There were no Terran mosquitos on Kaereal. The tiny blood sucking pests didn’t live very long. It was something about the chemistry of the air. The poisonous gasses in the Wilds were filtered at higher altitudes. Non harmful to humanoids high above and exposed to sunlight, but the chemistry meant instant death to Terran mosquitos.

Despite her planet’s lack of mosquitos and having only experienced their bites on rare occasions, Calysta knew they gathered in great swarms. They buzzed and pecked, drawing blood where they could sink their needle-like noses into flesh.

The reporters reminded her distinctly of mosquitos looking for a bite as they swarmed around Illya after her speech. Everyone wanted a taste and there were too many of them to escape without answering a few questions. She didn’t get to hear much of the questioning. Snippets of the conversation were carried over the hum of dinner and chattering guests. She did hear some of it.

A woman asking if their marriage A flash of indignation hit her and her cheeks heated up. Was this woman seriously asking if she was in an open marriage? From a Urian perspective, it wasn’t such a strange question, but it made her want to go over there and show the reporter just how unopen their relationship was.

Before she could make it over to Illya, her husband was holding up his left hand, displaying his wedding ring for all to see. “One ring, one woman. Dere es no room for oter women in dis relationship and dere will certainly be no oter men.”

Calysta stopped in her tracks for a moment, fighting the urge to walk over and kiss him squarely on the lips. He had cleared it up, leaving no doubt whatsoever.

The reporters chuckled almost in unison over the comment. That was going to great material for their articles. She was glad for it too. Everyone could know he wasn’t planning on bedding, loving, or marrying anyone else but her. The woman forged ahead with a question about his age and if he had been married before.

Calysta continued walking forward and the reporter swarm parted, dispersing slightly to allow her access to the General. He didn like talking about Isla, not in that sense anyways. It was none of their business. If she intervened, it would give him a good excuse not to answer that question.

Her entry looked to be well timed. He turned to her without missing a beat and offered his hand, asking her to dance. “Aye,” she nodded, “ I would very much enjoy the honor of the first dance with you.” To her surprise, he bowed slightly. It was something a Chip would never do, or so she thought. Calysta smiled broadly and bent at the waist a little in return. “Well met, General.”

She heard the whirrings of hologram coins picking up the scene from every angle, but the moment he swept her up into the drum beat she forgot all about them. The reporters melted away and her only concern was keeping her expression school into a look of enjoyment but not total enamor like she felt.

Illya guided her around the dance floor and seeing him in uniform as they danced reminded her very much of their wedding night. He didn’t look as if 10 years had passed at all. She moved with him, her black skirts flowing behind her and hiding the fact that her feet hardly touched the ground. When two songs had passed, he sat her down gently and gave her a nod. It took her a moment to realize that it was time for the next part of the program. A ceremonial dance that the elite would take part in, including Illya.

Calysta blinked a few times, then nodded and stepped back to her seat, allowing Illya to do what he needed to.

The drums going silent alerted some of the guests that something else was happening besides general partying but not all of them picked up on the cue. Some of them were still up and chatting, drinks in hand or at the food spots when Edgar motioned for the dance floor to be cleared and the walls of the tents raised. At that, people began milling around trying to make it to their seats or leaned over their programs to find whatever was happening next. TRADITIONAL CEREMONIAL DANCE was written in several languages on the program.

Sarai read the words and the handsome Commander Swyft seated nearby pointed to the same spot on the pamphlet, leaning closer to his Terran wife. The commander was a striking gentleman with grey beginning to streak his hair in earnest. She wondered vaguely if his wife would allow him another partner for a night or two. The thought vanished abruptly with a hot flash and she fanned herself with the pamphlet trying to find relief. The relief didn’t last long though, another drum beat started and there was a whoosh of air. Suddenly, the General himself was flipping in a graceful arc of the table.

The matriarch’s eyes went wide with appreciation and she felt her pulse thump hard as the General swept over her, past her, and leaving behind a well starched and molded beret in his wake. She plucked the beret up like a maiden plucking a flower and smoothed it out before placing the item gently on her lap. He would just have to come find that little item when he was done.

The handstand lasted only a drum beat before the general was on his feet again, drawing his sword and bellowing into the evening air. The move was accompanied by other shouts of startle and surprise around the open air tent as 50 other men were backlit in the field.

The Elite took into the fields in their uniforms and swords drawn. Several guests gasped in shock, making twitching moves as if to flee for a moment, but nobody ran or left the tent. They were in too much awe after that.

The acrobatics and dance style were like war and grace married into one cohesive set. The Elite, even bound in their formal attire, were agile. Tikan’s flickering hologram grinned in delight and while his audio had been tuned down, the guests nearby could hear his woot of approval.

“Surely they aren’t real swords?” Jessie whispered to her husband, eyes wide at the men, “They’re the biggest swords I’ve ever seen….it’s a little scary…”

Swyft patted his wife’s hand. She had been a nervous wreck the last few days because of their son and it hadn’t taken much to make her jump. Lack of sleep did that to a person. Then he gave her a rare but somewhat amused side-long grin. “If you think that’s scary haven’t seen the women come marching in with a sword.”

Alliance General Kirit was sitting close by in full dress uniform, looking at the display with his usual stoic expression. The impassive brown eyes only broke their unwavering attention long enough to wander over his agreed for a brief moment. When she looked so pretty, his agreed was a constant and most welcome distraction.

“The swords are no’ blunted,” he said calmly.

One of his lieutenants piped in. “There’s no way they would use real blades. That’s crazy.”

General Kirit raised a singular brow at the lieutenant. “Aye, that’s th’ price of perfection. But if ye don’t believe m’ I’ll take a wager.”

“How much?” his lieutenant said, looking confident.

“I don’t need ye credits,” Kirit said simply, “Ye lose, ye come clean m’ house for a week an’ ye do whatever chores m’ agreed asks of ye.”

The Kaerelean lieutenant bowed in agreement. “I’ll take that bet, sir.”

Kirit’s eyes flickered briefly to his wife and the smallest of smiles creased his neatly kept beard, before he turned his attention back to the Elite dancing.

Similar questions were rippling through the crowd but they all faded to stunned silence when a sword arched close to the Emperor General himself. There wasn’t even a sound as the blade separated a piece of his red sash that had rippled through the air moments before. The dissected red silk fluttered to the ground and took all the breath out of the tent with it. Apparently, the swords were not blunted.

The whole air of the tent changed in an instant. Gasps of fear and heavy breaths of anticipation followed every close sword swing. Eventually, the General met up with one of the most decorated and handsome of the 50 men. They mirrored each other’s moves in perfect time.

The Emperor General took down man after man as if it were no more than breathing air to him. Then a final man charged the leader, sword up and had no intention of slowing down. A few cries of warning flared up from the otherwise deadly quiet crowd. The attacker fell to his knees and slid across the ground just as the General’s sword came within a centimeter of his throat.

Everyone stared as the scene paused, the General looking down the length of his sword at his own man less than an inch from death. The image seemed to hover there for a moment, brought to a head by the pounding of the drum beats before it was broken by the General barking out another command.

His orders were swiftly followed and all 50 of his men were lined up in less than 3 seconds. The drums were at a fever pitch when another light shone on the field. This time a long post had been set into the ground. Attached to that long post was a man in a Federation uniform, gagged and defenseless.

Another cry of alarm flared up from some in the crowd as the Emperor General launched forward, severing the head from the body in one clean motion. His second in command sheared open the chest, much to the crowds shock. One by one, the men ran by with their blades to further mutilate the corpse until the heart was left pinned to the wooden stake. With every perfect slice, the crowd descended further into shocked silence as crimson blood spurted from the very dead man on the post.

Calysta watched the scene as if all were perfectly fine, but her fingernails were dug so far in her palms that uncurling her fists under the table hurt. More than several sets of eyes had turned to her, waiting for her to react to the bloody display, but Edgar and Tiel began to speak, turning their attention away.

“.... Since we know dat our friends in dah Alliance dun approve of execution we use life like mannequin dressed as Federation. Dis es tah symbolic of our devotion tah dah Alliance and ets safety. We will see dat dah Federation es destroyed, but we will do et witin confines of Alliance law.”

With the purpose of the dance explained, and that the corpse had only been a mannequin, the uneasiness in the crowd abated some but the awkward silence prevailed. Nobody quite knew how to react to such a bloody display. Attention flipped right back to her and she knew this was not something she could mess up or stay quiet on.

Calysta rose to her feet with her glass in her hand. The lights turned on her, making her feel very much alone in a ring of fiery white light. Slowly, she turned to Edgar and his apprentice, since both were representatives of their people for the moment, and bowed at the waist before rising up and lifting her glass.

“I would like to thank you on behalf of the home planet for allowing us to experience such a display of Chippeqouti tradition and for such a display of devotion to our Alliance. I am moved and impressed by such deep devotion to our people’s safety and laws.”

Then she raised her cup higher, allowing a pause long enough for others to get the idea that a toast was going to be made. “To our devoted and honorable allies in thanks for their hospitality and good will.”

Calysta inched the cup higher and heard the crowd quickly picking up their own glasses before the sounds of approval began. She drank deeply from the cup and smiled when she was done. Tikan’s holographic form let out an enthusiastic cheer as the man began clapping. A wave of applause broke out for the dance and for the toast all in one, growing into a thunderous sound until the drumbeats announced the end of the dance portion of the program.

Calysta gave a small wave and the spot light faded from her. Blinking away the floating colors in her eyes, she looked around, hoping to find Illya but had no idea where he had gone. Perhaps he had gone to clean up? He had been splattered by some of that too realistic blood. He wouldn’t be able to walk around with that on him for the rest of the night.

It took almost 15 minutes for Illya to emerge clean and walking toward the dance floor. Calysta smiled when she saw him. She had just about made up her mind to go and ask about where he had gone, more out of worry for him than anything else.

She put down her cup and began to float towards his direction, but she was stopped by Tikan. The chief wanted to talk and he was always good natured. His hologram limited what he could see of the party and he had no idea that she had been heading toward the Emperor General. She spoke with him briefly and gladly accepted an invitation to hunt with him. After dismissing herself, she turned to find an Ewenian delegate waiting for an opportunity to speak.

It was easy to tell Ewenians apart from Kintenites or Reylians. They all had pale, delicat skin and deep black hair that almost had a purple sheen to it. They also wore soft robes spun from weeds that grew at the bottoms of their lakes and allowed themselves a broader range of color. This Ewenian delegate had come to Pyrta in person, which was surprising on its own, but being approached put Calysta on alert for whatever might be said.

“Councilwoman Monroe,” she said in a soft, flowing accent, “I know we have not met in person, though we have worked together for several years. I wanted to take the chance to introduce myself in person.”

They exchanged bows and Calysta nodded. “I am pleased to meet you in person, Delegate Grys. I hope you are finding Pyrta welcoming.”

The delicate woman, only a little taller than Calysta, nodded. “Aye. I have been most welcome. I am looking forward to your visit to Ewen as well.”

Calysta tilted her head some. “I am glad we will be welcomed there with the utmost honor and dignity then.”

They both knew the subtext. Grys, while not a purist, was struggling on her home continent with purist movements. It wasn’t unexpected, but they both knew that her arrival would create a stir. This was yet another attempt for Grys to assure her that there would be no issues on Ewen. It was a personal guarantee from the woman.

“Aye, Councilwoman.” Grys bowed again and then retreated into the crowd. Calysta found herself grateful that none of the meeting had taken pictures of that exchange. All she needed was to stir the hornets before she made it to their nest.

By the time she was free enough to find Illya again, he had already been snapped up into Sarai’s arms for a dance. She was looking very much like a Chip in her flowing red gowns and there was an urge to go interrupt the dance. It would be rude to do that and look too possessive though, even if she could do it as Councilwoman. She gave Sarai her moment in the sun, then when two or three songs had passed, she entered the floor and gave the matriarch a friendly pat on the shoulder, chin held high. “I think I would like to have a last dance with the General before the night is over, matriarch. Thank you for stepping in while I attended to business.”

Sarai had no choice but to relinquish her hold on Illya’s arm and allow Calysta to step up. Calysta offered her arm out to Illya with a muted nod. “Shall we have a last dance, General?” He never refused a good dance with her, and she smiled before allowing him to take them into the drum beat.


Even with the pillow it had taken her at least an hour to settle into some sort of sleep. She plumped up the silky pillow and laid her head on it, hand draped over the front. It was how she normally slept tucked next to Illya. Some people might have avoided sleeping so close to their partners, but Calysta liked being close now. Plus, Illya’s weight dipped their mattress so deep that she ended up rolling up next to him anyways. It was far easier and more comforting to lay right next to him than to constantly work against gravity.

Tonight there wasn’t any dip in the mattress though and the only thing that felt like home was the pillow that did, in fact, smell like Illya’s oils. She shamelessly dropped her face into the fluffy pillow and hugged it closer as she slowly drifted off.

She had been asleep a little less than two hours when a soft knock echoed at the door. Who was at her door? Ehvan announced himself and she crawled out of bed, rubbing her eyes and patting around for her robe. When she opened the door, the light of the hallway against the darkness of her room made her flinch slightly.

“I tink yah may want tah show yah support. One of dah Elite es ill. Dey are transported to dah hospital…”

His comment sloughed away most of her sleepiness and her eyes widened. “Aye?”

‘“I believe that the Empress would insist that I take her if her agreed had seizures.”

The next statement jolted her awake like lightning striking an unsuspecting tree. “Aye,” she said, “You’d be right. Two minutes. We leave in two minutes.”

