New User Hi, hello!


I'm not terribly sure what to say here, tbh aaaa. But hi! I'm Gabbi, I'm 22 and I've been roleplaying since I was about 14? I've really only ever rped on tumblr/through discord though. I've loved writing and telling stories since I was really, super young and I have dozens of OCs and ideas that I've played out throughout the years. I'm a little bit shy and nervous, but I hope to have fun here though! I look forward to writing with & getting to know you all! <3
Welcome to STC Gabbi!!
If you need help please ask!!
Whats your favorite genre to rp?
Thank you! UwU
I honestly enjoy all kinds of genres, but I really enjoy dark/supernatural/horror based stuff a lot.
On the flip side though, I'm also just super into fun and fluffy stuff haha. Just depends on the day I guess.
Extremely shy? Hrmmmm.... how will I poke you out of your hell - I mean - shell. [Stares at bettering ram at the corner]

I might be a nobody here in the community but to heck with that. Welcome, welcome, friend! XD
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