How Green Becomes Wood

"I'm not clever enough to write songs," Alec shrugged.

"You're clever enough. You're rhyming skills while keeping in tune is what needs work," Xander muttered.

"Or that," Alec said, nodding toward Xander.
"Didn't he write the tune for Twinkle Twinkle Little Star at that age?" Alec mumbled thoughtfully around his fork. "Still, I get your point, but I don't think it'll go anywhere. Still funny to think about."

"Yes," Xander said without blinking. "You have the funniest dry wit of any man I've ever met."
"I don't actually know a lot about Mozart," Daizi shrugged mildly, "but either way, if you want to learn to write music, you can learn."

Dark exhaled sharply through his nose and took a sip of coffee, "I am not sure dry wit works in comedy music."
Alec chewed on his fork thoughtfully for a bit before shaking his head. "No, I have way too many irons in the fire right now. I don't think I can take that on, too. That's okay. I'm happy doing covers."

"I dunno. I think you're hilarious, so I bet it would work," Xander said, straight-faced.
Dark squinted at Xander, unsure of if he was telling the truth or not. "You should try writing a song, if you are so certain of its success."

"I think Dark could do a wonderful cover of Rocket Man," Daizi said, "Whenever I hear that song, especially recently, I think about how he'd sing it really well."
"No, I'm certain of the success of your comedy gold in a poem, should you choose to write a comedy piece," Xander told him.

"I like William Shatner's version of that song," Alec grinned.
"Unfortunately for you, I can only write poetry when inspiration hits, and I do not feel particularly inspired." Dark replied, sitting back with crossed arms, "What do you think, Ivy?" Ivy cooed. "She thinks it is not the right time."
"I'm surprised Ivy doesn't keep you constantly inspired, or, heck, being around us!" Alec gave Dark a wide-eyed look of innocence before ruining it by breaking into laughter.

"Speaking of inspiration," Xander said slowly as he set aside his empty plate, "I was thinking about the Triscuit thing."

"Tristan, his name is Tristan," Alec said patiently.

"Whatever. I've been thinking about it," Xander said.
"Really?" Daizi asked, turning towards Xander, "What did you decide? If anything."

Dark also turned, waiting for Xander to share how he felt. He had been just about to start cleaning up their dishes, but now he lingered, wanting to give his full attention to this.
Xander shrugged, not really looking at either of them. "I guess... I'll talk to him. Just the once. See what he has to say and maybe ask a few questions of my own. I'm not promising anything more than that, but if you guys thought he was okay, I guess I'll let him give it a shot."
Daizi smiled softly at him, proud of his choice, "I think that is a very generous decision."

"I will let him know you are amenable to it," Dark said, now getting up to clear the table, "and I will let him know that if at any point you want to leave, you are allowed to, no matter what."
"Cool," Xander said with a little nod. He stood and moved to help Dark.

"Ooo! I want to dye the ends of my hair white and blue!" Alec announced, hopping up from his seat. "Do you think Sloan would help me? Since she's right across the street, and Becky would totally just dye my whole head blue."

"Are you sure you want to do that before meeting Triscuit?" Xander asked.

Alec scowled and handed him an empty cup. "At least wait until after you've met him to name him. I doubt he'll like being named after a cracker."

"I thought they were chips."

"Whatever. A snack food!"
Dark looked over his shoulder, "As much as I appreciate grungy, at-home hair dying, if you want to go white you should really get it done professionally. Bleach can and will fry your hair if you make a mistake, and I do not think you want your hair falling apart in your hands. I also do not want my tub stained."

Daizi thought about what little she knew about colours, "You're dying your hair like the American flag?"

"Or the French Flag, or Russian."
Alec made a face. "Ugh, now that you pointed that out, I don't want to. I just wanted to do the ends like silvery white, and then the tip-tips a really light blue. I thought it'd look cool, like super hot fire!"

"I think super hot fire goes blue then white," Xander pointed out.

Alec threw up his hands. "Then I'm going to dunk my head in shoe polish and go goth!"