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New Member

My name's Ambros aaaaaaaaand that's the most interesting thing about me. We're all Roleplayers so that's nothing interesting :/ hmm, I can draw,-ish?
I'm a decent gamer though there's less of that these days.
I'm brown! That tops the the name.
Oh oh! I'm British... Okay look intros are not my thing so here's me being a dumbass which is usually the case with everything and everyone I meet.

I used to live in Belgium trying to make my own way there but that was a bust. I felt alienated from society. I miss some of my friends but being back in England, let me tell you, It's way easier. When you go through some of the things I had to go through, you really do appreciate the small things.

I'm pretty cool about most things and get along with most however, if I do have a button, I implore you to press. I don't know about any that you will surprise me with.
Hello and welcome! Be sure to read the rules and the Account Approval Guide so you can be approved for role plays as quickly and smoothly as possible.

What sorts of roleplays do you enjoy? Do you have a few OCs you use a lot, or do you make new ones constantly constantly?
It's always up to feeling I think. I have some consistant ones like Sinclair, he's my boy for sure.

As for the sorts of RPs thatI enjoy? Ones that challenge me. My world building could use some work so I focus a lot on that. Romance, fantasy and action are my go to's for genre and sub genres though, anything that challenges me really.

I really hope to find some good times here. Roleplay helped me with a lot, losing myself in a role just hits different.
Hello, Ambros! Welcome to the Circle! I hope you enjoy your time and stay here! World building can be a lot of fun, if a bit challenging at times. But that's what makes us good writers is to be able to overcome that block in our path and grow. Plus, it helps to have some good people to help you out with that! :) Romance, fantasy, and action, huh? Interesting choices! I hope you find what you're looking for here and enjoy!