If Illya had a seizure so bad he had gone to the hospital it was a serious one. Had someone found him and given him the medicine? She dashed into the room and grabbed up her bag, dumping the contents on the bed. In one minute she was wearing pants and a tunic. In the next, she was hopping one footed into her boots. She didn't bother with a bralette or makeup. It would take too much time to put on and she was flat chested anyways.

The flight to the hospital was short but so silent it made the less than 10 minute glider time feel like an hour. As soon as she arrived, the nurses directed her where to go and Ehvan joined her in walking down the halls as her escort. They met up with Bahn who poked his head out of the room just as they arrived.

Illya laid in the hospital bed and several of the Elite were there. At one point, she might have been shy about approaching Illya and showing affection in front of so many people. She knew these men though, and she’d said more embarrassing things in front of them before at this point, like asking for pillows from her husband’s bed.

Calysta looked him over and slid her hand under his. Seizures were something they had thought were under control for the most part. Maybe it was stress? The men were muttering about poison and a security breach. They would have known if it was Wilds poison. The results would have shown up immediately on any blood work or scan. Then again, he was Chip and she had seen him pluck out poison sacks from his skin as if they were just pimples. What if it had been poison though? Worry ate her stomach as she smoothed his hair and kissed his temple before settling into a chair close to his bed. Until the doctor got there, she wouldn’t know anything for sure.

After what seemed like decades the doctor arrived and announced the problem in the matter of fact way all Ehaui spoke. It had been an infection from the bone marrow harvest. Her brow wrinkled in concern. He had done that without hesitation to save Swyft’s son, and then dealt with everything from the party on top of that. It made her struggles with the night pale in comparison. At least it wasn’t poison though.

The rest of the men were relieved and the story of what to say about this sudden trip to the hospital was relayed through the ranks. There would be a solid story and it would be private enough for them. Calysta listened to the nurses instructions about the medicine and labeled each one with a note from her pad.

“Aye, would you do one more thing for me?” Calysta said, “I would like a list of balanced meals or a meal plan for a Chip. Please. I can have it sent to my pad if that’s easiest.” Perhaps that was something she should have done years ago. Chips were different from Kaereleans after all. They burned fat a little differently and Chippeqouti had so much muscle mass to keep up, it was hard to find a balanced diet. She would just have to make sure he was getting what he needed to prevent any more infections.

The nurse obliged and then vanished to go take care of whatever else needed to be done. Roughly an hour later, Illya woke up. He was usually disoriented after a seizure but the grumpy look on his face told her he was aware enough to know where he was. Her Chip let out an irritated grumble of air and tugged at his blankets before flopping his head over. His bright green eyes landed on her and she smiled at him.

That sent him sputtering a bit and she reached out, putting a hand on him gently. “Of course, I would be here. You think I’m going to let being a foreign dignitary keep me from coming to you? Not a chance. It’s alright about the message. We’ll go home soon as you’re cleared, yeah?”

The way home was quiet as well. Calysta had only a few hours sleep and she was sure Illya was exhausted too. She poked her head over Illya’s elbow to read an article Edgar had sent to him. It was a publication she had seen before. Mostly in salons and tea houses. Priscilla read it from time to time too. Articles like this would happen frequently now, but it didn’t keep her from bristling at some of the comments made about her husband. They had practically blasted the information about their relationship everywhere and they didn’t even know Illya! “You were a fine Emperor,” she said, her teeth grinding slightly, “You are as good an Emperor as you are General. This reporter can drop a load into the-”

A sound ahead of them cut off her words and she looked up to find another swarm of reporters. “How in the wilds did they catch up with us so fast?” Of course, that didn’t matter. They would buzz around until they got whatever scoop they wanted and then twisted it. Illya had the right idea. It was time to run. “Let’s go.”

If there was ever a moment she felt like a rabbit with a fox on her heels, this was it. The reporters locked on and she twitched like a hare for half a second as some immutable and vestigial instinct took over. Prey recognizes the predator.

Then they dove into a side street that cut across the main square. Illya was faster than she was thanks to his longer legs, but she lengthened her strides into a half-run and kept up with him. As they approached the bisecting street, a few of the reporters could be seen emerging from the parallel alleyways. Why were they so persistent this early in the morning? “ They saw us! Go two streets down, then to the left.”

“Wait! Councilwoman! We just have a few questions! Please wait!”

They begged for them to stop and do an interview. There was no way she was going to do that without a bra on and on two hours of sleep. They had a schedule to adhere on top of everything else. Anger flared up and she had half a mind to simply top in the street and order them to go away. How ridiculous it was that they couldn’t even go home in peace!?

Illya followed the path and it led them to the backside of the neighbors house with several reporters hot on their tail. The gate to the high fence opened up and the elderly woman, Sylva, beckoned Illya into the backyard. “Come..come! In here. You can lose them and hop the fence between our yards when they’re gone!”

Calysta knew they were coming down the alley right behind them and they weren’t liable to get through the locked gate without the reporters catching. The scaling the fence would get them some great hologram material too.

She looked at Illya when Sylva beckoned to them. “Any better ideas?”


Dear Diary,

It’s my third day on Kaereal. Harry promised that he would bring me home as soon as he could, but things are heating up rather than cooling down. I don’t know when I will be able to go home. I wish I was with him. Right now it’s midnight in Japan. He would be having tea and we would be in bed, unless I convinced him to join me for some midnight ice cream. You can’t get Moosetracks on the rural little continent I’m on right now. In fact, Terran dairy is hard to come by at all.

As small and foreign as it is, I am grateful to the Monroes for allowing me to stay with them. When I first met them, I wasn’t sure if I could trust them. Harry though, Harry always tries to give people a chance. I admire that about him. What happened on Terra made me trust them at least. They could have simply left us behind.

I think to pass the time and to repay their kindness, I think I will help in their yard. It looks awful with tramped down mud everywhere. Maybe I will plant some Kaerelean varieties and I’ve seen roses doing well here too. I always liked yellow roses, maybe the Monroes will appreciate them too…..
The reporters were everywhere and Illya was about to go for the idea of dodging into the neighbor's yard. He remembered that Kalizda had told him how curious she had been and the kinds of rumors that started. This was the nosy neighbor and she likely wouldn't help their cause in the least. In fact getting into her yard might cause more of a stir. Who knows what story she would come up with. "Ugh...." Illya took a sharp breath and paused for just a moment. His eyes closed and he gave himself just enough time to think of something a bit more interesting. There were always options when you had time.

They didn't quite get to outrun the reporters, but he could do something more interesting. A flash of mischief came into Illya's eyes and he grinned at Kalizda. "Do yah trust meh?" He knew she did and he wasn't going to wait for an answer this time. "Tanks for yah offer." Nodding to the neighbor woman he simply grabbed Kalizda's hand and ran past her gate. It got them slightly closer to some of the other reporters and he began working on the lock to their back gate. He could get a gate open fairly fast.

"Ok, jes a minute now." Once the gate was open he called his bear. "Cin, come say hi." He spoke to the bear in Quoti like he usually did and then he stepped aside. It was usually the way the bear knew it was going to meet new people. Even though the reporters were gathering around they quickly backed off when the bear charged out of the gate and began to eagerly make his attempts to greet them. Cin bawled merrily and gave a charge in his usual good natured way.

While the reporters scattered Illya stood back and laughed. He hadn't released his bear on anyone in a long time and it felt kinda bad and fun in a way. Looking at Kalizda after they had all gone he gathered her in his arms and stepped inside the gate before kissing her. "Suppose I should call meh bear back now eh?"
“Do yah trust meh?” Those words coming from Illya, coupled with the look in his eye told her he did have a better idea. He grabbed her hand and hauled her forward to their back yard gate. His fingers flew over the lock and she could hear the reporters closing in. They were going to get caught!

It wasn’t until the gate sprang open and Illya called out Cin’s name that she understood what he was going to do. She knew enough to step out of the gate and to the side as Cin bawled happily and his heavy footfalls pounded in the mud.

All thousand pounds of loving bear barreled through the gate. Reporters screamed as Cin cooed loudly in joy for new people chasing them part way down the alleyway. Some of them even dropped their pads and hologram coins in favor of saving their own lives from their over friendly pet.

Illya started laughing his raspy, amused laugh and she covered her mouth, shoulders shaking in giggles. Before she could compose herself, her feet left the ground and Illya’s lips were on hers. She laughed and kissed him in return, wrapping her arms around him. “Aye. I think those reporters have filled their pants enough. Though I’m thinking we should bring the bear along now. He does wonders for keeping the media away.”

Calysta kissed him again and cupped his cheek. “Maybe we go in for some rest, before we leave, yeah? The crew should be getting the ship ready, everything else is packed….Oh! I forgot to grab all of my things from the guest house.”
The suggestion of using Cin to continue keeping reporters away was a humorous and tempting idea. However, flying the bear everywhere would be a nuisance. Kalizda was smiling up at him and Illya held onto her for a few seconds more before he put her down after receiving a final kiss from her. She offered to go rest and Illya shrugged. "I'm nut dat tired. I dun need et." Taking her hand he stepped into the gate and called Cin back. Once the bear was inside he locked the back gate from the inside.

They were safely in the backyard with the bear. There was no real harm done to anyone and now he could get into his house peacefully. The two of them were nearly to the back door when Kalizda mentioned she left her things in the guest house. "Oh, I can have Ehvan retrieve dem. I'm sure dat he would do et." Without any further delay Illya opened the back door and made sure the two of them got into the house.

Wandering over to the couch Illya plopped down in it. With the tour it was going to be a while before he had a chance to sit in their nice heated couch. Just for comfort sake Illya turned the couch on and he pulled a heated blanket over himself and Kalizda. "I ask Ehvan tah get yah tings now and we jes relax here. No need tah nap." After Illya sent the message he pushed the button for the foot rest and leaned back a bit in the couch. "Oh,I will miss dis couch. Et es so comfortable."

While Illya waited for Ehvan to arrive with the stuff for Kalizda he decided to close his eyes for just a moment while he savored the heat from the sofa and the blanket. It felt good on his sore muscles, increasingly tender back and throbbing arm. Soon his muscles felt better and he shifted some as he adjusted and mumbled incoherently with a small satisfied grin on his face.

Harsh banging on the door interrupted a perfectly good bit of relaxation for Illya. With a start he sat up only to fall back into the couch before he pushed the button to have it sit up more. His eyes were slightly blood shot, ringlets of his dark hair stood out in every direction and he realized he had fallen asleep on the couch. While the couch had been comfortable his left leg partially fell asleep and he stumped awkwardly for the door. When he opened it Ehvan saluted him, thrust a bag into his hands, saluted again and then marched off. "Oh..." Illya stared at the bag for a moment before he took it over to the coffee table and set it down. It must have been Kalizda's bag. About time Illya got settled into his spot on the sofa again another knock came at the door. "Eh, who es et dis time." Grumbling he sat the seat up the sofa, lowered the leg rest and shuffled back to the door again.
Calysta nearly wanted to argue with Illya not wanting to take a nap. She was tired and her eyes were puffy. More than anything, she just wanted to lay down for an hour or two, but he sounded determined to stay awake. At least until he sat down on the couch. She could see the heaviness in his bones as he settled in and leaned back a little to turn on the heating under the soft padding. Calysta joined him and casually sank beside him until she got close enough to lay her head on his shoulder.

When he started reaching for the heated blanket, she picked up the end and helped him pull it up while secretly burrowing in further. If she could keep things nice and quiet for a time, he would probably fall asleep and she could join him in a the nap he swore he didn't need.

They had just begun to doze off when a knock came at the door. Calysta grumbled slightly as Illya moved, then jolted out of the way when he wobbled back down on the crouch. Inching away and up, she popped her head over the couch long enough to see Ehvan at the door. Illya retrieved it with a heavy limp and his curly hair stuck in every direction imaginable. Calysta knew that Ehvan had done her a favor, but she and Illya had been so close to getting their short, much needed nap.

Illya whumped her bag onto the coffee table and she folded herself back into the blanket with him when he sat down beside her again. They only had a few hours left before they had to meet the kids and the crew at the ship. At least one of those hours was going to be sleep. She was determined!

Laying her head against his shoulder again, she put her hand on his chest and tried to doze again.


Calysta's eyes flew open again, red and puffy from the almost-nap. Who the hell was that? Illya voiced her question as he got up to answer the door again. When the door opened wide, a beleagured looking Thomas with his arms full of bags. Behind him, a horde of reporters were shuffling as close to the broken gait as they could.

"Tell us! What made your gate lean? Was it the vicious bear you keep in the backyard? Is the Council woman available for questions? The General? How does if feel to be the father in law of such a prolific power couple? Tell us more about how you felt when your daughter married the General! You raised Councilwoman Monroe on Kaereal? Why not return to Terra?"

They squawked like a thousand seagulls, held back only by the gate and the front porch. Thomas looked up at Illya's broad frame. "Let me in! Quick!"

He shuffled his way past Illya, dropped the bags by the stairs and eased himself gingerly into the arm chair, rubbing his knee. "They're like a pack of hyenas! Even Henaiah didn't have them on her tail so much. I ran for a bit, but they were coming in from all directions."

Calysta sat up and rubbed her eyes. "I thought you were taking the kids to the ship early this morning so the reporters couldn't see?"

Thomas frowned. "I did. Cypher forgot Monster."

His daughter gave him a confused look and he sighed. "The damned spider."


"And he forgot the food for it. And Lohgan forgot her coloring books."

