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Lady Loki

New Member
So like, I'm very confused. I just joined. I want Senpai Storyteller's approval so I think this is the introduction thread thingy. Also, what is a brief introductory period?
But anyway, my character is Lady Loki from Marvel, but I gave her a made up backstory. (I also RP as Thor) So here it is, in her words:
Yes, it is I again, Loki. But this time it's different. Although I died from the snap from Thanos (My neck was snapped like a twig, remember?) I have reincarnated, but as a woman. I've left Thor again and have been living in different planets and going around, living my own life as a new person. Very few remember me. Fewer would want to remember me. I left my old life behind and now I'm making my own path. And I'm sure it would be very fun meeting you. With that being said, I bid you farewell.
I love your idea of adding onto Loki’s story! It’s really cool ^-^.
Did you cry when Loki died? Of course you don’t have to answer, but I did XD little did I know what was going to come v-v