New User Just a Newcomer Saying Hello


New Member
Hello fellow role players and artists! I have to admit I don't have an extensive background of role playing. I've been participating in the creative art of role play on and off for about three years. I'm a high school student still, hoping to go into veterinary medicine. I have a passionate love and interest for animals, hence the veterinary interest. I currently have a beta fish named Onix (my sister and mom's fish mostly) and a cinnamon spider ball python.

I have an interest in art and music as well. I play the flute, piano, piccolo, base flute, and ukulele. I might share my art of characters and role plays on here, but I'm not sure yet.

I hope to be able to create some friendships here. I'm very socially awkward, so it's a bit of a struggle. May our role plays be enjoyable and fun c:
Hey Raindrop, welcome to STC.

Probably a weird way to introduce myself but I love fish too, haha. Planning on getting a pair of Orandas soon after starting a planted freshwater tank for the first time in aaaaages. I love animals, I've worked at zoos but mainly with horses :p

I suppose I like writing too. Since I'm here. Hurhur. And art... since that's what I study. Sounds like we have a lot in common.

Hope to see you around, if you have an questions everyone is super friendly (and probably socially awkward too) and would be happy to help! ;)
Hey Raindrop, welcome to STC.

Probably a weird way to introduce myself but I love fish too, haha. Planning on getting a pair of Orandas soon after starting a planted freshwater tank for the first time in aaaaages. I love animals, I've worked at zoos but mainly with horses :p

I suppose I like writing too. Since I'm here. Hurhur. And art... since that's what I study. Sounds like we have a lot in common.

Hope to see you around, if you have an questions everyone is super friendly (and probably socially awkward too) and would be happy to help! ;)
I've seen those planted freshwater tanks around. My mom is skeptical about whether or not it actually works and is healthy for the fish. What's your take on it?

It's great you got the opportunity to work in a zoo :D It honestly sounds like a lot of fun working with such a variety of animals. I have horse experience as well xP but that was a while ago. I stopped riding and volunteering at the barn I used to go to because the owner was, with lack of better wording, terrifyingly mean. I've honestly been debating on getting into horses again.

*gasp* you study art? It's an honor to be in your presence :p Shall I be expecting constructive criticism from you, if I do end up posting art on here, of course?
Looks like you're well on your way to being approved. If you haven't been already a few more posts would likely do it. Great to see you around and if you need any help don't hesitate to ask us. I think you must have already read the helpful guide to getting approved, just in case I'll send the link.
Thanks for the advice c: It doesn't hurt to look at it again, the link you sent was very helpful. I hope to see you around and I'll make sure to ask if I have any questions.