Greetings! ...heheh


New and Naive
Greetings! I am implodingHeads, but I often go by Imp or Grumpy for those that've perhaps known me by a now ancient alias of mine. Suppose I should get to further introducing my socially awkward(and nearly unsociable) self.

Fair warning: due to my undeniable abundance of social awkwardness, I've never exactly been too keen on knowing quite how to properly introduce myself so... this is essentially the best I got.

I'm a simple, yet somewhat inconsistent being. My characters range from being stuck up snobs and sarcastic assholes to naive and adorably bitter. I love survival(apocalyptic especially), science fiction, fantasy of nearly all sorts, slice of life, and various other kinds of roleplays. I'm not too picky when it comes down to the basic genres. And I always enjoy a wee bit of romance(romantic comedies are lovely, haha) sprinkled along the side. However, I don't actively search for romance in the roleplays I'm involved in. I usually just sit back and see how my characters interact with others. If possible compatibility or lack there of is presented, I may allow my character to fall for another.

More on my characters: they always, always have their flaws. In my eyes, flaws are what make them who I want them to be. I want them to feel more real. I like to watch them struggle... that sounded off, but it's somewhat true. I don't like to give my characters a constant flow of happiness, save for the occasional optimistic character that may be too oblivious to realize they should be unhappy with the situation I may have placed them in. So, generally speaking, most of my characters will not survive all roleplays. However, there are a few that make it to the end, which is always somewhat entertaining.

I uhm... I realize I was rambling through most of what I just said. I tend to do that sometimes...heheh.

Anywho, I've been roleplaying for a few years now and I most certainly enjoy it. It's a very entertaining pass time for me. I hope to engage in plenty more awesome roleplays here! And, y'all can be sure, I'll be stumbling about like a newly born fawn for quite a while as I adjust to this here site. I'm sure this community will help me out a wee bit as I go though, y'all seem like some pretty great folks.

As a final note; don't mind my bizarre and inconsistent behavior too much please. Not even I can fully explain my oddness.

I hope I did this right... heheh...
Now I got this image in my head of a character with Claws, but their all chipped, so they are called the Characters "Flaws". :p

Anyways, enjoy the sites, hopefully you fawn that this is a good one. :3
I would say, your introduction ended up being better than mine!! You formed mostly coherent thoughts! Welcome
Hello! That was a beautiful introduction! What caught my eye the most was your interest in survival roleplays. It just so happens that I am a GM of one such roleplay. You can find it here, and feel free to let me know on that form if you are interested in joining!