Thomas dusted off his knees and looked to the two of them. "It's going to be ten times as bad on Kinte. We'd better get going. Why aren't you two ready yet?"
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When the door swung open Illya saw Thomas standing in there. The man looked like a harried hen. No doubt the volume of reporters left him feeling a bit ruffled. Reporters could be ignored, but Thomas had a right to be in the house. Stepping aside he let the man in and then shut the door without a word to the reporters outside. What was even more annoying was the fact that Thomas was now criticizing them. At least that was the way it sounded to Illya.

"What do yah mean we're nut ready yet? Yah dah one dat didn't tink like adult and remember ef we haul stupid spider we feed et. Lohgan could have oter tings besides coloring books, or maybe yah could have bought some for her instead of being so damn late and attracting all dah pesky reporters." Illya caught himself before he went further and instead got back on the couch before grumbling. "I guess dat's jes dah way et turned out. I'm ready after I have nap. All I need tah do es get washed up, change meh clotes and grab meh sack of gear."

There really wasn't much left to say about the situation. Nestling back into the couch he pulled the blanket up again and closed his eyes. He could hear Thomas breathing nearby and he almost thought the man was leaning over him. Peeling an eye open he frowned and waved Thomas out of the living room before dozing off.



Ladies, we all knew he was something to look at. Last night one of the Elite fell ill, the Councilwoman and the General both went to the hospital. When he emerged after a nearly sleepless night, his uniform still looked good. However, I caught the picture you'd all want to see. It didn't come without some risk. Keep reading to find out more. My scrumptious picture of the General is at the end of the article.

First I tried to follow him home along with several other reporters. That didn't turn out in my favor. General Illya is intensely wild in so many ways. He loosed a bear on all the reporters (including myself) and recalled it before any harm was done. It did buy him enough time to escape many questions. We can all hope he doesn't plan on taking that bear with him everywhere. Also, I didn't know he had a liking for wild beasts. One would wonder what other creatures and things are hidden in his yard and home. It is hardly the home you would expect to see the Councilwoman living in.

The front gate is leaning heavily as if the bear might have leaned on it many times, or someone tried to tear it down. Flower beds are in a state of disarray, there is strange squawking sounding almost constantly from the backyard. There are toys, wagons and children's play things scattered about the yard and porch. As you can see by this picture, it is evident children live there with them. Are they his children? Surely they aren't the Councilwoman's. It is simply unheard of that a woman with her heritage has biological children. This still leaves one of my biggest questions unanswered. Did he in fact have any other women before he married the Councilwoman? Does he have a mistress, or has he adopted children?

Despite the growing number of questions and various disappointments in attempting to get answers I did get something out of it. My persistence paid off. Eventually, the Councilwoman's father arrived. He seemed to be in too much of a hurry to answer any questions, but he provided me the opportunity of a lifetime. I got a picture of the General at his home. His hair was covered neatly with a turban or a beret for almost the entire night the last two nights. It is incredibly difficult to get pictures of the man. It seems he doesn't care to have his image taken.

As you can see in the picture below, his hair truly is lovely. He's got ringlets any woman wouldn't mind twirling her fingers in and with so much hair it would make a girl curious about how it would feel to run her fingers through his hair. Is his hair naturally messy like that? Did someone help him mess it up or was he just taking a nap? Don't worry girls, I'll get answers to some of these questions at the next location.
Thomas bristled at Illya's grousing and accusations. "You're one to talk about acting like an adult. You're acting like a grumpy toddler in need of a nap," he grumbled back, "For the record, I did pack the spider. Cypher unpacked it and left it here. And I did start to go shopping for Lohgan. Until I ran into a bunch of those vultures running in the opposite direction and one or two recognized me."

He harumphed a heavy snort at Illya's hand, as if he was being dismissed. "Aye, go take your nap...God help us if you don't wake up in a better mood than this while he's at it."

Thomas stormed off and up the stairs to retrieve the spider from Cypher's room. Calysta rubbed her temples, trying to relax the tension both in her head and the room itself. It was going to be a long trip with those two, even if her father was not going to be joining them after their stop on the colonies.

She sank back down on the couch and stretched out under the massive blanket, her head landing somewhere on Illya's leg. Heaviness dragged at her eye lids and within in minutes she was sound asleep, mouth open in exhaustion.


Waking up was the hardest part. Calysta peeled herself off the couch when they were in two hours of departure. The nap felt like merely the tease to a much longer night sleep that she required. Yawning, she wandered upstairs and started up the hot water for the shower. One thing she did appreciate about showering with Illya was that he did like his water nice and hot.

They finished getting ready. She couldn't wear her usual flight tunics. She had to be dressier than that since any opportunity she was in public was a a chance at being immortalized in hologram. Calysta took the time to make her hair into a braid that encircled her head and put on a dusting of make up to cover the circles under her eyes. Then it was time to put on the traveling outfit she had picked out.

It wasn't until she went to retrieve Isla's necklace from the bag Ehvan brought that she realized something awful. Ehvan had to repack her entire bag from the guest house. Every article was neatly folded, including the stockings and lacy bralettes she had brought. Her face turned crimson as she stared at the bag and she cleared her throat. That fact would not be going beyond her or Ehvan. Ever.

With Isla's necklace around her neck, her new nose ring in place, and her heeled boots shined, she was ready to go.


The trip to the ship took little time and the reporters were kept at bay by tall Elite men in their uniforms. They weren't about to let the horde get too close. Calysta met briefly with Edgar at the departure site and bowed to him, giving him a soft smile. "I want to thank you for inviting me. May you have warm sun on your back and fair winds to your face." It was long version of a traditional fare well that was often simply shortened to 'fair winds!' But she felt that the moment needed more than a simple goodbye.

With a bow to Edgar, she boarded the ship along side Illya, walking up the ramp slowly. They were flanked by Rezna in her guard uniform and Dane in his own uniform. Calysta paused at the top to turn around and give a small but friendly wave to the entourage seeing them off. There was a kind applause by the Pyrtans and the military ranks who can to stand at attention gave a salute. They would be coming back to Pyrta as their last stop on the tour. The Pyrtan's were last because they asked to be. The harvest would be coming in and they could welcome their Councilwoman home in better style and comfort than at the beginning. They wanted to welcome her home and show her the continent all in one. She had agreed to that. This would be the last they saw of their home for awhile. The idea of it came with a feeling of strange homesickness and yet an excited, thrilling zip. They were going on to new places and new people. That always had the feeling of life in her belly.

Holding onto the adventuresome stirring in her veins, she dropped her hand and stepped inside the airlock with Illya, Dane and Rezna.


The ship was ready to go when she stepped aboard and without prompting, Wynry and Rezna stood at attention when she entered the bridge area. Out of habit, she sat in the captain's chair before she noticed the two women waiting. That's right. She wasn't supposed to be flying herself around.

"Councilwoman," Wynry said, "We're ready at your command."

Calysta looked at the younger woman. Her face was bright and eager. The woman was practically itching to get behind the controls. Calysta knew that feeling all too well. "Why don't you take us out, Airman Wynry," she said, lifting from the captain's chair slowly, "Airman Blackwolf can give you the coordinates to our dock on Kinte and get you started."

Wynry's eyes said it all as she took a hesitant step forward and then settled into the captain's chair as it if were a throne. "Aye, ma'am."

"Rezna," Calysta said, straightening the hem of her dress tunic, "Work with Dane. Let's come up with some creative solutions to dealing with these reporters. " Upon the words "creative solutions" she gave Illya a playful side eyed look. "There are schematics available of where we will be staying on Kinte and the docks. Over four times as many people live on one island in Kinte than they do on Pyrta. So, let's make sure we're prepared. In the mean time, I have some business to attend to."

She stopped by Illya's chair where he had settled in and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm going to check on the kids, yeah?" she whispered in Quoti, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

As soon as she was gone, Rezna grinned at Illya. "Oi, Mr. Brooding, how many of your fangirls am I gonna have to deal with today? That woman writing that article got it all wrong. We know the truth, don't we Dane? Eh?"
There was barely anytime to get ready when they woke up. Illya didn't need much time though. The only real complaint he might have had was the large drool spot on his pant leg. Illya's pant stuck to his leg and he shook the leg at least once on the way up the stairs to the shower. Since he wouldn't want to leave dirty clothing to return home to, he decided that he would be needing to take the clothes with and they could wash them on the ship.

Once they were out of the shower it was all a fast transport to the ship. There were a lot of people gathered outside and hoping to see him and Kalizda before they boarded, but the Elite weren't going to let that happen. It was nice to have that extra shield of protection for now. Starting tonight, they wouldn't have that benefit anymore. Illya, Dane and Rezna would get to organize this. However, now that Illya knew he was a sporty fellow on her arm and everyone seemed to like it, he was going to get smothered. That made it a bit more risky if he was supposed to be part of her security. If things got too exciting on Kinte he would just ask Kirit to send them a Kaerelean guard that they could trust to go with them.

Inside the ship Illya immediately took his place in the navigator's seat and then looked behind himself to see that Kalizda was simply giving orders. "Wow, dat feels strange." Muttering under his breath he worked on setting up the navigation coordinates and working out the arch and math to go with the take off for Wynry.

Kalizda was barely telling him that she was going to be waiting for him and going to take care of the kids when he was finished with his navigation stuff. However, he had to stay put until Wynry had it all put into the system and she confirmed the coordinates. No sooner had Kalizda left and Rezna was making some sort of sly joke. Narrowing his eyes slightly Illya stared at her and then shrugged. "Maybe I do brood eh?"

At that Dane snorted and slapped Rezna on the shoulder. "Hey, we got creative planning tah do. I tink we go get dat started and I'm sure dat Illya will join us when he's done in here."
Rezna chuckled and looked at Dane as she unfolded her long legs out of the chair. "Yeah, let's go. The solarium will work." They shuffled off to the solarium, a viewing room with a table and chairs for viewed dining. It had decent hologram capabilities so everyone could see. "Here we go." Rezna pulled up the hologram on her pad and then used the ship interface to connect it to a bigger projector around the room. "The dock is on the edge of the Ally district. Island One in the center. This is where they do alot of their government function. We're a mile from the epicenter." The hologram shifted to a large coliseum type building with clean, crisp arches and bright banners waving from the sides. That's where we will be staying. The roads look narrow. Alot of side streets and ground vehicles are nearly blocked entirely. Most of the traffic is pedestrian. Lucky us."

After they were seated Rezna gave her little rundown on the area and Dane rubbed his head. "Ugh...Dis es disaster. Look at dah buildings!" Pointing to the large buildings on either side of the narrow street he continued, "How dah hell es dat secure? Wit dat many people on foot and potential positions for snipers and 1 mile of et dis looks like deat trap. I dun care what et looks like for walk. We're nut on foot and we're nut taking dat pat."

"Agreed. They may only be 2 or 3 story buildings, but that's still plenty of height for a sniper to blow little miss bird's beak off." Rezna moved the view to zoom to a different view. "The middle of the coliseum is open. Meant for speeches and whatever else these council people do when they get together. It looks big enough for a small flyer to land. Maybe. Its a more direct path but it doesn't allow us to sweep the entire stadium and there will be a 360 view if someone is on there." Rezna sighed. "Why the hell did they pick a place like this? Kaereleans have a death wish, I swear."

A sly grin came to Dane's face. "Ooh we can fix the problem of no prior sweep. General and I will suit up in tactical gear. Wynry will fly you and the Councilwoman to the stadium. We'll have it all clear before you arrive. He'll just be standing guard with me after we've cleared the place. It gives her time that she would normally take to walk."

Rezna raised a brow. "Sounds like a good plan. How are you planning on getting there before us?"

Dane gave an exasperated sigh, "Because dere es scheduled time for Councilwoman tah arrive. Yah will be waiting. I will run dere wit General when we land. Yah know we can run et in about 5-7 minutes. Usually dah Councilwoman walking wit heavy crowds would take about 30-40 minutes."

Rezna looked at Dane skeptical look. "I don't doubt you can run it, but it will still be daylight. Mr. Handsome and Brooding is going to attract attention in the streets now that everyone knows his face. That will cause a swarm I should run it with you and have fancy pants stay here as guard for the councilwoman."

"Oh, well wit our gear dey probably won't know it's him. But yah do have a point." Dane was just about to agree with her when Illya walked in and then he hastily nodded. "Yep, we need dah General tah stay wit dah Councilwoman. He needs tah guard her." Turning he grinned at Illya. "Dah plans are already made, we'll brief yah and Councilwoman on dem."

Rezna looked between the two of them and snorted some. "Yeah the General won't be leaving sight of his wife. He's in good hands." She flicked off the hologram and rose to her feet. "Briefing in 30 minutes, assuming the councilwoman is available."

Illya frowned. "In good hands. What dah hell are yah talking about. I'm protecting her." Dane nodded. "Yes, yah are." Patting Illya on the shoulder he walked out of the room behind Rezna and Illya went to join Kalizda wherever she was.


Calysta had found her father and children in the living area. Cypher was working on his studies but greeted her excitedly when she came in. “Mam!” he’d half bellowed before rushing over. She hugged him and listened to him tell her all about his adventures with his friends at the party. They had been dressed up nicely like little Chip men and women, but that had not stopped them from racing or playing games. Sien had been there making the party much less of a bore to endure. Lohgan showed off her new coloring books, and Calysta held them up her colored pages in pride. “Oh, that one should go on the fridge, yeah? Pick out your favorite and I will put it up.”

Tomas was walking around, fingers clutched in Monster the Dog’s fur and asking to be picked up. Calysta hoisted her boy up until her arms and kissed his cheek. “There’s my little man.” He was far too heavy for her to keep holding for any length of time, so she eased onto the couch with Tomas in her arms. “You’re getting so big. What am I going to do with you. I’ll just have to hold you close like this.” Calysta squeezed him tight and blew a raspberry into his neck causing him to laugh wildly. “Or maybe I’ll just have to gobble you up to keep you small.” In a great show of hunger, she leaned down and nibbled his little cheeks and his neck, and arms. That got her another peal of joy. It wasn’t long before Edgar was crawling up the crouch.

