New User Hey, I'm Night!

Oh, well good, I was afraid you were one of those people who have never heard any of them.

I've met one of two of those people and it shocks me.
@Bobby, I've never created my own universe. I usually just stick to Earth XD.
@Lucky Shadow , those are long posts, so I'm just gonna go ahead and stay over here in my little safe haven....
Great to meet you. It looks like you've already made the approval process. Congrats! So if you have any questions let me know. In the mean time is there anything I can help you with? Is everything alright?
@Silence Thank you! I do have a question that I was a little confused about which was the names under the usernames? I'm curious whay they are. I thought they were ranking, but they all seem really unique and I'm guessing it's something anyone can set up for themselves? I'm having a great time on this website already and I'm glad I've met a few new friends.
Those little black names right under the username (highlighted and you can click on it) are in fact unique. You can change yours when you view your profile and check into some of your user settings. If you want to change yours I can give you a step by step list of how to do it.