward the bathroom. She wasn't going to ask if he was alright, because it was clear from the look in his eyes that he was not. She'd seen the same look in Illya's eyes enough to know. Calysta took a deep breath and look at the mines in the distance. The furthest two mines had black plumes of smoke curling puffing from them into the sky. What had happened there? Her ankle gave a protest and she shifted the weight from it, to get some relief. The bullet had skipped right across the top of her shin bone and it was her new bones that had probably saved her from worse damage. That and Kirit. Her jaw tightened as she thought about wounds. Illya and so many of them were still out there and in danger. This had been an absolute failure. A hideous disaster where so many people just died and her friends and husband were soaked in the aftermath. It hadn’t been her fault the mine had been a trap, but she should have known better. Listened to her instincts when she felt like something was wrong.

Her hands curled into fists and she grit her teeth, trying to remind herself this had to be done. Otherwise the Federation would rip their world apart and rebuild it into one where they could kill on a whim if it suited their needs. That wasn’t to say that the men in the hallway today knew any of that. They were just men following orders from their work. She wondered if there would be a second wave. Illya had seemed to think so.

“Deh cameras are ready,” Maks said from behind her.

“Aye. If you have any wounds, I can take a look at them in the med bay now that things are set.”
She would go wipe up her blood dribbling into her boot once Kirit was able to stand watch, and then patch anyone else up that needed to be. As she walked toward the bathroom to check on the young warrior, there was a strange sound. Calysta paused, listening to the a growing rumble and then a crackling. Not good. The whole ship started to shuddering violently as there crashing sounds from all over. Racks of weapons tumbling, the kitchen ware tumbling to the ground and her escorts yelling from the cock pit.

What in the wilds?! Running toward the hatch, Calysta was thrown to the ground by a sudden jerk and a thunderous CRACK. She curled up on the ground and covered her head as bits of gear tumbled from the bulkheads above her. The rumbling and shaking kept going for a long minute as the ship felt like it was going to fly apart and then suddenly stopped, leaving behind the sound of her yells. She hadn’t even realized she was yelling. Swallowing hard, she tossed off the vests and spare armor pieces, dragging herself out of the pile. Kirit was stumbling out of the bathroom with wet hands and a bewildered look as Maks appeared in the hallway. “Kalizda, come.”

What had happened? Had they been attacked from the air too? That wasn’t what she imagined it would have felt like, but what if it was and everyone was still out there? Calysta scrambled to her feet, ignoring the throbbing in her shin and made her way to the hatch to peer outside. The mines were still smoking but the black clouds were pouring out into the air now. A massive crack had carved along the hill in the distance spider webbing out through the grass and rocks and leading to a great chasm.. It looked as though the entire ground was alive and shifting as it sank. “I think those are the mines,” she gasped, “Some of the mines are collapsing.”
What remained of the larger unit watched as the other four took Kalizda and Kirit back to the ship. They didn't need to be here for this part. It wasn't going to be pretty and Illya knew it. Besides he would risk a valuable person if he kept Kalizda here. The question was how long they were going to wait outside. Illya looked to his men and started to ask. "Where yah set charges to destroy mines?" Each group leader began to describe the location of the charges and Illya nodded. Then it was enough that he was sure it would drive out the rest of the men. If they came out with their hands up he would have to spare them, but if they were coming out ready to fight he wasn't going to hesitate.

"We kill any man dat wants ta fight eh?" Looking to the others he knew that they were just as wary as himself of killing these men. Many of them were Reylians and for the most part they liked the people, but they couldn't allow the Federation to grow. The ground started shaking and Illya took a sharp breath. His leg was starting to throb with each shudder of the earth. Finally he leaned forward slightly and placed a hand on one of the boulder to maintain his balance. The man that had fallen earlier was also holding onto a rock for balance. Most of the color had drained from his face, but the Chip was still holding strong and Illya planned to have him be part of the back lines. If he wanted to go back with the others he would have said something and he knew what the expectations were here so Illya let him do as he felt he could.


Inside the tunnels Grant looked to his men. The only order he had from Mr. Kent was to use the armaments sent. Occasionally the old man would have some wily trick up his sleeve. "Load up with the newest bullets." Giving the command to the men remaining he knew that their best shot was to wait it out. Eventually the Chippequoti would stage an attack to come in and when they did he would be ready.

A rumbling inside the tunnel started and the ceiling began to crack. With no choices left the men started to rush out of the cave shooting when the first Chip came in sight.

Seeing the men come charging out of the mine Illya and the men straightened and drew their swords. The first bullet whizzed past Illya and he kept moving forward. Grant and the last of his men were far fewer than what they dealt with last time and it should make for quick work. Another rumble shook the earth and the two units fell to the ground only to scramble to their feet again. Chippequoti swords clashed against the men and those behind them fired off another desperate round. Illya was close to the next target when he heard the gunshot. Ignoring it he stumbled forward and slashed at the man again. A horrible pain and started to sink into his side and he paused momentarily as another bullet hit. This time he fell back on his butt and almost blindly groped for the sword that he was still holding in his hand. Thrusting it up he caught the approaching soldier in the chest with the sword. Everything was beginning to quickly go fuzzy and he mumbled as he forced himself to roll to his knees and attempt getting up again. With even his best attempts another blazing pain sunk into the back of his shoulder and he sunk to the ground.

Ehvan knew he was next in line as the leader and he urged the others forward even though they were shaken. Somehow these bullets could go through their armor and now their general and four others were laying on the ground. There was nothing that they could do to help the men. If these bullets were effective against them, then they had no time to help them. Instead there was a push to kill the enemy as quickly as possible.

Grinding through the enemy the remaining Chippequoti quickly ran through those dying and took their weapons. They would need the Ehaui to evaluate this. It was more dangerous than anything they had encountered before. A group of 20 started to dig through the bodies to find their companions and then race with them back to the ship. This land was too broken to be landed on with a ship and they needed the Ehaui doctor on board their own ship to asses what he could and have Reylian doctors help where it was possible.

"Maks!" Yelling into the radio Ehvan joined the group of men racing back for the ship. "Federation has new weapons. Have 8 wounded here. We need the Ehaui ready to operate right away and get as many Reylian physicians as you can." At the pace they were going it would only be a short time, but he wasn't sure how long some of them would last. "General is bleeding out."


The ship with four men almost exploded with action when the message came over the headset. One Chip ran into the medical ward to see the Ehuai physician finishing the stitching on Kalizda. "I get yah station ready!" Without saying much else he started to scrub down what he could while the Ehuai finished his work. Whenever Kalizda tried to get up or ask what was going on he would press her back into the bed. "You stay there. I will finish then prepare the rest." There was never any rushing the Ehaui when they were in the middle of working on a patient.

Another one of the men started to call back home to the base in Uri and request Ehaui analysts and more medicine and an additional doctor. It would take a day, but they would need her in the long run.

One man set to pulling out extra blankets and washing down sections of the room as if to sterilize it and the last one looked to Kirit. "Get doctors. Hurry up!'" Almost shoving the lad out the door he didn't wait for him to ask questions or anything else. "Dey're incoming and ets nut good." When they finished prepping what they could the four Chippequoti stood outside and started to usher in doctors and other personal as they arrived to the appropriate part of the ship. They already knew protocol for this kind of thing. It happened from time to time and the Federation had plenty of time to have built this sort of technology and now they needed something to counter act it.


Ehvan helped haul the men into the part of the blanketed off bunk room. It was set up like a surgery and they lowered some of the upper bunks so that they were at a comfortable height for the physicians. Unlike most of the time they were gentle when they laid their wounded companions on the beds. The Ehaui doctor rolled a large cart in with supplies to treat the Chips. He already knew looking at them that some could be treated by regular doctors and he fully intended on letting the regular doctor treat those that they could.

Two of the men came in carrying Illya. The general groaned when they laid him on the bed. He was pale and held onto his right side as tightly as he could. Blood still oozed between his fingers and sporadically little spurts would flood out over his hands. The Ehuai ran a quick scan over him and nodded to a regular doctor. "Nothing I need ta do. His bones blocked the bullet to his shoulder and one rib stopped a bullet for his heart. Et just chipped the bones." Others had bullets that had embedded into their bones and that was something that the Ehaui would have to deal with.

Handing a tube of paste to the one doctor he nodded. "Yah make incisions after you stop the bleeding in his liver and then put this over the cracked bones. It will seal them and increase healing."

The room was shut off for several hours while the doctors worked to mend their patients and clean them up. Stacks of armor sat just outside the curtains and Ehvan carried out buckets of bloodied water. When it was finally opened again the doctor met with Kalizda. "Well..." pausing a little he sat down next to her. Typically the Ehaui didn't like having family even in the same room, but it couldn't be helped as the woman was insistent on at least staying close to the curtained off area. "You can go see him now. Doctors stop bleeding and we check every 6 hours to see if it's ok. Chippequoti regenerate much faster than other races. Normally for human we say they have 50% chance to survive this wound in the first 24 hours and then 75% chance of surviving after that. He has 65% chance right now and 95% after the first 15 hours. If he makes it that long then I think the wound will close up and I'll give him special treatments to aid with liver regeneration and he'll be back on his feet in about 4 days and to his usual activity in 10. Made a small blood transfusion and that's all I could do." Nodding to her he made his way back to the medical bay to get more medicines to treat the Chippequoti with.

Illya lay on his left side half curled into a ball. At least it took some of the pressure off his liver. His leg stung a little where they had to stitch him up and he felt cold. There were mounds of blankets on the bunk, but he couldn't really tell. For the most part he figured that the cold had to do with the fact that he lost a fair amount of blood. The ribs hurt and his shoulder throbbed to. Overall it wasn't bad, but a new bullet that could chip the bones and go through armor was a problem. If that bullet had been much further over he could have been laying here with his guts half out of his body and the Ehuai trying to figure out how to repair them or put him in a stasis while his body tried to recover from the shock and repair the guts itself.

Carefully he looked up at Kalizda and gave her a sheepish grin when she came over to his bed with that worried look. "I tink I'm fine."
Calysta sat back on one of the medical bay beds near nearest the door. After the ship was readied for defense and the mines had been collapsed around them, there was little else to do but patch up, so Calysta had gone to the med bay. The bullet graze was more of a gash than a hole and it was just deep enough to cause pain in her shin and an annoying amount of blood to flow. It had soaked through her leggings and oozed its way into her boot was felt slimy. She would have to get it stitched before she could clean out her shoe and get rid of the tinny sent of her own blood. The Ehaui doctor made things simple and cut away her pant leg around the wound before cleaning around it. The astringent he used burned and sent the feeling almost into her bone where the graze was deepest. Calysta stayed quiet, but was relieved when he put a numbing gel around the wound before starting in with the stitches. She was willing him to go faster with his stitching so she could go back to the hatch and watch for Illya along with the others. Each stitch seemed to take an irritatingly long time to poke through her skin as she willed him through every loop. There was no rushing an Ehaui doctor though. They did just about as they pleased when it came to patients and would keep their pace no matter what.

Kirit had accompanied her but waited outside the door of the med bay silent as ever. “Can you hear anything?” she asked with a small sigh.
“It sounds calm for now.” Kirit kept his reply simple because he could hear basic orders, but not understand them. All he could go by was the tone.
As the Ehaui doctor worked in the second to last stitch Kirit wince and clutched at his ear, then Maks burst into the med bay, making Kalizda jump. His violet eyes were a little wild with fresh adrenaline as he announced, “I get yah station ready!” Ready? Her eyes went from the Chip, to Kirit who was wincing at the sounds in his ears, and then back to Maks. Something terrible had happened and her heart started to knock against her chest. Illya.

Calysta started to stand up, but the Ehaui fussed at her and pushed her back down by the shoulder. “What’s going on? Are there incoming wounded? How many? Who?” She sputtered out the questions in a blur of Qouti, but the Ehaui doctor just shook his head at Maks and kept on working at his same old pace. It was almost maddening and she could hardly sit still. It was made even worse when Jonah started hauling down blankets and started shoving Kirit out the door, demanding he find doctors. The young warrior disappeared down the hall at the command and left without saying what he had heard.


Kirit returned with 3 ruffled looking Relyian physicians from the mining town nearby. It hadn’t taken him long to radio ahead requesting aid of every available doctor in the place for an ‘Reylian Elite Unit.’ He had no idea what the Chippeqouti had faced but whatever had happened caused an explosion of panicked radio activity. That was never a good sound in any operation.

He had the physicians wait for him at the town line and borrowed requisitioned a skimmer from the local police force. When the found out he was First Warrior under Tikan it helped get him the keys. Plus, the authorities were busy trying to keep the towns people away from the large crack that had split through the main street and didn’t have time to balk at his sudden demand. With three confused physicians in tow he’d flown them top speed back in the land skimmer, having to take extra time to avoid the open pits created by the mine collapse. He arrived as the men were being hauled onto the ramp. He could see Illya being hauled up by two men, leaving behind dark trails of blood. It was hard to tell if the man was even alive anymore.

“These are not Reylian’s,” said one of the doctors as they exited the skimmers. The comment struck a nerve with the young warrior. Those men had just probably died to protect his people from their enemies. The normally quiet man, whipped around and snatched the doctor up by his shirt collar. “They are warriors for Reylia.” The older man looked at him with wide eyes and nodded. He hadn’t expected the First Warrior to be so young, but the hardness in the warriors face was enough to make him agree to his words.

Calysta refused to move from the hallyway outside the bunk room despite the Ehaui doctor having tried to shoo her away a few different times. “Illya is in there and so I’m staying right here,” came her firm reply every time. When she had heard he was hurt and badly by some sort of new armor piercing round, she had wanted to see him immediately but Maks had used his wide frame to block him from view in the room, claiming “Yah dunt need ta see.” The Chip had been right of course, she didn’t need to see to hear the pitiful moans from her Chip combined with the cries of 7 others coming from inside. If he was hurt bad enough and died would they even let her see him? The thought of it made her eyes sting but she refused to cry in front of the others. If she was scared, they didn’t need to know it. Illya was so much stronger than anyone knew, even her sometimes.

The longer Calysta waited, the less pained groans she heard from the room and the more doctors chatter she could hear, but in Qouti and Kaerelean. “Need to stitch that or it will keep bleeding. We want to make this a onetime cut…bring that light closer. There’s the bone chip….” Would they stop his punctured liver from bleeding him out? Calysta listened, her heart pounding with every word until the Ehaui doctor emerged with bloodstains on his coat. She thought he was there to ask her to leave again and she was about ready to demand he leave her alone. Instead, the doctor gave her Illya’s prognosis while also telling her it was safe to go back to see him. 65% chance…then after the first day or so…95%... The news made her a little dizzy with relief, and she sucked in a deep breath. “T-hank you.” The reply as a stammering response in Qouti, but the Ehaui didn’t seem to care as he headed back to the medical bay.

Calysta walked through the sectioned off bunkroom slowly feeling a little nauseous. Not only was the smell of blood and astringent making her stomach churn, but the fact that Illya was severely injured made her stomach tie in knots. When she pushed back the woolen curtain to Illya's makeshift bed, her heart sank to join her pretzeled stomach. Her Chip looked ashen as he laid curled up on his side. His shirt had been cut away so they could perform the surgery on his liver and he sported new sets of stiches on his side. Despite how miserable he looked and must have felt, Illya gazed up at her with bright green eyes managed a sheepish smile. "I tink I'm fine." Calysta knelt next to his bed and couldn't decide whether she wanted to smack him for scaring her or kiss him for just being there to smile at her. "You had to go get shot," she joked weakly, "You're not supposed to do that you know." She leaned forward and brushed his hair behind his ear.

There was that worry on her face and Illya tried to make her feel better. It really didn't seem to help by the look on her face. Her brows were pulled together tightly and her eyes seemed to be softer than usual. "I jes had a craving for lead eh?" That was all better of a joke he could make and Illya moved one of his hands away from his side. The doctor had cleaned him up nicely and he wasn't drenched in blood anymore, but he still felt sore. "Steal another pillow from main room eh?" He had a plan and he figured if he asked her for another pillow she would bring it. Huddling under the blankets he shivered a little.

She gave a little half snort at his and shook her head. "Lead is bad for your liver and everything else," she replied wryly. At his request for another pillow, she nodded and stepped away into the main room. A quick look around verified that all the pillows had already been taken from there. Retreating to their usual bed, she took her pillow from there, which was fluffier and also stolen from Illya, and brought it back to him. "Tell me where you want it and I'll help," she said, giving it a fluff.

Illya grimaced and tried to push himself further back onto the bed while he waited for Kalizda. When she finally came back he was starting to feel a little tired, but he managed a weak grin when she offered to help. "Jes lay it by meh side. I wanna rest meh arm dere." When she gently adjusted the pillow he noticed how close she was getting and he forced himself to move enough to kiss her. "Maybe meh Kalizda get in bed wit meh for a few. Make et fast before da doctor come eh?"

Laying next to him might hurt him if she wasnt careful, but she didn't plan on going anywhere and laying beside him might be a good way to get him to be still for awhile. She smiled and started adjusting the pillow carefully when he leaned up and kissed her. Make it fast? Her eyes grew wide for just a moment. " Illya did you just suggest..." Her voice trailed off as she leaned against the pillow.

It took a moment for Illya to catch up to what she thought he was saying. "No!" Hissing loudly he pointed to the curtain. "I say hurreh up and close curtain. Get under covers wit meh and jes be here. Dat way doctor won't move yah eh?" He wasn't feeling like having sex at all. It sounded like a horrible idea, but somewhat appealing at the same time.
Calsyta half laughed with his quick answer and drew the curtain quickly, hiding them both from view. If the Ehaui caught her they'd fuss and make her leave more than likely. Considering the case if she got caught, she figured she might well make herself useful. Laying down gingerly beside him she brought a warm hand to his cool cheek. "I'll stay right here if you promise me not to be moving around so much'."

She wasn't quite close enough and he wanted slight pressure to his side, but not enough to hurt. "Den get closer." Lifting his arm he beckoned for her to get closer yet. "Closer." When she was finally squished gently against the pillow he laid his arm over her. "I dun need ta move ef yah jes stay here." He was hurting and Illya hated to admit that he was horribly wimpy at times and all he wanted was to just cuddle and be close. Aside from that she was warm and he felt a little warmer with her pressed close to his body.

Calysta wiggled closer and closer until she was tucked against him and his arm was draping over her side, pulling her just slightly. His usual warm wasn't there and that realisation worried her a little. "Don't pull. You stay very close to me, huh?" She cuddled down as close as she dared and tucked the blanket higher up on them. Her spare hand gently rubbed up and down his arm, fighting the chill bumps over his skin. "Hmm...its a good thing I've got a little chip bone in me. I'm a better at warming you up now." She kept rubbing and kissed his cheek every now and then. He was so cold and hurting and she would stay as long he needed.

"Uh huh." Illya answered her blandly as he tried to get comfortable. There wasn't anything as comfort besides having Kalizda close to him. Despite the pain in his liver he fell asleep only half an hour later. The doctor started to make rounds after a few hours. It had been almost 2 hours and it was time to make sure that the Chip hadn't started to bleed internally again. Anytime that could happen between now and the next several hours. When he went to the bed he saw the little woman curled up with Illya. The doctor raised one eyebrow and then handed her the scan machine. "You just scan him since I can't reach with you in the way. " The woman would have to move a little bit, but he figured the Chip would forgive her more easily. "Hold the button down and just wave it over his side. You don't need to move the pillow or anything." When she finished he looked over the image and readings. "Hmmm....Looks good so far." Handing her a little vial he nodded. "When he wakes up give him this. Works as an antibiotic and I mixed a little pain killer in it for him."

Calysta let him fall asleep as her little hands chased away his chills. She knew he was truly in pain as he fell asleep with his brow knitted together and his pale lip poked out just so. At least he was resting and seemed more comfortable though. Calsyta didnt move a muscle until the doctor came by, catching her cozied up to him. She gave him a and rather than kicking her out, he put her to work. When he said Illya was looking good, she breathed a sigh of relief under his heavy arm and took the prescribed vial. She had seen it before and knew what to do. Calysta stayed by his side, awake and waiting. She was exhausted but she wouldn't dare sleep until her Chip opened his eyes again and drank the.vial.

The doctor made another round 2 hours later and Illya still hadn't woke up. When he had Kalizda do the scan he nodded a little and hmm'd for a few seconds before looking to see if she still had the vial. "Still looks fine. Most critical period will be done in about 11 hours." Passing on he went through his rounds to check on the others. Some of them were starting to wander around after they had the bones patched and a few hours of sleep. There was one that was still in rougher shape though. Illya woke up about an hour later and he moaned a little as he became more aware of his side. When he remembered that Kalizda was with him he tried not to frown as deeply. Looking into her eyes he tried to take the vial, but she insisted on holding it for him instead of allowing him to move his arm. Calmly he accepted the little vial and swallowed the contents. Turning his head to the side again he let out a short breath. "I love yah." The medicine knocked him out again and this time for many more hours. By the 10 hour mark Illya started to warm up a little bit and he was nearing the point of sweating underneath the mounds of blankets.

Calysta stayed awake, greeting him with worried grey eyes when his opened. He moaned and she brought up the vial intending on helping him drink it. "No, dont move," she whispered as she unstopped the bottle and held it to his lips. He drank back the bitter liquid while she held it and cupped her hand underneath to prevent spilling. When he puffed out a sleepy 'I love yah' she smiled gently and kissed his cheek. "I love you. Now, rest." Her order to rest mixed with the pain meds seemed to drift him off easily and her own exhaustion caught up. Try as she might to stay awake her head lolled and her eyes took slow blinks, begging to close until she went slack and fell asleep without even realizing it.

When the 15 hours passed the doctor had Ehvan take some breakfast to the bed. "Take two plates." The Chip gave the Ehuai doctor a strange look and the man widened his eyes. "I said two on purpose." He was tired out and slightly frustrated with Ehvan. When the Chip finally left the doctor collapsed into his chair. At least it seemed that the Chip made it past the most dangerous part and he was recovering, he had even gotten to a reasonable temperature when he made the last check. Ehvan arrived at the bed and pulled the blanket aside only to see Kalizda curled in the bed with the general. Momentarily his eyebrows rose and he set the plates on the edge of the bed before clearing his throat. "Doctor said yah need ta eat."

Calysta wasn't sure when she drift off but the removal of the blanket made her stir just a little from the cooler air. Frowning in her sleep, she curled closer. She was supposed to be keeping Illya warm and if the blanket fell off he'd get cold. Her little hands searched blindly for the covers before landing in something soft. "Uhg..." Why was there something like that there and why did it smell like mashed potatoes? Peeling her eyes open slowly she found Illya looking at her and Ehvan standing over them both. Her face turned pink and she sat up slowly, her pony tail a wild mess. "I uh.." her eyes fell on the plate. "I'll make sure he eats." When Ehvan was gone, Calysta picked.up the plate and held up a spoon hesitantly. The smell of the gravy was awful and she tried not to curl her lip at it as she offered him a bite.

The cool air was enough to wake up anyone. Illya shuddered slightly and he noticed the little bit of potato on her hand. Food sounded wonderful and yet he wanted to eat only a little bit at first to make sure it settled with his stomach. "Get yah hand closer and I eat dah food off et first." A little smirk came to his face. She must have been really tired to forget to wipe her hand off.

Calysta glanced down and saw the potatoes on her fingers at Illya's teasing. If he was teasing her again, he was feeling better. He would be alright. Giving him a sleepy little coy smile, she lifted her fingers and licked them herself. "Desert is for later," she replied with a chuckle before, offering him the smallest of bites.


Calysta stayed by Illya, helping the Ehaui doctor track his progress on the less frequent checks and helping him eat or adjust as he needed to. He seemed to not want her to go, and it was just as well, because she wasn't about to leave him. At one point, a spasm went through his leg which cause him to curl up, only making the incision at his side hurt worse. Calysta tried to get up to go find heat packs as soon as the muscles seized but he just groaned a little and held her closer, for a long moment until it passed. "I'll have the doctor come bring more relaxers," she whispered. The Chip nodded to her this time and she kissed his cheek before sliding out of the bed. As she left the bunk room, she couldn't help but notice some of the men were giving her odd looks. Sure, she wasn't injured and was staying around but there wasn't anything wrong with that. It's what she had done every other time he had been hurt and its not like she was in the way. The Ehaui doctor didn't seem to mind it either.

Calysta went into the med bay to find the Ehaui doctor and the Reylian doctors speaking with one another. They all stopped when she came in, obviously worried something more serious had happened. "Do we have something for muscle spasms?" The doctor seemed to understand why she needed them and handed her a packet of what looked like little gum squares. Apparently, they were lozenges with medicine inside. Walking back to the bunk room she passed by Ehvan who was in charge of the clean up until an official report was made to Tikan and the Reylians could take over. She had offered to help him with the reports earlier but he shook his head and gave a disapproving look as he was doing again when she passed by. Calysta wasn't entirely sure why he was giving her such surly gazes. Maybe it was because she was staying with Illya and not helping more with the ship. If she was honest, she didn't feel overly great herself. The stress of everything must have worn on her because she felt tired and even a bit dizzy sometimes when she stood. There was no way she was going to tell a soul that though. There were more important things to worry about than her stress level which she had signed up for upon taking the job. In the interest of not wasting energy, Calysta decided to just let Ehvan think whatever it was he wanted.

When she returned to the bunk room, Illya was frowning in pain again. "The doctor gave me these," she told him, tearing open the foil lozenge packet with her teeth, "They should help." Once the lozenge popped free, she held close enough for him to take in his mouth without moving his arm and then sat on the edge of the bed. Illya gave her the look as if he wanted her to come close again, so she pulled back the blankets and curled up. He gave her a playful smirk and draped his arm back over her side. Sometimes his ability to smile even when he was recovering like this amazed her. "My Illya," she whispered in his ear.
He relaxed when she came close and his eyes closed again. Sleep was good for a recovering Chip and he had lost enough blood to warrant anyone being exhausted. She wondered if he would be too tired to dream. The last thing she needed was for him to have a bad one, especially after what happened in the mines. Putting her hand over his, she used her thumb to stroke the back of his knuckles and decided to whisper stories. The sound of her voice and the touch might keep him from slipping into the past while he slept.

Half way through muttering what she remembered of Tom Sawyer, she had another wave of sleepiness herself and stopped talking. The bunkroom grew quiet for awhile and she heard one of the more severely injured Chips shift on his bunk with a grunt. "Dats deh end?"

Calysta's eyes widened and she shook her head, though the man couldn't see her. "No," she whispered back, "There's more."