“Me! Mam! Me” His words were a mix of Kaerelean and Qouti, insisting that he get the same treatment.

“Ooooh I’ve to got to get you both,” she grinned, sweeping her little boy over to her. She bent down and nibbled him all over until he was breathless with laughter. Lohgan grinned from her spot on the floor. “You can’t get me, Mam!” she teased.

“Is that so?” Calysta grinned toothily, “Lets just see.” She leapt up from the couch and crouched low, tiny fingers hooked into claws. “I’m gonna….get her!” All the while Lohgan giggled and smiled with a wild look in her eye until Calysta pounced. Unable to pick her up, Calysta simple wrapped her arms around her daughter tickled her. “Aha!”

Of course, that meant Cypher just had to try it for himself, but he wanted to make the game more fun. “I’m a hunter Mam! I’m gonna get yah from behind dis big boulder!” He pointed to the couch and did a little tuck and roll. While he was busy trying to track where she was by peeking around the couch arm, Calysta lightly jumped to the cushions and came hugging down from below. “Always look up,” she growled playfully.”

Cypher yelped and then it became a game of chase. She chased Cypher around and around while the other kids chased her in a wild band of merriment. “I’m going to get the mighty hunter!”

It wasn’t until Cypher stopped by the door and grinned that the game ended. “Dah!”

At those words all the children came barreling toward the doorway from the bridge area. Calysta stood up, cheeks flushed with the chase and looked at her husband. He was there in the door way looking handsome, tired, but also very handsome. Simply seeing him there swamped by their kids made her smile. She needed that little break with her kids.

“Hey there, love” she smiled at him, “Ready for some lunch?” She walked over and took up his hand, then cupped his cheek gently, her finger tickling at his left ear just a little, noting the absence of those little gold hoops from the other day. “C’mon and have some lunch with me and the kids. We have a little time, yeah?”


Calysta enjoyed her lunch with the kids and Illya. It felt like a lifetime since they had all sat together for a meal, even if it wasn’t so long and the meal was only big sandwiches. She made peanut butter sandwiches for everyone and gave herself extra omne jelly because it sounded good.

“Mmm...this hit the spot,” she hummed, licking the jelly a little from her thumb. There was something so satisfying about the Terran nut butter. One of the few Terran foods she approved of all of the time.

Her eyes flicked to her children and she began passing out wet wipes. “Let’s get cleaned up, yeah? We’ll be landing soon.” She offered Illya a wet paper towel to wipe his hands. The sandwiches were always so sticky and made a mess no matter how neat you were. They would have to clean up a little before going ashore.


The security briefing was blessedly brief. Calysta agreed to landing a small hover craft into the center of the coliseum it wasn’t subtle and the security there had to be notified, but it was certainty better than the streets for multiple reasons. She also agreed that Illya should stay with her. He wasn’t exactly a low profile target either and those streets could be just as dangerous for him as they were her, with the added bonus of fan girls chasing him down if he was recognized.

She approved the plan and Wynry ensured that they were docked with a smooth landing. As they landed, a small hovercraft was waiting for them to disembark. Rezna and Dane would be going ahead of them in their tactical gear to sweep the council coliseum and Illya would be staying with her to make sure all the kids, their necessary luggage and the dogs made it aboard the hover craft.

Nobody was aware of their landing except for ground control so the place was quiet save of the usual noise that accompanied docks. Taking in a deep breath, she looked at Illya and nodded, then she stepped out onto the gangplank with him at her side.
Since it seemed that the security work was all done and Illya got the job he probably would have argued for there wasn't a whole lot more to say. Dane could be trusted and if it was done then it would be done right. Still, it was a bit of a problem to work through. Illya felt like he'd just been ordered about again for the second time today. Not that being ordered around was a problem in this setting, it was just strange. He was used to giving orders.

Little squeals of joy and laughter sounded through the halls and Illya followed the sounds and found himself looking into the living area. The kids were either running from or to Kalizda and then they all shifted their direction and ran at him like a little horde. "Ohhhoh, dere's meh little ones." As they collided with him he braced himself in the doorway and reached down to collect the twins. "Here's meh smallest boys. One day yah be big. Maybe yah be bigger den meh." When he glanced up Kalizda was inviting him to lunch and Illya nodded. "Yeah, I eat lunch wit yah all." They were here on the ship and there was no reason not to eat as a family.

There was something a bit strange about the paste that Kalizda was smearing over their food. It didn't smell terribly good and it certainly didn't look appetizing. After all that she smeared a glom of jelly on it. Illya had certainly eaten worse and he was willing to give it a try. Taking the sandwich he smiled cautiously and grabbed one slice of the bread. It stuck in a determined sort of way to the other side of the sandwich.

Illya sat down at the table with the kids and he watched carefully to see that they had a certain amount of gusto when they bit into this sandwich. Despite his reservation about the potential taste of this sandwich he bit into it. Almost instantly Illya wanted to spit it out. The bread mashed and the nasty peanut paste coated his tongue while the jelly danced right down his throat and left only the paste. Illya attempted to swallow the rest of the bread and paste in his mouth as quickly as possible, but it seemed to cling to the back of his throat too. The entire sandwich was like that and he forced it down with no small amount of effort. He was almost done with his sandwich when he noticed one of the kids watching him longingly and he quietly gave them the rest of the sandwich. Eating slugs was better than that. It was perhaps wrong to feed it to the kids when it tasted so bad, but they didn't seem to mind.


When they landed Dane was dressed in his full gear and so was Rezna. Illya collected the kids and strapped the twins to his chest. Cypher and Lohgan had to hold his hands and Rose was following between Illya and Kalizda. She was the Councilwoman and her short walk from the ship to the little transport was a chance that a hologram could be taken. Kalizda had to look prepared and like the Councilwoman and not a mother for this event. The flight to the stadium was just about as uneventful as possible.

After they were landed Illya looked at Kalizda. "What es et dat we're doing now? Yah have speech today or tomorrow? Et's kinda late for one, but I could have Wynry sit en here wit dem and step out wit yah." No matter where she went he was going to be her guard. "Ef yah speaking will I be yah agreed for guard for dis speech? I will put on meh armor ef I can appear as yah guard."
Calysta watched Illya gear up with quick glances as she helped get the children in order with all their little bags. Cypher carried his school backpack, clothes. His spider was already fed and perfectly fine to stay on the ship for a day or two on its own. Lohgan had half of her wardrobe stuffed into a bag and had to be made to empty it not once but twice to make her clothes manageable. "Rose, can you help your sister pack only what she needs for a few nights? Not her entire closet? I'm helping get the twins ready."

It was a simple enough request, but it was met with the fullest eye roll possible and a small huff from her oldest daughter as she slug herself in the opposite direction down the hall to go help Lohgan. Calysta sighed and watched her daughter retreat for a moment. She was nearly grown now, and it showed. All her daughter wanted was to stay with her boyfriend, Sam, on Pyrta. She was moving beyond her family and trying to make her own way. It hadn't been so long ago that they had lived in a tiny tent on Uria inside the moon shadow. Her oldest girl had gone through so much but it seemed a little sad that she wanted to leave from her family.

Illya moved into her line of sight while she stared at Rose and for a moment, Calysta was back in the moon shadow, watching Illya gear up for a mission. A feeling of dread washing over her only to fade some when Illya said something. His voice was distant and she blinked a few times. "Huh? Oh. I suppose you need the twins now, yeah?"

He was ready to hoist the twins into their little carry pack. Tomas would go to the front and Edgar, being the heavier of the two, would go to the back. Calysta helped get the boys legs through the padded holes on either side and dusted the crumbs from Edgar's cheeks as she went. "I think we're ready. Dane and Rezna should be doing the sweep right about now."

Rose returned with Lohgan and they all gathered up in a formation. Rose stood between herself and Illya, while he held both of the younger children's hands. No one knew they had landed, so there wasn't any sort of entourage waiting here at the docks at least. Calysta walked down the docks and onto the hover craft piloted by Wynry. She had requested the vehicle, but dismissed the other pilot in favor of someone she had already vetted and a part of her crew.

The flight to the colisuem was uneventful and quiet. In fact, Calysta found herself enjoying the view. It reminded her of the balloon ride she took with Illya in some ways. Below them, the main island of Kinte floated in a sunny blue sky. The main council buildings and coliseum took up the center with businesses and administrative buildings spindling outward, narrow streets lined with people between them. The side of the coliseum was draped in symbols from all of the allied peoples. The Chippeqouti insignia would be among them, though the upcoming quorum on their representation wouldn't occur for another month. She had made sure that it had been put there.

A tug on her sleeve made her look away from the city below and she found Cypher looking at her curiously. "What is that big building down there. Is that where we are going tahday?"

"Aye," she said, inviting him closer to look out the window, "That's the Councils Coliseum. When the Alliance started, Kinte was chosen to be a place where all of the council members could meet together as equals. It's a tradition to meet here going back centuries."

Cypher leaned over further. "Is that why et has all those flags? And what did dey talk about?"

Calysta smoothed her sons curls down some and smiled. "Oh all sort of things. Trade, flight, exploration, the laws that were important for everyone. Like fair treatment for people. Protection for citizens of the Alliance. You learned that in civics, yeah?"

Her son's brow furrowed. "Aye, mam. But et was very boring. "

She almost laughed at the seriousness at which her son determined her job was very boring. On some days, she would certainly agree with him.

"Aye, boring, but important, yeah?"

Cypher shrugged. "If yah say so, Mam. Maybe we get tah visit Skycorp while we're here. That will be fun. I like dah Commander."

Calysta leaned over to see the clear dome of the coliseum was beginning to open, allowing them to enter from directly above. She patted the seat next to Cypher and instructed him to sit down while they descended.

Landing in the open stands of the coliseum was easy enough and private. The horde of reporters hadn't heard she was at the coliseum yet. Good.

She gathered up the kids and Illya asked what the next step was. "Tonight we will be greeted by the Kinte delegate at a dinner party. It will be busy and the reporters will be there. Tomorrow we start our visits. That includes the University, Skycorp and the hospital. For now, lets just get into our suite."


There was a large suite for each and every single delegate under the coliseum, housed by the many tunnels running underneath the continent surface. They descended into the hallways that were hewn directly from the white and pink veined rock. Each panel had been polished and smoothed during the construction, though it also meant that many of the hallways varied in size. Some were larger and Illya had no problem walking though. Others were smaller, causing him to duck under the silver lanterns hanging every 20 feet or so. Black doors with silver handles lined the halls and they reached the suite meant for the home planet council person without incident.

Their suite housed a master bedroom, bathroom and four guest rooms with bathrooms in addition to a living space and cooking area. It was the largest of the suites as well. Calysta walked in and she could tell that it hadn't been used in years other than for general cleaning and upkeep. "It hasn't been used since...Henaiah..." Calysta said, clearing her throat some, "Kids...why don't you go get settled. Cypher you will be in a room with Edgar, Tomas. Wynry and Rezna will share with Rose. Thomas and Dane will have their own this time. " It was best to keep her father to himself on that one. She wasn't sure how badly Thomas griping at Dane would go and all she needed was a third party joining the fray in the perpetual war between her father and her her husband.

When everyone was settled in, Calysta took Illya to their bedroom and began unpacking the outfits they would be wearing that night. "The sweep went well," she commented, "Dinner will be upstairs in the Colisuem observatory floor, but the kids don't have to come. It would be a miserable formal setting for them. Dad said he would watching them with Wynry tonight. I know you're in charge of security. I'm not sure if you will find it necessary to bring someone else with us as guard on standby, but I leave it up to you."

After listening to whatever his answer might be she waited a moment, then turned to more personal matters that concerned her. "How are you feeling?" Nodding to his answer, she pulled out the outfit he would be wearing and laid it on the bed before walking over to him and kissing his cheek wordlessly. If anything he needed to know that she appreciated him, even if he had her worried in the moment.


Dressed and ready to go, they made their way upstairs using the fast pneumatic lift up to the Observation level. It was almost like a rotunda but it ended half way around the coliseum and had both lounging areas as well as dining areas. On the right hand side was a wall to wall window overlooking the city which was lit up with the impending night time darkness. As soon as they stepped off the lift, bright flashes greeted them and she winced a little, forgetting for a moment that there would be reporters there.

"Councilwoman! Councilwoman! How as the flight? Did you enjoy the Chippeqouti revels? How does it feel to be in the coliseum for the first time?"

"It's very beautiful and I am quite pleased that it has been restored," she said sincerely, stepping off into the crowd of hologramers and reporters.

"Do you find it eerie knowing your predecessor was poisoned not too far from where you're staying in the coliseum?"

The tasteless question made her mouth go dry, but she didn't falter.

"Henaiah was a wonderful councilwoman. I'm less concerned with how she died and more concerned with following the dignity and grace she showed in representing the alliance and our peoples," Calysta replied.

"Some people have wondered why you decided to remain on Pyrta after your appointment," another said, "Rather than using the quarters provided to you by right."

"Kinte is a wonderful city," Calysta said with a smile, "But I chose to remain close to my family and my roots while embracing the Alliance equally well. Of course, the Coliseum also had repairs after the attack by the Federation aligned Terran fleet. It would have been unfair to divert relief funds and resources to repairing a home I didn't need, when I had a roof elsewhere."

"Even if Pyrta has a prominent if not small purist sect?"

