New User First time here, hopefully not the last!


The Friendliest Mushroom

I am a fan of most anything you put in front of me, but my favorite (and hence most invested) pieces of media are Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Ball (Classic/Z/GT/Super), Doctor Who, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, The King Of Fighters, WWE Wrasslin' (So sue me), and (Surprisingly enough to me, DAMN YOU, LITTLE SISTER, jk I love you) LoliRock.

I am what you call "eclectic", meaning my tastes are widespread and not focused on one single area. This applies to almost all of my tastes in any form of media (and food). I also am not against roleplaying in almost any type of setting.

I personally believe I'm kind and accepting of others, no matter what they are. So, who, what, or wherever, you're A-OK with me!

Eh, idk what to really put here now, so have a meme.

Hello, and welcome to STC. I think you'll find lots of people on here are really nice. I love Dr. Who by the way. And Kingdom Hearts. I'm eagerly waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 to come out. Anyway, hope you like it here.
God, it's been a while since I really watched it, but my favorite villain is probably The Master. it's the first (I think) time another Time Lord is really explored, and it also shows that not all of them are benevolent by any means.

I don't think I currently have a favorite episode, but that's mostly due to me not watching the show for a while. I need to get caught back up. I did like the 50th anniversary special though, and the obligatory "Don't Blink."
"Don't Blink" was SO freaky. Heck, the Weeping Angels are freaky. I think you'll find many of the Dr. Who villains are a lot creepier and scarier than they used to be. But I think you'll enjoy it. So much fun to watch.
Ooooh, you're lucky, you get me as the staff to say hi. Lol. Anyway, hello and it is great to see you here. Sounds like you really do have an undiscriminating taste in fiction and story telling. That is a good thing. Variety keeps it interesting. So, there is one thing that you'll hear about if you have not already, approval. Getting approved is not hard or lengthy in process. I'll give you a paragraph that I think describes the process the best. It was from Tiko's guide for new members. Here it is,

Now on to how the approval process works. To get your account approved all new arrivals are required to participate in our introduction forum and must post their own introduction thread, as well as participate in a brief intro period within our community forums. After getting your introduction post up and engaging in a brief period of positive interaction within our community forums (Main Lobby, Writer's Circle, Discussions & Debates, and/or Creative Forums) an administrator will review your account for approval. Note: While everyone is welcome to participate in the live chat, we do not weigh chat activity into the review process.

With that information I hope that all your immediate questions will be answered. However, if you find that you still have more questions give a yell and I'll do my best to give you an accurate and helpful answer. Before you can ask anything I'll give you a random question. If you could choose to have a super power what would it be and why?
For me, the best superpower is being rich, as you can do most stuff others can with technology and gadgets, as well as ancient artifacts and stuff you can buy or acquire. Plus, you are in full control of your funds, which is unlike other superpowers which require much more training and handling, and your secret identity is nice and cushy. While there is a sort of lower ceiling in terms of raw power compared to others, the pros tend to outweigh the cons.
Here and I always liked the super power of stealth. If nobody can find you, the possibilities are almost limitless. Someone with stealth could steal money from rich guys with secret identities and never get caught, then they would have the super power of wealth too. Lol.