On the evening of the third day, Illya sat up in bed and Calysta brought him a plate piled with rice and beans along with a fork. Illya tucked into his plate, scooping up the rice eagerly and Calysta smiled. When he asked where her food was, she shrugged. "I'm just not hungry right now." In truth, the meal just hadn't appealed at all and she hadn't wanted to tell Maks his cooking smelled funny. What she really wanted to something sweet, but her stash of chocolate had run out when she gave a few bites to Illya and the other injured men before finishing the last piece herself. They'd be going back to Tikan tomorrow anyways to deliver their reports since the injured Chips were stable. The most severely injured Chip couldn't walk yet but the others were up and moving. In fact, it wasn't the Chippeqouti she worried about at this point, it was the young Reylian warrior. The man took his duty seriously, but he had grown even more quiet if that was possible. When he wasn't working, he was at the hatch staring at the still smouldering mines in the distance. She'd started to ask him several times if he was okay, but stopped every time. He simply looked like he would rather jump down the mine shaft than talk to her.

When Illya was done eating, Calysta got up to take his plate and he insisted she try to eat something. "I'll eat some breakfast tomorrow," she assured with a gentle smile. As she went into the kitchen, a wave of dizziness hit her and she leaned against the door frame. It was absolutely ridiculous to be getting dizzy like this. She hadn't even been hurt in the mines. The room spun a little and she braced a hand against the countertop, sliding along until she found the sink.


Kirit blinked up at the top of his bunk thinking. He'd heard the tiny footsteps of Kalizda retreating from the room and the bunk house was nearly empty altogether with all the men readying for their departure. His watch shift had ended some time ago, but he found that he couldn't sleep. There were some things that were bothering him. He didn't know why they were bothering him. Nobody else seemed to be havin gissues, especially not the General who was sitting up in bed and smiling at his wife with confidence. Maybe the Chip men were strong in mind as well as in body or maybe he was just weak?

Rolling over, Kirit slid down from his bunk and walked over to the empty bunk across from Illya's. He didn't want to talk, but he also had something to say and he only had a minute before Kalizda came back. "General. I never see a bat'tle like at those mines. Ye always fight as so?"
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The young Reylian had stayed aboard and all the men knew that he was unusually quiet. Illya had noticed a few times, but he would wait till the man was ready to speak. There was no sense pushing it and he knew that for a fact. Instead he satisfied himself with the time that Kalizda was spending. If he had to recover and stay in bed for a few days he would at least enjoy it by spending time with Kalizda. Ehvan no doubt was giving them looks because he thought it was improper for Kalizda to be sharing the bed. This was not Chippequoti tradition, but Illya liked it. He didn't actually feel that much better, but it was warmer and he liked having her close. Illya didn't like to lay in a bed all by himself to be miserable all alone. If she had Rose or other household things to do he would have understood, but she didn't have Rose and there were others already taking care of other things so it was a good time to capitalize on her attention.

Kalizda got up to leave for a few minutes and Illya was sitting up more now. He'd had a full 3 days of doing nothing, but sleeping and the Ehuai was surprised at how well he was healing. Illya was healing more quickly than usual though he assumed it was his bones. It might have had to do with the fact that he was comfortable most of the time. He didn't have to wait on a doctor or for Kalizda to remember to check on him. Even if he hadn't asked for the muscle relaxants she would go get some for him and that helped quite a bit.

It seemed that Kalizda barely left and he was sitting in the bed still holding his side when Kirit slid down from his bunk and sat across from Illya. The young man finally started to talk though it was more of a question to answer about himself. Perhaps it was leading somewhere for their new recruit. "We are Chippequoti Elite. I always fight dis way and so do meh men." For a moment Illya couldn't tell if the man was going to find that acceptable or if he would cover his ears and run out the door screaming. That was a response that he had witnessed before.

Kirit studied the General for a minute as he leaned forward bracing his hands on his knees. He knew the man was older than he looked and had been to war before. The Terran broadcast had been part of his briefing with Tikan before the man's arrival, showing what he had had done to prisoners. Tikan had simply stated the man's action was a difficult one but men like him didn't make them lightly. His own actions in the mines felt like they had been taken without much thought. He'd shot that man out of instinct really, and defending someone else. Why did it bother him then? "Do ye ever regret the things ye do?"

Being young the man was asking questions that a young man would ask. Things that were not easy, but part of life and every man had to ask them of himself at some point. Illya thought for a moment before he answered. "I regret many tings I do. Some of dem left not many oter choices and some maybe dere was better way. I jes learn and move on."

Hearing the General did have regrets made him feel a little better. Maybe all soldier's have those thoughts if the Chip man had them. Learning sounded easy enough but moving on sounded like the harder part. The young man met the general's gaze and nodded. "Aye. But ye don't forget do ye. Once ye 'd those things?"

It had been a long time since Illya had talked to anyone so new to battle. His Elite were all seasoned and this was unexpectedly harder than Illya had originally thought it would be. "Yah dun forget." Looking the man straight in the eyes he posed his own question. "Yah having trouble eh?"

"I see' the faces," he said. His voice was even but his eyes belied his shame for being weak enough to worry about the dead. "I kill the man 't protect Kalizda an' I see his face." They had been his Reylian kinsmen littering the floor but it was the one face that stood clearer than any other.

There was a lot of shame it seemed for duty and Illya understood that. "Yah ask yahself dese questions den. Was yah doing yah duty? Was et necessary? Ef yah dun take action would et have been worse?" Illya sat up a little more and tilted his head so he could catch the young man's gaze. "Yah do what yah have to. Remember dat. When yah warrior yah carry dah burdens of da people. Yah see dese tings so dey dun have to and yah do dese tings ta save yah children. Ef yah need ta talk more later yah let meh know. I da last man ta judge yah by what yah have ta do. I understand." Illya figured that Kirit already knew and if he didn't he would eventually come back and ask. Kalizda stepped through the door and Illya shifted to lay back down in his bed. He nodded slightly to Kirit and then made room for Kalizda. When she came over to the bed again he smiled at her. "Meh little bird comes back." She wasn't looking so great and Illya could only guess why. Maybe later he would ask her when they were alone.


On occasion Illya's leg would try to cramp as he got to his feet. The general waited until the fourth day to even attempt going to make his report to Tikan. He had taken quite a bit of the third day to talk with Kirit and he made sure that he had the report of how many dead from the mines along with a full report from Ehvan describing the condition of the region. Bombs seemed to have created significant damage. Illya read the report several times before he compiled the information along with the injuries that the Chippequoti suffered and the ongoing research into the new bullet. Ehaui were working and testing it to see what kind of damage it would cause to even the regular people without the Chippequoti bone structure.

So far the new armaments were quite dangerous. It was enough to rip the limb right off an average non-Chip man or woman. It proved to Illya that he had made the right choice in sending Kirit and Kalizda away from the field of battle. Apparently there was damage through the town as well and Illya was going to have to explain why they would destroy the mines. Then of course there was the margin of error.

It was going to be helpful to have some sort of number of how many men worked in the mines and how many were safe at home. From there Illya could figure out how many could be trapped in the mines though he doubted they would survive very long. If they were still alive it would be up to the Ehuai and the Chippequoti to try and get as many men out as possible. After what felt like forever he managed to get some numbers. They had trapped approximately 50 men that were unaccounted for. Most of the information had been easy enough to come by when he started into the searches. 50 men that could be innocent or guilty. There was no telling which side of the spectrum that they fell on and Illya couldn't assume that they were all guilty.

Wincing a little he got into his pants and buttoned them at the top. It was almost too much pressure on his side to be squeezed like that. The bandage still went round his waist and half way up his ribs. A little spotting of blood formed from all the effort of getting up. He would just have to get checked at the end of the day. His men were anxious for him to be moving again. Before Kalizda could see the blood spot he pulled a shirt over his shoulders and adjusted it so he could tuck it in without too much pain.

By the time he had his shirt tucked in and boots on Illya had to lean back in the bed. Holding one hand over his side he let out a long breath. Kalizda returned and she offered to tie his shoes. Illya refused in part because he was determined to get it done for himself and also for the fact that he wasn't so sure that she would be up to it. She almost seemed a bit pale today. "I be fine eh. Yah get some rest. Meh little bird looks like she feels sick." Forcing himself up he tied his shoes with a few grunts and finally got himself up. Limping awkwardly for the doorway he glanced back at her and winked. The walk to meet with Tikan seemed to take forever and Illya still winced. He was moving about as slowly as the other injured men, though he pushed to keep a decent pace.

When he arrived at Tikan's council room he was slightly pale and Illya took a seat as soon as he was inside. Squeezing his eyes shut he took a sharp breath and then stood again when Tikan came in. Holding out a stack of papers with notes in trader's tongue he handed it to Tikan. "I compiled list of damages, meh men cleaned up da dead, we take identification to notify families, made list of missing, and gave full briefing of battle for dah mines." Looking at the man he lowered his head slightly out of respect. "Ef yah find fault et is meh duty to take responsibility or punishment. Meh men only operate under meh orders."
Tikan entered the meeting house with Kirit who was back to carrying his scythe across his back and looking a little sullen. Reports had been flooded right after the skirmish and he had a decent picture of what happened at the mining town from the outside. Extra security had been hired from the miners some weeks ago and many of them had been called upon to respond to an emergency in addition the outside security company already used by the company. Many of the men killed were those who lived and had families in the town. The three mines themselves had been extensive and grown too close together over time which is what cause destabilization of the entire area. He had sent men in to grant immediate aid and would be taking visit there himself once he had the full report.

As he entered, the General stood but the Chief waved him to sit. He had also heard the preliminary reports from Kirit on the damage the Chippeqouti unit took and the new armaments that had caused it. He listened to the Chip give his report as he looked over the reports listing the damages, the missing and dead, and the report on the events themselves. The more he read, the more his fists tightened, and his olive skinned face reddened. As the General came to a conclusion, asking that if responsibility fell to him he would take whatever that entailed. Tikan tossed down the report and met the General in the eyes. The Chief grit his teeth as his anger swelled and he remembered to keep himself calm. It took a lot to insult him or to push him to anger but he took protecting his people very seriously. They were a good people and deserved better than to be used by others to their deaths.

"The Federation used'm own people from 'th town," he said his voice low, "They're th' ones 't take 'th blame for 'th loss of life an' damages. Ye no way t' know the mine would collapse an' if ye found the only way out alive was'th one ye took, I can say lit'le about it. Ye did not go there t'fight an' ye defended, according 't Kirit."

The General was looking right back at him in the eyes, like any man should. "There'are 50 men still trapped in'the mine, we haul them out. Ye wife sent'a report on 'the man Grant an'his customers over Reylia. Grant could still be in'the mines an' there may be innocent men in'there too. We make every effort 't get them out. I have 't relocate th' town because th' reports show'a sixty foot deep sink hole 'the streets. Th' area is unstable. I will do this but ye might pick someone from ye people to show good faith t' the town." The towns people would want answers and expect forthrightness. He couldn't have them spreading any nasty rumors about their new allies when they didn't know the entire truth of the matter.

Tikan took a deep breath and then looked over the files again. "I take th' reports of th' deaths 't th' family m'self, an'' then I root out th' traders on that list. The Federation will'be purged from Reylia an' th' alliance."

A long moment passed and the Chief nodded, continuing his meeting. He could tell the Chip General had been one of those injured. The man's face was pale and every so often it flashed in his eyes, though his face didn't betray it. Tikan didn't want to make the man any more uncomfortable than he had to be. The General had every right to send a digital copy of the report and stay with his wife to rest for awhile. Still, he respected the man for delivering the files face to face. Plus, he hated long debriefs too and suffering through them injured was pure torture. "I have'a request of ye before we go. If 'the new armaments penetrate ye armor, it will penetrate 'm men's as well. If ye find a solution t' that besides not gettin' shot, I would fix 'm men up t' keep them safe an' make them more effect when th' time comes."

He nodded to the man's reply and then dismissed the meeting. His first warrior was the first give the warriors salute to the General by hitting his chest and offering his knuckles. The Chip returned in kind and then the young warrior was gone out of the door. Tikan watched the man leave and sidled up beside the injured General. "The man is always off t' the next task, men his age always in'a hurry," Tikan shook his head, "Ye should come have'a drink if ye feel up to it, yeah?"


Kirit left the meeting after giving Illya the proper showing of respect and headed to the training grounds. He had every intent on training all afternoon with his scythe, but found his mind wandering back to the conversation he'd had with the man. He came into the training room and set aside his blade in for a wooden practice scythe. It was rare that anyone wanted to go up against him anymore in the ring, but there was a new warrior who was eager to test himself against the First Warrior. Beating him was the only way to earn the title for himself and he sounded confident as he crowed from the ring. Kirit entered the ring without word and squared off with the practice scythe resting in his hands.

Was yah doing yah duty? Was et necessary? Illya's words rang in his ears as the warrior across from him made the first strike. He was at that mine for his duty and for his people. If he hadn't killed that man, he would have shot Kalizda. She was there trying to make peace and he would have shot her because someone told him to. Kirit blocked the first strike and sent out a vicious counter strike, aiming for the man's legs automatically.

Ef yah dun take action would et have been worse?
The warrior blocked him, but Kirit could feel them man's grip was too loose on his weapon by the way the block felt. Things would have been much worse if Kalizda had been injured again and couldn't walk. Not fighting the men at all would have been a death sentence. Kirit drove forward in another attack, driving his opponents blade tip into the ground in a reversal of the block. The man's grip slipped and the weapon tumbled to the ground.

Yah do what yah have to. Remember dat. When yah warrior yah carry dah burdens of da people. His people were in danger and they didn't even know it. It was his job to keep them safe and to shoulder that burden. Kirit spun the opposite end of his scythe up and forward, catching the disarmed across the forehead with a lightening fast strike. He stumbled back, but the young warrior pursued with a heavy kick to the man's chest. He sailed off his feet to his by, trying to scramble for his weapon. Kirit whipped his scythe around again and rapped the man's hand with it. "Augh! Yield! Yield!"

Kirit kicked away the practice weapon and then pressed his own against the man's neck. "Soon there won't be any calls for yields." A crowd had gathered to watch the duel and murmurs went through the other warriors. Kirit rarely ever spoke but when he did, it surprised everyone. "It will be live or die. You fight to live, understand?"



Calysta spent most of the afternoon reading over the various reports and paying particular attention to the list of clients they found in the file room. She had started doing research on each one, trying to see how far their reach extended and if there were any obvious signs of Federation involvement. Some just may be simple traders and others may be in deeper than they let on. It was going to be a large task for the Reylians to sort out who was friend and who was foe. She had been using the main hologram in the navigation room but she was growing tired and considering retreating to the bedroom. As she stood with her info pad, the same head spinning rush filled her head and this time it was nearly over powering. Stumbling, she caught herself on the chair and waited for the moment to pass like the others did. The dizzy spells had become more frequent but only seemed to happen when she stood or moved quickly. Unfortunately, Illya had caught on that she wasn't feeling well and she didn't need him worrying. He was still recovering and she wasn't about to add on any stress.

A chime came over her info pad and she read the calender alert. 2 days. Calysta was two days late on her cycle and that alone was panic worthy. Being pregnant now was not really an option and she had been wavering on going back on the pills because of her work. If she was pregnant eventually she wouldn't be able to work and there were too many things that needed attention. What if it was too late? She had wanted children but she was so afraid, despite what she told Illya. After seeing the events in the mine, bring a child into the world seemed like a terrible idea. As the dizziness passed with slow, deep breaths, Calysta stood up right and started for the hatch door. Maks and Jonah were near the ramp and gave her curious looks by she just gave them a wave. "I'll be back later," she said, trying to sound cheerful in Qouti, "If Illya comes back while I'm gone tell him I went grocery shopping."


The door handle to the bathroom jiggled for the fourth time and Calysta heard a string of Qouti curses. Couldn't a woman take more than a minute in the bathroom around here? "I'll be out in a minute!" she barked through the door. A sigh of exasperation came from the other side of the door and she her grumbles about going out side to pee. Good. Go. She had bigger things to deal with than a grumpy male Chip needing to use the restroom when the great out doors was available to him.

Calysta was sitting on the toilet lid with her feet bouncing as she waited. The test was only supposed to take two minutes. How many had it been? She had lost track of time and kept the results tab covered out of sheer need to remain calm while the test brewed. What was she going to do if that pink little plus sign popped up on the tab? Panic was rising in her throat, and she snatched up the test, tearing away the tissue hiding the results window. A shock of absolute terror ran through her. Plus sign.

"N-n-no." Shaking the the test stick hard, she checked it again and again. That same little plus sign stayed right there. What was she going to do? Wasn't this a happy thing? She had been trying for a few months now and the hard work was sitting in the palm of her shaking hands. Her slender fingers crept over her stomach, It was in there. Growing and becoming a person. What was she supposed to do? Laugh? Cry? Scream?

The door handle slammed down against the lock again and another Chip was trying to come into the bathroom. He started grumbling in Qouti about how nobody locked doors and Calysta grit her teeth. Screaming was beginning to sound like the better option. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. There was only one Chip she knew that would even bother to knock. Illya's voice was on the other side of the door calling her name and sounding worried. "I-I fine! I'll be out in a sec!"

In a frenzy, Calysta tossed the test into the waste bend and threw some tissues on top of it so nobody could see. As she reached for the door handle and unlocked it, another wave of dizziness struck her from moving too quickly. She pushed down the handle and bumped into the door, half spilling out into the hallway as she slid it to the side. Illya was standing there with a confused look, at least from what she could tell from her head swimming. "Sorry about that, I was taking a little longer than I thought. I'm all done now though," Calysta said with a small smile. Illya looked like he was about to start asking questions and she could barely stay on her feet, much less go anywhere near telling him about babies. She wasn't even sure how she should tell him or if she should. Before her Chip could say anything, she kissed him on the cheek. "How are you feeling? Did it go well with Tikan?"
It was slightly disconcerting to think that this single action might have alienated a perfectly good ally. Illya still held his ground as he watched the man become even angrier. He watched as Tikan threw the report onto the table and began growling. There was a wave of relief as the general realized that the man wasn't going to pursue the Chippequoti as the responsible party for his people's death. The man was wise enough to see past the guise that the Federation had designed. At least he had been allowed to sit during the report and it took a bit of the strain off his side. Still Illya leaned forward enough to place his elbows on his knees. It relaxed the muscles in the abdomen slightly.

When Tikan finished he made a small suggestion and one that Illya was readily willing to accept. "Yah have meh and meh entire unit at yah service. We come ta help yah wit da war and we help clean up and relocate yah people to. I can order more craftsmen to come help build yah people a new home. Chippequoti do not leave dere allies in poverty and disarray." Years of trading only money and goods with outsiders had help many of the Chippequoti develop a bit of a stash and many of them were independently wealthy since they sold more than they bought. Often their bartering system on Quoti and Nuen had each one receiving what they needed to operate and they had all the money they needed for this war. It was only saved for over a hundred years of labor. However, their craftsmen were probably a better form of aid rather than giving heaps of money. "I will ask elders ta also provide relief for families of yah people. When yah town is built den Chippequoti will send money."

The Chip leaned back in his seat slightly. He hadn't showed the pain in his face, but it was starting to feel like it would be hard to hold back. Being allowed to get up versus walking a few miles was a bit different. Tikan seemed to be more than pleased with the offer and Illya knew that he could depend on the man to tell him honestly what the needs of his people were in the future. In a way Illya felt horrible for what happened, but it was the Federation's doing and he had to keep it in his mind that he did his duty, it would have been worse had he not taken action and that this was part of the burden of a warrior.

Somehow though the meeting was relatively short it was starting to feel incredibly long. Tikan wrapped it up with one more request and Illya nodded his head. "Ehaui yah ally too. When dey make discovery et is yah right to ask for technology." In many ways they considered Tikan one of the men and reasons that they had home on Nuen. There was much that they owed. "When war es over Chippequoti erase all debt dis time. Elders already say dat all we have belong to ally and we all build together in end and den we may begin trade. Until den war is special circumstance. Yah request es meh duty." Perhaps it would make sense and the man would know that they were dedicated to this cause and to the Reylian people. They had already made Illya a sort of contact for the Reylian's as it seemed that they were more impressed with him in a good way than some of the other delegates had been in the past.

At long last the meeting seemed to draw to an end. Illya wasn't quite sure what had been said or where the signal came through. Things were beginning to haze over and he simply saluted in return to Kirit. While he was still staring blankly at the doorway Tikan moved closer and Illya set a hand protectively over his side. Turning toward the man he nodded. "Aye a drink would be good."

Illya hadn't thought of having a drink and a lot of times it would soothe injuries. Mostly it was good for the dulling effect that it had on pain. If he drank a good quart of whatever Tikan offered he would have enough to make the walk home tolerable. Though he was hopeful that they would not be moving too much he discovered that there was a short walk to the pub to get a drink. The leg had started to get sore and Illya limped along the way. By the looks he got from Tikan he knew the man was starting to wonder if he'd make it without toppling. "I get ere I can get ta pub eh?" Chuckling a little he kept it light since his side was beginning to burn with even the effort of walking.

Inside the pub Illya had two pints of the strong beer that Tikan ordered. Mostly the two of them sat at the bar and said nothing. Illya waited for it to start dulling the pain before he thought of moving again. It did dull some pain in his leg and chest, but mostly what he noticed was the fact that his side was burning with a new rage and his liver was aching like it hadn't for days. After a he was nearly finished with the second pint he realized the reason for that. "Ugh..." Lowering his head he shook it a little. "Might as well finish eh?" Grumbling a little under his breath he finished the beer and then glanced to Tikan. "I need ta get back while meh leg is dulled a bit." That was the excuse and the other half was that he knew he was going to be sick. He hadn't even thought of the fact that his liver had to process the alcohol.


When Illya returned to the ship he felt a little less than stellar. He didn't figure that the doctor meant the fourth day he could get up would also entail a few miles of walking and some beer. He came into the ship to see a few men lined up outside the door and they all looked impatient. Since he didn't quite feel like squeezing past them he listened as one grabbed the handle and growled a little. Kalizda must have been the one in the restroom because she was the only one that locked doors and it was only because of past experience with the men walking in or Illya on occasion when he forgot. "Ehm." Giving the other man a look he moved over to the door and knocked on it. What was she doing that could take so long? When the door finally opened Kalizda half stumbled out and he was too slow to actually help her so instead he watched as she weaved about and the first man in line stepped into the bathroom. Kalizda popped right back up and kissed Illya. He wrapped his left arm around her shoulders and started to make his way down the hall with her while she asked her questions. "I'm fine. I tink et went well. Yah still look sick. Yah ok?"

Calysta's heart felt like is was going to pop out of her chest and she could feel a bead of sweat forming on her temple. She must look really bad if he was still pointing out the fact she seemed sick. Her mind was in a million directions and with the dizziness it was getting hard to focus as she wobbled under his arm, half holding on to his hand around her shoulder. Did she want to tell him? Should she tell him? It would make him happy but it would also throw a planet sized wrench into their operation on Reylia. It was exciting...terrifying... Her grip tightened on his hand and she took in a sharp breath before the strangest giggle came out as she swayed. "I-I don't know," was the only thing she managed to puff out.

It was impossible to tell what was wrong with Kalizda as she swayed like a drunk underneath his arm. Illya put his right hand out and carefully braced against the wall to prevent his side from hitting it if she stumbled into him or if he lost his balance. Her little fingers gripped at his hand and she started to giggle. Stopping in the hallway he frowned a little as he peered into her eyes. "Did yah drink too much?"

When he stopped she lagged a little under his arm and she tried not to pull on his arm. His eyes met with hers in concern as he asked if she had been drinking. She shook her head slowly, as she gaze back into his eyes. He had such beautiful bright eyes. Would this baby keep them like he did? The thought made her face turn pink and she felt bursting at the seams with everything. "No..I haven't had a drop..." He was still looking at her expectantly and she knew it was decision time. To tell him or not . Panic for either decision rose up until finally she took up his hand, and lead him into the captains quarters as fast as his pace would let him and as fast as her veritigo would let her. Calysta opened the door, lead him inside, and closed it behind them, leaning on the door frame for just a moment. She needed just a moment to breathe. When she caught her breath, she walked over to him and kissed him before gazing into his eyes. How did one say this? There was only one word she could make spill from her lips as she held his hand. "Baby."

By the way she reacted Illya was sure that it was something serious. Wincing a little he felt the beer that he'd had with Tikan start to creep up his throat. It wasn't settling all that well and he was starting to feel like taking a nap. Once they were in the room he swallowed the surge of beer that crawled up his throat again. Inevitably he keeping his lips firmly sealed when she kissed him and he grimaced a little. At least he didn't puke on her. She was taking a long time to say it and she never called him baby before so he waited for several seconds. "Uh huh...I'm listening."

Calysta rolled her eyes a bit in exasperation. He was sick and didn't feel well, of course he wasn't going to get it with just one squeak. And since when had he responded to baby? She had never called him that. Shaking her head, she refocused and decided to be a bit more direct. "No." Taking his hand, she put it on her stomach and gave him a pointed look, her grey eyes searching his face for any sign of understanding. "Baby. Illya. I-I'm pregnant." Maybe that would get through.

It was clear by her eye rolling that he had missed something. No matter how hard he tried to think there wasn't anything that he could think of. that she had said he didn't hear. When she took his hand he gave her a confused look. Even if Isla had been pregnant once he wasn't familiar enough with the ways that women indicated these things to catch it right away. When she repeated the word baby his mind started reeling. He remained silent for several more seconds and his mouth opened and closed before he pulled her into a hug. "Kalizda..." Holding her tightly he rubbed her back and took a deep breath. No matter how fast he blinked it didn't keep the stray tear that was welling up in his eyes. When he gave up hiding it he kissed her on the cheek. He was speechless for the moment and kissed her again. "I ask dah gods so many times for a baby." Kissing her again he moved over to the bed with her and helped her to lay down. "Yah dun need ta work so hard eh? I take care of yah when yah get big and when yah feet hurt." That much he did remember Isla complaining about when she had Lahna.

He seemed utterly shocked, and for what seemed like years he stood there in silence with his mouth opening and closing. Was he not excited? Maybe he was too surprised. She was too surprised to know what she felt too, but more than anything she wanted him to be happy. What if she shouldn't have told him? Suddenly, he whispered her name and brought her in close, rubbing her back. He was holding her so tightly she worried he might hurt his wounds , but the world centered when he held her there. Some of the panic faded and she actually started to see a glimmer of joy build inside. As he bent down and kissed her, she could see wetness on his cheeks...he was crying . Kissing her again and again, he laid her down on the bed and immediately started into talking about when she got big. "I'm alright, for now. I can still work," she giggled, "I'm just a little dizzy is all." Reaching up, she wiped at his tears and gazed at him with tears welling in her own. Why there were there she didn't know, other than they were springing up in the hopes that Illya was excited like she was starting to be. "You're going to be a father," she whispered.

Settling onto the bed next to her Illya caught her little hand as it drifted away from his cheek. "Kalizda I would love yah ef we had children or no." Still he was excited, worried, and ecstatic over them having another baby. "How long yah want ta wait till we say anyting?" Having babies was a big deal for the Chippequoti and he knew that there would be a huge celebration if she was having her first.