Calysta folded her hands over one another in front of her and looked at the reporter who asked with a raised brow and cool grey eyes. "It does have a small purist sect," she agreed, "But I wouldn't let that stop me from living where it is best for my family."

"What about living with the Chippeqouti-"

About that time, the reporters suddenly began to part down the middle and a man in silver and black with dark hair and dark eyes smiled at her warmly. "Councilwoman Monroe."

This was someone she knew and had worked with often via hologram and she returned the smile. Both of them bowed simulatenously to one another. "Delegate Kayleb," she said, "It's good to see you again."

Kayleb stood back up and motioned them to step forward. "The pleasure is all mine." He turned to Illya and also bowed. "General, or is it Emperor in this scenario? Either way, it is a pleasure to meet the Hero of Kinte in person. Please, come sit. There are drinks and pre-meal selections waiting for us. You must be hungry."

They joined Kayleb at a long table with a flock of reporters watching their every moment. It was odd having to act so natural in such an unnatural scenario. Servers brought them strong omne fruit wine and small, bite-sized snacks for their pre-meal appetizers. Calysta settled into a chair alongside Illya. They chatted some about the tour, where she hoped to visit on their trip to his continent but no specific times or plans.

"I'm told you are helping the foundation for the half-breed children in the hospital," Kayleb said to Illya, "It's most appreciated. Those children look up to you quite a bit. You're practically a celebrity on Kinte you know. There's probably a thousand of your fans at the Coliseum gates waiting to catch a glimpse of both of you. Personally, I don't blame you for staying on Pyrta where it's quieter. It's the busy life here. Will the Chippeqouti be having you move here as Emperor when the vote is cast and you select a representative? Or do you get to choose who you like as Emperor?"
The underground room was a short walk through a series of tunnels. Part of it was comforting, but another part didn't feel quite so safe. It was indeed the place where the previous Councilwoman had been attacked. Thankfully the security sweep was safe. Illya ducked as he walked through another little archway. They were nearing their room and he heard Lohgan start to whimper some. The girl didn't like how it felt and he gave her fingers a little squeeze. "Oh et will be fine. Jes watch. We will get..." About that time the door swung open and he paused. "Nice room. Very fancy." Lohgan gasped and she gave a little squeal before rushing ahead and jumping on the couch.

An almost disappointed look came to her face when she didn't immediately see a hologram like they had at home. Illya stepped over and turned a more sophisticated looking hologram on. Soon the twins wanted to watch and Cypher wanted to watch. It was a show about wildlife on Rey. Rose walked casually to a room and selected it as hers before she turned on her pad and decided to talk with Sam. That was going to be a big subject of interest. The dogs piled in with the kids and Illya went back to the private room with Kalizda.

She was telling him the sweep went well. He already knew that. Dane had sent him the message before they even exited the ship to begin their trek down to this place. There was a big dinner and Illya thought he remembered her saying something about it earlier in the day, but he might have forgotten too. "Yeah, dah kids are better nut tah be present at most of dah meetings. I'm fine. Jes meh left arm es sore. Dat's all."

There was always that bit of aching in his back and it had returned almost in full force by now. That wasn't really worth mentioning though. Grabbing the tunic she selected for him, Illya frowned slightly. "Yah want meh tah wear earrings wit dis too?" She must have had a heyday picking out his outfits for this tour. He noticed that his closet was very full. He had only packed his military gear and a few of his regular clothes as she'd said that was all he needed. Apparently that was because she'd already planned a few things. Since she was the Councilwoman and he was appearing as her husband or personal guard he needed to look whatever part it was he was playing.

The offer to wear the earrings was met with an enthusiastic sort of grin from his wife. Illya rolled his eyes an grinned a bit. He might have found the earrings a little bit irritating, but they were worth her smile. "Ok, ok." Grabbing the outfit and his earrings he set it all out on the bed and then got changed.


Their walk to the dinner was plenty eventful. Reporters surrounded them and Illya looked to both sides to be sure that Dane and Rezna had taken up the correct positions. There was no doubt that they had, but he liked to know. He felt like a sitting duck all dressed up in the tunic. Offering Kalizda his arm he waited for her little hand to rest on it and then he let her set the pace. Even if she was technically the one holding him, he was still keeping an eye out and doing his best to help protect her.

Reporters focused on asking her questions and that was fine. He was here as her husband, escort and guard. He didn't need to talk tonight unless he was directly addressed. The first direct question was after they were seated. Illya took a sip of the drink the servers put in front of him and he could tell it was alcohol. Setting it aside he decided to wait until the servers came back to ask for something else. Perhaps some tea.

The question turned into a series of questions and Illya listened carefully before answering. "Yah may address meh as dah General. On dis tour I am nut appearing as an Emperor, but as General. Tah answer dah question about representative..." Illya thought for a moment before continuing, "As General and Emperor meh first duty es to meh peoples. I could choose where I like tah be, but what I want may nut be en best interest of meh peoples. Dah Council gives meh guidance on good location for meh tah stay. For now et es en best interest of dah Chippequoti for meh tah stay on Pytra wit dah majority of meh blood people. Dah Council considers dat et es best ef I stay on Pytra for meh Alliance peoples because tah be someplace like dis would draw too much attention away from matters dat are more concerning. Tah be too far away makes meh nut accessible enough for any of meh peoples. I stay on Pytra."

Kayleb inclined his head in understanding and smiled congenially. "Aye, General. So you heed your council's word on where is best for your peoples. I think that is the best way. I can say we are glad that you and the councilwoman are here. Though, I'm not sure if you know, but meeting the Chippeqouti first and not visiting Kinte first was a bold break in tradition on the councilwoman's part. What do you think about traditions like that? I was able to see some of the meeting held on Pyrta and the Chippeqouti has some interesting and strong traditions. I particularly enjoyed the sword dance."

The man was seemingly more interested in visiting with Illya now and not Kalizda. It was something where he would need to find a way to put a good spin on things and redirect it to Kalizda. "I am aware of dah break en tradition. I tink dat dah break en tradition should be admired. Dis es time for strong leaders and dah Alliance es full of peoples dat admire strengt. Dah strengt of character, fearlessness and great compassion dat Kalizda has es what draws Chippequoti closer to her many peoples. We admire her and we are highly honored dat she show fearless nature and choose tah let us be dah first. Et es our hope dat we meet wit approval of dah Alliance. Dah sword dance es only one of many traditions dat we tink would be best en displaying dah Chippequoti commitment tah unity in dah Alliance and dah leadership dat Kalizda provides during difficult times."

The delegate smiled and took a drink of his wine. "You say this as the General of your people and not just as a husband. A real respect for her." He turned his attention to Calysta and nodded. "You've maintained such high regard with our allies. Its refreshing and quite honestly relieving to hear. There is alot of curiosity around you two, but I won't dig into private life, yeah? In the mean time, what can I do to make your visit to Kinte fruitful? His gaze flickered to the wine cups in front of them and he waved a hand for the decanter to be brought over. "Refill?"

When the offer for the refill came Illya cleared his throat. "I dun need more wine. I would like tah ask for some tea." The server seemed surprised, but returned with hot water and some tea bags. Illya picked through the teas before he saw one that looked like it was good. He could read well enough in the common tongue to know what he wanted. When he finished selecting his tea he set it to steep.

For the remainder of the meal the delegate spoke primarily to Kalizda. It was important for media and other delegates to see that he would defer to Kalizda and that on this tour she was the focus as was unity. All of those things were more important than him and that was the way it needed to be. It wasn't until after the media was dismissed that things could be more relaxed. While Illya was prepared for this kind of attention, he could tell Kalizda was struggling with it. It wasn't something Illya thought was obvious to the public, but he knew her well enough to know she might want some extra coaching. He could teach her what he knew.

However, it was the part of the meeting now that was more comfortable and she appeared to relax again. In a less formal setting Illya felt comfortable enough to rest an arm over Kalizda's shoulders and have her closer to him. Delegate Kayleb must have been waiting to say something because he seemed eager to speak to Illya again after the media was gone.
When all the media reporters were gone, Calysta resisted the urge to let out a sigh of relief. No one watching their every move felt much better and much more natural at least. They'd had good, if not formal conversation in front of all the reporters and now they could talk much more plainly. She had been trying to stay focused on Kayleb the entire time, but she couldn't help stealing a glance at Illya who was sitting beside her and had impressed her in more ways than one during the course of the night. They retired to a lounging area and Illya put his arm over her shoulder. It felt familiar, warm, and made her shoulders loosen some. Kayleb sat across from them, knees folded over each other and with his own cup of omne fruit wine in hand. The dark haired delegated nodded to them both and smiled some. " The room was swept for any bugs that might have been left behind digitally and it's clean. We can both breathe now. That was not as much of a juicy circus as the media hoped," he said with a bit of a wry chuckle, "I'm sure they'll find something fun to report on though. In the mean time, Kinte has been quite excited for your arrival. I wanted to make you aware of some developments. I denied entry into Kinte today to 3 top members in the purist sect on Ewen today. They were sent back to Ewen before they could even dock."

Illya listened to what the man had to say. It was strange he was directing the conversation in part at him. There was nothing he would want to say about this. The information was still good to know and he knew Kalizda would have appreciated the purists being denied entry. However, they would likely have to face those people later. "We appreciate yah discretion." That was all the more he could think to say that would acknowledge the action without being overly chatty.

Kayleb looked at both of them and leveled his gaze at Calysta. "You know who they are what kind of trouble that's going to cause, but I was not going to have them here trying to stir up protests in my streets. They're welcome to do that in their own. My only question is would you like some extra security tomorrow during your visit? " Calysta had stiffened up considerably under Illya's arm and her face had turned pink again. "Protests on Ewen already will mean less media attention on the actual tour, given who these three are, its going to be loud either way. I appreciate the warning, Kayleb. I will leave that up to the opinion of my security lead on way he thinks is best."

The decision proposed was going to be a difficult one. There were two sides to this tale and Illya preferred one way, but the other sent a stronger message. "We can use protests dat dey would set up tah our advantage. Let people speak as dey will. Here et es less severe and we will listen tah concerns of dose dat dun approve. Et will make us more aware. Extra security will nut be consistent wit message of strengt and unity. We will take every precaution tah be safe. Only extra security could be near hospital for children. Dah children need tah know dat dey will be safe."

Calysta nodded in agreement, expression stony and eyes determined. " Agreed. Let them come if they like," Calysta said, "I don't have anything to hide, not even from them."

Kayleb's face turned somewhat saddened but he recovered quickly and gave a singular nod. "As the councilwoman wishes. I will provide additional security for your visit to the hospital for the care and rest of the children as requested and change my decision to let them enter Kinte based on your suggestion. Am I free to tell them you overturned my decision?"

Calysta nodded. "Aye. If they come with protest materials, let them have them so long as they fit within Kinte safety regulation."

The delegate agreed and Calysta sat in silence for a moment, her shoulders shaking slightly under Illya's arm, but her face on guard. "Thank you for your help, Kayleb."

He took a long drink of his wine and sat the empty glass in front of them. "Of course. You and I have worked together for awhile, Councilwoman. I know the the things that the General speaks of you are very much true. You have a burden that no one else before you has gone through and I ashamed that it has to be from your own people."

Calysta grew quiet and they enjoyed their drinks for the rest of the evening until it was time to adjourn. She took her husband's arm and gave him a light squeeze. "Are you ready?"

"She es nut alone tah share dis burden. Kalizda es well known and she es example tah all dat no matter dah purist tinking dah children and Kalizda are valuable and dey have much tah offer. Many of dah half breeds face a life wit grim future. Someting dat I see many men cower en front of." Illya took a deep breath. He knew what this may mean for him too, but if it needed to be done to silence and shame the protests he would. There was a lot of prejudice and Illya wasn't unaware of it. He kept his ear to the ground on the issue because Kalizda was half breed and it was simply a security issue. There were plenty of examples of the cruelty the half breed children suffered and it was angering though as a political figure he couldn't focus on the anger, but rather the non-nonsensical injustice of it.

Illya glanced at Kalizda when she squeezed his arm and he nodded. "Yeah, I'm ready."

Calysta's chin raised a little higher at Illya's words. He really was going to stand by her through this even though he knew it was going to be a mess. Kayleb looked at the both of them and smiled a little. "It is good to know you have someone like this by your side, Council woman. Perhaps this we can start changing that together." He wished them a good evening and Calysta held Illya's arm in silence as they boarded the lift and jettisoned downward into the belly of the coliseum.

The entire way down and to the room, her mind was spinning on the possibilities of tomorrow. A tightness in her chest formed in her chest. It was hard enough having to be perfect on Pyrta but here it was practically stifling. These people expected more of her than what she was, something she was certain about. All her imperfections would be laid bare tomorrow if those three Ewenians came to Kinte. Rather than having time to adjust to her new limelight on Kinte, she would be thrust into a spot light with the searing power of 5 suns. Despite Kayleb's well meant decision, she knew it had made matters worse.

Taking a deep breath, she entered the room with Illya beside her and was greet by Cypher. He was the only one still awake at the late hour and he gave them a sleepy wave. All the other children had long since been put to bed. "Why aren't you asleep? Hmm?" she asked kissing the top of his head. "Papa told me I could stay up and watch a hologram if I was good."

"Oh I see, if its over, why don't you go on to bed. Don't forget to brush your teeth, yeah?"

Cypher grinned and ran off to the bathroom. She was fairly certain his teeth would only get a cursory glance over with the toothbrush because feeding Monster the Spider was more fun. Shaking her head, she entered the bedroom and sat down at the vanity. Her nose ring was swapped for a stud for sleeping and she began undoing the clips from her hair. She kept trying to think of things to say to Illya. His support had been unwavering tonight and he had been so good at all of this. It was really quite amazing. The mix of emotion she didn't know how to express kept the words stuck on her tongue though.

