New User Hello, Hello!


New Member
Hey there, I'm new here!

I'm a big fan of fantasy and medieval-type roleplays and am a bit rusty when it comes to roleplaying any sort of modern rp.
Hello to you too. Sounds like you enjoy some genre's that do have some great variety to them. There are several role players around here that enjoy similar themes as yourself and I think you'll fit in great. So, welcome to STC. Next, I'd like to give you a little quote from Tiko's guide to account approval. This is just to ensure that you're not a robot and then show that you do indeed have an interest in becoming part of the community.

To get your account approved all new arrivals are required to participate in our introduction forum and must post their own introduction thread, as well as participate in a brief intro period within our community forums. After getting your introduction post up and engaging in a brief period of positive interaction within our community forums (Main Lobby, Writer's Circle, Discussions & Debates, and/or Creative Forums) an administrator will review your account for approval. Note: While everyone is welcome to participate in the live chat, we do not weigh chat activity into the review process.

So, now that you've seen the part about account approval you know how it all works and if you have any questions let me know.
Welcome to STC. I roleplay fantasy as well, so maybe pm me when you've become a full member. I hope you're as happy here as I've been.
Looks like Silence already gave you the run down--Go Team!--so I'm just gonna drop in and throw another welcome line and let you get to another friendly face. Let me know if you need anything, I'm generally around Mon-Fri.
Welcome to STC!

Just stopping in because I've noticed that your account hasn't been approved yet. Your are off to a great start on your approval process. However, before your account can be approved you will need to have a bit more activity under your belt. Don't forget to stop by our community forums; The Main Lobby, The Creative Forums, The Writers Circle are all great places to post and interact with your fellow users. Just keep in mind that in addition to activity, quality of posts is also taken into consideration during this process!

If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask!
I also would like to roleplay Medival and Fantasy with you! If you're ever up for something in a different genre, just ask! I can arrange that too :)!