Calysta shifted to be closer to him feeling so relieved for him to know. She kept looking over his face, trying to make sure he really was okay with everything though. She had been lucky just to get the news out to him, and now he was talking about telling other people, asking how long she wanted to wait. In truth, she was nervous about telling other people just yet. It seemed to big and the moment needed to be right. Plus, she was now in uncharted territory with timelines and babies. "I'm not sure. How long to people typically wait? I want to wait a little while to make sure the timing is right," she replied slowly.

Shifting to his left side he winced and held onto his liver. It was hurting real bad. Working on the buckle of his pants he undid it and sighed with some relief. "Eh..." Looking at her again he worked on loosening his pants too. "I tink some people wait until dah baby start to show."

Calysta had been so lost in her own head, she had forgotten Illya was probably in a lot of pain still. She sat up slowly, trying not to feel the dizziness that took over immediately, and bent down untying his boots then sliding them off. Tossing his boots to the side, she paused to close her eyes and focus on him . Was the dizziness a common symptom of pregnancy? She'd have to look into what to do, and what to expect. Fumbling with her pillow she put it to Illya's side took her spot close by to take the pressure off his liver. "Then we wait until I start to show," she smiled to him as she laid down to let him get comfortable. "Our secret until then, yeah?"

"Our secret eh?" Smiling gently he shifted on the bed again and pushed his pants off and lazily pushed his legs into the covers. "I jes sleep now." He felt miserable and the best answer was always to sleep.

Calysta smoothed down his hair and then let her Chip lay back to rest. He had been up to a lot and he needed sleep to fully recover. He hadn't taken the news quite like she thought he would have. Cuddling down close to him, she closed her own eyes and tried to sleep too. "I love you Illya."

A few hours later Illya woke up feeling still miserable, but at least he wasn't going to puke. Illya let his hand rest on the bed instead of his side for a few moments. The bed felt a little damp and sticky when he touched it. Was he sweating that badly? He started to noticed that he was damp all along his right side and then occurred to him that he forgot about the fact he'd been bleeding since he wrestled himself into his pants this morning. Momentarily his heart slammed into his chest and he peeled the covers back carefully almost afraid of what he'd find. There was a large blood stain on the sheet and some of it smeared on the top sheet.

Without thinking about the fact that he didn't have his pants and he was just in his shorts he wandered into the medical bay holding one hand over his bloody bandages. "I tink meh liver es bleeding."

The Ehaui raised one eyebrow and had him lay on the bed while he made scans. "You ruptured a few stitches. I can tighten them up with a little anesthetic and don't think I don't know about your little excursion today. Give it another day or two and then you can do that without hurting anything." Thankfully Chips healed quickly and it wasn't horrible damage, just enough for the blood to show and alarm the general. What he didn't understand was the slight inflammation in the liver. "What else you do?"

Illya looked at the doctor with guilty glimmer in his eyes. "I had quart of beer."

"You can't do that when you're liver is repairing!" Almost yelling the doctor started to dig through his cabinet. "I'll need to hook you up with IV's and extra liquid to be sure your body dilutes it. Probably a little dehydrated to. Only makes it harder on your liver. How many hours ago?" Listening to the answer he walked over to Illya and slapped him in the side of the head. "You came back sick cause you were overloading it. Could have killed yourself if it was Chippequoti drink." Cursing and mumbling under his breath he decided to hook Illya up with the IV anyway just to ensure that he wasn't dehydrated.


A few more days passed and Illya wasn't allowed anything to drink except water and liver cleansing drinks. He hated those liver cleansing teas. They were bitter and he had to go pee almost five times more than usual. At least he felt well enough to get out of his bed and take himself to the bathroom. Illya was even starting to walk around outside and work at coordinating some of the men. Sometimes Ehvan would pass and shake his head a little. Finally Illya decided that after he stepped around the corner to pee in the bush one more time that he would talk with Ehvan.

Walking back around to the front of the ship Illya caught up with the man. "Ehvan yah nut acting same lately."

"Yah woman doesn't know tradition. She share yah bed without making demand of recovery first." The man scowled. "Yah should teach her Chippequoti way."

Taking a moment Illya nodded. "Eh, we agree and I live by some her ways. We know dah man adopts some woman's customs when dey agree." That seemed to get Ehvan's attention. "Ehaui also say I heal faster den he expected. He tinks maybe et makes difference sharing bed wit yah woman." A smirk came to his face as he saw the cogs start to turn in Ehvan's head. They all craved attention when they were injured and rarely got as much as they wanted, but this was a good excuse to experiment. "Maybe yah ask yah agreed next time ta share bed wit yah and see if yah heal faster."

Ehvan nodded. "Yah do what yah must wit Kalizda and ets up to yah to follow her customs or not." A man didn't have to accept every custom that a woman brought to him, they were agreed and a man still had some rights to refuse customs he did not want. "Ef et kills yah because she makes yah soft ets not meh problem."

Chuckling a little Illya pushed on the other. "I tink yah jealous." Both of them laughed a little and Ehvan joked with Illya about getting soft and growing fat rolls while Illya just kept insisting that the other was a jealous old rat. Eventually they called a truce though Illya knew that his friend was still thinking deeply. More than likely he would ask his wife to adopt or at least try the custom next time. Who wouldn't take advantage if they were already miserable and had the sympathy of their agreed. A woman's hands were so much more tender and her kisses deeper when a man was suffering.
Calysta felt the cool blast of air tickle over her neck and rolled over, her hand searching for the warm Chip that should have been beside her. Her fingers met empty and strangely damp sheets. Frowning in her half asleep state, she sat up too fast and had to take a moment before actually opening her eyes. Illya was gone from his side of the bed and a large spot of crimson was left behind. Shit. He was bleeding again.

Throwing back the covers, Calysta tossed her feet over the side of the bed and leaned forward to stand up. “Eek!” The world spun and then pitched her forward, sending her into the floor. “Augh!” Her head bumped against the night as she wobbled up right, catching the side of her head on the corner. How was she supposed to function with a symptom like this? Calysta clutched to the side of their bloodied bed and pulled herself up, then started down the hallway toward the med bay using the wall as a brace.

Calysta kept an eye out for him along the way, trying to make sure he hadn’t passed out enroute and was bleeding on the floor anywhere. Why did he always have to be so stubborn? She turned the corner into the med bay and found Illya dozing on a medical bed. He had fresh bandages strapped over his chest and abdomen along with an IV stuck his left arm at the elbow. His skin looked pale again and he wore a deep frown even in his sleep. The Ehaui doctor was standing by with an info pad taking notes and shaking his head.

When Calysta came in the room, he looked up from his work. He knew what she would ask without her needing to say a word. “He pushed too hard today and managed to pull two stiches. He needs two days of better rest and to cleanse his liver. He’s not to drink anything but water and this tea.” The Ehaui went to the cabinet and pulled out a box of, placing it on the counter. “It will clean out his liver.”

Why did he always have to push too hard too soon? “He’ll be alright though?” she sighed. The doctor nodded and she relaxed some. “I’ll make sure he drinks what he’s supposed to.” Calysta nodded wobbled forward to grab the tea and head back to their room. Illya would be out for a while and would need a clean place to rest once he woke up.


Calysta poured the hot tea into a mug as its pungent smell hit her nose. It only took one whiff of the herbs and her throat clenched into a gag. It was all she could do to keep pouring with her face turned as far away as possible from the sickeningly potent herb tea and then put the kettle in the sink. Was that part of being pregnant too? There was so much she didn’t really know about what symptoms she would have and how to deal with them. The dizziness was probably the worst part so far, coupled with the fact that everything smelled so much stronger.

She picked up the mug and held it out almost at arms length to keep from gagging again as she took careful steps down the hallway to the bedroom. Illya was already there on the edge of the bed in his boxers. He ran a tan hand through his hair and looked up to her when she stepped inside with a grimace. Calysta handed up the cup, glad to be rid of the smelly liquid, and watched as her Chip inspected the tea with a curling lip. “You might as well get it done with and swallow it one shot,” she commented as she sat down next to him.

The Chip grumbled and tipped the cup back, gulping down the liquid in 3 heavy swings. Illya shuddered against the terrible flavor and sat the cup on the bedside table. He was still tender and not feeling great, but had insisted on coordinating the men today into preparing for their return the mines with Tikan. She hated that he was still feeling awful, though some of the pain was of his own making. Leaning over, she took her small hand and rubbed a little at his shoulders. They hadn’t really talked terribly much since the mines and she wanted him to just relax before bed. Most her day had been spent helping the men prepare and researching into the merchants. She had felt like she was on to something with one of them in particular but needed more information. It looked like part of the file was missing and was now buried under the rubble of the file room. Amid her research she had also managed to get a few things arranged for her own sudden development. They hadn’t really spoken about that either, but they would have to.

“Lay back,” Calysta whispered, leading him backward. He grunted a little as he laid back with her on the bed and rolled to his left side. She laid down with him, and took his hand in hers while she looked into his bright green eyes. “Mmm there you are. How is my Wolf?” Kissing his fingers, Calysta smiled and then leaned down further to plant a nibble on his wrist. “I called my doctor on Kinte today. He said he’d make the trip out here and be waiting for us when we return from the mines.”

Illya’s brow knitted into a look of confusion and concern. “For the baby,” she clarified quickly, “He specializes in giving medical care to half-breeds. When I spoke to him he said it would be important to be examined early on.”

The doctor had also told her how to keep the dizziness from getting worse, that the symptom was caused by her body adjusting to support the baby and to stay hydrated, and move more slowly. The symptom would fade as the pregnancy went on. He’d also asked questions about how long she had been pregnant. That had been more difficult to answer because she and Illya had were active almost every night and this was her first missed cycle. She figured it hadn’t happened until a little after they moved to the moon shadow though and that put her at 2-4 weeks or thereabouts.

Illya shifted to put his arm on her hips and she guessed that he wanted her closer. Scooting closer, Calysta gave him a gentle kiss and grinned. The idea of having a beautiful baby had been slowly sinking in and it was hard not to get excited, even though she was terrified at the same time. “I thought you might want to come with me to meet with him. The doctor said if I was far enough along it might be possible to hear a heartbeat.”


Seeing the town and aiding in the evacuation had been the more tolerable part in Tikan’s mind. The initial team of warriors had been working night and day at the mines to recover the 50 lost men inside, though their chances of survival were dwindling with every hour. Second team had included Chippeqouti men and Reylian volunteers together and they had begun gathering up the town’s people, and taken them miles away to a little tent-town where the ground was stable. He couldn’t afford to have any more lives lost.

They had already been to the town earlier that day and see the damage first hand. A great pit that had opened up in the middle of the street, swallowing up most of the path and part of an administration building. Other buildings were leaning or had collapsed altogether, killing several of the citizens, some of which were children who had been playing nearby by. Pieces of wood and twisted metal littered what was left of the streets between deep, smoldering crags in the ground.

Tikan’s fist clenched as they walked by one of the collapsed houses which had been cleaved in two by a deep crack and was still puffing out little red embers from its charred remains. A little flutter caught the Chief’s eye and he spied red ribbon clinging to the tattered wall. He walked over and plucked the singed ribbon from the wood, gripping it tightly in his fist. Someone had lost their wedding ribbon. Turning to the Chippeqouti General, he gave the man a nod. “Th’ ground is unstable here an’ will be for many years t’ come. There’s a sayin’ about Reylian’s though. Reylian’s are like ‘th prettiest of weeds. Strong. Stubborn. An’ can grow anywhere. Even in ‘the cracks like these.”

Tikan stood at the head of the long procession of mourners. He could hear the muffled sniffles of the wives and children behind him along with the footfalls of the tall Chip General. It wasn’t a long walk into the grassy fields to the burial site but it felt like one. Lyra stood by his side, her chin up and shoulders squared, but the look in her eye was one of sadness. His wife had such a kind heart and it hurt her to see anyone suffering, but she would stand firm for the many people walking behind them. They came up to the area which had been mown and leveled for the burials of the towns people and the men slain in the mines. The bodies had been arranged in a wide circle 5 feet apart, with their eyes closed and their arms at their sides, palms toward the night sky. The bodies had been cleaned, but not taken out of their clothes, most of which was stained with blackened blood. In the center of the circle was a brazier with glowing coals. 5 branding irons sat in the coals to grow red hot before it was used.

Tikan entered the circle and walked toward the brazier with his wife while the rest of the mourners filed in, the families stopping the bodies of their loved ones. Calysta came to a stop outside of the group and Illya followed suit. The inside of the circle was a place only for those families in mourning and the ceremony leaders. They watched as Tikan began to speak in Kaerelean to the families once everyone was gathered. Calysta translated for Illya in hushed toned, as the mourners stood silent, even the children.

“My heart is heavy at this sight,” Tikan said simply. He knew that words did little good on occasions like this. “Your loved ones are a great loss to Reylia. A loss brought to us by our newest enemy, the Federation.”

The families stood perfectly still, listening to their Chief but mixed with the silent tears were expressions of growing anger. This enemy had used their men for slaughter according to their Chief, tricking their allies into killing them. Most believed that but some were too angry to care. Their sons, and husbands, and children were dead for a conflict they knew little about. The Chief had at least come to explain and see the dead for himself, which had helped with the loss. The man cared about his people and was there in person to see his duty through.

“They dig into the alliance like the mine and try to collapse us, divide us. They have done this in the past to others and will do it again if we let them. The Chippeqouti have answered the call to help rid us of this enemy, but it will not be easy. Let us mourn for the dead and work together for the living with our allies to prevent it from happening again. “

With everything out that needed to be said, Tikan took up the branding iron and walked over to the first body. That of a man who was killed by one of the Chippeqouti in the mines, and pressed the red hot metal into the dead man’s right palm. A sizzle and a puff of smoke trickled out and then Tikan pressed the iron the left palm, cleansing the man’s hands of his deeds in this life to give him a fresh start in the next. As soon as the act was complete, the fair haired wife dropped to her knees and began to sob, holding her husband. Tikan returned to the brazier for a fresh iron and went to the next body, a little boy with red hair like his papa’s who was laying next to him. Whenever he completed the ceremony, the family of the dead one would dropped to the ground and cry openly. Soon the night was filled with pitiful wails of wives and children as they mourned.

Calysta stood next to Illya and wiped at her eyes. It hurt to watch her people suffer and it would keep happening again and again till the Federation was stopped. The bodies would be buried in the circle where they were branded at sunrise. It gave the families all night to mourn and say goodbye.
At one point an elderly woman with fuzzy grey hair, leaned down and kissed her loved one’s head, then hobbled over to where Calysta and Illya were standing. Her blue eyes and wrinkles cheeks shone with wetness in the moonlight. It wasn’t a look of sadness on her face though. A glare was set on her brow as she looked up to Illya. She spoke in gravelly Kaerelean and then pulled out a knife from her pants, holding it up for the Chip to see. Then cut her palm with it, smearing the blade with her blood and then offered him the knife. It was barely more than a butter knife compared to the Chippeqouti blades, but she offered it firmly and with pride nonetheless.

“She says her name is Aythika. Rebuilding her home will not bring her grandson back and would be little comfort. She says if you are an ally take her knife with you as a reminder and to use it against the enemy because she cannot,” Calysta translated to Qouti before adding, “It’s an older custom in Reylia from what I’ve read. She can’t fight with the ranks anymore physically but in spirit she wishes to. It would not be an insult to refuse, but I would accept.”
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Recovery seemed to be going slow and Illya was getting the team ready to go out. It seemed that he barely had them with orders and directions and who to report to for their relocation and clean up and he was already starting to get tired and sore. Since he wasn't going to be able to work for at least a few more hours he decided to take a nap. Sleeping was the best answer to these sort of problems. Kalizda came in when he had just finished taking his pants off and thrust a pungent smelling herbal tea under his nose. Even if he didn't normally complain this stuff smelled bad enough to complain about. Illya only grumbled when Kalizda caught the first of his complaint starting with that grimace. He wasn't going to get away with anything this time so he decided to finish it off as fast as possible.

If there was one other thing that he hated about the injury it was the fact that his core muscles were far too sore to even resist when Kalizda pushed on him. At first his muscles tightened up a little in response as he tried to stay upright, but he fell back with a grunt in the end. His side was burning with just that minor effort. If he was going to have to lay here for a few hours then he was determined to make the most of it and at least hold Kalizda.

Her wide grey eyes looked up at him and he grinned at her. "Yah wolf es starting ta tink about naughty tings again." That was probably a good enough answer for her. If he had to compare this to the day he decided to have a craving for the lead then he was feeling pretty good. In a way he was feeling lonely. Even if they had been together quite a bit there hadn't been too much talking and he wanted to have just a little time to talk with his agreed before he was off to another long day in the mines and this time helping find survivors if there were any. With her back to him it was mostly safe to let his mind wander. At least she couldn't see the growing frown as he tried to work through the beginning of this war. The first battle and the losses on both sides. Tikan had every right to be angry and in a way Illya was still half concerned that the man's anger would shift or that th people would feel angry. No matter how he felt about this Illya had to face them at some point.

In the middle of the crashing, destruction and disaster a little tiny voice sounded. Tilting his chin Illya caught Kalizda's grey eyes again. “For the baby, he specializes in giving medical care to half-breeds. When I spoke to him he said it would be important to be examined early on.” How much had he missed of this conversation? Struggling to get his mind on track with anything and everything that had to do with the baby he nodded slowly. "Ok." She moved on seamlessly talking about the doctor and the appointment. At the very end of it she mentioned hearing the baby's heartbeat. "Dey can ear et now?" Illya pushed up on his left elbow slightly. He grimaced as it caused some of the stitches to strain in his side. "How can dey ear a baby when ets nut even born?" Women never spoke of these things with their agreed, but this was amazing. He remembered putting his hand over Isla's stomach and feeling Lahna kick at him. She would get excited and jump whenever he came home and she heard his voice. There was only so much that a man could participate in the part of a woman being pregnant. Once she was filled with child he was limited to trying to feel the tiny kicks and listen to her describe the feeling. A heart beat so soon was miraculous. "What else dey know when baby es so small?"

Illya finally seemed to perk up some when she mentioned the baby's heart beat. He seemed genuinely interested and almost amazed at there was a way to listen to it like that. She found it interesting that Chips placed such importance on children but there seemed to be little technology or talk about the actual process of birth. Of course, she was no expert either. "There's a little machine called a sonogram that Kaereleans and Terrans use to let them hear and eventually we'll be able to see it too," she smiled up at him ," We'll be able to see it's face later on and whether its a boy or a girl too." Talking about it more with Illya made it feel real and she couldn't help but feel a little giddy.

This was something that Illya had never heard of. He grinned broadly forgetting the war for the moment. "How long till we know how dah baby looks?" He was curious about whether it was going to be a boy or a girl. Illya wanted both, but he couldn't begin to decide which was more important. A boy could be easier if he didn't have to wonder if he would be anything like Lahna and yet Illya wanted a little girl just as badly.

Chip women had longer pregnancies than Kaereleans or even Terrans did and she wasn't quite she how to equate the time where it made sense. Her grey eyes flicked to the ceiling as she thought about how to answer his question. "Well, Kaerelean women are a little different. Pregnancy is divided into three 90 day stages. The second set of 90 days we should be able to see its face, if I read right. We won't know if it will be more Chippeqouti or Kaereleans though until its born."

Illya chuckled a little. "I tink yah do math. Baby half Chippequoti, quarter Kaerelean and quarter Terran eh?" He wasn't sure where she was getting the idea that the baby would be more of one or the other. Maybe she was meaning the pregnancy was going to be more like the Chippequoti or Kaerelean? He never knew with these kinds of conversations.

"I'm not sure that's exactly how it works, but I would love any combination that happens," she giggled before giving him a little wink, "More Chip just means it be as good looking as its father." She reached up and smoothed down his curls, before laying back again. "I've been thinking...I have a feeling it will be a boy. "

"Eh I tink meh math will work. Baby es half meh and half yah." He thought it sounded logical. While he lowered himself down to lay flat on the bed again he grunted, "Yah jes like ta tink ets a boy. No way meh little bird can know dis already. Because yah say boy I say girl. One of us will be right now. Et will be me." Illya growled playfully and pulled her a little closer to kiss the side of her neck.

Calysta laughed as he pulled her close and nibbled at her neck. Her hand slipped to his shoulder as she curled up trying to protect from the kisses that were making her giggle. "I'll take that bet," she squeaked, "And that tickles, you know."

"Maybe I like yah little bird laugh." Nuzzling in closer to her neck he kissed and nibbled gently a few more times and then relaxed. He wasn't going to last too much longer with his side if he kept up all the play and still had to go out to the mines again later in the evening and night.

She laughed lightly as he nuzzled her a little closer and then relaxed back with him. She kept her hand on his shoulder, away from the wounds and but still good enough to be considered close. His normal warmth had returned but she still had to be gentle. They just laid together for awhile in the quiet and it was then she realized he'd never said how he was. She always tried to ask because she wanted to know and now he was more or less honest. "I like to hear my Wolf laugh too. To know he's happy."


It was the end of another long day. Illya knew some of the faces of those that they recovered from the mines. Though he couldn't dig much he did help with records and other parts of the duty that he could. Like his men his mouth was drawn into a straight line. The Chip followed Tikan through the ruins and nodded silently when he spoke about the ground and his people as the weeds. It was good that they were a sturdy people, but it did not change what happened.

When nightfall came he joined for the burial of the dead. As the children, women, and family members of the dead gathered he slowed his steps even more. It was everything he could to to force himself to witness this. He wanted to stop in the far rear of the crowd that had gathered, but Kalizda kept on walking. She was almost to the front. It was close enough that Illya could see the bodies and he tried not to look at the one he knew. Even if the eyes were closed he almost felt haunted. Why they let the spirits wander he didn't know. Clenching his jaw he watched as Tikan gave a speech. Illya didn't dare move. He couldn't begin to express what he felt and instead he stared ahead blindly. There was no expression on his face as he watched the ceremony. No matter how many times he tried not to look at the dead face of the man from the skirmish he was always drawn back to it.

Kalizda's translation blended with the wails of the family. A warrior had to face the responsibility of his actions and this was a result of what he'd done. They wanted to be free of the enemy and he had turned into the enemy for a few of them. Perhaps there were a few wicked Reylian's, but he couldn't know which ones they were. Instead he was here to witness the families mourn. His agreed knelt by his body and wept bitterly, the older children snuffled and pulled at their mother's robes. A young one with his father's hair pushed the body and called out as if asking him to wake. Illya didn't want a translation of anything that the families spoke or wailed aloud. He knew well enough what they suffered. In part he half expected that they would turn on him and perhaps it would have felt better if they had. Illya was the commander and he ordered his men. They were not responsible and so they were given the option to appear at the ceremony or not.

While he watched as the hours progressed he worked his jaw and a hot anger started to rise. His stomach was almost burning with rage. If they could have destroyed the Federation the first time then this would not be happening today. Instead there was the sick reality that he would kill many more men before the end of this war that were deceived, some evil, and others innocent. They would be marked as collateral and Illya would remain stained. He might rise above the criticism of his people, but he knew deep down that he wouldn't rise above the reproach that rose like bile in his throat.

Nearing the end of the mourning for some he caught movement out of the corner of his eye and found himself looking down at a grizzled old woman. Had Kalizda not translated he would have sworn she was vowing to take her vengeance on him. Looking down the point of the blade he could see her little brown hands waver. In some ways the translation made it even harder. This woman wasn't supposed to ask him to fight their common enemy when her grandson had died as a result of Illya's orders. For the first time since the ceremony Illya glanced at Kalizda and her face was tear stained as she explained to him the custom. He didn't have to take the knife and yet he wanted to. Setting one of his big hands over the shaking hand in front of himself he nodded. "I take dah knife. When I wash yah blood way with blood of Federation den I bring et back to yah." Carefully taking hold of the knife he nodded to her. "Yah blood and yah grandson go to battle wit meh." This sort of promise was not one that Illya would break. He had every intention of doing as he said and he knew it couldn't return her grandson, but it was all the more he could do. She asked for a simple thing.


Mr. Kent made a fast phone call. He needed to get a few pieces to his machine moving. They had to be making their move soon or he would lose more ground. Reylia was a given that he would lose it, but he wanted Uria. "Sasha...." The man waited for a long moment before he continued. "You've had a good say in the council for some time. I think its time you assert your leadership abilities. Sarai has out lived her willingness to serve the people. She is now wanting to stay with the Alliance out of her own selfish interests. Recently I've found some paperwork you might be interested in. She's invested quite a bit in Nuen." How he obtained that kind of information was a secret. If it wasn't then he wouldn't be in the position he was at now.

The woman took a deep breath and nodded. "Depending on how soon you want this done will depend on how I do it." She knew how to get it done in a way that would convince the people that there needed to be a vote of no confidence. Perhaps a staged suicide afterword would do the trick. Her husbands? They were easy enough to eliminate. Work accidents or deployed during the event.

"I'm giving you a head notice so that you can take creative license with this." Kent smiled a little. "You've always been one of my best. I might have you do another little favor for me. Why don't you find out what you can about this Kalizda or Calysta Monroe. Shes what you might call a person of interest. She was recently accused for a murder that she's never been tried for." Kent had a feeling that she was involved in a lot more. "Somehow she got out of it marrying a Chippequoti man. You know the same one that was all over the news. Another murderer. Their kind seem to attract birds of a feather." A slow smirk spread over his face. He knew very well what Kalizda meant and he appreciated his own bad joke.

Sasha scribbled a quick note on her pad. "I think I can start looking into that. There has been some unusual activity from Sarai. She leaves sometimes to the forest." The woman had been watching her carefully ever since Sarai had made he move to stay part of the Alliance. "I think there will be plenty of proof for a vote of no confidence given a little bit of time."
Ayrn sat in at an empty bar playing with the condensation on his glass. He had arrived on Yuria just in time for the twin full moons. Which meant that for the next four days everybody would be would be shut up in their homes having as many goes with their partners as possible. It left the town strangely and painfully empty. He had considered leaving and checking out Aerikta instead, but in a few days folks would come out in a good mood and might be talkative. He'd already sent his report to Illya on Ewen. He’d been to Ewen before and the people there were a bit dull, but overall friendly. The attitude had shifted though and it was obvious it wasn’t their own. Those people were being told that Henaiah and a few others from the council were defectors and that the Alliance was crumbling. There had been a lot of uneasy streets and wild talks there about standing with the Terrans and against anyone that wasn't an Ewen or Terran. The view on Chippeqouti was that they were the cause of the problems. The Chips were war-mongers and brought war with them wherever they went.

As far as Yuria went, he’d been here before several times and found the Moon Worshippers to be mild mannered, until the full moons came around. His usual bar was empty save the occasional passerby asking for a round of drinks before heading off for rounds of more fun things.

"No partner for ye?" asked the bartender with a chuckle as he poured up another round. What other reason would the young man have to look so grumpy during the double moons?

Ayrn shot the burly Kaerelean a look and sipped at his flat beer. "You're not getting any either if you're out here running the bar."

The bartender scoffed a little and shook his head, "I don't follow 'th Moon worshipers an' m' wife appreciates th' fact regularly, oulouyn."