She slid out of her dress and replaced it on the hanger, put on her soft silky robe, then wiped down her make up and then walked into the cooking area to fix Illya's special blend of tea. It didn't take long to brew the coffee or the tea, blend them together and pour it with sweet cream into a cup for her husband to take his medicine with. All the while, she couldn't help feeling the dread building up. Normally, she took problems head on and fighting. This was different though. Those kids in the hospital were counting on her to be strong for this, even if she felt like a pretender. The Ewenian's would be making sure she knew it too. Why should she or anyone else have to endure something so unjust? She wanted to tell them all three of them to go to kiss a Tyrei's ass for wanting to come here to cause trouble for innocent people, but she couldn't. It was worse knowing who they were too. Her hands shook with anger as she brought the tea to Illya.

"Here, for your medicine, yeah? she said, mustering a gentle smile. "You were great tonight...I'm proud you were there with me. For more than one reason. Thank you."
After they got back to the room Illya watched Cypher scamper off to bed. He knew his son would do as he was told and so he decided to get himself ready for bed. Inside the bedroom Illya stripped down to his boxers and put the tunic back where it belonged. Peeling the edge of the dressing over the small wound in his arm Illya checked it. The place where the bone marrow had been extracted from was still a bit red and swollen, but not bad looking. It was just sore and it bled some when he poked it. That meant he wouldn't be sleeping on his left side. It was hard not to sleep on his left side since that was usually what he did and his right side was waaay too sore to do that most nights. He would just have to sleep on his back again.

When Kalizda came in he could see she was exceptionally quiet and she seemed to be almost deflated. Had he done something wrong? Taking the tea from her he sipped at it and took his medicine. "Yah very tense tahnight. I could see yah shoulders are stiff like wood and yah back very straight. Dere was nut relaxed motion from yah. Now yah quiet. Was et dat hard for yah?"

Calysta looked at Illya, her cheeks turning pink. Had she been so obvious? She really was bad at this. Now, he was asking if it was that hard for her. It shouldn't have been hard. It was easy work, right? Her mouth opened and closed a few times. "I didn't know I was so obvious...I'll have to do better next time," she mumbled, "I was expecting trouble, but I'm used to dealing with it in a certain way. I can't do that now. I should have been better."

"Yah can do et. Dis es nut problem. Yah dun have training dat's all. I can teach yah what I know about et. Dere were many hours I work tah be ready for dis. Every time before I am presenting meh people I work many extra hours tah be sure I present dem well. Yah only need some extra time tah prepare." Moving to stand closer to her Illya gulped down the last of his tea and then held her close. "We can get close tahnight. Jes let yah lay on top of meh. Meh arm es too sore tah lay on meh left side like usual."

Calysta listened to Illya and when he wrapped her up in his arms and held her close on top of his broad chest she let him. Slowly the tension left her and she rested her cheek on his bare chest next to his heart. He didnt seem to think she had done terribly and that her problem was in experience rather than inability. That was comforting since he was usually very truthful with her. If he was being truthful then she should be truthful as well. In the quiet of the room she took in a relaxing breath and whispered. "The people who came to Kinte were my grandparents."

When Kalizda nestled in close Illya realized he made the mistake of not taking his boxers off yet. He usually had them off at this point, but he probably wasn't getting them off now. The explanation from Kalizda hit like a rock and he waited in stunned silence for a few moments. "Yah grandparents eh? Well, yah can know dat I will be wit yah. Meh family es yah family and ef yah need I will ask Edgar and Helen tah come and be here too. Maybe yah like extra family dat will support yah tah come?"

Her light arms wrapped around him and she hugged him close, giving him a squeeze as she pressed her cheek into his chest some. "Edgar and Helen would come, yeah? I know they would but I wouldn't ask it of them if I could help it. It wouldn't be an easy trip. I know I'll have to face the purists sooner or later...but I'm glad my family is yours. I'm proud of my family."

Illya sighed. "Well, dis es short trip and maybe tah start yah need little extra courage eh?" He had the distinct feeling that he wasn't quite going to be enough. "Dey will come for yah. Dis travel es easiest one dey could make for yah eh?"

Calysta lifted her chin and looked at him, her eyes soft. "Aye. Maybe it would be good to have them. They are my grandparents. My real grandparents."

Hearing her answer he nodded a little and smiled carefully. "Dat's good. I will let dem know dat some support would be good. I tink I will like dem here too." With that Illya settled into the bed a bit more and pulled the covers up. Before he got too tired he sent the message to Edgar and Helen and then whispered sweet nothings to Kalizda while he dozed off.


The next morning Illya made sure to double check with Kalizda. Apparently he was going to see the children all dressed up as the Hero of Kinte. That meant he was going to be putting on his full dress military uniform. Illya made sure the uniform was crisp, the beret was smoothed and ready to go. Illya slipped his neatly pressed pants on and tucked them into the tops of his boots. The undershirt was tucked in and then the dress shirt was tucked in and then his jacket was put on and Illya straightened the many medals on it. Each of them represented various acts and battles.

More than likely there would be little questions about his uniform. Those were the questions that he often felt unprepared to answer. When the questions came he would answer them. On top of that, Kalizda was nervous. Her grandparents were coming to protest, but he messaged Edgar and Helen and they would work their way to the front to cheer for her along with a few others. There were in fact several Chippequoti that had decided to come and mingle with the crowds. Ehvan was among them and Illya had given the man strict orders that he could not commit any acts of violence. Ahvah swore she would make sure Ehvan was calm, but knowing her she would have some sort of wild banner and something exciting.

Then there was the painful element. The fact that Kalizda would have some people that would try to stir up the problems. He could personally have to make a statement too and it was something that Illya hadn't really known for sure about himself until a few years ago. It took some getting used to and explained many things from his own past that had been painful in the moment. Some of it was still difficult. However, she was going to be re-living a much more painful event from her life. She would be re-living the rejection of the past and the violence against her.

Once he was dressed Illya offered his hand to her this time. They didn't need to be as formal to go see the children at the hospital. Holding her hand, he stepped out of the room and together they walked with Dane and Rezna taking up guarded positions. Before they even reached the streets Illya could hear the people outside. There was a roar and he wasn't quite sure what to expect.

As soon as they stepped outside Illya saw the streets lined with people. Some of them were familiar faces. He saw a few Chips in the crowd and even a few Pytrans. The people cheered and it helped to drown some of the fear of what might happen and even dampen the effect of some people that came to protest. It was much easier to face them the first time when there were many more here to show support. Squeezing Kalizda's hand gently he leaned toward her with a slight grin. "Jes look at dat. Yah remember dat many more love yah den hate yah. Et might be hard en future visits, but yah know dat first appearance es more accurate here at Kinte."
Calysta felt strangely and wonderfully relieved when Illya smiled at her and said he would message their grandparents. He didn't look at her as if she was weak or pathetic for feeling so overwhelmed. Instead, he offered her support and now was whispering sweet nothings to her. She closed her eyes and let herself relax with him while he spoke. Eventually she kissed his jaw and smiled sleepily. "I know I didn't say it tonight. But you looked very handsome." She nibbled his ear a little. Then settled down on top of his chest and held him fast to her. "I love you," she said in Quoti as she started to drift off to sleep.


The next morning was a rush of things to get ready. Calysta dressed in her black and silver tunic but wore Isla's necklace proud and above her collar and the nose ring. Illya, for his part, looked resplendent in his uniform. It almost made her wish she could wear something that matched him more. She adjusted the sleeves on her outfit, then suddenly decided that wasn't what she wanted to wear. In a last minute decision she broke into the closet and brought out a dress she had been saving. If there were ever a time to wear this, it was now.

Calysta emerged from their room in her dress. Her hair was traditional and the colors were traditional but the dress itself was a blend of Kaerlean and Chippeqouti with black, sweeping skirts lined with silver and a silver sash from her shoulder to her hips.

As they stepped closer to the door, she readied herself to take Illya's arm for a stately escort but he offered his hand instead. Smiling, she put her delicate palm against his rough fingers and held them. It felt more natural to accompany each other this way and it was far more relaxing than to have his hand holding hers.

They walked together with her father behind them in a pale grey suit. He had insisted on going to the hospital with her. "I never let you go in alone to that place. I'm not about to start now, Caly." She hadn't argued with him. It was safer for him to stay below but she knew this was important to him. He wanted to be there for her too and his support was as needed and welcome as Edgar and Helena's. "Thanks, Dad. I love you too." Was all she had told him in reply.

Dane and Rezna took up the rear guard on either side. As the lift ascended she could hear a quiet fuzzy sound. A constant static noise. It wasn't until the lift opened and she could see outside that the noise...was the constant roaring of the crowd. The shear amount of people cordoned off between the streets to the hospital was staggering. There had to be at least 10,000 people pushed into the streets if not more. There were so many people! All of them were there either to support her or to drag her down.

Her eyes landed on a few banners written in traders tongue and Kaerelean. An older couple with salt and pepper hair, wearing black robes stood on a balcony not too far away with more banners draped over the building front.


Her heart turned heavy for a moment as she could see the angry faces of protesters. Their cheeks were red and spittle flew from their mouths as they screamed with their signs. All of that anger for her. Her blood and her genes.

There was chanting going on but it was being drowned out by something else much more prominent. She struggled with what it was at first. After a moment of scanning the crowd what was pushing the purists back was a mixture of things..

Commander Swyft stoodby with the entirety of Skycorp in their grey flight suits. They had brought out lights and flight flags to wave for her. Near the front of the barricade, standing tall with brown skin and bright eyes were Ehvan and Ahvah. He was bellowing...and...cheering? The surliest of them all was cheering for her! Ahvah stood by his side waving a banner with every color imaginable pinned on it. Close by, she saw several more of the men and women from Chip village and many of the Pyrtans in their brown tunics. Priscilla stood out with her platinum blonde hair waving in the breeze. She was clinging to Ehud's arm with one hand and waving frantically with the other. Helen and Edgar were standing together as well. All of them and shown up to cheer her on. To support her.

"Jes look at dat. Yah remember dat many more love yah den hate yah. Et might be hard en future visits, but yah know dat first appearance es more accurate here at Kinte."

Calysta looked up at her husband, her best friend, and gave him a genuine smile of joy as she blinked back a little water in her eyes. "I won't ever forget this..." Squeezing his hand, she resisted the urge to kiss him on the spot and decided to give her supporters a friendly wave. She felt stronger and bolder than ever. She wasn't alone anymore and she was accepting their support.

The crowd went wild as she walked toward the hospital doors. She stopped repeatedly, talking and greeting people. Asking their names and generally getting to know them. When she reached Ehvan and Ahvah, she smiled broadly and streched out her hands, thanking them.

The purist chanting had been almost entirely swallowed up by the cheers of her supporters. They were nothing but a distant buzzing. When she arrived at Edgar and Helen, she overed a bow and greeted them with the respect one showed an Elder and delegate. Then she relaxed some and smiled up to the both. "I'm glad you're here. Would you like to join us in our visit to the children's ward? It would be my pleasure to have my grandparents join me."


The sounds of the crowd only faded slightly when they entered the hospital. A nurse in a white jumpsuit came to the desk and greeted them all. "Good morning," she said happily, "Come right this way."

Calysta followed the nurse with Illya by her side down the familiar halls to the children's ward. "Oh the kids have been able to talk about nothing else since they were told you were coming. They've made a little surprise for you too."

They turned the corner and were met by a window wall marking the observation view to the first ward. Five children were sitting in beds coloring on a giant sheet of butcher paper between them.

"These are immune positive children," Calysta said in Quoti, "Children who are healthy enough to be together with successful therapies for now."

When they rounded the corner, five sets of eyes set on them and all of the children started frantically telling their keeper to hold up the butcher paper. Their keeper did so, holding up the mural to the window. A blotchy and misshapen looking Illya was fighting ships in the sky and Tyrei's in the wild. A lumpy looking Kalizda was talking to the brown people of the desert in her ship.

A snaggle toothed little girl looked up at Illya from the otherwise of the glass. "We made it just for you General. You're the Hero of Kinte! See?!" She pointed to him in the drawing and gazed up to him expectantly. "Do you like it? Will you play with us?:
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Ehvan had spotted some of the protesters just a few moments before it was announced that the famous couple was going to be coming out. Just to be sure he could help drown out the noise of the protesters he moved close to them and shoved his way into the middle of their ranks. Ahvah comfortably followed him and she had no problem using her elbows to get the space needed to wave her banner in front of the faces of many of the protesters. As soon as it was announced that Illya and Kalizda were coming Ehvan began making more room and he broke up some of the protesters and began to yell with great enthusiasm.

One protester must have gotten a bit close to his elbow because Ehvan felt a little bump and then heard an 'owe' behind him. He glanced behind to see a man holding his nose and Ehvan continued with his riotous cheering. When Kalizda arrived he nodded to her and Illya. There had been no violence, but he could tell he'd done a great job at irritating and reducing vision for the protesters.

Illya walked with Kalizda very slowly while she greeted the different people. He smiled in a careful manner. It was a strange sort of event to have so many people show up for, but it was good in a way. This was what Kalizda needed and perhaps the protesters wouldn't be able to make a big enough scene to make things worse. As it was for now, the media was busy clipping shots from a distance, of the crowd and zooming in to get better images of Kalizda as she spoke with the various peoples that she represented. Illya was just keeping a close eye on those that approached her and those she approached. No one was dangerous, however, there was still every reason to be watchful.

