If you were a villain, what kind of a villain would you be?

If I had to choose my alignment for a "bad" character, I'd probably go for a Lawful Evil character. I find the best type of bad guys are the puppet masters, pulling the strings here and there in order to further their goals. It's also nice to see a villain who has a clear-cut goal that they work towards that isn't simple wanton slaughter. Take Doctor Doom, his goal is to rule the world, but he wants to be a benevolent ruler. While I love the villains who are evil and love it, like The Emperor of Starwars, I'd prefer to be a villain who wants to either help the world by subjugating it or something similar.

Of course, I'm pretty sure I have a heroic complex or something, since I can never bring myself to go down the evil path in video games, and tend to make my villains in my stories or roleplays either have justifiable reasons for villainry, or make karma hit them like a ten ton pile of bricks.
I would be one of two types. Either the cold, heartless wicked queen, or the off-the-wall, moustache twirling, chortling type of villain.

Either way, there's a full length, floor-trailing fur coat in my future. Because evil me would wear fur.
I would be one that fully embraces their dark side, and is fully aware of that fact. Someone that realizes that they are this villainous entity, but doesn't seem to care at all. My own mind would shape my villainous ways, and id give into the most basic pleasures of mankind, only seeking personal pleasure, disregarding all others.
I would be the type of intelligent villain who pulls the strings from behind, works alone for a cause that seems dark, but in his mind he wants good. And everyone knows them, but as some kind of myth or legend, no one has seen them, at last not as his real villain self. He lives his normal everyday life, but at night he does his dark stuff. He would be some kind of wizard with interesting uncommon powers, like telepathy, control over nature, communication with trees, plants, animals, control over the elements. And he would be extremely handsome too, with a sense of style, and a true mystic, except with a large ego. He would want to be the ruler of the whole universe, because he thinks only he could make order, gain that power through his vast knowledge that he obtains through dirty deeds. Yup, that would be me. ^^
Another idea would be being a cult leader, one of those cults that wear black hoodies, and use spells and potions and are very secretive.
I would make my worshippers stop everyone who works against my plans, and I would gain control over the world from behind the scenes (sort of like the illuminaty myth).

Or just a leader of a peaceful cult, but one that would sacrifice any members who betray them to a higher power, or sacrifice people who try to harm their community. But my cult wouldn't harm anyone otherwise, just do their secret stuffs and things. :T
I would probably be one of those villains who turns good at the end of the story. I'm a very positive person and being evil just isn't my thing.
I think I like to be anti-hero, not a villain. More interesting and less black/white, in my opinion.
I would definitely be the mastermind kind of villain. The guy that always has a goal, a plan, and the ability to execute on that plan. Think Tanya from Youjo Senki, or the main character from Dungeon Defence. Ruthless and unrelenting, without any chains of morality to tie me down.
But on a real note, I'd probably be a more manipulative villain with a power that would allow me to control others thoughts or mind control etc, and pull all the strings without being directly involved with anything, and just being seen as a regular citizen
I'd be an awful villain, I'm way too apologetic.
But, I am also stubborn so I would stick true to being the villain until the end.
Hmm. A cross between Megatron and Darkseid.....but because I can never seem to actually (take on their true depicted natures).....not quite as heartless....but close. lol
I always liked the classical dragon. Possessive to the point of burning down any and everything to find what is rightfully mine. To kill any who sought to end me because coexistence is an impossibility. While a fearsome beast of nature, nature's laws is what I'd fallow. My greed knows no bounds, capturing princesses or further growing my hoard of priceless treasure. And by some legends, I'd have a human form, appearing as kind and good, helping others and even impressing fair maidens. Letting one even live with me as a lover, only to reveal my true form as the monster I am. In others I'd be that of a god, not even needing to demand tribute nor worship, yet given such anyways as I share my knowledge and wisdom to my zealots, who'd eagerly fallow any command I give, no matter how cruel.