The Terran shrugged his shoulders at the term. He knew enough Kaerelean to know the word was a condescending way to say 'green virgin'. The old coot really had no idea what he was talking about though. Ayrn had a broad range of experiences when it came to women and he'd enjoyed building up that list for a few years, even before he left home. Not to mention, he did have a woman who'd caught his eye. Both Illya and Nathan had warned him that she wasn't the kind for him, but that made his pursuit all the more appealing.

When Illya had fed him and sent him out to gather more information on how the others were feeling toward the Alliance and the Chippeqouti, he'd decided to take a little detour. Rather than heading directly toward town, he started walking back the way he came from the other moon shadow. South east. Or was it North west? Which direction was that anyways? On Terra, the sun rose in the east and set in the west…but this was Uria and things were different.

Grumbling, he started walking in what he had thought was the right direction, trudging through the leaves and thorn bushes. The day wore on and every tree started looking the same as he worked up a sweat hiking through the middle of nowhere. Hadn't he been this way? That yellow leafy bush looked the same as the one from 20 minutes go. His back pack was getting heavier as he scaled the next hill. As he came to the crest of the hill he peered down into...more forest. Groaning, he started down the steep hill on the other side.

As Ayrn trudged through the leaves, his boots began to slide. Before he could dig his heels in to stop, he started into a barreling slide in the leaves, tripping into a tumbling roll down the hill. "Ow....ow ow..ow ..OW!" He struck a tree as he bounced down the hill and it made him see stars, but he kept rolling until the hill ended in a steep drop. "Auuh!' Ayrn caught air as he pitched over the gully in a shower of leaves.

He landed in a thicket of thorns which roped around him like barbed wire so tightly he couldn't move. Stinging pain prickled on every inch of his skin, even in more tender places as he remained suspended by the prickly vines. He was so jammed into the thorns he couldn't move. Why had he decided to go back again? Ayrn tried to think back to what lead to the poor decision he found himself in and remembered the pretty Chip woman Tabit. He was determined to find her, but now he would be lucky if anybody found him.

Ayrn tried to wiggle himself out of the thicket but he was thoroughly stuck. He might could get out if he left his bag and stripped down to free his clothing, but it sounded like a more painful option. So, he sat hopeless tangled with one hand stuck by his head and the other pinned into the vines by his bag while his feet dangled.

The Chip hunting pair found him an hour later and after a quick explanation of who he was and why he was there in a traders-tongue, he managed to get gun poked at his nose. "Ask General'll know me I swear!" The two had a quick discussion in Qouti then hauled him out of the bush, practically ripping his skin and half dragged him to the moon shadow. It was just as well that they did considering his trip down the hill and the thorns imbedded in his rump from the landing left him quite achy.

It appeared that Nathan wasn’t there at the moons shadow, but Haza recognized him. The woman asked him what happened and while she didn’t laugh outright he could see the mirth on her face. “Yeah, yeah,” he winced. She helped him remove some of the less personally placed thorns then sent him off to the Ehaui to finish the work. The doctor there did laugh out loud and shook his head as he approached with a vicious looking set of tweezers and informed him he had better things to do, but would take them out so there would be no infection.

Haza let him stay the night which gave him all the chance he needed to look for the woman known as Tabit. The camp was much more organized after a day or so to settle in and he now knew the woman's name. It didn't take long to find her walking toward her tent this time. His first instinct had been to walk up to her and ask if she remembered him and to let her see the bandages and scratches. But he didn't. She set about washing her clothes in a bucket with her sharp blue eyes entirely focused. The woman was tall, broad shouldered but with long blonde hair, which was a thing for him. Blondes were always the most fun. Ayrn stayed in his hiding spot for a while debating on how he wanted to talk to her. He wanted a good opening line, but he was having trouble thinking about just the right one to use on her. Eventually, she went off to dinner with a friend and he lost his window of opportunity.

Now, he sat on a bar stool sipping a beer and thinking about the pretty Tabit. He'd talk to her eventually and introduce himself, but it had to be just the right way. He abandoned the rest of his drink, which was luke-warm at best now, and tossed payment for his tab.

“Ye off ‘t the whore house?” the bartender snickered, “Only good place t’ be on Yuria on a full moon for ‘th likes of ye.”

Ayrn shot the man a winning grin. “Might stop by. Tell Oylia I said ‘hi.’” Before the bartender could think about why the Terran knew his wife’s name, the man was gone.


Calysta laid next to Illya in the darkness of their room after the burial ceremony was completed. She was exhausted but couldn’t sleep. It seemed fatigue was another symptom on the growing list of things she would be going through while pregnant. Her worry was not so much with herself though.

She had little time to think over the last week or so. Everything had happened so fast at the mines. There had been so many people and so much blood. Then Illya was injured along with the others, and then news of the baby, on top of all the other work that needed to be done to clear Reylia. She was angry for her people, Chip and Kaerelean, and worried that she had failed them too. All of the thoughts came crashing over her at once and Calysta took in a shuddering breath. One thing at a time.

Rolling over, she found herself looking into Illya’s shoulder blades. Illya. His face at the burial site had been one of resigned neutrality, even when the old woman approached him with her request. She knew him better than that though. The mines had been blown at his order and the results had been more than anticipated. He hadn’t wanted anything that happened at the mines, but it did happen. Some would look at him and call him red-handed, but he didn’t want to fight. Neither did she.

The truth was, Calysta was scared. She didn't want to lose her family, to death or the other effects of war. Whenever, she was scared she usually just kept it to herself and went on to face whatever it was that intimidated her. She’d done it joining Skycorp and many times in the field. Even when she met Illya, he’d terrified her at moments, but she stood firm. How did she face this? How did she fight what the Federation was doing when the results were so horrible? Her Chip was facing the same questions probably and she didn’t want him to shoulder that burden alone. There was no way she could either. Any sort of comforting word she said to him, would be swallowed along with a bitter pill of guilt, but she would try.

“I’m sorry, Illya,” Calysta sniffled, “I’m so sorry that this happened. I know saying it doesn’t change anything, but you’re not alone, alright?” She wasn’t sure if he was awake or asleep, but she closed her eyes and kept close enough to be reachable, but not smothering him. If he needed time to himself, she would give it but he wanted her there, she would be.


Tikan ran a hand through his short black hair as he read the report. The people in the mines had been found mostly dead from asphyxiation. They had found groups of bodies peppered in the rubble in various chambers of the mines among the dull bits of gem and chunks of metal.Twelve men and two women out of 50 had been lucky enough to be trapped in a shallower shaft mid-escape and had a trickling air supply from the surface. They were civilians from what could be determined and were pulled from the rubble. It had been the weak cry from one of the women that had alerted the Chippeqouti man to life somewhere in the pit below. Once they discovered the location, as many men as possible were used to haul away the debris. They had to move fast, but also carefully. One shift in the area and the chamber could collapse, killing everyone inside and possibly the men working above.

It had taken 3 hours to safely open the small air shaft and send a rope with a harness below. The first to come up was unconscious and had a crushed foot, but he was breathing. Next, followed a woman who cried from relief when she saw the faces of the Chippeqouti men and the Reylian warriors who hadn’t given up to find them. One by one, the survivors were hauled from the shaft and given immediate treatment. Tikan had sent orders that the survivors along with their families would be taken to the warrior’s township for the best medical treatment that Reylia had to offer.

Putting down the report, the Chief looked to his young First Warrior and nodded. “ Check in with ye unit leader, an request t’ take a few of th’ Elites and Regulars an’ go t’ the places from ‘th list sent by Kalizda. We start ‘th cleanin’ now.”

“Yessir,” Kirit said quickly. He gave his Chief a salute and turned on his heels to go fulfill his orders. The young warrior had requested to go help in the mines, but Tikan had assigned him this task instead and taken the position on the rubble line himself. At first Kirit had been a little offended, thinking the Chief was coddling him, but he realized that the orders at hand were important too. The First Warrior and the Chippeqouti General along with his men were the only ones he trusted to carry out the job, which made it a compliment.

As the young man left, Tikan sat back on the fold out chair in his tent and picked up another report. The cost of rebuilding would not be easy, but he had some long term solutions to the problems. He would work rebuilding the township somewhere safe for his people with the help of the Chippeqouti and then he would have an assessment of the mines done in full by an expert. If it was possible, he would salvage everything he could from them and use every ounce of the profits to see an end to this Federation. They sat untouchable with their wealth and with any luck he was going to turn it on them.


The old Kaerelean doctor sat across from the young couple smiling. He’d known Calysta Monroe since she was knee high to a flytr bug and he had never seen her quite so happy or quite so jittery. Pregnancy had the effect on even the most level headed women though. The man beside her was one of the Chippeqouti men, from what she had explained, and after questioning her more on his way to Reylia he had a few concerns, but he would get to those in a minute. First, they should get the chance to enjoy the moment, which was the best part of being a first time parent.

They had borrowed the sonogram equipment from the warriors compound on Reylia, but he had kept the visit quiet as possible. With Calysta laid down evenly on the exam table, he rolled her shirt up only as far as it needed to be and slid down her waist band the same way, just stopping at her hips. The husband shifted a little uncomfortably, but it was normal for a man to be nervous for his woman.

Calysta winced a little when he poured on a thick gel and started the scan of her belly with a little wand device. “I’d like to say you get used to that being so cold, but you never really do,” he chuckled.

She laughed with her old doctor and shook her head. As he scanned, an image started appearing on the screen to his left. A fuzzier image of blacks and greys started to take shape until within the dark picture a miniscule blip of white appeared with a another black dot in the middle of that. The little black dot fluttered faintly. As the image began clearer the doctor talked. “It looks like you’re at about 5 weeks,” he mused, then pointed to the screen, “There’s not much to see yet, but that’s the heart beating there. At this point it looks very normal, which is good.”
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Illya laid down in the bed after the long night. He didn't know what to say and Kalizda was in tears before they had even left. In the back of his mind he had this nagging sensation that he should probably hold her. When she was upset she liked to be held and at the same time he didn't have the emotional energy to take anymore. Stripping down and getting into the bed he laid down on his side. Usually he laid on his left side and faced her, but Illya didn't want to talk tonight. Instead the general turned to his right side. He winced a little with the surge of pain that ran through his liver and the dull ache that started in his leg.

A soft little hand reached up and set itself on his shoulder. It was almost tempting to turn around and talk with her, but he couldn't really do that. There was just too much. She needed time to herself and he needed his own time. What she didn't understand yet would hurt her and so he was going to do what was best. A person needed to come to a point that they could talk about it for themselves.

Eventually when she was ready she would talk. For now he wasn't ready. There were a lot of things that were weighing heavily on his mind and even after all these years he couldn't talk about them. This was just one more weight to bear with all the rest that had come to lay on his shoulders. Her little sniffle almost tempted him to turn around, but he'd heard what she said. Kalizda wanted him to talk to her and it would be far easier if he didn't.


By the time they had the town rebuilt most of the way Illya had thought about going back to the moon shadow. One of his men was still limping a little bit. His process healing was far slower. Now that they had finished with the mines Illya was mostly intent on getting back to Uria. Now that he'd held up his end of the deal and cleared out the mines then it was time for Tikan to take over the rest of his clean up in Reylia.

While he was looking over a few little maps and some of the intelligence that he had on the mines Illya shook his head. He couldn't help mauling over the plans that had gone so wrong. There was no record showing that the mines were as extensive as they were. The Federation had illegally dug underneath the town and for what purpose he couldn't know, but it destabilized the entire region and cost far more civilian lives than it was supposed to. Was this going to be their ploy when they built so close to the cities? Were they ultimately going to threaten entire cities with destruction if they didn't comply? Grabbing a piece of paper he started to draw out where the mines were in Uria and they were also close to the city. Gritting his teeth he wrinkled the sketch in his palm and slammed it back down onto the table. They were going to have to sacrifice their men anywhere they went and he couldn't do that, but neither could he leave the entire Federation to grow and force the Alliance to bow down to them. It was going to take a lot more than he or Ehud had known and now that he was realizing it Illya wanted the Ehuai to finish the armor and bullet analysis. The sooner they had the plates in the armor updated he could make more successful attacks against them. Even running stealth operations would be risky and normally they would have, bu the last one they walked right into a trap.

From now on it was tempting to simply label it Federation and attack. He wasn't wanting to walk into anymore situations where he was at risk of the same situation that they had been in. If they could go without any kind of work from Kalizda it would be better. Civilians were going to die regardless and the location of this mine and others were proving that. They didn't dig away from the cities like they were supposed to. There were secret operations that took them underneath.

At this point remaining calm was becoming a priority, but he could feel the anger surging just beneath his skin. It was like it was about to boil right through his pores. Looking at the drawings and data he had collected on the pad from Sarai on several other planets and sections he could see that Uria was covered in cities and mines. The planet was going to be a raging battle and he was going to almost be sentencing his men to slaughter to fight this enemy. Clenching his fists at his side he shook with the effort not to scream. He needed to remain collected and cool for just a few minutes longer. Long enough that no one would follow him into the jungle where he was planning on beating a massive plant into the dust.

Stepping around the table he saw Kirit come in bright eyed and holding a message. The last thing Illya wanted was more bad news and he knew it had be bad if it was coming from Kirit. At first he tried to side step and the other thrust the letter to him. Illya snatched it from Kirits hands and shoved it into a pocket. "I'll be back." Growling in a low tone he somehow managed to keep control of everything, but his voice.

One of the other men knowing the tone of voice shook their head at Kirit when it looked like he was about to speak. Jesse quickly turned around again and resumed his work so that Illya wouldn't know. Everyone hit a limit and it was best to leave when that happened especially if you were a leader.

When he finally reached the forested area Illya beat a large fern down and pounded it into the ground with his fists. Taking a deep breath after mangling the plant he opened the letter and let a string of Quoti curses loose. They'd had enough of this war and he didn't want to go after these individuals. It would all be negotiating. Illya just wanted to kill the Federation and then ask questions. In the long run it would save his men and he could at least console himself with that instead of knowing that at any negotiation it could end the same as last time or worse.

A thin layer of sweat covered Illya's entire face and his arms by the time he returned to the ship. Kirit was still waiting for him and Illya wiped the crumbles of dirt from his hands. Some of his knuckles were skinned from the battle with the fern, but it was a relatively low price to pay for his momentary relief. Heading back to his small makeshift desk he laid the letter out on it and then set a mug on top of it to hold the paper in place. "Kalizda, I need yah research eh?" Though he tried to sound nicer he was still growling in part. They were asked to clean out more of the cesspool of Federation from Reylia. Something that should have been Tikan's responsibility, but now he was shirking it off to Illya and he couldn't refuse. Not after what happened with the town. In a way it was showing trust, but he still hated it.

Since the best time to move was while everyone was still in shock he started to draw up plans right away. Looking to Kirit he nodded. "We leave at night fall." That was going to be the best time to catch these traders or traitors. They would be at home with their families and Illya was going to be sure that they were too scared to do anything, but tell him the truth. There were times when war called for measures that otherwise would be viewed as unusual or cruel, but he knew the Federation and it was ugly.

The first house was easy. Illya slammed the door open and marched right through. A startled man came rushing into the hall and he knew the face well enough. Even with night vision it was unmistakably the trader that they were looking for. Before the man could fire his gun Illya reached out and grabbed the weapon. Twisting sharply he heard the man's wrist crack and his fingers twisted in a grotesque manner. The man started to beg and cry in a language that Illya didn't know and he didn't care. "Trader's tongue onleh or I break yah other wrist." Tightening his grip Illya twisted again till the man started to speak in trader's tongue. He only babbled with pleas to save his family.

Illya glowered at him. They were all the same. Years hadn't changed the kinds of men that worked for the Federation. A sense of disgust flooded him and he dropped the man's wrist. "Den tell meh where da Federation ships to under yah name. We have success and yah live. No success and yah nut important enough to dem ta save. Reylia es lost to Federation now and I nut afraid ta gut yah here and now." As if to give the man a taste of what he meant Illya drew out a knife from his belt, grabbed the man's wrist again and made a slice in the palm of the man's hand. Carefully he reached inside with one of his fingers and pried a muscle out of the wound by holding his finger underneath it. "I pull harder till yah answer." It was only a few minutes and he had everything he needed from the man. Letting his wrist loose he nodded. "Yah pledge allegiance ta Alliance and yah look ta Tikan now. He does wit yah as he pleases."


Watching the doctor pull Kalizda's shirt up was a bit unnerving. Illya wanted to slap the man for touching her like that, but he knew that this was supposed to be normal. There was a reason that normally Chippequoti did not go with one another to a doctor, it was a matter of privacy and Illya didn't like it too much when she went with, but she thought it was acceptable. This was all something he was getting used to. Besides he was curious how a heartbeat would sound when a baby was so small. His eyes narrowed when the doctor began to rub the cold gel on her stomach. Then he looked up to the screen and watched the little black dot. Illya wasn't sure what he was supposed to have expected, but he couldn't help being a little disappointed. "Dats et? Doesn't even look like a baby." Leaning a little closer to the screen he squinted while he tried to make out whether the baby was just that tiny or if it was really just a blob.

The doctor gave the Chip a chuckle. It wasn't totally uncommon for the fathers to be surprised at how small their babies start out, though he had never heard a man say something like that while sounding a bit let down. Most of the time it was an surprised fascination. His eyes flicked to Calysta who was looking at her husband with an arched brow. Clearing his throat, the doctor nodded, and pointed to the screen. "Well, no it wont look like a baby yet. It's very young here and tiny. As it grows you'll see the organs start to grow and the limbs. It just takes time. All baby's start out looking like this."

"How do yah know all babies look like dis ta start wit?" Illya was half thinking he should have seen a little mini person. They looked like mini people with giant heads when they were young and eventually they grew into their little skulls. "I tink dere's someting wrong." Despite the doctor's explanation he couldn't help taking it with a little grain of salt.

The man seemed more than a little confused. Did he not know how children were conceived? The doctor had always been of the firm opinion that if you could have sex and children than it was important to know how the process worked. "We know that because we've been able to look at them like this for a long time. A baby starts out from a single cell produced from you, and a egg from her- the doctor nodded to Calysta- These two cells carry your DNA, your genetic blue prints so to speak." He wasn't entirely sure of the man's knowledge of genetics now, since he seemed a little lost on how a baby could start so small. "The two combine and then you have a fertilized egg which has a lot of growing to do. You're seeing the combined result of It wouldn't look like a baby yet because her body is working hard to create it. I assure you that the baby is supposed to look like this at this stage." With that he waited to see if the man had more questions. Parent's always did which was natural but, he had learned not to overwhelm them at one time.

Illya frowned deeply. "Da baby has no legs." It was more of a statement to himself. That tiny figure looked so horribly deformed. He was slightly concerned about the fact that the doctor was right and maybe he wasn't. What if the doctor was misinformed? Medicine was always changing and Illya didn't know much about it, but he liked to think he knew a little bit. Just enough to know how his body worked and how to make it work with a woman's body. "I jes wait and see ef yah right I guess." Waving his hand at the doctor he raised a brow. "Yah go on wit yah appointment now. I dun askin yah questions."

"Aye, I have a book that will explain the process in detail," the doctor replied, as he reached over to a wireless headset hanging from the hooks to the side. Selecting the largest set, he offered them to the Chip, and then offered a set to Calysta. She took them with a grateful nod and stuck them over her ears as her grey eyes scanned the screen. Once they both had the headset on, he adjusted the wand over her stomach.It would be very faint for now, but there if you listened. He could tell when the familiar little wumps grew more distinct. Calysta's eyes grew round and she bit her lip, listening intently.

It wasn't at all how Illya thought a heart would sound. He knew the good heavy thump of a heart if you listened with your head pressed to the chest. Holding the headset over his ears he lowered his head and closed his eyes to focus entirely on the sound. "I ear et. Sounds like dah little guy stuck in a tunnel." Looking up at Kalizda he shot her a quick grin.

The doctor chuckled at the Chips comment and nodded. The man wasn't far off base with the tunnel theory, though the doctor suspected he would be surprised if he read the book explaining everything. Calysta broke into a little smile when Illya grinned at her, seeming to be excited about what he was hearing this time. It was obvious now that he didn't have much knowledge on how everything worked, and that was fine, but she had hoped he would have been more excited with the appointment. At least he was now a little. "It kind of does," she replied, with quiet laugh, "Like an echo. Just wait till it grows even stronger." The doctor let them listen a while longer and let them talk or ask questions, before cutting of the machine and letting Calysta wipe down her belly before fixing up clothing again. "Now, I do have a few concerns.," the doctor said, looking to both of them. "Because of your Terran and Kaerelean genetics, you are at a higher risk for the baby developing genetic problems as it grows. We'll keep a good eye on this with multiple tests throughout the pregnancy to make sure it stays healthy. Half-bloods tend to have a higher percentage of miscarriage due to their genetic differences, but the chances of that go way down once you make it past the first trimester." He paused, letting that sink in for a moment, then continued, "I also have a small concern about this proceedure you had while on Nuen. If I understood correctly you now have a second immune system that is a...hybrid. We'll have to make sure that second system does not attack the baby as a disease. We would know that if she starts to develop a fever and has excessive bleeding. My last concern is for much later down the road, but it should be addressed now so you can think about it. You, my dear are very small, and we don't know how large your child will get. Traditional birthing may not be an option for you, for safety reasons.

Illya's eyebrows gradually rose as he listened to the doctor. Why the man thought that Kalizda's bones would try to kill the baby he didn't know. "Nah, yah dun understand. Chippequoti bone never kill baby." If the bones didn't kill Kalizda then there was no problem. Surely they wouldn't attack her. Illya did remember one thing about the bones from the Ehuai. "Chippequoti bone es neutral. Baby es half meh right? So bones know dis and dey accept baby eh?"

He listened to what her husband said, trying to understand. There wasn't very much information on his kind and even less information on the procedure that Calysta had decided to undergo without consulting him. She had been tight lipped about the process and he was unfamiliar with the idea of bones being neutral. They had to have some genetic make up unless they were akin to neutral blood types. "I admit I am not as familiar with Chippeqouti genetics. I assume by neutral you mean compatable with any genetics. If that's the case, then that shouldn't be a problem, but I don't know enough from to say for absolute certainty that it wouldn't happen." Calysta shifted on the bed, looking a little uncomfortable at the thought of her baby having any of the problems the doctor was talking about, though she had known it was the reality of being a half breed. "If you have someone I can consult with more on Chippeqouti genetics, I would gladly look into the risks further," the doctor added.

The Chip listened to the doctor stumble around and Illya narrowed his eyes. He didn't know what to make of the doctor. While he was knowledgable on some things he was bumbling over everything else. Why he didn't know anything about the Chippequoti was a wonder. It used to be common in history that all the races would study the ancient races of humanoids and they would learn the qualities to know how to produce medicine. "Yah must nut attend good medicine school."

Calysta's mouth slipped open just a little as the doctor sat back in his chair with raised brows. This man seemed to be under the impression he was not fit to take care of Calysta when he didn't even know how a baby developed. He wasn't going to argue with credentials though and unless Calysta wanted him to detail her patient history to he husband, he wouldn't point out the fact that she was alive because of him. He rose to his feet and walked over to his briefcase by the door, opening up the case he found a hologram coin and handed it the Chip. "I think you should read up, and watch the videos on this before you judge my credentials," he said curtly, "It will explain the birth process in more detail for Kaerelean and Terran women from start to finish."

Taking the information like a good student Illya looked it over and thumbed through the pages. "I dun read dis language." He didn't read anything Kaerelean and he looked at Kalizda. "Maybe meh agreed read et to meh? Den I understand dis training yah have." He couldn't help thinking that the Ehaui would have been a better choice for her to see, but this was her own affair and women chose their own doctors.

Calysta froze at Illya's words as her face flushed with crimson. Never in a million years did she ever think she would have to be explaining the process of the "birds and the bees" to a man. Much a less a man who was over 150 years old. He was waiting there expectantly with the hologram coin in his hand with the same look he always gave when he was prepared to learn something. Getting him to read and understand might make things easier down the road, or for future children though. "I-I...Aye, we'll go over it tonight." She might as well clear things up as soon as possible even if her face turned red as a wedding sash. At her reply, the doctor nodded in approval. "I'll have the nurse set you up for a follow up appointment in about 3 weeks."


Reylia was lost completely by now and Kent could see that neighboring planets were pledging their allegiance. There was one place that would split them and it would give him the footing he needed to maintain a certain level of control over the territory. Uria would shred what remained of the Alliance, it would stall their momentum, and possibly be enough to break the back of the Alliance. Making a quick call on his pad he heard the familiar voice of his young protege. "Its time to initiate a minor crisis. Collapse the mines on the Eastern sector of the Urian capital. I think the people will be disenchanted very soon with their leader when she proves to be ineffective and they will demand her removal from office." It was always so much better when the people made the move themselves.

Once the order was complete he hung up and made the next call. "I think you will very soon be taking office and then it is up to you how to take care of the disgraced Sarai."
Rebuilding the town would have taken months if not for the Chippeqouti. They were able to lift things in teams that would have required machinery to be sent or used to put in place and with the help of the Reylians a small start up town had been created. Only the plumbing and the ground work took awhile to make sure the area was still stable and at a good location on the water table. With that part done, building the foundations of a new home was easy and Chips worked well among the citizens and the other warriors.

Calysta was sitting on a small chair outside in the sunshine with Illya nearby at this make shift desk. She was looking over supply reports for their ship and ensuring the engines and gunnery diagnostics were coming out within in the best peremeters they could. Some of the Chips had asked to learn more of the ship and as tired as she felt sometimes, crawling through gunneries and engine manifolds wasn't the best idea. Instead, she had taken the time to teach Jonah and Maks some of the finer points of the maintenance and now played Captain, directing them what needed to be completed next.

Calysta watched Illya retreat into the trees out of sight with heavy steps and shoulders squared in the distinct walk of anger. The paper Kirit hand handed him was clutched in his hands as he stomped away. Whatever the young warrior had brought it wasn't good news and it had made Illya angry. Angrier than she had seen him in a long time. What had happened? Calysta looked to Kirit, but the warrior didn't even take a peek in his direction as he stood there at attention. A few wayward Qouti curses escaped the trees along with the sounds of a bush rustling. When Illya returned he was covered it shredded leaves and bits of dirt as if he had been wrestling a plant and lost. A harshness had settled over his face and he came over to her with a growl.

"Kalizda, I need yah research eh?" It sounds like a cross between a demand and a request, but she nodded and rose from her chair. The dizziness hadn't faded, even with the doctors advice, but she stumbled up the ramp of the ship to go get her info pad. It took her a moment to get down the hall, using the wall as a brace till she got tto their room. She retrieved the pad and shuffled back outside to Illya. As she handed the pad over, her eyes searched his tan face, finding it hard and full of rage. "All the info is on here," she told him, "Did something happen? Did we find something out?"

Taking the pad from Kalizda he tried very hard not to look at her. If he looked at Kalizda right now he was afraid that he would feel guilty. He already did because he should have gone to get the pad for himself, only he didn't remember where she left it. There were more important things on his mind lately. "Noting happen. I find someting out and now I do someting about et."

