Is anyone else (emotionally) struggling right now?

Wow... y'all are nicer than people irl. When I told people at my HS that I was depressed they either said "quit faking" or just didn't care. There was a whole year of school where I spoke to nobody and sat in the very corner of the classroom, literally crying sometimes, and nobody even gave me a passing glance.
I am doing a bit better now than I was a year ago, but it's still pretty bad sometimes so this means a lot. You guys are awesome
Awh, Now even i feel bad. (And i have a black heart so thats saying something xD) If you need any help we're here for you :p
So I had this dream a few hours ago. I don't remember much of it, as is usually the case with my dreams. (I rarely dream, by the way, most of the time they're too abstract or absurd to make any sense of but this one I remember some of)

What I do remember is this: I was standing on the top of some sort of building - I think maybe it was a castle but I don't think it's too significant - looking over the edge, I saw a sheer drop into nothingness. Not a black void or anything, just infinite nothingness. I don't remember what was going through my head at the time, only the vague feeling of sadness that pretty much always hangs over me.
... Now that I think about it that could have been a suicide attempt...

But of course, who appears but freaking. CRONA. This precious baby who always makes me smile no matter what. (Often times the only way I can fall asleep is imagining myself cuddling with them or sleeping beside them. The feeling is so powerful I swear I can actually feel them beside me in the real world.) I could tell something was bothering them. They seemed sad, or scared, or any combination of those things. I can't recall much of what was said, but I do remember one line in particular; "This is a safe place". (Referencing being around them, not the physical location we were in)

I think I came away from the edge after that. The weird castle thing we were on morphed into a flat plane. Just a flat expanse as far as I could see. There was nothing there except the two of us. And then I woke up.

So if dreams reflect your greatest desires, can somebody help me understand what the hell this means?
wow that's one deep dream. I think that it means although you've thought about doing the unthinkable, there are still people you love and care about.
But idk, im probobaly not the best too ask lol
I'm actually athazagoraphobic (google it lol I suck at explaining things) so I do agree with both of you. There have been times when I really couldn't stand it and couldn't do anything except just lay there and cry, but I never actually attempted to hurt myself. Not because I'm afraid of hurting myself physically, but because there's people that would be devastated if I died. Mainly my best friend, and my brother and sister (I do have two brothers but the youngest one is a literal hellspawn who just makes my life even more miserable).

That fear has been amplified over the past few years because I moved away. AGAIN. (We're military so I've lived in various states, attended like 8 schools at this point, and I was even born in a different country on a military base) I had a few long-distance friends and guess what happened? All of them left me. One by one, I had to watch them drift away and then give up on me entirely. I literally only have one friend left from that place I called home, and she doesn't even live there anymore. Our last interaction was my tearful goodbye on the last day of 6th grade.
Yeah, that xD
Also people wonder why I have trust issues... hmm I dunno, maybe because all of my junior high school friends abandoned me?

I can't imagine what it would be like to grow up in one place, in the same town, going to the same schools until you graduate. Some people never move away from their hometown? What even IS my home at this point? It's not a physical place, because the 5 or so houses I've been in haven't felt like a home to me. It's not a person either, because there's nobody I really feel safe around. Except maybe Crona but they're not even real
cries in fangirl