When they neared the doors of the hospital Edgar and Helen stood on the steps. They had purposely positioned themselves to be some of the last to see them. Kalizda stopped and bowed. To follow form Illya did the same as did Edgar and Helen. After all the awkward bowing was over with Kalizda offered to have Helen and Edgar join.

Edgar looked at Helen and the old woman smiled broadly and nudged his arm. "Yes, it would be an honor to accompany you for a little while." Edgar answered her in Quoti. Helen moved forward to give a hug to Kalizda and Illya and then shake Thomas' hand. Edgar did the same and then they turned to enter the hospital.


Illya took a deep breath before they stepped into the first area. There were kids on the other side of the glass and they seemed to be playing happily. The only thing about them that appeared unhealthy for now was their skin tone. Skin tone said a lot about health and he stared until a little girl spoke to him. "Yes, I will come en. Jes let meh get cleaned up eh?" There were special gowns and a weird cleaning/sanitizing capsule he had to walk through before he could go in with the kids.

By the time Illya made it through the sanitizing capsule he felt like his skin was going to itch and fall off. That thing was darn uncomfortable. It was some sort of light treatment that killed every kind of contaminant. Then he got to put on a strange covering that was completely see through over his regular clothing and gloves. Again, he walked through another sanitizing capsule just outside the doors. People had to go through the capsule going in and out of each room. It guaranteed nothing would be passed on to the children.

Almost immediately a little swarm of children surrounded them. Boys began to ask Illya about his sword, the battle for Kinte and many other things. A few little girls stood near the back and smiled or blushed at him. Many others went to talk with the Councilwoman because she got better. She wasn't in the hospital anymore and she was working at a real job.

One boy pointed to a metal on Illya's uniform and his eyes got big. "Whoa....Look at that. What does that one mean?"

Illya looked down at the metal with the gold ribbon and blood red sword on it. "Dat one means dat I did difficult task tah save many Chippequoti soldiers." There was a story behind it, but he didn't like saying much about his medals. Many of them were normal sorts of medals, but the ones that most people noticed were the medals that actually meant something more significant.

"How did you save them?" The boy piped up again. It was only natural for the child to ask the follow up question.

"Well..." Illya began. He wasn't sure how he could tell this story without it sounding too vicious. Perhaps vague was the best option. "I get orders from man dat was dah General long time ago."

"How long ago?" The boy interrupted and leaned in closer.

"About eh....I tink...." Illya looked at the ceiling and rolled his eyes to the right. "Ooh about 140 years ago. Et was long time back. Anyway, I get orders tah go find missing unit of many soldiers. Dey were on important patrol and dey had been trapped by enemy. I lead small group of men and we find dat dere are many enemy surrounding dem. Ef we let dah enemy see us den we would all be captured, but ef we dun rescue dese soldiers dey would get hurt very bad. I have spotter set up scope and I begin tah use sniper rifle, I have one oter sniper set up wit his spotter. Dat team moves around and I draw enemy away by staying right where I was when I shoot. Dah enemy tries tah find dah moving sniper and dey know where I am. Dey spread out. Dah soldiers are nut trapped anymore and dey flank dah enemy. Dis es how I get dah medal. Et was very fast battle." Illya ended it there and hoped the awe struck boy would be satisfied.

Thankfully a smaller boy waddled over to where he was with a book and handed it to him. The boy looked tired and he gave Illya a hopeful look. It was impossible not to try and please the child. Taking the book he opened it up and scooted back on the floor so he could lean his back against the wall. Immediately many of the children gathered around to hear him read the story.

If he had been better at reading it might not have been so embarrassing feeling, but they were kids and they wouldn't likely care. The small boy carefully crawled into Illya's lap and the other children squeezed in as tight as they could. No sooner was he done with one book than a child would leap up and run to grab another book for him to read.
Being in the half-breed's children ward again was a bit like a strange fever dream. She hadn't been there in years but all of the protocols and details came back to her at odd moments. The way the light sanitization made her skin crawl and the way the plastic garbs scratched against her skin. The smell of antiseptic, alcohol, cleaning supplies, and medicine turned the very air sterile. Even the beds were in the same arrangement. Six beds and five children. She knew the number of children before coming here and logically, the sixth child had been moved somewhere else. It likely wasn't empty because the child had gone home either.

She entered the room and immediately was swamped by the two girls who were all aglow over both the General and her dress. Their ashen faces and dark encircled eyes lit with amazement at the sparkling styles and much more. "Ye look like a pyriasa!" the tiniest of the girls exclaimed.

"She's not a pryiasa. She is an Epereasa!" The other girl corrected, tugging on her braided hair.

"Well, I'm certainly dressed like one today,"Calysta smiled, "You're both pretty as pryiasi."

The more shy of the two girls blushed and shook her head. "I'm n' a pryiasi...I'm s-"

Calysta knew the word about to come out of the girls mouth and held up a finger. "No," she said, "You are beautiful, not matter how you feel. You are not sickly or sick blood. Yeah?"

The girl looked doubtful and her eyes down cast. Calysta knew that they could hear some of the chanting from the outside and that she may likely be the kindest outside treatment these children had ever had beyond the hosptial and their parents, depending on where they lived before the ward. Kneeling down, she took both of the girls hands. "I have an idea. Why don't you tell me what you think a princess should have, yeah? Whisper it in my ear. If I can get it to you safely. I will."

The girls looked at each other, grinned and eagerly cupped their hands over each of Calysta's ears. Their request was simple and she smiled widely. "I will come back tomorrow then," Calysta agreed, "Just you wait here tonight, yeah?"

They giggled and their eyes shifted to Illya who had sat down with the boys to read out of a book. A book of Kaerelean fairy tales. It was written in Traders Tongue, but had all the old fables from across Kaereal. She smiled and ushered them over to enjoy Illya's reading. He stumbled over the words in places. She enjoyed the tales in rapt attention though. Particularly his rendition of the Littlest Cryn. A falcon who struggled to fly and eventually learned to do it a different way. He gave up somewhere in the middle and told a tale completely different of his own devising. The kids laughed and shook their heads. "That's not how it goes!" the snaggle-toothed girl laughed wildly, "I like better though."

Calysta laughed and gave Illya a genuine grin. He was so good with children and he was genuine in his love for them. It made her want to hug him. The fact that he came here so willingly to make a day for the children was beyond compare. How much she would have loved something like this when she was here! She watched her handsome husband read another story until one of the children tugged on his plastic sleeve. "Hero? Will you read this story?" the girl with the braid asked, "It was Hyrk's favorite."

Calysta glanced at the empty bed and back to the kids who were looking at Illya hopefully. She gave her husband a singular nod and let him try his hand at the story while she quietly slipped away to talk to the nurse nearby. After a quick conversation, she returned with a handful of paper and listened to the end of Illya's version of the Falcon and the Frog. That tale had the children in stitches and peals of laughter rang through the ward. "Hyrk would have liked it told better that way!"

She cleared her throat and nodded to Illya. "Oooh. I have an idea. How would you like to learn to make animals...from paper? We can make a whole zoo!"

That earned a rousing cheer and the kids flocked to her. That would give Illya a break from reading a moment. She passed out the paper and taught them each how to make different kinds of animals. "This one is swan...see? An a giraffe...oh what about a tyrei?" The kids sat down for just awhile put their brains to the task of making an entire menagerie. "I had a friend here a long time ago," she told them, "And he really liked birds. I would make him little birds when he didn't feel good. Would you like to make some animals for your friend Hyrk? Aye? I will make sure he gets them."

The one thing that amazed her most was how kind the children were. Each of them knew how the other felt when things were bad and they were so good to one another. Sure, squabbles rose up from time to time, but there was a comradery, for awhile at least. Once they finished their animals for their friend, lunch time was announced and they all ate together too. The hospital food was a bit bland, but it was meant to be that way for sensitive stomachs. She was peppered with questions about what it was like outside, to travel, and to do the things in life that came normal to every child. "It's hard," she said, "But it's worth it. You are going to step out of this place one day and see things you've never seen." She told them a few of the things she had seen while traveling, only the beautiful things this time. Seeing the excitement for life spark in their eyes was worth every ounce of pain it had taken to get to where she was.

After awhile it was time for them to visit the other wards. They said their goodbyes and Calysta assured them she would be returning tomorrow as she had promised. The girls made sweet eyes at the Hero of Kinte and the boys cheered, thin arms punching the air as they exited the ward.


The next ward was more difficult. She carried the little paper animals in her hands through another all too familiar corridor and they were sanitized all over once again. This time they couldn't go inside. The children were in small, dome like capsules akin to a hamster ball and mostly bed ridden. The boy Hyrk was asleep, in his bed, tiny frame covered by a thick blanket. Calysta had the paper put through a small box that sanitized them again thoroughly and put them through to the dome. He would find them on his tray when it was time for food. The nurse assured her that he would get them. A few of the other children were awake. A fevered looking girl of ten or so sat up from her bed, pink cheeked and shaking, but no less pleased to see them.

"It's the Hero of Kinte!" she grinned tiredly, "You're...." She trailed off and gave a bashful giggle. "They said you were coming with the council woman...will you stay and tell us a story about you?"
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Illya followed Kalizda into the next ward and he noticed that many of the children were sleeping. They looked like he felt when he had bone troubles in the past. Even if they didn't have bones like a Chip they were probably still sore. Despite the fact that they were sick one of the little girls perked up a bit when she recognized who they were. Walking over to where she was in her little bubble Illya winked at her. "Yah right about dat. I tink I have time for some stories. I come all dis way tah spend some time wit yah. Now eh..." Rubbing his chin Illya gave the little girl a sidelong glance and then leaned to the side to look and see which of the other kids were awake. "We got tah take a vote. What kind of story do yah like? Do yah like story dat es funny, adventure or do yah like oter kinds of stories?"

The majority of the children perked up when they hear he had come to see them and he had time to tell stories. For some of the children perking up was simply peeling their little eyelids open and turning onto their sides so they could see him. Voices soft and some barely audible the children asked for a funny story.

"A funny story eh...dis es one of meh favorite kinds tah tell." With a mischievous grin Illya started his story out. "When I was little boy I decide tah run away from home. I tink dat et es bad dat meh mum still take care of meh and I will be great hunter all alone in dah jungles. I dun get far and decide tah go find oter boy tah come wit meh. Et was jes a little too scary tah go be en dah jungle all alone. So, I go find boy named Gordy. Gordy was much bigger den meh because I was small for meh age."

The children were all wide awake now and some of them were nearly pressed to their little bubbles. He had been in a jungle when he was a little boy! It sounded thrilling and he tried to run away when he was little. They were all things the children had only dreamed of. Living vicariously through the story was going to be all the closer they expected to get to such things.

Illya's eyes flashed as he got deeper into his tale. "Gordy packed us some Starfruits and I go dig up some slugs tah eat. Dah blue ones taste dah best because dey feed on sweeter berries in dah jungles. So ef yah go to a jungle jes remember tah eat dah blue slugs and nut dah yellow ones." Many of the children giggled and wrinkled their noses at his advice. "Et's true." Illya insisted and then continued with his story. He told about their plans to find dragons and creatures of legend in the far away jungle mountains. They were planning to build a tree house at the base of the mountains and build a treasure room in it. "And den et was almost lunch. We become hungry and we know better den tah eat on dah ground. We are bot too small tah be eating on dah ground alone. So enstead we decide tah climb great tree and eat our lunch. I start climbing dah tree first because I am shorter and because I am much better at climbing dah trees. I grab part of tree and et moves! Dere es snake!"

At the exclamation about the snake the children all jumped and Illya continued. "I yell tah Gordy down below. I find great lunch. We can have snake en dah blue slug gravy." Again all the children giggled because the diet sounded terrible. "Gordy yells back to meh dat we can have Starfruit slices tah eat for dessert. Dere es only one problem. When I grab dah snake et gets longer, and longer and longer. Et was huge. Dere was only one ting wrong, dah snake was nut moving anymore. Den a little turd drop out of dah tree and fall on meh head. I pull at snake harder. Et turned out tah be vine dat a monkey was climbing. I want tah eat et because I tink I jes find giant snake and den dah screeching starts. Monkeys of all kinds come racing down tree at us. I trow blue slugs at monkeys tah distract dem and Gordy stands below wit his mout wide. We bot run all dah way home trowing slugs and Starfruit at dah monkeys. We dun quite make et to dah mountains dat day, but one day I tink we will. I will collect blue slugs again ef we try."

All the children laughed for several moments after his story. It was silly to hear about a little boy running away from home to adventure and eat blue slugs and snakes for dinner. It sounded so terrible and then he got chased all the way home by monkeys because he was so naughty and pulled on the monkey climbing vine.

The little girl that had originally greeted him when he came in gave him big hopeful eyes and then asked for another story. This time she wanted a story about him and Kalizda. A nice story about love. To Illya's surprise none of the boys seemed to protest the idea.

It only took Illya a moment to think of a good story. "How about I tell yah little about our names first eh?" The kids all nodded and Illya continued. "Meh name es Illya BlackWolf, dat es because I find black wolf when I am very young and I like et. I call dah Councilwoman Kalizda because she flies fast like little bird from Chippequoti legend. So, yah keep en mind dat I am like big wolf and she es like little bird. Dah wolf dun tink dere es much little bird can do for him. She es so small, her bones look tiny and she dun look like strong bird."