He was avoiding her gaze again and on top of that was back to not telling her things. She was allowed to know whatever it was that Kirit had brought, and maybe she could even help. Keeping her eyes trained on his, which were already dropped to the bad, she took in a little breath and asked. "Well, what did we find out? More information on the Federation? What're planning for us to do?"

The questions were almost non-stop and he couldn't stand it. Illya shifted his weight a little to his left leg and he took a deep breath. She was entitled to know some, but he didn't have to tell her everything. "I find out dere more work ta do before we go back ta base." Clenching his jaw slightly he stared at the research she had done. "Meh men and I work tonight. Dat's what I find out."

Calysta frowned and could see him shifting away from her as if he rather she just go away. The last few days had been hard on everybody but especially him, and she was trying to be patient with him. "Alright. We go to work tonight. I'll need to go readajust my armor and I should be good to go. Though it might help if I knew a bit more of what I was walking into."

Glancing at her he shook his head. "Yah dun need ta come dis time." If she insisted he couldn't actaully refuse as the general. This wasn't a situation such as the last where he had every justification to deny her. He was just hoping she didn't understand the extent of her power, though Yvonne had likely explained all that before.

This time, Calsysta swallowed everything she felt down and gazed back up at Illya, her arms coming to cross int front of her chest, Why? Her fingers gripped at the sleeve of her tunic as she spoke. "Why wouldn't I need to come? You'll still need a translator if you're dealing with the locals.

Her little arms wrapping around him made Illya cringe inwardly. It was much more difficult to do what he had to if she was so gentle. "Dey can speak trader's tongue. I ask dem to."

Calysta pulled away from him confused. He hadn't said anything but maybe there was something else going on. Maybe it was her? "They wont all know traders tongue. Illya, why don't you want me to go help you with these people on the list?" She could only guess that's what this mysterious mission was about since he had asked for her research on them. "If it's because of my failure at the mines, its understandable but I know I wasn't my best. I can help though."

"Ugh..." Letting out a breath he closed his eyes momentarily. "No, Kalizda ets not because of yah. Dere was noting yah could 'ave done at dah mine. Et was Grant's doing." Explaining this to her was mildly difficult without saying too much. "Yah need rest like doctor say eh? I tink enough speak trader's tongue. Et will be fine."

The first comment sounded sincere, and now she knew he wasn't taking her because of that at least, but the second comment sounded more like a feint. Still he managed to avoid her direct question and now she knew he was doing it on purpose. Her face fell and her shoulders sank a little at the idea that he really was back to not telling her things. "I would be long as I don't stand for hours..or move really fast," she replied, "I could help sort out whose Federation and who's not from a chair just as easily on my feet though."

"Yah need rest Kalizda." Meeting her gaze he looked directly her wide grey eyes. "We cover a lot of land tonight and we move fast. Yah jes stay at ship and rest eh?"

It was obvious he wasn't going tell her, even if he honestly thought she needed rest. Had she not been feeling so tired, she might have argued more about it but her head was swimming a little. Reaching out, she took his hand and kissed his wrist, her eyes staying locked on his. "At least tell me what you'll be doing? I want to know just in case something happens." Her fingers tightened over his when she remembered him being shot and almost bleeding out. "I'll have back up come if something goes wrong."

"We go ta ask question." Illya almost couldn't look at her when he said it. Klalizda had backed him into a tiny corner and he couldn't hide much, more if anything.

The conversation had come full circle. He was going to be talking to people who didn't know traders tongue, at least some of them, yet made it clear he didn't want her there though she would be the best person to bring. Pregnant or not. Which meant he was lying about asking questions, which he had never done to her before, or only telling her half the truth, which he had done in the past. Now, he was standing in front of her looking so angry and so guilty all at once. She wasn't going to force herself on the team if he didn't want her, and if it got dangerous she would slow them down right now. That was a fact. Calsyta gazed at him, but let his hand fall away from hers. "Illya, I don't know what kind of questions you plan on asking without me, but I'm asking you to please not take things too far. Please."

Illya frowned a little when she started to speak again. It was almost as if she knew that he was so angry it could be dangerous for the people that he was going to be talking to, but he wasn't sure how she would know that.

He didn't answer her and Calysta shook her head slowly. She couldn't stop him from going out but she could try to reason with him. He would feel worse if he hurt someone who was innocent and she wanted to protect him. "They may be Federation, but we don't know for sure. Just go in calm. Please." How much of her request he would honor she didn't know.

Illya flipped back the covers and left their bed to go on his mission, leaving Calysta with a brief kiss on the cheek. "Be careful." After he was gone she tossed and turned, trying to get comfortable with no luck. Her mind was too full, her belly cramping too much, and her stomach felt too empty. Why at a moment like this she still managed to be hungry, she didn't know. The little life seemed to require so much more energy. Giving up on sleep, she put on her tank top with her shorts and meandered into the kitchen, flipping on the florescent lights. There had to be something in there to eat. She didn't want a full meal, just a snack of some sort to get her grumbling stomach to leave her alone.

Calysta rummaged through the shelves looking for anything that might be snack worthy. She found a few potatoes, a garlic clove, a few carrots when her eyes settled on an onion bag. The onions were big with golden papered skin and smelled delicious. When had onions ever smelled so good? Snatching the bag out of the pantry, she opened it up quickly and picked the plumpest bulb. Her fingers peeled the papery skin off and she start to look for a knife to slice it like an apple, but the glistening white vegetable looked to good to resist and apples could be eaten in more than one way. It wasn't worth the time to cut it when she could eat it in her hands like a omne fruit. Calysta grabbed up the onion and sank her teeth into it, finding it crunchy and juicy. "Mmm..." That was what she had been wanting all day and hadn't known it. A simple, delicious onion. Going in for another bite, she savored the strong flavor as she sank into a kitchen chair. "So good..."

The sound of a clearing throat caught her attention as Maks appeared in the door way. His brought eyes caught sight of the raw onion sitting half eat in her hands and he gave her a quizzical look. Calysta looked at the Chip a bit sheepishly. Eating a raw onion was probably an odd thing to do, but it tasted so good. "Good for digestion. You should try it sometime."


Calysta sat down with Illya feeling a strange mix of mortification and anticipation. After the burial ceremony, Illya had taken to only really talking about the daily tasks of running the ship and their operation. Then he hadn't wanted her to come investigate the other traders, pushing her away again. It was a fact that scared her and made her feel as though she were doing something wrong, though she knew very well that it wasn't. Would he be okay? She couldn't force him to talk. She wouldn't. Like with many of the other things, he would tell her in time, but the time in between was admittedly lonely. Even when they did have their short conversations, it felt like he wasn't fully there and her craving for his company was stronger than any craving the little life growing in her belly could muster.

The doctors visit had alleviated some of that feeling. At least he had come and even smiled a few times when he heard the baby's heart beat, though it was plain he wasn't as interested or excited about coming as she had hoped. Not that she needed him to come along, but she had thought it might be something they would share and it might give him something else to think about. At least by reading this with him, they were doing something together for the first time in a few days that didn't involve work.

Calysta changed out of her tunic and folded it up, placing it on the chair in the corner, then she picked up Illya's pants from the floor, which caused a rush a vertigo to her head. She teetered a little, and caught herself on the wall, trying to focus on the floor. Would her entire pregnancy be like this? It was miserable not being able to move as fast as she wanted. Luckily, he was starting to crawl into bed and had his back turned to her. Before he could turn around she forced herself to straight up and finished folding his pants. With the clothes picked up, Calysta grabbed the hologram coin from the bedside table and sat down cross-legged on the covers. Already her face was starting to turn pink with the idea of reading this with him. Technically, he could send it through a translator, but some of the meaning would be lost and she didn't want any miscommunication.

"Alright, Birds and the Bees 101," she said, stealing a glance at her Chip. He was giving her a strange look and she realized the Terran saying probably sounded weird to him. "Um...Old Terran metaphor. Anyways..."

She pressed the button in the center of the coin and the Kaerelean scroll began to display along with accompanying holographic videos to demonstrate the points being made. First up, was basic knowledge of cells, how they store genetic information and what they do as the building blocks of life. Then, reproductive cells and how they carrying only half the material needed. The holograms also touched on how an error in the DNA could cause disease and miscarriage. The hard part was the topic of... emissions... and how a man impregnated a woman. Calysta's face was unbearably hot when it showed how that worked, though there was nothing sexual about it. She stumbled over a few words, and grimaced when she came upon others, knowing they had to sound absolutely gross to Illya. Some of them didn't have Qouti translations as far as she knew, so she had to pause multiple times to give short explanations. Cervix was the hardest one to explain, but she mumbled through it without looking him in the eye. Reading over how her body would change to accommodate the growing child was a little terrifying to her. She'd known the information, but being reminded of how her organs would move and her womb would stretch, pushing out her abdominal muscles wasn't exactly comforting.

Once they made it through all 3 trimesters, watching the little blip on the screen develop through its stages to a fully realized baby whiCalysta clicked off the hologram video, her face crimson from having watched a child being born on the screen. It was a beautiful thing and it wasn't like she didn't know all of it, but she knew much of this was probably shock to Illya. Leaning back against the wall, she tucked her hair behind her ear and stole a glance at the Chip to see where exactly his mind was at, considering he had been quiet since the last video started detailing the last trimester and the process of labor in great detail. He looked a pensive and stayed quiet in thought for a moment, but the silence was a little unnerving to her. "So, that's how it works," she said finally, "There's a lot to it, I know. Do you have any questions?" She hoped he didn't because her face was hotter than the Nuen sun, but she wanted to make sure he understood completely since she had just spent the last hours reading it all to him and cringing at the more intimate bits on the hologram.

"Eh...." Illya raised an eyebrow when Kalizda started to speak. It was mostly a host of information that he wasn't sure he wanted to know now that he knew what happened. "Do men in yah culture know dis?" He frowned slightly as he thought about the details of the birthing. That had to be one of the most disgusting things he'd ever seen.

Out of all the questions she thought he might ask, the one that came out of his mouth was not what she expected. After all of that, asking if other men knew was his first question? "Aye, most of them do," she nodded a she watched his face carefully. There was nothing wrong with not knowing, but it was something everybody should have some working understanding of.

Grimacing he nodded to her and then cleared his throat. "Oh...Well, Chippequoti dun learn dese tings. Women keep dere privacy. I tink maybe dat es a better way. Meh job es ta work hard and take care of yah." Now that he knew he couldn't unsee or unhear any of it. "Et jes looks like et hurts."

Calysta raised a brow at him. It was obvious this was more of a shock to him than she originally thought and now he was wishing he didn't know at all. There were reasons beyond just general knowledge to know these things though, and as mortified as he might be, it might be important for him to understand it in the future because of what she was. "It does. But its important for you to know, not just to know it and realize that's the process but ..because of me. Illya, I'm a half breed and with that comes greater risks for the baby in this process and ..for me.

She paused for a moment and shifted uncomfortably on the bed and dropped her eyes from his face t her hands. He needed to know some things she hadn't said, mostly because once she had the surgery it hadn't matter so much anymore, but it might shed some light on a few things. "The doctor we saw has known me since I was small. He treated me when I was sick as baby and growing up many times. I was sick because my mixed genes caused my immune system to be created incredibly weak, Illya. He is a specialist who studied me and helped me live long enough to develop medicine that could keep my immune system functioning. I've taken 7 shots that prevented me from getting sick every year or half year depending on how I was feeling since I was a child. Even when you met me. I don't need them any more because of you." Her throat grew a little tight and her fingers curled up in her lap. " I used to dream about what life was like without having to worry about getting a cold or being chased by a doctor with needles to keep myself alive. What you did saved me from ever having to take them again. But because of my half-blood genetics...there is a greater risk something will happen to our baby or to me." Admitting this was hard for her. She never told anybody about the shots unless she absolutely had to because it was a point of shame for her, but he needed to understand all of this.

Illya took a deep breath when she answered. There was something terribly wrong with her body before she had the surgery and it might cause problems with the baby. None of these were things that he could have dreamed about happening. Mostly he didn't like to think about it, but she was right, he needed to know. Illya turned on his side and he kissed her gently. "We jes stay together t-thru dis." Resting a hand over hers he gently squeezed it. "Meh Kalizda I be here for yah no matter what."

Calysta cupped his cheek and kissed him back, feeling relieved he wasn't angry for not telling him about her weakness. He understood now and he hadn't rejected her for being what she was. Smoothing his hair down, she kissed him again and then pulled back to look at him with her grey eyes. "We stay together through everything else too," she whispered, "No matter what. That's our rule." Kissing him again, she started a little chuckle, feeling better than she had in days. "I've missed you."

Her little hands over his cheeks was enough to inspire an idea. Illya let her have the first kiss. Sometimes she would get a bit wild and move to be the one on top and right now he was having to lean back because she kept leaning forward. Flopping back into the bed he let her run her hands through his hair. Smoothing it was futile as the rumples and curls bounced back in place. This time before she kissed him he puffed his cheeks up with air and gave her a semi decent puffer fish look. Her words after the kiss made him think. They had rules? The chip faintly remembered that, but he wasn't going to say anything about it right now. Instead he skipped to her last statement. "Yah miss meh? I been here dah whole time."

Calysta leaned over Illya, her long black hair becoming almost a curtain that framed his face as he flopped back. The glossy lock were wavy and turned to loose curls at the ends which coiled against the pillows, tickling at his ears. When his cheeks puffed out under hands, she couldn't help but giggle mid kiss and when she drew back, she poked one of his cheeks, causing it to deflate in a puff of air. "'ve just been stressed and busy. I missed reading with you.," she said honestly, then she laughed lightly, "Even if the material is...a little odd."

A grin came to his face and he chuckled. "I miss being wit yah, but ef ets reading like dat den I dun wanna read." In some ways it was more disturbing than many other things in life. Especially thinking that his Kalizda was going to be having a baby come out. It just looked so painful. He wouldn't want to push anything that big out.

She didn't blame the Chip one bit for not wanting to read anything like that. It was scary enough on its own without having to remind her what would be happening in 8 months time. Leaning close, she nibbled at his lips and then grinned. "I agree. We can always find something else to read," she suggested playfully, "I can think of a few good stories you might like."

With Kalizda so close he wrapped his arms around her waist and made sure she couldn't move that much. Licking off his bottom lip he grinned. "Oh I got plenty of ideas. Dis Terran book I see one time. Kamasutra? Maybe ef yah tink et might be too wild yah pick da story eh?" Chuckling a little he strained a little as he sat up in the bed a tiny bit. All the muscles around the liver burned with the effort, but it wasn't bad anymore. Kissing her again he flopped back on the bed. "Ugh...I give up. Yah jes overpowering."

Calysta blinked at Illya when he mentioned the Kamasutra book as the flush from earlier returned in full force. Where had he gotten ahold of one of those? She'd have loved to have seen him read that to know if he blushed or not. As he flopped back, claiming she had overpowered him, Calysta giggled and claimed her victory, stealing another kiss while he held her still. She was tired, but she would find the energy for time with him. He needed a break and to relax a little too, especially because he was still sore. "Then let me do the work, yeah?"


Sarai sat in the green house garden while the rain poured outside, reading over the lastest reports of the conflict with the Cirellants at G'koe. It wouldn't be much longer now that the Terran President would need to make a decision and he was stalling almost too long. Henryk sat across from her as he went over supply lists and the current status of every available unit on Uria. Some of them had been taken with on of the Kaerelean fleets to help in the defense against the Cirellants while the majority remained on their home bases placed over the planet. As soon as the decision to remain with the Alliance had been handed down, Sarai had gone to work preparing for the inevitable consequences of denying the Federation their foot hold. She had no idea what form their retribution would take, and she was trying to account for every eventuality; airstrikes, blockade, ground invasion. The Chippeqouti had even sent an escort for her in the case she was targeted personally, which was a possibility from both without and within. Nathan was pale and equally as handsome as General Illya, though he lacked the same cheeky grins Sarai found so attractive. She was told he was also married though, and that took a little of the fun from being watched all day. It was a shame, but she had been far too busy to play pursuit games anyways.

As she thumbed through the reports, Henryk shifted in his seat and picked up his tea mug for a sip. The glass clinked on the table as he sat it back down, and Sarai's eyes flicked up to her wonderful husband, catching his and gracing him with a gentle smile. He gave her a shy, but loving smile in return and then went back to his work. As they sat listening to the rain, a little tinkling sound began. The tea mug on the table was tapping with some sort of vibration, and Henryk put down his info pad to see the ceramic up shimmying. Suddenly, the whole world began to shudder violently. Sarai held on to her chair as the ground beneath her feet jerked. What was happening? An air attack? She could hear screaming and cracking in a wicked cacophony from every direction as sirens began to blare. The green house ceiling rattled in its frame work until another hard shudder of the earth sent it shattering.
Tabit rinsed her hands and then dried them on a towel. Grabbing a bottle of oil she carefully rubbed it onto her hands and then smeared it up her arms. She liked the smell of lavender. The next step was to start cooking a small dinner for herself. Wandering into the supply section she presented her certificate that had her food weight for the week listed. Rice didn't weigh too much and she could get quite a bit of it with the ration card that she had been issued. They just didn't want any waste in the camp and so it was run this way. "I need 2 cups of rice."

Ayrn wandered into the line behind the beautiful Tabit. He had been working on just what to say to her and after consideration, he thought that going in casual would be the best way to approach her. She was always working from what he could tell and this was one of the rare moments she was available to talk. As the Chip handed her the rice she requested, Ayrn stepped forward a little too fast for his own rations and bumped into her. She didn't move an inch, but he bounced back a little, knocking the rice satchel from her hands actually on accident. "Oh..I'm sorry about that!" he went to grab the bag and presented it to her with a small smile.

The woman was about ready to leave and cook her dinner when she felt the nudge to her back. She hadn't expected it and dropped the rice. "Ah!" With a little squeak she turned to try and catch it. Instead the weaselly looking man handed it to her with that ridiculous smile. Raising one eyebrow she took it from him. "Your apology is accepted." Turning on her heel she started back out the door and on her way to her tent.

As she passed him by with a quick word, Ayrn's smile faded a little. She was on a mission to get back with her rice, but this was one of the only chances he would have to talk with her before he shipped out again. He ran a hand through his washed hair and paced for a second before shaking down. He would talk to her today. Giving the Chip behind the ration desk an apologetic look, he scurried out of the line and followed her. "Hey! Don't I know you?" he said as he tried to catch up with her long strides, "I think we've met before...on the ship?"

Was the man determined to try and talk after he'd just bumped into her? If he was trying to apologize he had already done that and nothing more was necessary. Instead he called out asking if he knew her. Tabit turned slightly and stared at him for a long moment. "Maybe we met on the ship and maybe not. There were a lot of things to consider that day."

She didn't remember him at all? That fact stung and was made more painful by the fact there was only two outsiders at the camp and only one had an eye patch. Surely she would have remembered the eye patch? Maybe she just needed a little reminding. "Uh, yeah, it was a crazy day, but I never forget a face, especially when they're pretty. I think you were standing up and I swapped places with you right before the crash." He held out his hand for her to shake as his one eye gazed over her face. She seemed slightly confused and none of his plan to talk to her had worked out, but he was already committed. "I'm Ayrn."

If it couldn't have gotten any more awkward the man started talking to her like he had rescued her from some disaster. Nodding slightly she stared at him and then at his hand. This handshaking thing she knew, but she wasn't real fond of the way he made his approach. Aside from that there was a strange feeling she had in her gut that he wanted to eat with her and she didn't want him to. Reaching out she shook his hand. "Now we've officially met."

The hand shake felt hesitant but oddly firm for a woman, which he had come to expect from Chips, and found kind of attractive. His smile grew a little at her comment and he shook his head. "Ah, not quite officially. If you want to make it official, you should tell me your name since you know mine."

Releasing his hand with a sigh she nodded. "My name is Tabit." Flashing him a quick smile she turned to leave again. "You should go get back in line for your rations."

Tabit. He grinned as she relented, telling him her name. "Pretty name. Terran ladies don't have names like that," he replied. As she turned away from him again, suggestion he go get his rations, Ayrn scrambled for a way to keep talking to her. "Aye, I should, but you know. I have a card with enough credit left on it for some beans and sausage to go with that rice. If you don't having anything to go with it already. We could make a bigger meal combining it together if you're interested?"

A chuckle sounded and she kept walking. "Credit for your last meal? Where do you suppose you'll buy this? You only get so much in a day, or do you go into the city?" Tabit wasn't going to waste her time on this man if he was just going to be a big talker. There were plenty of those in the world.

Ayrn heard the chuckle and it made his grin all the wider as she followed behind her casually. "Well, I haven't used my credits yet today because I just came in from the city this afternoon. I could get the sausage and rice at the ration desk no problem. Of course, I could always go into the city tomorrow and get something even better if you'd want to share tomorrow night too?" He was rolling out the big efforts here but women liked it when you did that, so here he was pulling out the stops.

With her back to him she rolled her eyes. He was trying far too hard. "I think you better save the ration and eat well tonight. Then you can eat something tomorrow." Holding up her bag of race she let him see it clearly. "I have enough for myself."

In a strange turn, she almost seemed uninterested again. All he'd done was offer to provide a few luxuries in exchange for dinner with her. Chips usually liked a good deal. "Eh, but what's beans and sausage without a little rice? I'm sure your rice would be fine on it's own. As for me , I'd take good company over rations anytime," he replied earnestly.

Laughing a little she called over her shoulder. "I'm sure you would Ayrn. Don't worry I've already figured out what kind of man you are." She had heard enough from some of the others and she didn't want anything to do with him at this point. "I'm not the kind of company you're looking for."

Ayrn frowned at her response. He wasn't sure what was more insulting the laugh or fact she thought she knew him. "You don't know what kind of man I am," he grumbled, "You just met me, so you wouldn't know if I'm the kind of company you're looking for or not. She was starting to get further and further away, and he tried to think of any way to keep her from walking off completely. "I bet you that I'm not what you think." The words came out faster than he could think about them as he stared at her retreating back.

"There's only one way to prove it." Stopping mid step she turned to look at him and grinned. "I want to see how hard you can work." Turning again she resumed her work back toward her tent and still laughed almost the entire way.

"Work at what?" he sighed. Ayrn threw up his hands and then wiped at his mouth. How hard he could work? Why was the answer always work the Chips? Even their women were obsessed with it. Still, he didn't like the way she laughed when she walked away. It was obvious Tabit didn't think he was capable of winning her over. "Well, we'll just see," he vowed under his breath, before walking back toward the ration line. It a shame she'd be missing out on some decent sausage and beans to go with her meal.

When she finally got rid of the man Tabit opened the little bag of rice and poured it into her kettle of soup. It would boil up nicely and her beans that had soaked in salt all day would add a wonderful flavor to it. Nathan had already warned her what kind of man Ayrn was and she wanted nothing to do with that. A few years ago it would have been an acceptable idea, but she rather liked the tradition. If there was only one man and you got to ask him. She could just work to prove herself to be a catch and then she would ensure that the man she wanted was going to be wanting her too. Her doing the asking wasn't so different from what she'd done in the past, but at least if that was the expectation she would be spared the creeps and then she'd only ask the ones she was interested in. Then of course she had to hope taht they would accept.

Staring almost dreamily into the pot she stirred it a little bit. Personally she had a bit of a fancy for the dark Chippequoti. Tabit loved how tall they were and their beautiful dark hair and tanned skin. They were handsome and her own light Chippequoti were beautiful, but the bright eyes were so much more striking on the dark cousins. Otherwise she did fancy some of the Ehaui. Those exotic deep brown eyes were so beautiful. A rare few of them had eyes so dark that they were almost black.

As the pot of food thickened she glanced down and realized that the rice was done. Serving a good portion into her bowl she breathed in deeply and then relaxed. Tomorrow she would go out hunting with some of the others and then she could have a little time to herself. In the meantime it would be wise to keep an eye out. Apparently the man that thought he had so gallantly rescued her was trying to hint at his heroism and she didn't appreciate it. If she thought that he was do a hero's tribute she would have honored with such. As it was he had simply thought to keep her safe first. Nice enough gesture and maybe one that she would have more readily considered if it wasn't for the fact that she knew from a few inquiries that he only wanted one thing.


They were nearing the end of the stay in Reylia. Tikan had almost completely obliterated anything that had to do with the Federation in their territory. For the most part Illya was glad that his work here was done. After that man had give up the information Illya half expected that he would complain to someone that the coercion had been unethical. Whatever it was it got results and Illya wouldn't deny it nor was he going to be backing down. When he was called to meet with Tikan it was no small surprise to Illya.

Setting down the reading he was doing Illya looked over at the man that had been sent with the summons and nodded. "Aye, I be right dere." Closing out the reading on the Federation maps that Illya had updated he sighed. It appeared that in a desperate attempt to choke out the Alliance there was some movement. At least that was what he had managed to gain from the man. Maybe not specifically what he said, but Illya knew how to read between the lines. When the enemy was making an unknown number of trade deals in an area and moving troops to guard the ports that could only mean one thing. They were preparing for a major strike and Illya couldn't begin to know if it was for Reylia or Uria. Both of them were somewhat near and the ports were easily within striking distance of either one.

Clenching his jaw a little the general followed behind the man that was leading him to the main meeting hall with Tikan. For the sake of clarity Kalizda came with. Sometimes it was better to know that even if he couldn't quite express what he wanted in Trader's Tongue that she would know what he said in Quoti and she could make an accurate translation for Tikan. Illya remained quite during the escort. The shorter doorway required that he duck slightly as he stepped inside. Looking to Tikan he nodded. "Yah ask ta speak wit meh?"

Tikan stood at the as General entered along with his wife, and gave them both a respectful nod. Already, the General looked unhappy with his summons to the meeting, but they needed to speak for multiple reasons. His wife looked pale, but firm standing by his side. Gesturing to the seats in front of him, the chief invited his allies to sit. Once they were sitting, he took his own seat and picked up a report from his table. " Aye. We need 't talk. Ye do good work on th' list of Federation suspects, General. We have several in custody, but there've been other reports. Mostly from families about th' raids, claiming torture was used."

Just as he had suspected the man's family had talked. Doubtless they thought he was going to crumble, but Illya knew better. "Not all dah men. I onleh made small demonstration with first man. He was most likely to be involved. Better one man suffer cut to his hand and stretched muscle than many soldiers suffer or die."

Calysta relayed the words of the General back to Tikan in Kaerelean, but there was a hint of emotion in her voice. She swallowed and continued with a clear throat until the Chief nodded. Tikan looked from the report to the Chip with his jaw working a little. "I don't disagree, General. We are soldiers an' we do what we must. It's not always th' most pleasant. However, th' family are m' citizens an' their father an' husband was a suspect. Not known Federation operative. It's a fine balance we must walk general an' I must address th' complaint. The method was effective but ye may have started with less. Ye wife didn't come t' negotiate?"

