New User It's only been 8 years since my last RP forum. No big.


Hey! I'm Bisque. I'm a whopping 26 years old, in my final year of film school, and looking to get back into collaborative writing.

The last time I partook in a RP forum with any frequency, I was a high school senior. I grew apart from my old RP circle, and... I guess I never found a new one. I've heard good things about this place, and I hope I can put down roots here. You guys seem like good beans.

Being ancient as I am, I'm kinda out of touch with today's RP lingo. (What does HC even mean?) I'll do my best to stay 'hip with the kids', as they say. I enjoy writing urban fantasy, high fantasy, steampunk, and all manner of bizarre genre mashups. I've recently fallen in love with campy soft sci-fi settings.

Well, that's that! Nice to meet everyone. I hope we can all hang out and have a good time!