I don't really know how to pm that well so I will post it here. If not tonight, it should be done by tomorrow.
Name: Liz Lightwood
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Description: Long straight black hair, brown eyes, about 5'2, skinny
Personality: Outgoing, a bit quirky, creative, and open. Quite adventurous, and often goes further than she should and gets herself into trouble. Likes to have a few, close friends. Hardworking, not easily distracted. Sometimes is too trusting of strangers or people in general. Believes people have good intentions in what they do and she does not suspect anyone to be bad. Can be stubborn at times.
Clothes: In the dream, she always wears a plain white nightgown with short sleeves. It has a small pocket at the top right.
Background: Came from a nice family, but something happened, she didn't know what, but her parents disappeared when she was eleven. She now lives in an orphanage in a fairly suburban/rural neighborhood. She is constantly trying to find answers as to what happened, as the circumstances in which her parents disappeared are quite mysterious. The people in charge of the orphanage don't like this very much and usually try to stop her. Recently she has been trying to sneak out at night to her old house where she used to live with her family. The place is now abandoned, as no buyer wants it. She has no clues as to what had happened yet, but she is determined to find out.

How is it? Do I need to change anything?
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Thread is up! Sorry if it's sparse, but this is mainly character driven!
Okay! Just going to post here so I have something to refer back to! :)

Name: Ciara
Gender: Female
Age: 12
Description: Caucasian, blue eyes, long brown hair that curls naturally.

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Personality: Ciara is the baby of a large family and has gotten very used to getting away with whatever she wants in her twelve years on earth so far. She knows she can always appeal to her father if it looks like things are going her way. She smart - perhaps too smart for her own good - with an impish personality. She has a large circle of friends, and teachers like her but also know her to be a bit of a trouble maker at school. However they, like Ciara's parents, tend to be won over by her charms. She is genuinely a good person, a nice girl, selfish at times but generally easy going and fun to be around. Nothing terrible has ever really happened in her life - unless you count the death of her hamster Harvey.

(Edited to add!)
Dress: Ciara generally wears comfortable clothes with bright colors. At night she sleeps in a way-too-large t-shirt - it's more like a casual dress on her that comes down to her knees. The neck is so wide and loose it often hangs off one shoulder. It has a pink kitty on it along with the Big Bang Theory song, 'Soft kitty, Warm kitty, Little Ball of Fur...Happy Kitty, Sleepy Kitty, Purr Purr Purr'