"I ask her ta stay. She needed rest. Meh men and I we make war on Federation over 100 years ago. I know what has to be done." Though he had recieved a reprimand of sorts he wasn't going to back down. "Dah man speak and I know now Federation is moving supplies to section close to Reylia and Uria. Uria not declare allegiance to Alliance or Federation and yah just tok yah land back. Et could be a strike for either. Because of dis I make sure dere are men in Uria to hold ground and I stay here wit meh men till we know where dey strike."

Tikan very well understood what moving against the Federation on Reylia meant. It opened them to attack and he had known Uria was un-pledged, trying to walk the line between the two. "Aye, th' man spoke an' now we know," the Chief said, "An my Elites an' regulars stand ready. But this is a new campaign general. The Federation may not th' same as ye knew from 100 years ago. New faces an' new moves. Th' people ye protect are new too. Ye good man, an' General so I know ye know t' th' war we enter with fresh eyes, yeah?"

Gritting his teeth a little Illya shook his head. "Dah war es same. Money es same, greed es same, and so es evil wit dem. If dey drop bombs on meh people with disease in dem before I could return den dey are dah same." Meeting the man's gaze he continued slowly. "I take care ta follow Chippequoti tradition. I do not kill or take lives witout need. Man I questions es spared and now many lives. We out maneuver dem. Secure Uria and Reylia den I make hit on dah supply planet."

Calysta translated quickly in Kaerelean and shifted in her seat trying to keep the twinging cramps from rising up again. "Not th' same," the Chief shook his head, "Ye enemy has already found a new way to 't an' ye must adapt." Tikan didn't like talking to the general like this. He was an ally and someone hr respected but with that respect came the expectation that he was honest. "Aye, we need to secure Uria an' their supply planet but ye should consider taking ye' wife next time. Not all places respect ye like ye allies on Reylia 'm friend."

For the time there was no winning the argument. Tikan didn't understand the war and he likely wouldn't. There was no point in trying to explain that this was not the first time that the Federation had tried to create a weapon to kill them. It was and had been an ongoing project for decades and now over a century. Slowly he nodded. "I take meh Kalizda when dah time es right." Glancing to Tikan he reluctantly spoke though he made it in Trader's Tongue rather than having Kalizda translate it this time. "I tink yah should know. One of meh intelligence tell meh dat leader of Federation is Chippequoti. Dis war es for da last blood ef he es in earnest against us."

The General was stubborn and seemed offended but Tikan had to address the issues as he saw them. Taking his wife along would have helped the situation. As the General swapped to Trades tongue and informed him of the nature of their enemy, he sat up straighter and looked to his wife for a moment. Her pale face wore a look.of true shock. Even she didn't know this. Tikan then turned to the man and looked firm in his bright eyes. This was news that changed some things and raised many questions. "A Chippeqouti? Why would one of ye own try 't kill ye all? How many know of this intelligence?"

Giving away Ehud as the informant would be dangerous and so instead Illya opted to keep that part quiet. "Mehself, informant, Markus, Kalizda, and now yah. I cannot know all reasons of dis Chippequoti." Taking a deep breath he glanced to the side and then looked at Tikan agian. "Ef Alliance know dat we fight our own et would create problems. Chippequoti do not know dis man anymore." Trying to explain the light Chippequoti would be too much at this time and their service in the Federation would only complicate matters so he kept that part secret for now.

"You're right. This information ye must keep quiet. If ye people no longer claim this Chip it makes no difference to Reylia. Ye our aĺly an' th' Federation must go." Tikan paused for an moment and ran a hand though his hair trying to process this new information. "Ye start good by building ye allies an' cutting supply. The Elites will be ready 't answer ye call while the regulars keep Reylia secure under th' the lead of 'm wife, but maybe we should look in t' finding out more about th' Chip ye informant talks of too.

At least now Tikan was understanding why Illya took the drastic measure. He hated to admit that they were going to be involved in something far deeper. "Yah dun know what yah ask." Sighing he brushed a hand through his hair. "Onleh one other rogue in Chippequoti history. Dis rogue es why we move ta dis galaxy. Many ancient races moved on ta greater areas. Chippequoti always guardians, but rogue joined forces wit an ancient race dat es verah wicked. Chippequoti split in wars and many cities destroyed. So what remains moved. We keep our tradition and stay here. Meh many great forefathers fight dis war. Now we have new rogue and I know more, but et is nut time ta share et. Yah understand dat dis burden es on Chippequoti generals. We find rogue and we kill him."

Tikan listened intently through the man's heavier accent. He'd never heard of ancient races the man spoken of but hearing the shortened history was no less important. The Chip they sought was highly dangerous and a true rogue. "He is dangerous but not invincible. Our enemy is flesh an' blood an' will meet th' end as every man does. T' kill him though we have t' find him. Would it not'be good to task someone t' look quietly while we wage th' war for th' quadrant. It they succeed it may bring a faster end t' th' fight.

Shaking his head Illya sighed. It was very frustrating at times trying to think how to say what he wanted. Finally he had to give in and say it in Quoti because he didn't know how to say it otherwise. "I look for dis man, he move and I dun have way ta get him till he move again. It will not end the war because the Federation will still have many greedy men. Dey succeed dis long because dere is always another man to take place of leader."

Calysta translated the words back to Tikan and added her own reference so the Chief could under understand. "It's like the kynal, so many heads to take the place of the one chopped off. It wont end till you kill the body." Tikan sat back in his chair and stroked at his beard for a moment. They were in for a tough fight no matter what they did. He still kept the opinion this war was different but they needed their allies former knowledge to build upon. "Aye, ye have a serpent on ye hands. We target th' supplies an' th' wealth. But we keep th' civilians out of th' mess as much as possible. They will suffer before th' fight is done an' we are protectors, eh?"

Finally it seemed that they had come to an agreement of sorts. Illya listened to Tikan and then he nodded. "Aye, we spare citizens where we can. We must have dere allegiance if we succeed." There were two ways to get that allegiance and the first was preferable as it would be the option in which they sided with the Alliance because that was their ideology and the other was going to be through coercion.

Tikan nodded and looked to Illya with a firm, but understanding gaze. He was glad to be done with to tougher part of the meeting. "Aye, we'll need we many as we can. Our actions will determine how many we have.Ye call on us when ye ready. I'll have units for Uria prepared an' for ye supply planet."

"I move soon as dey strike. We need dere army committed, stranded, and under supplied." Illya gave a short nod. It was a brutal way to do war, but he knew it was the only way to win this kind of battle. "Now we done?" Looking to Tikan to excuse him he waited for the man to indicate that he had enough information for the time.

"Aye, we're done. Ye come out later an' join m' for a beer if ye like. Tikan was not the kind of man who pushed aside good company for work related issues. Calysta relayed the words back to Illya and kept her eyes one her Chip. His face looked so hardened and brusque that it made her irritated with herself. She should have gone with them to keep Illya from having to do what he did. That was her duty and she had failed in it. Her eyes dropped to the floor as she waited to see if either man had any more to say.

Illya listened to the response, but he knew he would need a little time to be quiet and alone before returning for any kind of socialization. "Et would be welcome. First I get food for mehself and make sure meh men have what dey need, den I come."


After the meeting was done Illya decided it was time to do something a little less stressful. Something that he enjoyed and that meant catching dinner. Reylian's were good cooks and their food was delicious, but Illya was craving something that he knew better. Maybe some scorpion, spider, lizard, or snake. Glancing at Kalizda he winked. "Yah come wit meh? Maybe I get snake for us ta eat?" A few of the other men would likely want snake too and that meant that Illya was going to be hunting for a few snakes. He could capture them since she wasn't quite feeling up to it and they could chat a little bit.

Illya didn't remember seeing too many snakes in Reylia, but he read somewhere that there were supposed to be massive snakes on the planet. They were usually close to the nests. Nasty things tried to catch the young birds as they learned to take flight. If they ever touched the forest ground they were often eaten before the parents could rescue them.

Wandering deep into the undergrowth of the forest/jungle Illya would move slowly and checked on Kalizda frequently. She was doing alright so far, but she was getting slower and he figured they were better off to wait near the hole of what appeared to be a small den or cave. If nothing else he would settle with whatever was hiding in there. Part of what he liked about hunting was simply being outside, and not having to say anything at all. The silence was the only thing that he wanted for now. Lately the memories had started to get worse again. Part of the mine triggered it and the conversation with Tikan had brought a lot of it to the surface. For a long time they had kept the identity of the man Kent a secret. Ehud and Illya didn't want it to be widely known, but there was no other way to have explained what was happening and why he took the action that he did. Rogue Chippequoti were rare and when they rose up they became a scourge and it was the duty of every Chippequoti general to remove that stain.

While he waited by the hole Illya could almost feel the questions beginning to swell to the surface. Kalizda could ask them later, but for now Illya was hunting and he wanted it to stay quiet. Just time with with the two of them. He didn't need words for times like these. It was healthy to sit sometimes and say nothing. The two of them sat and relaxed until Illya heard a hiss. Sitting a little straighter he peered up at the rock they were leaning against and spotted a massive snake. So far the head on it was around half the size of the general's head. "I tink dat looks like dinner eh?" Slowly sinking in his place he pushed Kalizda down with himself. He didn't want to be in the strike range at this moment should the snake decide to attack.

Sliding around to the side of the rock Illya grabbed the oversized serpent by the tail and pulled till it began to turn it's head ready to strike. This one would take more play than the usual kick with a boot and grasp. Taking a knife in one hand he worked his way up the side of the rock and then pulled at the snake's body again till it tried to strike. This time he stabbed the creature in the side of the mouth with the knife and it hissed loudly, but pulled back.

The game of taunting carried on for nearly half hour till Illya had finally ended in pursuit as the creature tried to slither off. Kicking at its tail he heard it hiss and the creature turned its bloodied head toward him and struck out again. This time the Chip drove the blade through the snake's skull and then grabbed the snake from behind its neck and drug the carcass behind him. With the body so long that he couldn't gather it all up Illya had it dragging behind him like a ratty old blanket that a child drug everywhere. "Kalizda we have dinner!" Lifting the snake's head for her to see he chuckled. "I tink maybe we invite some Reylian to eat dah snake wit us." There was more than enough for himself, his men, and Kirit.


A rattling started and Ehud looked over at Sarai. At first she didn't seem to be too disturbed by it. On the other hand the general was a little more aware of the fact that they were expecting a raid of sorts in time. By the time she was recognizing that it was trouble he was scrambling for the patio doorway and grabbing the woman. The last thing they needed was to be in the building. Throwing his arms out he tried to guard her from the shower of glass coming down. Creaking sounded as the metal frame stressed and strained under the pressure.

All of it made sense when he felt the ground shudder and split open a few feet in front of them. The gab was widening as he saw the ground fall away. They didn't have much time to get out of the way and he pulled her into his arms again and ran. "Henryk hurry up!" That was all the more he had time to say as he charged for the next gap. For whatever reason her home and green house were very near the collapse of ground. What was even more surprising than the ground dropping out beneath them was the seemingly calm collection of women ahead. None of them seemed concerned about where they stood or what they were doing. One of them raised her gun and shot at Ehud.

Normally a bullet wouldn't have hurt him much unless it hit his torso. Instead the Chip dropped Sarai as the bullet tore into his shoulder and burrowed into his shoulder blade on its way through the exit of his body. His collarbone broke and he hit the ground gasping with the pain. Illya had warned him about the possibility of mine shafts near the town, but he hadn't found any evidence. The Federation must have covered it well. While he had heard about the bullets Ehud hadn't thought much about it till they hit. He was accustomed to running through heavy fire with minimal damage.

His hand shaking slightly he reached for his own gun and remained laying next to Sarai. "Jes be still." He didn't need her running or doing anything drastic just yet. Bringing his gun up he waited for the first man to get close and then he fired off two rounds and aimed his gun for the next. Already the shadowy figures were blending and melding together as he aimed for them. With another five rounds he guessed that about 4 more went down and then he felt another bullet dig into his leg and another drove deep into his chest. Through his blurred vision he saw the women surround Sarai and he couldn't hear what they were saying, but it sounded like they were here to officially see her deposed. At least she wasn't executed on the spot though he wondered if that would be saved for a public trial or if the woman was only spared for the few moments before he passed out.


The news of the attack reached Illya in a few hours and he beckoned to his men. "We pack up now eh!" All of them knew that it was the general's way of saying they were about to make their raid on the supply planet. He wasn't waiting for the enemy to begin their first shipment. The next stop was to go see Tikan and ensure that the man knew of the strike. When they had last talked about the future of the war the man had been willing to see to it that the supply planet was raided and all products confiscated. The Reylian's could easily use the supplies and Illya had every intent of putting blood on that knife for the old woman. If he could return it to her when he got back to Reylia then it would be one less measure of guilt that he carried with himself.

There was never a good reason to send a man to deliver important messages when there was time as the leader. It didn't take Illya long to get his stuff ready and his men were still preparing a few more things before leaving. Ehvan was leading them through the take off drill and Illya was going to make sure that Tikan knew the Chippequoti were not considering the port civilian territory. They were however going to attack in the tradition and fashion of maim rather than kill. In many ways Illya struggled with that part because he wanted in part to kill any prisoner he found to be guilty of joining the Federation. It was best in his opinion to give the prisoners to Tikan. Perhaps the man could convince them to turn against the Federation and if he couldn't they would try the men for crimes and then have them shot or killed in some other way. Illya didn't much care how it was done. They just had to have it done the right way.

However, there was one piece of especially disturbing news. Sarai had gone missing during the raid on Uria and he couldn't know if she was simply dead or if he would have a chance to organize a mission to free her. If there was one good thing about this Illya knew that destroying a major port or at least taking it over and an planet that Kent didn't expect to lose such as Uria would force him to move. Maybe to move enough that he would expose himself and Illya would have his chance to kill him.
The meeting with Tikan left Calysta with her mind reeling with so many questions she didn't even know how to begin to sort it all out. Illya had not taken her on that mission because he had intended on using methods he didn't want her to know about or see. If she had insisted on going no matter how she felt, maybe he wouldn't have had to. She could have negotiated or talked to the man so Illya wouldn't have had to resort to that. Her inability to act had left him in a tough position and had put a strain of sorts on what was a good alliance between her Chip and Chief Tikan. If she hadn't been pregnant and moving so slow she would have been feeling perfectly fine and insisted she go with them. Calysta's hand slipped over her stomach and she tugged a little at her tunic, walking beside Illya through the town. She already loved this baby, and wanted to be excited, but it just felt so wrong to have it when she had duties and responsibilities. When it had added so much extra stress on Illya too.

Stealing a glance at her Chip, she saw his jaw was still clenched tight and his eyes gone distant with his own thoughts. Maybe she should never have told him. It had been a difficult decision to tell him anyways, but now she wondered if it would have been better if he hadn't known at all. Then there was the realization that the Federation was being run by a rogue Chippeqouti and this history Illya mentioned with this other ancient race? That was dangerous information and apparently this has happened before. His kind weren't even from this galaxy and she wondered how they could have traveled so far. The stargate at G'koe connected them to the nearest galaxy, but it had only been in existence for a few hundred years. The Chippeqouti had been in this galaxy for far longer even after moving here. While she and Illya had been on Pyrta, she had looked into what could be found of Chip history, but so little was in the archives. All she found was information on a mysterious war-like race rumored to reside in a far off quadrant. That was all she knew of their history besides the war with the Federation.

"Yah come wit meh? Maybe I get snake for us ta eat?"

The sound of his voice pulled Calysta out of the swimming thoughts, and she realized her fingernails were digging into her own side. "Hmm? Oh. Aye, I'l come with you," she managed to reply with a little smile. "Snake actually sounds pretty good. Maybe we can put some onions with it." How was it that he seemed perfectly fine now? At least he had invited her this time though. If she went back to the ship right now she felt like she might go crazy within the metal walls.

Her Chip grinned at her and they ventured out of the town and across the fields into the forest. Many of the little floating islands where the Cyrn made their homes were tangled by thick ivy vines into the tree tops that dotted the rising hillside. The shade felt good after walking across the field in the sun, which had left her black hair hot to the touch with its afternoon light. She walked at a slower pace than normal, and Illya kept having to look back to see if she was still there. Walking didn't make her dizzy at least, it was standing up or making sudden movement that sent her head spinning.

As they made their way through the forest, Illya seemed content to walk in silence and for once, Calysta was happy to let him. Her questions were fulling her mind like boiling water, roiling and scalding behind her eyes. If she let them loose now, she was going to flood him with so much it would make things even worse. They finally came on a den of some sort in the rocky hill side of the forest and rather than continuing to look for the occupant, Illya decided they should sit and wait for it to return. Calysta nodded and found herself a nice mossy boulder to perch on, by climbing up the half embedded in the hillside. The stone was cool and if they weren't hunting she might have suggested laying down and looking up into the trees. Instead, she stretched out her legs and crossed them at the ankle for awhile, watching Illya as they waited. He was still his tall, tan self with his beautiful eyes and playful curls, but he felt very far away. Calysta got tired of the coolness of the rock and slipped down to sit beside her Chip. She was popping with questions and not living in the moment, enjoying time with him.

The silence between them was filled only by the forest around them. The sun was bright, dappling the ground through the trees and a light breeze carried one of her favorite smells of cedar and leaves while broad shadows floated along occasionally, followed by sharp Cyrn falcon. After awhile, Illya shifted and nodded to something moving along the rock. It was almost too well camoflauged to see, its stone grey and black patterns blending in with the stone, but there was a massive snake inching it way home. "I tink dat looks like dinner eh?" This far bigger than any snake she had ever seen and Illya already had that glint in his eye, ready to spring. He pushed her down, sinking her into a defensive spot and then struck out against the snake.

The creature was easily 15ft long and it flat head was nearly the size of hers. Calysta watched from her spot as Illya dragged the snake down, making it attack and then countered it, wearing the beast down. A few times the creature spat and came close to the Chip, making her wince. It would have been easy for her to pull out her pistol and go hunting Calysta style, but she suspected Illya was having a bit of fun with the snake handling, so she watched until he made the kill, driving his knife through the top of it's massive skull.

"Kalizda we have dinner!" Illya held up the snake's head in wild eyed triumph and Calysta could help but smile at her Chip. He looked so proud of his prize dragging the ground behind him and she nodded with a laugh. "Aye, I think that's more than one dinner." He hitched the snake a little higher on his shoulder and Calysta wobbled to her feet to pick up the trailing end. The thing was all slinky muscle and much heavier than it looked. Even with her holding the end behind Illya, the very tip of its tail dragged the ground over her shoulder. "I tink maybe we invite some Reylian to eat dah snake wit us."

"Snake stew and fresh bread, the Reylian's would like it. We have enough to roast too." She could already hear her Chips stomach turning for some good snake stew. They hauled the snake through the forest with Illya taking up the lead and Calysta tailing behind with the rest of the snake. By the time they reached the fields she was exhausted, but it was entirely worth the effort. It kept her mind from wandering too far. As they started cutting across the field she could hear some of the warriors calling out to them. At first, it sounded like a greeting but the closer they got the more urgent it sounded until a shadow appeared to skirt along the ground followed by a piercing cry.

"Illya! Duck!"

He seemed realize the bird was coming in for their prize with a fast dive. They took off running across the field, hauling the snake as fast as they could. The effort was making her dizzy, but she could hear the massive birds wings cut through the air above them along with the clacking of claws. The Reylian warriors on the edge of the town took off running toward them, scythes in hand to push back the hungry falcon. Glancing back, she saw the red Cryn hissing at the incoming warriors, having missed its target. Calsyat pushed on behind Illya until they made it to the bridge over the river and then began to slow, letting the andrenaline pumping through her veins run its course. With a wild laugh, she dropped the snake's end and looked up to her Chip trying to catch her breath and keep the dizziness down. "We made it home with dinner."

The warriors and other Chips helped them prepare the snake. Skinning it and carving it up took the most time, but once that was done vats of snake stew were made with fresh herbs provided by the Reylians over an open fire pit along side strips of snake left to smoke over the flames. Flat bread and sweet breads were baked while fresh beer was rolled from the cellars of the warriors. By the time everyone had come together, warrior, Chip and civilian alike, it was a small feast. Calysta served up two bowls of the stew and went in search of Illya, only to find him talking with Tikan over a beer. It seemed the Chief was enjoying the retelling of how he wrestled the snake and they escaped the falcon. "Ye bring back a nice prize," the Chief grinned, "When we get 'th chance I take ye out with m' hunters an' we go t' fetch a nyte beast too. "

"It's the same meat you had the night we arrived," Calysta added, offering the steaming bowl of stew to Illya.

"Aye an' they take all day t' hunt," the Chief said as he took a sip of his beer, "But ye look like ye enjoy th' challenge, yeah?"

As the two talked, Calysta took a nibble of her soup and found it to taste better than anything she'd had in a long awhile. It wasn't perfect, but when she looked around at the Reylian warriors talking in broken traders tongue to Chippeqouti elites who seemed to be enjoying the taste of home it amazed her a little. Had so many bad things never happened, this moment wouldn't exist in time. The Chippeqouti wouldn't be here with new allies eating snake stew and talking among them. Illya wouldn't be beside her talking to an outsider like a friend.

"Whatye say Calysta? Next time ye bring ye Rose. M' son always likes 't meet new friends."

The sound of her own name pulled her out her thoughts and she nodded, only briefly remembering she had mentioned Rose to Lyra. Her little girl would love to come to Reylia and would probably give their son Akten a run for his money. "Aye, when we can I think that would be good."


Henryk watched as several matrons surrounded the downed Chip man and his wife. They were holding guns to her and wrenched her away from Nathan by her hair while he was seperated from her by a chasm which had split open the hallway. He had to get a across some how, but the pit was far too big to leap over and its not like he carried rope with him wherever he went. Sarai took a swipe at her attackers which earned her a heavy strike across the face and then another to her head with a violent whip of a young matirarch's pistol. She fell back and didn't move again. "Sarai!" Henryk's voice could barely be heard over the wrenching of metal. One of the matriarchs, pointed her pistol at the Chip man's head, but Henyrk whipped out his own weapon and fired without hesitation. Federation or not, the matriach intended murder. He fired two rounds, one sinking into her shoulder and the other closer to her heart, dropping the woman instantly. The other martriarches squealed a little and grabbed up Sarai, trying to haul the unconcious matron away from any incoming fire. Sarai's head lolled back, showing the trickle of blood inching down her face and Henryk growled, aiming for more of the martiarchs. The ground beneath him began to shift again and more of the hallway crumbled, forcing him back and to break his line of sight. He stumbled away and by the time he managed a decent footing, his wife was gone. "Damnit!"

Henryk did the only thing he could do. Dogding back into the collapsed green house, he took off into the pouring rain to run around their manor, leaping over the bushes and skidding along in the mud around the gardens to the side of the house. A gunhot made him drop for cover behind a hedge as the women finally got smart and laid out suppressive fire instead of squealing away. The distinct sound of a skimmer being driven away let him know that they were gone and he slammed his fist into the mud. He hadn't been bale to see which way they went. Climbing to his feet, he ran around to the front of the house, trying to avoid the sink holes in their yard, and dashed into the hallway covered in mud. At least now he could reach the Chip.

Tossing the dead matriarch to the side, Henryk found the man was riddled with bullets, the worst of which was buried in his chest, having sunk right through his armor. "Shit." He started wrenching off the man's armor as he pulled the ear piece from his ear. He didn't know Qouti, but he knew someone had to be listening who could speak traders-tongue. "Ye need back up at 'th manor. Ye man is down an' ye target has Sarai." Tossing the ear piece down, he went to his own radio and tucked it in between his ear and shoulder while trying to get some sort of triage going on Nathan. Blood was oozing from his chest at an alarming rate as the man gave him a wide-eyed look of pain. "We get ye help," he said quickly, "Sit tight." It wasn't looking good for the Chip but then again he had heard of these people taking on damage that would kill an ordinary man. He alerted the other husbands in the city. They all answered their calls immeidately. "Nicholas, ye come get th' children. Syrus go get 'm a doctor. Derin ye need 't get 't the forest." Whatever had happened to the city would slow them, but they would go as fast as possible. He didn't them about Sarai because he needed them to focus for now.


Sarai woke in a dimly lit room with her head pounding. She had been slumped into a chair with her head on a metal table and her hands were bound by chained cuffs to a hook jutting our from the middle of the table. Across from her sat a blurry image of a woman as she recalled what happened. The world had started to fall apart and someone had shot at them. Why? The other martiarchs.

Sarai jerked up, with a gasp only to find her feet were chained too, forcing her back down into her seat. This was a place meant for prisoners of the highest security deep in the Urian underground.

"What have you done?" she demanded, looking to the now clear figure across from her. She recognized her as one of the younger matriarchs.

"More like what have you done Sarai? You forced us to do this when you resisted arrest for your crimes."

Sarai glared at the woman. "What crimes? The only criminal I see here is you. You shot a man and kidnapped me. If its a coup you wanted this was a poor way to do it. The Urian public wont stand for it."

A file was slapped across her table, making an echo throughout the stifling room. "I think not, Sarai. You've invested quite a bit in the Alliance, particularly in Nuen on a personal level. That makes you a biased party in the decision making of Uria. You have selfishly kept us with the alliance for your own ends and the public wont look kindly on that at you deposition and impeachement hearing. I don't need a coup to do this."

"Those are trade agreements before the Federation was even heard of," Sarai spat, "It's not illegal for me to have private agreements of trade for my own business. "

"Aye, but your unwillingness to break from your Alliance affilaites has reduced the eastern half of the city to ruins. Thousands are missing and whole buildings are gone. Then you ran. You'll have a harder time explaining those away, but I look forward to hearing you try. In light of the new crises brought on by your war, the sisters and I have allowed for war crimes, including treason to be punishable by death. If you are found to be guilty of betraying your people and your position for money, I'm afraid that execution could be a punish for you and any of the other martiarchs who decide to not vote in the best interest of Uria and the Kaerelean citizens."

Her city destroyed? Were her children safe? Her husbands? How many had died? The public thinks she just dissappeared in the middle of the crises, just like they had done to Henaiah. They were going to pin this on her. Sarai felt the white hot rage well up in her throat and before she could think, her chained hands came across the table and rang in a heavy slap over the young womans face. "You're a silly little girl if you think you've won this," Sarai hissed. Two strong hands came up from behind her and slammed her down into the seat.


Tikan kissed his wife gently at the edge of the ramp. She wasn't crying of course, but he could tell by the way she kissed him that she was worried. "Ye take care of Reylia an' I'll be back soon, love," he whispered in her ear. Akten was tugging on his pant leg, with his old cap sunk over his eyes. "Papa ye said I'm tough! I wanna come!" The Chief bent down and picked up his son under the arms, and pulled the hat from over his eyes. "Ye'll go with me soon. But right now I need ye t' stay with ye mum an' help her with th' warriors here, yeah? It's important t' keep home safe for when I come back. Can ye do that?"
The snaggle-toothed boy thought for a moment and then nodded. "Yes, papa."

