New User Hi there!

Hi! I just signed up and it seems I need to introduce myself before I can start RPing. So here it goes...

I'm relatively new to forum RP, my first posts being on another site in early November. Even though I've only been at this for a month, I consider myself to be a decent writer, and have been commended by others for my posts.

As for a time commitment, I am almost always able to get online at least once a day to check my threads, and typically do so more often than that. I'm looking for threads that have good potential and where people will be posting fairly frequently. I find it somewhat frustrating when all I want to do is play one of my characters, but I can't post because I'm waiting on others. I realize life is life though, and it happens to me as well.

As for types of threads I'm willing to play, I'm not very picky. I've found I very much enjoy the fantasy setting, and I usually like my stories to have a dark twist to it. Things that push the characters to do things they didn't think they would have to. choices that have no right answer, and actions that leave them wondering if what they did was really worth it. I love the grey area between good and evil. Other than fantasy, I haven't tried much else but am definitely open to new genres.

Below is a short story I wrote. This is to give the mods an idea of where I am at in writing level, as well as any other RPers who might want to thread with me. It is written about the game Titanfall, if you guys know what that is.
Red lights flashed and a siren gave short continuous wails on repeat, the methodical rhythm signaling that they were almost at their destination. The blinking alarms lit up the surrounding hangar, giving glimpses of the soldiers arming themselves and shedding light on the mammoth metal beasts that lined the walls. Daniels looked through his AR helmet and at the screens that formed a hemisphere in front of the pilot, inspecting the gigantic humanoid robots across from him. Each was a little different; apart from the unique designs painted on by their pilots, they were structured differently based off of their function. Some looked lighter and quicker, their joints and pivot points unobstructed to allow a wide range of motion; others had plated armor attached to every part of their stout and sturdy chassis, their limbs reinforced to prevent breakage. Each one of these Titans enclosed a pilot who sat at the controls waiting, just like he was, and a full helmet adorned their heads. The neuro link created from the helmet to the Titan allowed for seamless control of the robot’s body.

The warnings stopped as he felt the ship drop out of hyperspace, the inertial dampeners did their job well, but it still felt as if all of the atoms in his body were being sucked in the direction of the ship. The precision of the jump drive computers had landed them perfectly in orbit around the planet Typhoon; the pilot couldn’t see it of course, due to the lack of windows in the spaceship's hull. The colonel walked in front of the crouching giant monsters, his height only reached up to the Titan’s knees but he yelled as if he he could rip them apart at any moment. But Daniels blocked him out. He had heard the mission details a hundred times and didn’t need to again. His heart thumped in his throat faster as his sympathetic nervous system began to take over. It was almost time. The pilot tried to regulate his quick breathing as the vessel floated to the point above their destination. Then, his Titan’s robotic voice gave a synthetic countdown, “Hanger doors opening in 3, 2, 1...” And the floor under them gave way.

Typhoon was gorgeous, it’s beauty showing in between bright white clouds that wrapped around the planet. Largely covered in deep blue ocean waters, sunlight reflected up into space off of large cascading waves. The mainlands were populated with thick and luscious jungle, shown by a deep green on the planet’s surface. The blue hued sun blazed to the left of the plummeting war machine, lighting the expanding land below in a morning dawn. Fire exploded in his vision, the Titan’s heat shield ignited as it hit the atmosphere. Red, orange, and white flames danced across the screen and blocked his view of the planet. Its heat radiated into the cockpit. The cooling systems mitigated most of it, but the onslaught was quickly causing Daniels to sweat under his exosuit. A few bangs emanated around him as the machines of his comrades ahead broke the sound barrier, and soon his Titan’s automatic thrusters kicked in; the computer controlled rockets kept him upright and on course, while doing their best to slow the fall.

“Impact in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1...” He hit the ground. Dirt exploded from under the giant’s metal soles and created a small crater in the earth. The Titan’s inertial dampeners and shock absorbers kept the pilot from feeling most of the impact, and he commanded the massive machine to stand with his mind. Hands squeezed the control sticks and fingers floated over the fire buttons, his Titan gripping a massive chain gun almost the size of a tomahawk missile. The robot’s dome shield took any incoming damage directed at them for the time being and gave Daniels a chance to get his bearings. He had landed in the fray, the massive walls of the compound stood before him as huge machine guns sat on top, lighting up the landing zone in a hail of explosive fire. Dirt and torn metal flew around him, while broken bodies of other Titans lay strewn across the battlefield. Adrenaline rushed through Daniels’s body; he was ready, this is what he had trained for. Stepping forward out of the crater, he raised his Titan’s gun, aimed, and then pulled the trigger.
Hey there and welcome!

The short read very enjoyable, though not necessary for getting your account approved I assure you. We don't weigh people on how well they write here. We just have a mandatory introduction period to encourage people to interact with the community a bit and to get a feel for our website before diving in blindly head first.

Mostly it's just to try and ensure a smooth transition, and to weed out the impatient sort that don't want to put in the effort to get to know about our place first :)

That all said you should have no trouble getting approved all snappy like. Most people do within a few hours at most. Few days if they're not active posters. I would recommend you swing on over to the Main Lobby and see if any threads there catch your eye, or start up a couple new ones if none do.

Once your account is approved, you shouldn't have any trouble finding a roleplay. We have a very large fantasy following here :)
If you like a taste of darkness and moral ambiguity in your RPs, stop by my RP Murder City and see if it's to your liking. If not, welcome to the site!

Murder City link