"Dah little bird jes tink I am big and mean. She tinks maybe I try tah eat her. So, she tries tah fly away, but dah wolf dun want her tah leave witout him. So dah little bird mends her ship and takes dah wolf wit. Even dough she tries tah teach dah wolf tah fly et dun work. Dis wolf dun have wings." There was a little round of giggles from the boys, but the girls seemed entranced with the story and had soft smiles on their faces. "Dah wolf notices dat dis little bird es sad. She es clever, she stronger den he tinks, but she dun sing like little bird should. Little bird es full of adventure and her eyes still sad. So, dah wolf start tah make plans. He tinks she will smile ef she has pretty featers."

Illya was grinning by now. He knew the children would understand the story, but it was always more fun to hear about it if they were the wolf and little bird. It also made it easier to avoid talking about some of the more difficult things. "So dah wolf searches far and wide and he gets beautiful red featers for little bird. She likes dese featers and he sees smile in her eyes now. Dere es only one more danger. She brings dah wolf all dah way to dah home of dah many birds. All dese many different homes and all dah bird people fly. Dah wolf es nervous and he tinks dat dah birds will nut want him or his people. She tells him dat dey want him and his people. Yah see dese are unusual birds. Dey welcome dah wolf and he makes cave near dem and tah be sure he never hurts dah birds he gives his heart tah dah little bird, dah Kalizda. She whispers many tings tah dah wolf and tells him when dere es danger near dah bird peoples. Dah wolf goes out and he fights wit oter wolfs tah protect dah bird people. So, yah see dah little bird es nut so weak. She es nut wolf, but she has courage, she es brave, she es beautiful and even ef dah oter birds tink she es maybe nut good enough because she es mixed, dah wolf knows better. She holds his heart and she es dah most beautiful bird dah wolf ever sees. He would never want tah share his cave wit any oter birds. Yah see dah birds dat mock her are secretly afraid. Only dah wolf knows how brave she es. So dah wolf and little bird make home togeter and she es only bird tah ever make nest en a wolf den.
The kids that were awake eagerly listened to Illya's story. Everyone giggled when he talked about his friend Gordy and their misadventure. None of them had ever seen the jungle or trees that tall except in holograms. Giant snakes and monkeys, and gross but some how delicious blue slugs were exciting. A few of them laughed so hard they started to cough a little and the nurse had to tell them to settle down.

Calysta watched her husband delight the sick children and she listened for the most part. Her mind was wandering a little as she remembered being behind one of those plasticky bubbles. It was frightening and isolating. Chill bumps ran up her arm at the thought of being trapped in one again. Even the smell was still prominent in her mind. That sterile, strong plastic smell that never faded no matter what. It took her a minute to refocus her attention on Illya's story. She knew he was born and partially raised in a jungle somewhere, but he had never done into any detail about it. He'd told her he lived there for some time and he had liked working with the elephants. Elephants were his favorite animal. That was the only thing she knew about the place he was talking about. On top of that, she had never heard of this friend Gordy. A quick mental inventory of all the Chippeqouti in the village told her that a 'Gordy' was not among them. Why had he never spoken about this friend before. Was it just a made up story? He did that sometimes to entertain. The details were too specific though. This person had to be real.

She realized she was frowning in thought and quickly changed her expression to thoughtful enjoyment instead as the little girl requested a love story.

"A story about you and the councilwoman!" she grinned hopefully.

Of course, Illya obliged her and told the kids all about how they met, metaphorically anyways. Calysta was struck by how he described her though. Adventuresome but with sad eyes. He had seen all of that? She blushed a little but the kids didn't notice a thing. They simply applauded at the end and the girl gave a sigh of satisfaction as well as longing. "One day, I want to find a wolf. Maybe I will be like the little bird and find a handsome one," she giggled, half hiding under the sheets.

They talked with the children a little more and Calysta assured them she would come back the next day as well. They were all so eager for love and for attention that didn't involve a medical procedure. She knew that feeling and couldn't help saying yes to them.

Helen and Edgar were growing tired by the time they moved on to the next visit, so Calysta hugged them before they politely left. She gave them both an extra squeeze and thanked them both. "I'm so glad you came," she told them both earnestly, "It really does mean more than you know."

After bidding farewell to her grandparents, Calysta sat down into a small waiting room to the side close to Illya while Rezna and Dane took up a post outside. "The nurse said changing out some of the fluids and bedding should only take a few minutes. Then we can go to the last ward," Calysta said to Illya, "I liked the stories and the kids did too by the way." Her fingers inched over and settled on top of his large paw of a hand as she smiled to him gently. "I hadn't ever heard about these blue slugs. That was on the planet you were born on, yeah?"

Illya nodded some when she mentioned the fact that the kids liked the story. Even if he was just sitting here, it felt horribly uncomfortable, like something was off. However, it was probably just the setting. It smelled like a hospital and he hated to spend time in hospitals. Glancing at Kalizda he pursed his lips some when she mentioned the blue slugs and the planet. Illya turned the thought over in his head a few times before he said anything, "Yep, dat's where I was born."

Calysta tilted her head, trying to read his expression. He looked very tense now and she wasn't sure why. The wards always made her tense but maybe it was affecting him too. Clearing her throat she tried to change the subject. "I hadn't heard of your friend Gordy. He is Chippeqouti?" She imagined that he must have been a family friend that she didn't know about.

What Illya hadn't quite been prepared for was for Kalizda to ask about Gordy's race. It wasn't safe to say much about Gordy. A name wouldn't mean anything to anyone unless there was more information tied to it. "I dun know ef he's dead or alive. Dere es no information dat I can give yah." It was a cool rehearsed set of lines. Illya had memorized them long ago and anyone that hinted at past relationships with anyone that was not immediately associated with him received this answer.

Illya answered her robotically as if she had asked the question many times and he had memorized the response. She could only assume that this friend was someone he had lost in the past or they had gone MIA. In which case she did not want to cause him further pain by prying. "Alright. Maybe you will be to tell me more one day, yeah?"

The follow up question was hard. Illya didn't want to give her the same answer again, but he wasn't sure what else he could say. "I dun know." Illya decided to cut the answer short and leave it there. He really didn't know if he could say more. It was a little risky to even indicate that he had been living on the jungle planet long enough to remember it. People thought they were happy to be in the desert and they were, but it was not the first choice they would make.

He must have been very close with this person for him to never have mentioned them before. He had been through a lot and there was no telling what led to his friend's disappearance In the past. She had thought that he was open to talking with her more about those things, but perhaps some things were too painful. Then again, he never talked about his past very often. Neither did she. There weren't very many happy memories for her to share with him or to encourage him. She wished She had stories like that to tell him. A long silence passed between them and she squeezed his hand gently.

"I had a friend in the wards that I was close to once. He was my age and from Terra. His name was Semya. We used to pretend that we are on grand adventures. He told me all about African safaris. He told me all about African safaris. I always wanted to go see the real jungle And Savannah on Terra when he talked about it. We even made plans to visit one day if we ever left the hospital. In the meantime, He was the one that taught me how to make the paper animals." Calysta shifted and picked something from her robe sleeve, then offered it to Illya. A tiny paper folded elephant sat in her palm. "It was elephants, yeah?" She had meant to show him later but he looked like he needed something small now.

When Kalizda started to tell her story Illya looked at her with his brow furrowed. He hadn't really expected her to just move on and then share something of her past. However, when she pulled out the little paper elephant she'd made he cleared his throat and nodded silently before picking up the elephant and holding it. There were so many memories of elephants and he hadn't really said much about them. Somehow she'd picked up that elephants were important to him. Perhaps she understood that they were more than his favorite animal, they were a big part of his past and something he loved. "Tanks." Almost whispering the word he leaned in and kissed her gently on the cheek.

She wasn't entirely sure he liked the elephant but he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek with gentleness. He wasn't supposed to do any of that in uniform so it was surprising he had done it all. Smiling a little, she nodded. Maybe he understood what she was trying to say and maybe she didn't. But she had never told him about her little friend who died while she got better. Perhaps he could feel brave enough to tell her about Gordy sometime since he seemed to be a dear friend. They sat in silence for a few moments until the nurse came around the corner to announce the rooms were ready and the children, those that were awake in the terminal ward, were ready to see them. Calysta rose to her feet and offered Illya her hand. "Ready?"

At last the nurse came and Illya hesitated only a moment. As a father he was half terrified of going into the final room. He was afraid of what he might see and he wasn't sure he could do it. Still, he needed to be here for Kalizda. Giving her a faint smile he stood and took her hand. "Let's go cheer up a few kids eh?"

Nodding, she squeezed his hand and they made their way to the last ward. The terminal ward was a round room that was completely isolated, then included several more of the isolettes inside where tiny forms stayed bundled up in blankets and wired to various machines to monitor their vitals. There were a few children here, but child stood out from the rest. He had a mop of sweat soaked red hair plastered to his forehead and a wild spattering of freckles across his nose. His eyes were half lidded in a feverish daze, for a long moment before he realized anyone was standing there. The boy's gaze lifted and a faint smile of delight passed over his lips.

"It's the Councilwoman and the General, Swyft," the nurse said gently, "Remember your Dah telling you they would come?"

He gave a weak nod and lifted a hand that was taped over with IV ports, but his smile never faded. "You really are a giant," he mumbled, "Dah told me you were strong like a giant and big like a giant. You came to see me."

Calysta knelt next to the boy's isolette and slipped her hands through the outlets for the gloves. It was the only physical contact he could have and she knew more than anyone it wasn't enough. This is what Jessie had been enduring. Unable to hold her baby safely and unable to help him when he wanted comfort. She smoothed back his hair a little, something she could tell Jessie did often considering there was a cowlick right at the ends of his locks. "That's right," she nodded, "He came to see you. Would you like him to tell you a story?"

The red-headed boy took a moment to respond, as if his mind just wasn't quite awake enough to process things immediately. Then he shook his head slowly. "Tell me what it's like to be a strong giant." Calysta smiled and then pulled her hands away from the glove outlets, offering them to Illya instead. Tears were threatening to spill over her lashes but she didn't make any note of them. Instead, she covered with a little laugh. "Being a giant means you can kick through concrete to free a caged little bird. You can leap from great heights and protect people with strong hands." She cast a glance a Illya and nodded. "What else can giant's do, yeah?"
When they were ushered into the last room Illya saw only a few children, but they were all sick looking. None of them looked like they would make it. Then he heard the nurse say the name Swyft and his eyes fixed on a tiny boy with red hair. That was the son of Swyft and he was the one that was horribly ill. It made Illya glad he'd immediately gone and had the marrow sample taken, but it made him wonder if there was enough time left for this boy. Would the boy be able to make it that long?

Kalizda approached the little boy and slipped her hands into the gloves, they were big, but maybe not large enough for his hands. He would find out. The boy didn't want a story and Illya understood why. It was probably too much effort for any of the children in here to try and listen to a whole story. They were dying and that was clear enough. Somehow this little guy seemed to think he was a giant and he wanted to know what it was like. Kalizda gave a nice sort of introduction and then it was his turn.

Stepping closer to the bubble the boy was in Illya pushed his hands into the very tight gloves. "Well eh...being a giant makes chairs crack, doors fall apart when yah wrestle wit friends and run into dem. Yah learn tah be gentle because yah bigger and stronger." With one of his gloved hands he carefully held it out for the boy to set his fingers in his palm. "When yah a giant et es yah duty tah protect dose smaller den yahself. Yah see, have little secret for yah. Being mixed blood es nut all bad. I'm mixed blood. Meh people say dat I have evil blood, but I live life dat proves I have choice tah be what I want. I dun have tah be evil."

The boy seemed intrigued even if only his little eyes lit up. He was very attentive. Illya nodded gently to indicate it was ok for the boy to know this. "I am nut gonna let people say evil of yah. Even mixed bloods can do good tings. When yah mixed and yah live tah make difference yah giant among peoples. Even Kalizda, she es tiny, but she es giant en her accomplishments, love, and her influence. Her peoples recognize she has small body, but she es giant. Yah be a giant too eh? Yah do great tings. As many great tings as yah have time for."

Any of the children that were awake seemed entirely entranced by the fact that the Hero of Kinte was mixed blood. Nobody talked about him like he was. Giving the child's hand a gentle shake Illya smiled at him. "Yah know, yah very brave. I see many men dat would be cowards ef dey stayed en place like dis. Yah already have giant inside of yah." The boy seemed exhausted and Illya moved along to talk with the other children. They all seemed to want to hold his hand for a moment and he did so. It was hard to sit near their little bubble beds knowing that they may very possibly die before they received the treatment. There wasn't enough time for all of them no matter how badly he wanted there to be.

They were only allowed to be in the terminal ward a few minutes and then they were ushered out. Illya held onto Kalizda's hand as they wound their way through the halls and toward the front waiting area. Illya stopped with Kalizda inside the hospital waiting room to speak to her quietly. "I tink we need tah have little time wit tea before we go to dah coliseum." She mentioned going to a shop somewhere and Illya nodded. "Dat would be good. A little time tah jes let all dese tings rest."

It was hard not to show too much emotion, but seeing the children in that condition was hard. He always hated going to see the dying, but it was a regular part of his job. He'd gotten used to giving those who were dying courage, or hope that they had not wasted their life. Somehow to let them know that their sacrifice was going to be worth it. For those that were grown it was different than it was with children.


At the shop Illya asked to have a large tea and he sipped on it slowly while he sat next to Kalizda in their little booth. "I tink dat tomorrow will be harder en some ways. We still go togeter eh? Dey are en hard fight and dey need yah tah see dat dey are nut witout hope. Yah accomplish many tings and yah nut sickly anymore." Wrapping an arm around her shoulder he leaned in and kissed her carefully on top her head. No one was allowed in this area and he was safely out of view from the reporters at this point. "Yah very brave woman. I like dat little fiery bird I have wit meh. I wouldn't choose any oter tah stand by."