Tikan grinned at his little soldier boy an handed him off to Lyra bfore giving them both one last kiss on the cheek. "Fair winds, love," Lyra said, hitching Akten higher on her hip. He gave her a smile and tugged her braid as he turned to walk up the ramp. This mission would be a tougher one since they werent on home territory anymore, but if they succeeded it meant more supplies for his men and less supplies for his enemy. They would choke the life out of this Federation port by port of they had to.


Calysta took a a minute to go down into the engine room to check on their status as they left Reylia. Mostly she did it out of habit, though she knew Maks and Jonah had done their job to her specifications. Everything looked to be right, but she lingered there, listening to the sound of the engines for a long time. It just felt good to get away from the talk of war and tactics for a moment as she fiddled with a few things on the jump-drive. It was comforting to hear when they engaged into the jump toward the supply planet. She knew these engines well by now and she wondered briefly if Rose might like to learn a few things about engines. Probably not. The girl was smart but had othere interests. Maybe she would get to raise the baby to love flying and take them through the Kaerelean traditions too. Her mind wandered as the hum of the engines filled her ears

Calysta jumped when someone called her name. Turning toward the door way she found Illya standing there looking at her expectantly, taking up most of the way with his broad shoulders. It must have been time for a briefing or for dinner. She wasn't sure which because she had lost track of the time. "I'm coming," she said with a small smile.
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Ehud woke with a start. He reached up weakly to grab the pair of hands that had begun to pull at his armor. With his other hand though it was quivering as he attempted to move he pulled a knife out and nearly stabbed the man grappling with him. In a few split seconds he recognized the man as Henryk. "No leave the armor on." At this point he could feel more blood seeping out and sometimes the pressure from the armor would prevent the bleeding if the wound was not too large. It was too late as the man had already begun to strip the armor off and he lost the pressure.

Wincing in pain he tried to sit up only to find himself almost completely paralyzed. It was maybe the pain or the fact that his leg was numb. He couldn't feel it and he wondered if the bullet had torn through the small bone sheath that covered the nerves. "Uaagh." Grabbing Henryk with one free hand he pulled himself up to sit. "Help me move. They won't wait long till they come back to find me."

The Chip reached for his ear bud and noticed it was dangling along the front of himself instead. Sliding it into his ear he balanced against the man and began to grunt with almost every dragging step. "Get the General on the line. We lost Sarai." Even with the other's help the man began to stumble and gasp for breath. Ehud finally dropped to the ground despite his best efforts and he knew he was a little heavy for Henryk to carry at that particular angle. As his body hit the ground a shudder of pain went through his entire body and he closed his eyes. Even if it was tempting to let himself drift off now the general knew that he had to stay. There were others he had yet to train and Haza would be waiting for him.

Gradually the Chips blue eyes rolled into the back of his head and he groaned. His body went limp and he shuddered involuntarily as a coldness seemed to drape itself over his body.


A rush of Chippequoti poured into the city and the older General took hold of a pole and planted it on one side of the cavern and vaulted himself across to the others side. He was in hot pursuit of the last trail he heard of Sarai being on. Armor piercing rounds or not he was going to accomplish his mission. If he could locate the woman then he would know what information Illya would need. If there were guards and how many in addition to the fact that they had armor piercing rounds here as well. It likely meant that they had been distributed throughout the Federation territory and the Ehaui had as of yet to figure out how to block the bullets with a vest.

What Markus found was a small tunnel leading down into the ground. Sneaking into the tunnel he followed the sound of the voices and he caught sight of the dark hair and smallish frame. He knew that was Sarai being escorted. For now the best he could do is get some of the light Chippequoti to spread out through the city and act as civilians. They were shorter, and better versed in the outside cultures. They would keep tabs on the city and give daily reports so that he could draw up some information for Illya when he arrived and then they could get Sarai out of the prison.

Turning back toward the top of the tunnel he saw another wave of men. There had to be some kind of fortress or bomb shelter down here that they were using after the ground had erupted. Standing off to the side he watched as the first round of men came in and then the second group came in a little slower. They were the ones he was going to have to engage. Stepping into the middle of the group the general began to slice through them with his sword. Behind him he could hear the soldiers ahead of them turn and rush in. It was their first mistake. They would have fared far better if they would have stood back and used their guns. Why men thought they had to get close to fight he didn't know.


Once they were on board the ship Illya felt a little nervous. They would be in air for a full 48 hours and he didn't like the idea that if the Federation heard they were coming their ships could be shot down with relative ease. He would have some time to plan, but there was a lot of other things that were bothering him. Illya knew he had to be focused and he couldn't do that with everything running around in his head. In preparation he made a dinner for himself and Kalizda. The other men were eating their own meal, but Illya stayed longer in the kitchen to make a soft bread and some gently cooked snake with onion. She had enjoyed it so much the other night that he figured she would likely want more onion with her snake. Stepping into the doorway he called to her gently. "Kalizda." Illya held one hand out. When her little fingers touched his palm he walked with her toward their bedroom. He had set up the small night stands to be somewhat like a table at the foot of the bed. "Yah like?"

Calysta had thought she would be helping cook dinner, so when she took Illya's hand she was surprised hand he lead her to their bedroom instead. At the sight of the make shift table at the foot of their bed and the smell of snake and onions, she smiled. With every thing else he had to do some how he'd found the time to cook their dinner and set all of this up. She felt a little guilty for lost track of time and not helping more. Bringing up his tan hand, she kissed his wrist gently and then guided him over to sit with her. "Aye, this looks amazing," she admitted, sinking on to the edge of the bed next to him. "It's been awhile since we've had dinner together on our own."

Sometimes it was difficult to know if Kalizda was pleased or not. There was a varying range of expressions that seemed to cross over her face. In a way Illya wasn't sure that he wanted to say anything, but he needed to. That could all wait till after dinner. When he sat down he could feel her drift over to him as he was the greater weight by a ways. Grinning slightly he kissed her on top of the head. "I fex et for meh Kalizda. Soon we have little one too." Taking a chunk of bread he ran it around the edge of his plate to pick up some of the sauce. "Dis baby es wonderful no matter what. Kalizda I'm afraid only because of the past, but yah..." Clearing his throat a little he looked at her. "Yah a very gentle, good woman. I dun tink yah know how much I love yah. Before dah war gets worse I tink yah should have a night ta ask meh anyting. Dun be afraid even of dah war before dis. I tink long time when we hunt and ets right yah should ask what yah need to know."

Calysta chuckled and smiled as he kissed the top of her head. He was always thinking of things like this and it never ceased to amaze her how sweet he could be. She picked up a piece of her bread and was aiming for a juicy little onion sliver with it when he started talking about the baby...then the war. Her hand sank slowly back to her bowl as she looked him in the eye. He had never been so open except for maybe the night before their wedding. She didn't even know where to start asking or what to think, all her questions leaving her brain like steam. "I love you too, Illya and many times its the reason I don't ask about things. I'm curious about alot. But it might be easier to start from the beginning. You talked about Chippeqouti being from another galaxy and other ancient races and rogue Chips...ones like Kent. I don't fully understand that. I didn't even know this Kent was a Chip."

Nodding a little he took a bite of his food and thought of how to start. "Chippequoti split many hundreds of years ago. I tink maybe two thousand years ago and dey go into civil war. Rogue Chippequoti drove some of us out and we make new home. We call rogue tthe ones who break tradition and fight dere own." Starting with some history was easy and he gave her a few accounts of battles that he could remember from the history and then started into when he was little. "I was born near jungle. Meh mum and da General were in living dere as diplomats to the Federation. Et was difficult times. Already dey were becoming problems for Chippequoti, but we stay and work. Ask for dah Federation to spend less money and pay more on debts instead of buying new equipment all dah time."

Calysta listened to Illya talk, keeping her eyes on him the entire time while her hand would drift over to her bowl and bring another nibble of bread with stew up to her mouth. She had known about his mother and father working as General and diplomat to the Federation but she nodded and encouraged him to continue. "The Federation wouldn't pay for the Chippeqouti protection anymore, so you put a lien on the the lands...and the people too...right?"

"When dey don't take measures to cut back spending den we agree on price of head of leaders and dere families and den the workers too. We take dere trade at reduced price, but product and price go to pay off debt." Illya sighed. "Meh dad start to become angry when I was little. He come home wit drink and sometimes he make meh mum cry. Markus nut bad man, but he doesn't drink because he become very angry when he drinks. One day I try ta stop him and he hit meh. Jes remember waking up and meh mum had sent meh dad to bed. She told meh she was taking meh to live with Asha for a while and she would make sure dad was better man when I come home." Illya smirked a little. "I find out later when I get older dat she walked outside and grabbed wood paddle to beat him wit and den took care of him and made sure he knew never ta come home and hit meh or talk to her like dat again. Meh dad stop drinking and he very quiet ef he does."

Calysta stopped eating completely as Illya spoke of what his father had done. Markus? The man she had seen be so gentle with her used to be a drinker? A mean one? She knew it was true, but it was hard to see the older General she had come to love as a father acting like that. It was easier to imagine Yvonne defending her boy though. Gazing into his eyes and put her fingers around his wrist and squeezed. "I-I didn't know that..." Then it dawned on her he might be saying all of this for a reason. "Are you worried about being like that?"

It wasn't that Illya was looking for any kind of comfort. Sometimes Kalizda was dense and Illya fell silent for a moment. He looked at her with half confusion and then she finally got it. "I dun want to be like dat. Drinking so much es bad and I try to stay away from home ef I know I have too much." He knew that he was going to have to mention Isla at some point. "Yah know I had daughter before. War was still mounting, but I was happy ta train and come home. Meh Lahna was a beautiful girl. She smiled whenever I come home." Picking at the food again he pushed a bite into his mouth the hopefully smother the emotion for the moment. "I dun know dah war would get so bad. Isla tell meh dat I make career and I become better man ta join early. She wanted meh to be someting more dan soldier and I become officer in one year of war. Den meh Lahna was 2. Meh nights when Isla slept I sat in hallway of home ta watch Lahna and Isla while I study war. Sometimes I fall asleep and Isla come to get meh to go to bed or Lahna would come out and sit on meh lap till we fall asleep on floor." Letting out a long breath he paused long enough to look at Kalizda. He couldn't tell if she was upset or curious.

She slipped her hand away from his, back to her lap. She'd thought maybe with how angry he had been lately maybe he was worried about doing things like what his father had done. It wouldn't be uncommon for a son to worry about following in his father's footsteps. Calysta had worried more than one time she would follow in her mother's. He kept talking, diving into his life with Isla and how she pushed him to be an officer. How his little girl would come to find him studying. His love for them was wavering through his voice but she kept her face a mask of neutrality, though a tightness grew in her chest. "She sounds like she was a good woman," Calysta whispered sincerely, "If she made you want to be a better man."

Clenching his jaw he nodded. "She was good woman. We struggle many times after Lahna was killed wit poison. Dah day dat meh daughter die she tell meh dat I'm guardian and ets meh responsibility ta protect dah people. We cannot live and all our young die ef I do naughting. She tell meh ta do what es necessary." Looking away from Kalizda he stared at his hands for a moment and then took another bite of the food. After he swallowed Illya continued. "I did what I had ta and dah war still drags on for many more years. I fight in war and become general after man battles ta save Quoti. Meh dad order a raid on an air field. I argue wit him about risks and he put in a third team in case meh team and more men don't make et. Isla fight wit meh before I go. She was verah angry dat I leave her dis time and she stood in doorway watching meh leave. I know she fight wit meh cause she worreh."

Calysta's eyes dropped to her half finished food hearing all of this. Markus had been the one to order his son to what was almost his own death. Isla had endorsed him killing those prisoners and yet the war had continued, only this time Illya's hands were forever marked. He had fought with her before he left to go on his last mission. The mission he screams in his sleep because of. A sad realization slowly sank in and she gripped her knees a little tighter. "The's why you say her name." The words slipped from her lips as barely audible thought.

Illya didn't know that he spoke her name in his sleep and he frowned. "Kalizda...I tell yah dat I want yah. Dere is no one else for meh." Reaching over he rested a large hand over one of hers. "I tink yah maybe yah should know dis even ef yah dun ask before we agree." In a way he had been grateful she didn't ask, but he knew it wasn't fair to always leave her wondering. "I'm sorry. Kalizda please I dun want Isla, she es gone and I have yah. Many your traditions are difficult, but I learn dem in time."

Both of her hands gripped his tightly and she nodded, unable to speak. She hadn't meant to say that. Ever. But it had slipped out when she listened to him talk and even hearing him worry over it made her throat tighten. "I know," she admitted her voice low, "I know you do." After a long moment she mustered enough courage to look him in the eye again. If he needed to talk this out she would listen no matter what. "Tell me more."

"I already tell yah what happen wit war. I lost meh men and bones were broken." Illya almost cringed at the memory of his men. "Uh...I uh....Dah hospital dey talk about taking meh leg. Only remember waking up on a ship and dey evacuate meh and den I live at home for many years. Dere was no more laughter. Lahna was gone, Isla was tired and she try hard to take care of meh, but I hurt too much to even share bed wit her. It took many years for meh to walk and den dey drop more gas in desert. I was too sick ta go out and so I was not poisoned. Meh Isla worked too hard and she got sick. I try ta take care of her, but she get sicker and her bones hurt more. Den she died and I bury her in meh mind as memory. Yah know dah rest." Looking at her he struggled a little to keep from showing too much emotion. Leaning in he planted a kiss on her cheek and then her lips. "I find many tings wit yah. Meh health, laughter, and now a baby on dah way. Kalizda et es almost too much. Many times I tink never to ave dis again."

She listened to him finish talking and he kissed her. He never thought he would have a family or a real life again. He had been faced with the prospect of possibly hundreds of years alone, slipping into a slow death, his soul dying long before his body. What happened to him last time could so easily happen again and the idea of it terrified her on a level she had never felt before. She squeezed his hand, unsure of what to say for a long moment as she searched his face with her grey eyes. "Before I met you, I never thought I would be healthy. I never thought I would have a family. " She swallowed hard but kept her gaze. "I was alone. You are the best thing that ever happened to me, Illya. It is almost too much, and I'm..I don't want to lose you." She let the words as sincere and weak as they were fly from her mouth and cast her eyes to the floor in shame for having said them.

It seemed for the time that they had reached an understanding. Perhaps it would take the tension down a little bit. Instead she lowered her eyes and Illya stood up. He walked over to her side of the bed and kneeled in front of her so she couldn't escape his gaze. "I want meh Kalizda ta always be proud woman. Yah Chippequoti, yah position of honor and yah have child. We do dis togeter like we agree eh?" Sliding an arm underneath hers he pulled her gently to her feet and then into his arms. Tipping her to lay in his arms he smiled at her. "Always know I love meh little bird and she holds meh heart. Dere will never be anoter like meh Kalizda." Gently kissing her he walked over to the window of the ship and opened the shade. It wasn't like there was anyone to see. Sitting in the window sill while holding her he let her legs drape over his. "Yah gentle woman and I needed dat. Someday we travel dah galaxies togeter and never fear Federation."

Calysta thought he might divert her with another sly joke, or even bluntly tell her there was nothing to worry about. That he thought he was fine. Instead, he came to kneel in front of her, capturing up her gaze before lifting her up into his arms. We do dis togeter eh? Calysta managed a soft "Aye" before he kissed her and brought them over to the window calling her his little bird. She sat in his arms, her head laid on his chest as they watched the stars go by in a flashes of trailing light. When he talked of traveling the galaxies together, she slipped a hand up to the nape of his neck and kissed him gently. He wasn't stuck in the past, but thinking of a future. A good one. And so should she. "Mhm. One day we'll travel and explore and teach our children the same. I love you, my Wolf." With that, she put her cheek back to his chest and pulled him close.

Again a silence came over the two of them. Illya didn't mind having some quiet with her. He was still struggling with the war in his mind. Sometimes it was better and other times it was worse. While he held her and looked out over the stars he couldn't help thinking of better things. Exploration, hunts to go on, games to contest in and maybe even another home. Part of him wanted to go back to Quoti because that was the first home he remembered and another part wanted his home on Nuen and then he loved to travel with Kalizda to. There were so many choices for the future.

After what felt like an eternity his eyes started to close and he leaned against the window and held his arms around Kalizda. Drifting off into sleep his face pressed up against the glass. His cheek was pressed flat against the glass and it left a sizeable grease mark.


Waiting till a full launch attack had been issued on Uria was one way that they had been able to ensure that they were not going to be trapped under heavy fire before they reached the ground. Illya knew that right now the Alliance was short on resources. The mines had most of them and they were owned almost entirely by the Federation. However, they could always steal from the Federation and use the latest weaponry against them. What Illya wanted from the fight was a new ship with some stealth qualities. A little something for the Ehuai to tweak. It would be faster to tweak a ship then it would be to assemble one from the bottom up.

There were a few ships left in the port. Illya motioned for his men to spread out and he took Kalizda with his small selection of men. Kirit was ordered to stay close to Kalizda again and Illya started cautiously through the town. He could hear some fire fights going on to their side, but so far the port was eerily quiet. Almost as if they were expected to attack here and he didn't like the feeling.

The small group was only part way through the port when a self important looking man came to meet them and he held his arms out speaking in Kaerelean. "We'll surrender everything here. Federation forced themselves on us. Just don't kill my people or strip the land."

Hearing the words was a relief and Illya looked at Kalizda when she translated. "Den tell him we need all Federation property." Illya wanted to know what they could get and what they could not pull from the planet they would destroy. Part of him wondered if these would be true allies or someone that simply surrendered to whomever set foot on their planet.
Aryn rolled out of his bedroll laid our near the door the moonshadow. He didn’t have a designated tent but at least the skylights were closed at night or if it was raining, leaving him a little better off than outdoors. He shuffled his way to the bathrooms and slapped his bag on the faded ceramic sink. Already some of the other men were up and about. They kept a good distance from him usually, and some gave him the occasional scowl, but he just shrugged and ignored them. Chip men were a bit odd anyways. It was a shame there were separate bathing spots for men and women here. The Terran grabbed up his soap bar and stripped down without much thought, before jumping under a one of the communal showerheads. The water here always felt cold no matter much he turned the hot tap up. Maybe he had just spent too much time in the Nuen heat.

He scrubbed down his hair then made sure he hit up his pits and the other essential bits before wrinsing off. A quick sniff told him he smelled decent enough, so he dried off with his towel and dressed in the best looking clothes he had. He wasn’t much for Kaerelean tunics, but the short sleeved ones did make his arms look a bit more muscular. He knocked the mud from his boots and even attempted to comb through his dark blonde hair before securing his eye patch over his scarred eye. Looking at the metallic sheet that served as a mirror, he surveyed his reddish scruff growing in. If he would let it grow into a full beard he would look like a younger version of his father . Not something that he wanted. Still, he liked the idea of growing a goatee. The red hairs filled in nicely and it gave him a bit of a rakish look when paired with his eye patch. Plus, there was the small bonus that Chippeqouti men didn’t seem to be able to make even a decent chest hair. Ayrn pulled out a razor and gave himself a good shave on his neck and jaw, leaving behind his reddish goatee. With a fresh shave, he grinned at his reflection, certifying himself handsome and ready for the day.

With his bag slung over his shoulder, Ayrn went to the commissary first and got his rations for the day, requesting rice, stewed tomatoes and today’s meat was ground deer sausage. It would be gamey but it would work. Breakfast consisted of a bread roll and butter, but he had something better in mind. Wandering down the rows of green tents with his rations, Ayrn stopped outside the closed tent flap of the last tent on the row and straightened the ridiculous grey tunic. How did Calysta wear these things all of the time?

He started to call out the pretty light Chip’s name, but quickly realized that he didn’t know her last name. After rolling mumble, he settled on calling out, “Miss Tabit?”

There was a small rustle from inside and her pale face appeared in the door way. He could tell she had just bathed because her blonde curls were still damp around her face. As soon as she saw him, her blue eyes grew sharp. Ayrn gave her a little shrug and a tentative smile. “Uh, you said work…so I’m here to work. I thought I might start with breakfast.” Reaching into his bag, he pulled out the last of his Terran pancake mix and held it up. “Not sure if you’re familiar with pancakes, but I’m pretty good at making them.”

Sarai burst out into tears as the young matriarch sat across from her with a smug look. “Now will you be willing to step down without a trial and answer my questions? Your husband..ah..what’s his name? Sirius? No, it’s Syrus. That’s right. He doesn’t seem to know very much.” Though the Sarai’s cell was impenetrable, it wasn’t sound proof by any means and the desperate screaming from beyond the hall could be heard with perfect clarity.

“I don’t know anything about Calysta Monroe or her husband,” Sarai sobbed, “I don’t know anything about the Alliance forces whereabouts either. All I know is Uria’s.” Another pitiful screech echoed through the walls and the head matriarch clamped a shaking hand over her mouth.

“You were at the wedding, surely you know a little something about them?” the younger woman calmly. It was if the screams were nothing to her.
Sarai’s fists clenched tightly and she buried her face into her knuckles. After a moment of nothing but crying and the sounds of pained yells, the sharp faced young woman sighed and stood. Her metal chair made a scraping sound along the concrete floor as it slid back. She calmly went to stand behind it and pushed the chair back into place, stopping precisely an inch before the back touched the table edge.

“I understand, I do. If you don’t know anything you don’t know, hm?” she said, gently, “Perhaps the children might.”

Sarai’s head snapped up with wild eyes and she launched herself across the table. The chains stopped her long nails just short of the wicked matriarch’s nose. The woman didn’t even flinch. “Leave them alone!”

“Then give me the information I want and everyone goes home, except for you of course.”

Sarai shook her head and sank back into her chair, facing the impossible choice. If they had Syrus, it would be easy to get her children. Her babies. Would they really do something like that to a child? Listening to the screams of her husband was unbearable, but he understood the risks of their work. Her babies were innocent and she couldn’t give them up.

The young matriarch gave a small, “Hm” and started walking toward the door, her heels clacking against the floor. Panic surged through Sarai and she slammed her chained fist against the table. “Wait! Wait! I’ll tell you what I know about Ms. Monroe and your General. I will sign my own impeachment. I don’t know locations, but I’ll tell you what I do know,” she cried, “Leave my children out of this. Please.”

With a cold smile, the woman turned to the door and poked her head into the hallway. "Please inform my collegue that his work is to stop for now."
A moment later the screams stopped, leaving them in silence. No doubt her underling's voice was starting to get hoarse by now and he would be glad to stop.

Henryk dropped the light Chip with a grimace. The man was so much heavier than he looked and it was impossible to carry him side arm. He was bleeding out fast and had lost consciousness altogether, but he was right. They needed to get out of there and with the children. Gritting his teeth, Henryk picked the Chip up under his arms and started to drag him to the door. Every step was a work out, but the Kaerelean was fairly strong for his kind, as he carried the heavier man with boot heels dragging along the floor leaving a bloody trail. “Stay awake, ye heavy arse! Ye got things t’ do!”

As he turned the corner, he could hear footsteps clacking down the tile hallway. Henryk dropped the Chip and whipped out his pistol.
“Just us!”

Syrus had his own weapon out and had it trained on Henryk the two of them looked at each other in relief. “You’re be going to get a doctor,” Henryk grumbled.

“Aye, but I saw the Chips mobilizing from the trees already, they’re coming into the city and all the other doctors have been called down town. Where’s Sarai?”

“Later. Help me get Ehud to the door. If there’s Chips coming there will be one of their doctors coming, but we need to be ready to move in case anyone comes back.”

Syrus took up the Chips feet while Henryk handled his torso, they started toward the door. Just as they were getting the man loaded into the skimmer, another vehicle pulled into the drive. Both husbands took cover behind the skimmer with their weapons drawn and their Chip friend hanging halfway out. Daring to take a peek, Henryk poked his head from behind the bumper to see what the they would be dealing with. A pale faced Chip soldier and another man with dark eyes and a medical bag were stepping out.

“Ye man is over here!” Henyrk bellowed.

It had taken hours, but Nicholas had a managed to pick up the last child from their school. They were understandably terrified and the eldest daughter was helping him chorale them into the woods. “But Uncle Nick, I don’t want to walk! I wanna go home to momma.”

Nicholas sighed, and picked up his niece, bracing her on his hip. “I’ll be fun, yeah? Like an adventure.”

Derin had met them along the treeline, updating him that the Chips were already on the move. They The safest place for the children right now was at the moonshadow with the Chippeqouti. The east side of the city was a disaster zone with the earth sunken in and chaos running the emergency services ragged. So many people were missing and fires burned through the toppled buildings. He highly doubted any of it was an accident. He wanted to go look for Sarai, but Henryk had sent out his orders and he would follow them, trusting the eldest husband to direct.

He made the thirteen children hold hands and then had the head of their little train hold onto his belt loop while he carried the fussiest. “Alright, into the forest, huh? We might even see a few fairies this early in the morning.”

Nicholas started into the trees and up the hill with his little train behind him. Occasionally he would have to stop and answer a call from one of the other husbands or for one of the children. There were several tantrums ranging from “I’m tired” to “I thought we were seeing fairies.”


Calysta walked through the eerily empty port with Maks, Jonah, Kirit and Illya at her side. This negotiation had gone surprisingly easy but she was on edge from her last attempt. Every nerve she had was on high alert for trouble. Their guide and the planet authority was a plump man with beady eyes, and a sweaty forehead. He pointed to a warehouse down the way and told her in Kaerelean that all the items inside were Federation and that they had been forced to clear their own wares to house the corporations items. The man’s people had even been coerced into working the docks and unloading the shipments. She asked for a list of the items that were being moved and as the man spoke about what was in the ware house, she translated for Illya.

“Food supplies, mostly rations and several types of munitions along with spare ship parts all imported from Alpha Centauri,” Calysta said quickly.
“I’ll show you,” the man said, beckoning them down the docks, “You can have it all. We don’t want anything to do with the Federation.”

As they trekked closer to the large building a strange smell hit her nose. Docks had all sorts of smells at them, but this was over powering and familiar. The scent made her queasy and she stopped, fighting down the urge to vomit. What was this? An image flashed in her mind. A shattered ship in the Nuen desert.
“Illya, ” Calysta breathed, “Fuel, I smell Terran ship fuel. Is anyone-“ Her words were cut off by a violent boom.
Sasha smiled slightly when Sarai gave in. "Then tell me something and I'll tell you if it is worth the life of your children or not." She could have the man tortured more though he wasn't hers. Obviously Sarai didn't know the sound of his screams well enough, but who could tell when a man was tortured. All of them screamed and yelled in pain. Scooting her chair back a little more she held up a hand in signal as if were waiting to have the torture resumed or to have one child ordered to be taken from their school and tortured. Surely she knew more than what she wanted them to believe.

Sarai drew a shaking breath and wiped her eyes which were filled with a sickening mix of contempt and defeat. This woman was serious and Sarai knew it. She couldnt have the mad matriarch anywhere near her children. "D-dont hurt t-them...they dont kn-now anything. I d-don't know what you want w-with the General and Miss Monroe." She shuddered a little and tried to think of some way to give the woman enough information to leave her children alone but also keep her friends safe. "They both have a house on Nuen. Calysta is trained as a Skycorp pilot and her husband is a leader of an elite unit."

"Well that's unfortunate." Giving a motion with her hand she had the man tortured more on the other side of the wall. "I'd like to know something that we don't all know already. I'd like to know where the Chippeqouti went. Nuen was empty, abandoned and no one knows where they are." Reports had put a small number of them in Reylia and she expected that Sarai would know that. "If you can't think of anything better than that the next signal will be one of your children."

Sarai gripped at her chains with wet cheeks. Did she really have them? Could she take that chance? She couldnt give up the Chippeqouti either. There were innocent women and children there too. Fresh tears started trickling down her cheeks and she grit her teeth. "They scattered. Some to Reylia, and Or'il, some here among the people and among the other neutral planets. They live in hiding and are good at it. Please, I dont know any more than that. Even the Chippeqouti here keep me in the dark."

There was what she was looking for. Sasha smiled. "Even the Chippeqouti here. If they were so good at hiding how do you know they're here? Where have you seen them?" It was clear they viewed her as an ally and now she knew what she needed, and then she would get just a little more information.

"Henaiah told me. You know she is trying to keep the Alliance alive including the Chippeqouti and came to Uria looking for allies. That's how I know," Sarai said in a half truth. Her eyes scanned over the cruel matrons face. This was a dangerous game but surely that would be enough to save her children. "Please..."

Flicking her wrist she gave signal for one of the children in the keep to be slapped. Little wails started and she stared at Sarai for a long moment. "You have 12 more to go. Tell me how much they're worth. Henaiah would have told you because she wanted you to hide them. You went against so many of us to stay with the Alliance. Come now. We both know behind that stupid face there's a set of brains."

At the sound of the ringing slap and the pitiful wails, Sarai jerked against her chains, tearing at the skin of her wrists in panicked rage. No matter how hard she pulled, the chains wouldn't budge, even when her hands trickled with blood. "Don't hurt them! They're innocent!" She yelled, "You're a cruel, heartless thing!" Collapsing into the seat again, Sarai began to sob. They really did have her babies and it would only get worse for them. "I t-told you t-They scattered. I d-don't know where t-they all are. J-just t-hat some are on Uria. Henaiah asked me t-t o let them have amnesty and I d-did. It's o-only families!"

With the flick of her wrist the woman ordered for another child to be brought in. "Only families and that is why they have been able to move an entire unit to Reylia?" Another child began to cry and she stared at Sarai. "I'll be back in an hour and then you can tell me what you really know. In the mean time think about your 11 other children. How much do you really love them?"

"D-dont! P-please. I d-don't know about a unit on Reylia, that m-must be where t-he men w-went t-to keep their here families safe. T-tikan is a natural ally for t-he chip army. The families were safer here. They're innocent and d-defenseless here." Sarai said desperately. She couldnt listen to her children being beaten. If they had taken their tortures to her she would endure but this was worse than anything they could do to her. "Please, I love my children. Please..."

Sasha only shrugged as she started out the door. "Only eleven more to go." She wasn't about to give in to the woman. Children or not it didn't matter. Their time frame was short and she fully intended on having the Chippequoti army neutralized. Truly scattered. The facts were that there was an operating army and it would soon be here to rescue Sarai. That was what she wanted. A larger army would be here to ensure that the 50 men would never make it out. Kent's men were already filling the tunnels and piling in sand bags so they could rush out and flood the city when the Chippequoti army came in. Well trained or not they wouldn't be walking out of this trap. All she needed was for Sarai to hold on long enough to witness the destruction and then she really would have the woman's family. If Sarai broke she would kill her and be done with it. Sarai was only good as long as she had information.

After a few hours had passed of both the man and the children screaming she returned to the cell. "Now that you know I will do whatever is necessary I will ask you a few more questions again. Where are the Chippequoti hiding? Where did you give them refuge?"


Tabit stared at the man as he came to her tent with breakfast. "I think you're a pernicious suitor." Pushing the flap of the tent back a little she let him into the tent. "You make these pancakes and I'll eat them. See if they're as good as the ones I make." She grinned knowing that he probably forgot she had lived somewhere besides Quoti for quite some time. This little man was probably smart, but he said plenty of stupid things.

While she was eating the food she ran into a few powdery spots and would just swish the food from one side of her mouth the other. He wasn't that great of a cook though he ate his own food with gusto. Probably didn't get much besides what he made and it was no wonder he was stunted in his growth. A few times she glanced at his goatee and the crumbles that clung to it. Chip men were far cleaner. It was impossible to hide the narrowing of her eyes as she watched him eat like a little monster and allow the food to flake and catch to his shirt as well. Momentarily she was reminded that his kind also got hair on their chest. That was slightly disgusting. She would rather touch a smooth well muscled chest than a scrawny, bony, and hairy chest. Just the thought disgusted her.

Thankfully a call went out saying there were friendlies approaching. Something she could do besides wait to be called to war or possibly have to sit here and watch the disgusting little man. Jumping to her feet she looked to him. "Do what you want. I have work." Pushing the tent flap aside she raced out to the armory and grabbed some guns and put on body armor. Not that it was much good against the guns that the enemy carried now, but she could have some kind of protection. Strapping the armor on she then ran to the front of the moonshadow with the others.

The woman was given the position of scout. Charging into the forest with 4 others they spread out and kept in contact with their headsets. Tabit spotted the men and children only a few seconds later. Signaling to her group and the others they surrounded the men and she pointed her gun at the tallest of them. "Who are you?" When they answered she called in Quoti to the rest of the group and stepped past the man and took a child under each arm. "Hurry."

If they had come into the forest they needed to disappear and anyone in pursuit would be killed. They couldn't afford to be found here. Bouncing one child in her arm slightly she nodded to the boy and then started to jog through the thick underbrush.


Markus reached the surface again and he began directing the Chippeqouti to spread out. "Take the city, give life packs to citizens only." The people needed to be given supplies to survive. Water filters, food, and blankets for four were in each pack and then they would be setting up a small tent camp with more rations as the life packs would run out. An makeshift ambulance had already begun to traverse the city and he watched it stop at the mansion. They would hopefully find Ehud alive. As for Sarai's family they would hide as many of them as they could find and then set up the search for her.

With night coming on the city was lit mainly by the fires that still burned in place of the ruins. Chippequoti walked above the ground cautiously as they patrolled the area, unaware of the soldiers that had already begun to fill the ground beneath them.


In the moonshadow Haza and Yvonne began to set out tents for Sarai's family. Haza began cooking up a large pot of stew and beckoned each of the children over to have a little slice of fresh sweet bread. "Now you're all going to have a nice sit over there and wrap up in blankets. No need for you to freeze." She had barely finished getting the children all seated when a man poked his head through the tent and spoke to her quickly in Quoti. Momentarily the woman's pale face became even whiter and she nodded. Blinking quickly she nodded to the visitors in her tent and she covered her mouth as she rushed out of the tent. A sobbing gasp sounded and she walked quickly across the moon shadow.

Stepping into the tiny little room designated for her to wait she sat down and leaned her head against the wall. In time they would come to get her, but she could hear Ehud and his moans as the doctors tried to settle him down for the surgery. Eventually it all went silent and she knew that they had finally got the medicine into his blood stream, but it didn't make the process of waiting seem any shorter. Time still drug on.


They were on their way to the docks and Illya stopped as soon as Kalizda said his name. Turning slightly toward her he studied her face. There had to be something wrong. Peering back over his shoulder felt the sudden blast of heat and the sound waves threw him to the ground. Explosions always had a strange sensation of being thrown and then getting drug back toward the source. Grimacing he started to pull himself off the ground. Little chunks of metal stuck to his vest and a few pieces had embedded themselves in his arms.

Looking over at Kalizda he could see a little bit of blood forming around her body. His eyes widened and he used one leg to pull himself over top of her while he drew his weapon and began firing at the soldiers that had begun to surround himself and his men. There were more than what he had expected, but even if they were surrounded it was open ground and the Federation wasn't any match for them. The first line of men dropped to the ground and the Chippequoti drew their swords and charged into the small army that had thought it would be an easy victory. A few of the men stayed with Illya and Kalizda.

He needed to get her on board his ship and they may end up fighting to get there. Picking Kalizda up he held her little body tight to himself and drew his own sword as he started running along side his men toward the ship. The ship was guarded and he knew if he could get there with her she would be safe. "Jes hold on meh little bird."
Sarai hardly noticed the cruel matriarch enter the room. After the first few minutes of being left in the dark hole of a cell, chained to the table and listening to the continual screams of her husband and children, the head matriarch had lost track of time. It all felt like an eternity. When she had pulled against the chains enough to make sores on her wrists, she tucked her head into her hands, desperately trying to cover her ears against the horrible sounds echoing in her cell. Her poor Syrus and her sweet babies. Which had they done this to? Thinking about it made her fingers curl into her hair and she rocked back and forth in her chair. It looked pathetic and undignified but she didn’t care, it helped drown out the wails.

Her tear stained face glanced up to the woman her question, her eyes filled with maddened hatred. If this woman would go so far as to have children tortured for hours on end, Sarai knew she would do anything. She would kill her babies and her husband. Then she would kill her when the time was right. Sarai very much doubted the woman would spare her children even if she told them what she knew. Unless the Chippeqouti found them, they were all going to die. This woman would do the same to all the beautiful Chip children and Rose in the moon shadow’s too. If she gave them away though, there would be no chance for any of them. Still she was tempted to tell her just to end the sounds of her family’s pain ringing through her head. That would just make killing them all so much easier, but it would stop the suffering.

“Y-you’re a m-monster,” Sarai sobbed, “A-and f-for every h-hurt you give m-my b-abies…I w-will give back a h-hundred t-times over.” She knew the threat was weak considering she was chained to a chair but it was all she could do to make the words come out. Then she dropped her head back down and began her wretched tears again, lamenting her family with whispered cries for forgiveness.


Ayrn watched Tabit leave the tent with the instruction to do what he wanted. Technically, he had work too, but Illya hadn't sent him a new assignment yet. He'd already sent his report on Yuria and Aerikta too. Yuria wanted nothing more than to live in peace, with which ever side brought that the easiest and the Aeriktan officials were definitely pushing anti-Alliance and anti-Chippeqouti sentiments. To a degree it was working.

Finishing up the last of his pancakes, he realized Tabit hadn't had a chance to finish hers. He reached over and put the remaining cakes on her plate, then covered them with the fresh plate. Maybe she might want them later when she got back. Ayrn surveyed the little tent with curiosity Nothing spoke more about a woman than how she kept her house. Calysta was always tidy, but had a touch of chaos with all the crazy animals hanging around. Tabit on the other hand seemed a bit meticulous in how she placed things. Every item had a spot and there it sat, ready for use. There was little to 'work' on. What he supposed to do?

What was it that Illya always wanted him to do? Scrub floors…make beds…do the dishes..His eyes settled on the pan on the hot plate and the spatula he had used to flip the cakes. There were only a few things to wash and he could do it fast enough. Picking up the few dishes, he brought them over to the wash bucket and started scrubbing them down. It didn’t take much work to get the plates clean but the little pan was a different story. No matter how hard he scrubbed some of the bits wouldn’t come out. Eventually, he took to using the tip of his little knife to scratch out the remains before rinsing the dishes and setting them out to dry.

Dusting off his hands, he looked at his hand work and felt fairly satisfied. What else could he possibly do to ‘work’? If he left, how could she possibly know he did any work anyways? Tabit was just as confusing as Calysta when it came to what she wanted. Tapping his chin, the Terran looked around the room and noticed a small wicker basket filled with laundry. Ayrn wasn’t especially good at laundry, but he could manage a load or two. Calysta had already taught him how to put the same colors together after a small incident involving red socks. He had no idea that the red from his socks could latch on to other clothes. He just knew his socks were getting pretty ripe from his work on the farm at Pyrta, so he had tossed them into the washer with some of her clothes. When her undershirts came out a pretty shade of pale pink, she had been on the war path and made him do laundry for a week after she taught him how. Apparently she was the only girl in the world who would balk over a little pink in their wardrobe.

Ayrn bent down and picked up the basket, rifling through what was there. It didn’t look like too much and the woman might be impressed if he did the laundry right. He found another bucket and with his free hand, grabbed up the handle to start hauling off to the washrooms. When he got there, he found mostly women scrubbing at their clothes, dunking them in clean water to scrub and then sweet smelling ones to rinse. He put the laundry basket down and started to fill up his bucket when he realized that he hadn’t brought any of those sneeze-inducing oils with him. He didn’t like the smells, but Tabit probably would.

Glancing around the room, he found another light Chip wringing out her clothes. She was older, there was no telling how old with these women though. “You wouldn’t happen to have any of that cleaning oil stuff would you?” The woman gave him a scowl and shook her head.

Annoyed but not defeated, Ayrn looked around the room for someone else to ask and found a familiar face. Kiya sat on her knees swirling clothes in the water with a bit of a vacant look in her eyes. He hadn’t really seen her since the desert, he knew she had been hurt and gone to see the Ehaui, but once it was determined the injury wasn’t life threatening, he had reported the information to Illya. With a few tentative steps, he wandered over and looked the woman over. It wasn’t until he was nearly standing in front of her that her eyes sharpened and flicked up to his face. That look still sent shivers down his spine as he remembered the dinner fork all too well.

“What.” Her one word came out as more of a statement than a question.

Ayrn stared at her blankly for a moment and she scowled. “What do you want.”

“Uh can I borrow some soap?”

Kiya stopped with the clothes in the water with her one hand and reached to a bottle beside her. The hand she wasn’t using was still bandaged to all but her index and thumb. Even with one eye it didn’t take much for Ayrn to see there were a few digits missing. He gingerly plucked the offered bottle out of her injured hand and muttered a quick ‘thanks’ before scurrying away. With oil soap in hand, Ayrn’s lip curled a little as he dumped a good portion if it into his wash bucket and went to work washing Tabit’s clothes. When he was done washing, he brought the clothes back to her tent and hung them out to dry, feeling pretty accomplished, though he was going to smell like the oils for at least a week. Sniffing his hands, he grimaced at the herby scent and shook his head. The things he did for women.


After making sure Ehud was in the hands of the Chippeqouti doctor and assuring the children were with Nicholas, the tall first husband approached the older General. Henryk had never met the man, but his stature and the fact that the Chippeqouti were following his lead indicated he was the man in charge.

The General’s eyes flicked up to him with a stern expression, but Henryk expected nothing less. “I’m Henryk Pentyl, husband ‘t Sarai,” he said quickly in traders tongue, “Our children are safe in th’ forest an’ I have th’ 5th an’ 6th Urian units inbound t’ help recovery.” The General seemed to understand well enough, so he continued. “M’ wife may’be at one of th’ prisons. A place deep under th’ ground. I take a unit with’m ‘t find her.” He wanted the General to know this because he didn’t want his men shot or taken down by Chippeqouti soldiers by accident. He would find his wife and take down every Federation soldier he could find with his bare hands if he had to.


Henaiah sat at her makeshift desk watching the scene unfold in the Urian capital. The east side of the city was in ruins and while theories abounded on whether not the Chippeqouti were there to simply help or had created the disaster to weaken Uria and then swoop in like heroes, one thing was clear. This was not the same pattern as the Reylia incident. The mines being so close to the town had seemed like an accident. The Urian implosion was on a much bigger scale and had only taken the eastern portion of the city. It had been done purposely and had taken a long time to orchestrate. Longer than Chippeqouti had been in their midst. The idea of the Federation having wormed their way into their lives long enough to do this was terrifying. How many other Kaerelean cities had mines close to them? Kaereal was strong, but they were being torn apart and her heart along with it.

Thomas was watching the scene unfold over her shoulder and rested a hand on her shoulder. “I’m sorry Henny.”

The words were useless but sincere and she couldn’t fault her husband for that. She didn’t even correct him for calling her that awful nickname again. Patting his hand, Henaiah took a deep breath and rose to her feet. She was not a woman who sat around and cried. “Thomas, keep an eye for any messages from Sarai.” The woman’s children had made it to one of the other moon shadow’s but the matriarch herself was still missing.

“Where are you going?” Thomas asked, as his wife pulled away from him.

“To the communications tent, I may be gone awhile.” The comm officer would have everything she needed to make a few secured messages.


A scorching hot fire burned behind them, left by the wake of the blast and fueled by the Terran fuel. Calysta didn't process being thrown to the ground and the massive fire ball sending shards of metal wrenched from the building in every direction. She did feel the horrible pain dug screaming through her right shoulder and part of left leg. Something was stuck there but she couldn't move to see what. She needed to get up but her limbs wouldn't obey. Warm wetness was trickling from her arm somewhere as her ears rang with the muffled sounds of gun fire and a blurry figure covered her, blocking out the view of the sky filling with black smoke. The weight made whatever it was dug unto her shoulder and leg press further and she cried out, trying to relieve the pressure. As she tried to focus the sound of more gunfire popped into her ears and found herself being hoisted of the ground. A pair of fierce green eyes finally got her brain to catch up. Illya. He started to run and each step jarred her sending waves of pain though her. Another wave of Federation soldiers began pushing in from the sides between the other warehouses to cut the group off from retreat. Kirit looked to the Chippeqouti general with his dark eyes and nodded. "Ye take Kalizda an I cover ye back." The Federation soldiers began pressing in, making the only way out, forward toward the line half cleared soldiers to the front.

Carrying Kalizda restricted some movement and Illya could see that they were being cut off. Snarling a little he took a moment to put Kalizda toward the center of the group. She couldn't really stand, but as long as she stayed sitting he could be more effective in protecting her. "Yah stay down eh?" Nodding to his men he drew his sword and they drew theirs in turn. It was beyond the point of using guns and he knew they didn't have, but a few seconds before they were going to be shredded with bullets.

Calysta slumped to the ground feeling numb as Illya ordered her to stay down. The yelling and footfalls seemed to be coming from everywhere all at once and it didn't sound good. She caught a glimpse of Kirit drawing his war scythe from his back. The warrior had blood trickling down the side of his face but otherwise seemed in fighting condition as did Makz and Jonah. Calysta couldn't fight hand to hand like they could, but she could shoot. Her left hand fumbled for her pistol and she gasped with the effort of freeing it from its holster. The soldiers started firing and she fired back, but already she could hear the Chip men getting hit with strange wet thumps. Were they the armor piercing rounds? She couldn't tell, but none of them dropped right away. As the men drew closer pushing their lines forward Kirit took a deadly swing with his war scythe and the screaming began.

The bullets cut through the vests, but the men had made sure to pack in extra layers to slow the bullets a little. Illya grit his teeth and grunted when the second bullet hit. He could feel it sink into his chest and he kept going forward. There was no telling how well Kirit would do, but there wasn't time to check either. Slashing his way through the line of men Illya then circled back to make sure Kalizda was not going to get attacked from a separate angle. The men began to fan out, each of them taking small sections of the enemy as their targets.

Calysta felt the blood seeping into her shirt and bubbling down her back, but the leg hurt worse. She felt cold which wasn't good and she knew staying awake was a priority. Whatever happened she had to stay awake. Kirit took a hit from one of the bullets and blood spattered over the ground, as he yelled, dropping to a knee. It was only a few seconds later that he stood again with a war cry and kept moving forward into the men in his section, limping to his left. A group of soldiers began marching in on Illya , when a engine roared from somewhere in the ally ways.

The only answer to having a group of soldiers try to surround him was to fight harder. Illya pushed forward a little more and swung his sword harder and faster. His arm was throbbing with each movement as the piece of shrapnel dug further into the muscle and pried at it cruelly. Ignoring the sound of an engine for the time he kept on slashing his way through the enemy. He could start to see them thinning and that was important. If they could get the enemy away then he could get Kalizda on the ship and the men on board could protect her.

Calysta kept firing, dropping a man in front of Kirit and another coming at Illya. They were only leg shots but her arm was starting to give out as her whole body shook with the effort of staying up right. The whirring on the engine grew louder accompanied by a wild thumping sound. A fork lift came barreling through one of the allies making the ranks of Federation soldiers scatter from behind. Those that didn't dive, were mowed down by the hefty machine as a dock worker in their blue jumpsuit yelled in Kaerelean.

Being forced to move only enraged Illya and he didn't know what the man was yelling. With a clear path he couldn't argue though and he ran back to pull Kalizda off the ground Sliding his sword back into its scabbard he drew out his gun and held his agreed under one arm. "We go now."

Calysta tried to put weight on her good foot to help Illya along but he was walking too fast and the world was too fuzzy with pain. Kirit heard the call to move and obeyed, taking up the rear. He slid his scyhe back into place and went to his pistols again though aiming properly would be impossible. His gait was too offset from the chunk taken out of it by one of those bullets. Cursing in Kaerelean at the burning pain, he fired back at the Federation soldiers as they ran down the docks. The closer they came to the ship, the more warehouse fires could be seen and the more Reylian soliders seemed to be in control of the area. Still a few more soldiers tried to cut them off from the ally ways, one of which fired a few rounds toward Illya and realized his rifle was empty. The soldier swapped to a blade and came at them full force.

They were close to the ship and Illya could almost have cheered. Inwardly he was still cringing. What had happened to Kalizda he didn't fully know yet. It was obvious that between his men that were still out in the supplies and the Reylians that things were quickly coming under control. As they passed an alley he could hear the clicks of an empty gun. Turning slightly toward the man he saw him charging with the sword and Illya didn't want to drop Kalizda on the ground so he used his own gun that was in hand. Leveling the weapon he breathed in deeply and then the breath out slowly as he squeezed the trigger and dropped the man in one shot. Turning back toward the ship he continued pulling Kalizda along underneath his one arm.

Calysta clutched at Illya's armor, willing herself to stay up right as a call went out through the warriors at the sight of their First Warrior returning. She vaguely noticed the sounds as her good came to a slow halt and her head drooped forward. Sleep sounded very nice. Sleep the pain away and the wake up where she liked to be in Illya's arms. It was a good plan except for she wasn't supposed to be closing her eyes. Kirit fired another round behind them, but his ammo was about to be gone and he would have nothing but his scythe and knife. As he prepared to go hand to hand, another of the dockworkers came barreling down the alley with a what looked like a fire hose, aiming the jet at the soldiers. It worked for a few seconds, knocking several off their feet before a shot was fired and the man dropped to the ground. It did give a few of the Reylian warrior time to flank the others though, some came along to Illya's side, keeping his back and covered. "We have 'th south end of th' dock secured at 'th ship. Have ye seen 'th Chief General?"

As they reached the ship again Illya passed Kalizda off to some of his men and turned toward the Reylian's. "No I aven't seen him." That wasn't good news, but they all saw where he was. Illya had been with Kalizda the whole time and he and his small group of 5 men had been nearly trapped when they split off to get Kalizda to safety. "Kirit yah get inside. Chippequoti go now." Looking over his men Illya ordered a few others into the ship. They were too injured to continue with the mission at this point.

The Reylian nodded. . "He went t' th' east side. Another warehouse explosion an' a unit of our own were nearby. Traps in the supplies covered in fuel. An coms are down. " Kirit froze at the Reylian's words and turned back to the group slowly. "General, if m' Chief is gone, command comes t' me. I can't go." The Reylian warrior glanced to his first warrior waiting for orders. "Ye secure 'th area aroun' 'th ship tight. We hold th' ground with units one an' two. Ye send another unit t'th east," he said quickly, "We clear out an try t' get 'th fires out." The young warrior then looked to the General trying to hide the pain throbbing through his leg. "We work t' gether t' clear?"

Since the young man had a point Illya nodded. "Alright den yah help." He knew that Kirit was hurting. They all were after that round. The blast had hurt and Illya still felt like portions of his chest were bruised from the blast.

Kirit gave a final nod to his warrior, officially taking command until the Chief was heard from. The other warrior gave him a salute and ran off to fulfill his orders, leaving Kirit and Illya to survey the area. The ships were at the edge of the docks but Federation could still attack in the walkway directly in front or come from the right or left using the many alley ways. One of the warriors ran up to Kirit and breathlessly gave him a salute. "Sir we found something that might be useful in one of the warehouses." Several more of the Reylian warriors came forward hauling what looked to be a medium machine gun and a tri-pod mount behind it with a small defensive shield. "Ammunition?" Kirit asked quickly. "Aye sir, plenty." "Make sure no traps an' ye set up along th' main walk " Once that was done, Kirit glanced to Illya, if he was honest he looked confident and cool but inwardly his nerves were bouncing with every decision he made.

After ensuring they had a good perimeter around the ships, they began to push outward, but the comm links were still patchy. Too many of them being used at once through the ships main antenna was likely the cause. When a broken message did come through, Chief Tikan's bold voice could be heard finally. They were still on the east side of the dock but it sounded as if they were attempting to take control of the administration building. Kirit listened to the report from his officer and then looked to Illya, relaying the words as best he could in his broken traders-tongue. "Take th' building, an' we take th' dock," he said to the General. A few pops of gunfire told him that the enemy was still trying to push back, though the numbers were dwindling and he would be more hindrance than help with his leg injury at the moment. The general knew more about this enemy than he did and he didn't want his men falling into another trap, so he looked to Illya for a suggestion before proceeding with any orders.


Calysta squinted up from the new set of arms she had been passed to. They weren’t as warm as Illya’s but she recognized the face they belonged to. “Ehvan.” The Chip glanced down at her when she said his name and he shook his head while carrying her up the ramp. The piece of metal buried in her shoulder had gone through the strap in her armor, but it stopped only part of the way through. Her leg had a larger piece stabbed through and was leaking much more blood. Her face was paler than usual, but she was trying to talk to him with hazy grey eyes staring up. He couldn’t understand what she was saying because it was coming out in blur of Kaerelean and Qouti at the same time and she seemed to start to panic a little. “Yah be still or et get worse, Kalizda woman. Be still.”

Ehvan brought her to the med bay and laid her down on one of the free beds. With a quick word to the Ehaui doctor, the Chip left her in the man’s care to go help secure the area. Calysta could hear the moans of a few other injured, a mix of Chip and Reylian men from the sounds of it. She tried to sit up to see but found her body had no energy to do it. She wanted to sleep so badly but instead, she stared up at the florescent lights shivering from the coldness creeping into her and terrified of what would happen when that chill reached her belly. None of the pain was there, but that didn't mean anything. The Ehaui doctor’s face flashed into her vision and as he checked her over with a Reylian man by his side. “We’ll have to remove the metal and stop the bleeding. She’s lost a fair amount from the leg. Doesn’t look like the artery was severed.” He started to prepare a syringe and she shook her head with a whimper, reaching out to the man’s coat sleeve. “Baby first.” He gave her a confused look and she wasn’t entirely sure the words came out in a language he knew.

The Ehaui doctor looked to the Reylian man who translated the words of the woman for him and his eyes widened a little before his jaw set. Without another word to her he continued with his work, swabbing down her arm and jabbing her with a needle.
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